Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 893 Pre-dinner snacks and post-dinner snacks

Chapter 893 Pre-dinner snacks and post-dinner snacks

"Honey, come up here and listen, haha."

Early in the morning, Yang Jun stepped on the ladder and lay on the wall of the old house, listening to Linda screaming in the yard.

I thought this girl was so open-minded, but I didn’t expect that she and Yang Huai left after just one night.

Through the wall, Yang Jun found Yang Huai standing there motionless like a child who had done something wrong, while Linda, who was originally full of temperament, was going crazy like a shrew.

There was no other reason than that Yang Huai peeked at me when I was in the toilet one morning.

Yi Qiushui's pretty face sank when she saw Yang Jun lying on the wall like a child and eavesdropping.

"Husband, come down quickly. What do you mean if people see you?"

Yang Jun whispered: "It's okay, I've asked the guards to seal the road."

After saying that, he waved to Yi Qiushui and said, "Come up and take a look, otherwise you'll miss the good show."

"Husband, Linda is here to treat fifth brother, how could you do this?"

After saying that, Yi Qiushui whispered: "Isn't Linda scary when she's angry?"

This time, Yi Qiushui climbed up the ladder without Yang Jun's greeting.

"Husband, hold me tight."

The two people were standing on the ladder. The place seemed a bit crowded, and Yi Qiushui was afraid of falling.

Yang Jun directly hugged her waist, almost holding an arm around her.

"You should lose weight."


Yi Qiushui gave Yang Jun an angry look, and then cautiously stretched her head towards the wall.

Seeing Linda scolding Yang Huai with saliva flying everywhere, Yi Qiushui giggled and covered her mouth.

However, this kind of joke didn't last long before an incredible scene was seen.

I saw Linda slowly put Yang Huai into her arms, and kept stroking his head with her hands, whispering words of comfort and enlightenment.

"You are indeed professional. You are worthy of being an expert from abroad."

Yi Qiushui said to herself.

From the perspective of the doctor-patient relationship, Linda is indeed a responsible and good doctor. Instead of blaming the patient for his unreasonable behavior, Linda chose to forgive, comfort and enlighten him.

Yang Huai was also stunned by this sudden hug. He opened his arms at a loss. He didn't know whether it was a hug or something else. He stood there for a moment, at a loss.

"Smelly boy, hold me, why are you just standing there?"

Yang Jun looked worried. Isn't this Yang Huai very courageous at ordinary times? Why did he fail at the critical moment?

"Do you think everyone is like you?" Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes.

"Oh, by the way, after you eat, you can go out and hide for a few days."

This Linda is too courageous. If she can do this to Yang Huai, she will probably not be soft on Yang Jun. She is a little worried.

"Isn't it time to have a good meal?" Yang Jun said.

It was okay if Yang Jun didn't say anything. When Yi Qiushui heard this, she couldn't wait any longer.

"Can your women still send you a meal?"

Yi Qiushui pushed him and said, "Hurry up, you are so stupid."

"Okay, okay, stop pushing, be careful of falling."

Yang Jun had no choice but to go down the ladder.

"I've never seen a woman push her man away."

Yi Qiushui's eyes widened: "Just have fun secretly."

Yi Qiushui also looked away. Instead of guarding Yang Jun all day long, it would be better to let Yang Jun do whatever he wanted.

A man is like sand in your hand. The tighter you tighten your grip, the faster he will drain away. It is better to give him space and freedom.

It's not that she hasn't considered whether she would lose Yang Jun.

However, she thought about it and felt that Yang Jun couldn't do it.

First of all, if Yang Jun wanted to get rid of him, he wouldn't have kept it secret from her for so many years. Also, those women have been with him for almost ten years. If she really had that intention, she couldn't stop it.

Second, and most important.

Yang Jun is a big leader, which means he cannot get divorced like ordinary people, as that will affect his career.

In fact, the most important thing is that she is Guo Caochao's goddaughter. Unless Yang Jun is prepared to offend those seniors, he will not abandon Yi Qiushui.


After coming out of home, Yang Jun sat in the car and hesitated for a while.

He didn't know which woman's house it was better to go to. At this moment, he was like a homeless man who had been kicked out of his house. There seemed to be many places to go, but there was no one he wanted to go to.

After much consideration, he decided to go to Nalan Qingmeng's place.

It's not easy for Nalan Qingmeng to raise two children. Although he couldn't help much in the past, he could at least make her happy.

"Lao Yang, how long can you stay here this time?"

Nalan Qingmeng was extremely happy when she heard that Yang Jun was going to live here for a while.

This was the first time in so many years that Yang Jun spent the night at her place. No matter how late it was, he would always go back. Unexpectedly, today, Yang Jun actually proposed to spend a few days here. Could she be unhappy?

"do not know."

Yang Jun said: "It could be ten days, it could be half a month, it could be... one day."

He was not sure how long he would stay, and when he could go back, he would have to wait for Yi Qiushui's notification.

If Linda doesn't go back, he will stay there forever.

Upon hearing this, Nalan Qingmeng's originally bright and flowery smile immediately dropped.

"Oh, I know."

She had already guessed the reason. Yang Jun could only go back whenever Yi Qiushui told him.

At this time, she felt as if a concubine and her grandfather were having an affair and wanted to see the wife of the wife.

Yang Jun smiled when he saw this.

He scratched her nose with his hand and said, "Stop thinking about it, it's not what you think."

"I didn't think about it."

Nalan Qingmeng smiled bitterly: "What if I think about it? I am just an outsider, and I can still decide whether you stay or go?"

"Look at you, you're angry again, aren't you?"

Yang Jun put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Let's go to your room and I'll explain it to you."

Nalan Qingmeng pushed Yang Jun away with a sweet smile, and said coquettishly: "Okay, as a father, you know how to mess around when you come here, and you don't want to go see your two precious daughters?"

"Hey, didn't I forget that I was so happy when I saw you?"

Then, the nanny brought the two children over.

Yang Jun was sitting on the sofa, holding one in each hand. The two little girls still liked him very much. Their little eyes were wide and they kept looking at him. Their little noses kept nuzzling him, like puppies, thinking Get familiar with the scent of the most important person in their life.

It was rare for Nalan Qingmeng to see the warm scene of Yang Jun and his two children getting along, and he sat quietly beside them, silently feeling this rare time.

"By the way, some time ago, I bought an island for each of my two children overseas. I will take you to see it when I have time." Yang Jun said.

Not only did he buy an island for his two precious daughters, he also bought an island for each of his sons.

The island was not expensive, only a few million dollars each. Yang Jun bought the island before anyone opened it.

Nalan Qingmeng just smiled after hearing this.

She was not interested in these, she seemed to be more interested in how long Yang Jun could stay.

"When you have time, you don't know when."

Nalan Qingmeng's eyes suddenly lit up: "Lao Yang, how about we go now? What do you think?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled bitterly.

Chong Nalan Qingmeng showed a helpless expression.

Nalan Qingmeng sighed when he saw this.

"It's my imagination."

"You have a special status and you cannot leave the country casually. When can you and I have our own space?"

Nalan Qingmeng frowned.

"Maybe I'll wait until the day I retire."

Yang Jun didn't know when he would have time to take Nalan Qingmeng and the others out for fun.

Although he has a lot of time now, whether he is fishing, drinking tea or lying down every day, in fact, these time do not belong to him. He is not sure when the company will need him, and he may be called by a phone call anytime and anywhere.

"Are you willing to retire?" Nalan Qingmeng asked.

For a person with the status of Yang Jun, it does not mean that you can retire whenever you want. Even if you are no longer relevant one day, it does not mean that you can retire if you want. In other words, Yang Jun is no longer relevant. It belongs to him and belongs to the whole country.

In this life, he is destined to grow old in this land.

Yang Jun did not answer this question, but smiled bitterly.

How can he answer others if he doesn't even know the answer himself?

Nalan Qingmeng suddenly slapped her thigh and said with a smile: "Why are you thinking so much? The most important thing is to cherish the present moment and the time you spend with our mothers."

After speaking, he took a child from Yang Jun's arms.

"Come on, recite an ancient poem to Dad."

Huang Yani's daughter Yang Chengzhi just learned to speak last week, and Nalan Qingmeng started teaching her homework.

When Yang Chenglan heard that she was going to recite ancient poems, she jumped with joy.

"Qingfeng and I are both passers-by, let's begin." Nalan Qingmeng guided.

"Both the breeze and I are passers-by,"

The little girl started to read with her fingers.

"You take the autumn water to embrace the galaxy."

Nalan Qingmeng recited one sentence, and Yang Chenglan followed suit.

When he read this, Yang Jun suddenly woke up.

It turned out that the child could not recite any ancient poems at all, but Nalan Qingmeng took the opportunity to complain about him.

Especially these two lines of poems also contain the word "Autumn Water", which Yang Jun felt was ironic.

She meant to tell Yang Jun that she, Nalan Qingmeng, and the children were all passers-by in his life, and only Yi Qiushui was the whole of his life. She was using poetry as a metaphor to complain to Yang Jun about his partiality.

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "I told you to clear your dream, why do you bother."

"Did I say anything? Is it wrong for me to teach my children to recite poems?"

Nalan Qingmeng pouted.


Yang Jun sighed: "I'm not...actually I want to say that if you teach your children to memorize ancient poems, you can start with simple ones."

Yang Jun suddenly changed his mind mid-sentence.

He didn't want the relationship between the two to become too tense.

"I think this ancient poem is very good. I don't think it's complicated."

When Yang Jun heard this, he opened and closed his lips several times.

"Okay, teach whatever you like."

What else can Yang Jun say? Women are not a reasonable species. If you try to reason with a woman, the man will always lose.


Yang Jun lived in Nalan Qingmeng for two days before he realized that living here was not as convenient as living at his own home.

There is no need for peace and quiet where there are children, let alone two children.

I originally wanted to be able to spend more time alone with Nalan Qingmeng, but I didn't expect that the two children could not leave her for a moment, causing Yang Jun to be interrupted by the children every time at critical moments.

Yang Jun sighed, distance indeed creates beauty.

No, just after eating in the morning, Yang Jun found a reason to come out.

I walked around outside and couldn't find a good place to go.

Yang Jun could only go to the unit. As soon as he arrived at the door of the unit, he saw someone blocking the way.

"You Fengxia?"

The person blocking Yang Jun's path was You Fengxia. Unexpectedly, this woman who had only met him once had been waiting for him here for more than half a month.

"Big boss, you made it easy for me to find you. Do you know that in order to wait here for you, I haven't gone back to take a shower for half a month."

You Fengxia leaned towards him with a charming look on her face.

A smell like orchid and musk rushed to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun felt inexplicably hot all over his body.

She was so good at finding a woman that she had been waiting here for at least half a month, but her body odor gave her away. She smelled like she had just come out of the shower. It was obvious that she was lying.

But Yang Jun doesn't care. If he is fawning over him like this, it means that this person is at least thoughtful.

Yang Jun would never directly refuse such a person.

After all, many friends are better than enemies. "haha, really?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "How lucky I am to have a beautiful lady wait for me for half a month. I, Yang Jun, can't bear it."

You Fengxia narrowed her charming red eyes and said with a smile: "The big boss doesn't want to treat me to a meal and keep me company, does he?"

Look, this woman is really up to something.

Just now, he was asking for help from himself, but now it's Yang Jun's fault.

"Haha, interesting."

Yang Jun looked at the ripe and tempting fruit in front of him with a smile, and he wanted to eat her in one bite.

You Fengxia looked at Yang Jun with a smile, as if she was not worried about offending Yang Jun at all.

Orchid's fingers gently pulled the shoulder strap that was about to slip off, and her charming eyes kept firing.

"Get in the car."

Yang Jun said.

"Thank you, great leader."

You Fengxia also asked Yang Jun where he was taking her and got in the car directly.

In her heart, she wished that Yang Jun would eat her.

For a young and strong person like Yang Jun who already has rights, what else can she be reluctant to give up?

Yang Jun asked the driver, and then the car turned and drove directly to a villa in the suburbs without even entering the unit.

When they arrived at the villa, they prepared a table of wine and food, and then led You Fengxia directly to the backyard.

Yang Jun has many villas like this.

The villa has a complete set of nannies and chefs, so you can enjoy life as long as you move in.

Private room with backyard views.

This is a room integrating leisure, dining and rest, which is fully furnished.

As soon as she entered the private room, You Fengxia began to take off her clothes.

Yang Jun sat aside with a cigarette in his mouth, watching her performance.

"Is there such a hurry?"

When You Fengxia heard this, she didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Instead, he sat directly on Yang Jun's lap, put his arms around Yang Jun's neck and said softly: "Aren't I going to give you a pre-dinner snack for the boss?"

Yang Jun held the cigarette in his mouth, took a puff, and blew out a puff of thick smoke from his nose.

The smoke circled that delicate face several times, making it look a little hazy.

"Snacks are always eaten after meals. I never do physical work without eating."


You Fengxia smiled sweetly and said, "What a coincidence, I don't like working on an empty stomach either."

This woman was very courageous and knew how to get into trouble. She especially understood a man's thoughts, which made Yang Jun's heart itch.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Yang Jun said.

You Fengxia was stunned when she heard this, and then smiled and said: "Big boss, can't you be more tactful? It's embarrassing for me to say that."

"Haha, are you embarrassed?"

Yang Jun said that there is nothing in this world that you dare not do.

You Fengxia tapped Yang Jun's lips with her small cherry mouth, and then said with a sweet smile: "Okay, I won't hide it in front of you."

"I'm looking for you today, that's..."

At this time, the door of the room suddenly rang.

Yang Jun raised his eyebrows and motioned for her to get up.

You Fengxia quickly stood up, straightened her clothes, and then opened the door.

It turns out that the meal is ready.

After the food was served, Yang Jun let them go down and then ordered the guards to exit the backyard. No one was allowed to come in without his order.

"Come on, big boss, let me toast you."

After You Fengxia was full of wine, she held a wine glass in her hand and greeted Yang Jun.

Yeangjia did not move, looking at Erlang's legs, a cigarette in his mouth, and squinting at the woman.

"No rush, just continue talking."

"Gee, sir, you are still really impatient."

You Fengxia smiled dryly, put down her wine glass and said,
"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just..."

Speaking of this, You Fengxia blushed.

"It's just that I admire your style and hope to follow you in the future."

"Oh, are you messing with me?"

Yang Jun squinted his eyes and looked at the mature woman on the cover in front of him, but there was a hint of joking on his face.

It turns out that You Fengxia came to recommend the pillow mat.

Yang Jun felt that this woman was a bit interesting.

He remembered telling this woman the first time that he had a mysophobia and never used things that others had used, especially women. But even though he had said that, You Fengxia still kept going up, which was a bit interesting. .

This woman has a bit of a desperate attitude and won't give up until she achieves her goal.

However, such a woman can also be ambitious. It is better to be ambitious than unambitious.

As long as there is desire, there is weakness. Only such a woman is easy to control.

"Didn't you hang out with Li Huaide?" Yang Jun said sideways.

When You Fengxia heard this, she became anxious.

"No, big boss, I didn't hang out with Li Huaide."

"I assure you, except for my ex-husband, no other man has ever touched me. You can rest assured on this."

When Yang Jun heard this, he had his usual smile on his face.

There was no sign of appreciation or regret on his face. In short, no change could be seen in his heart.

If a woman told the truth, it would be terrible.

A woman who has not been on the battlefield for a long time will not be able to be so mature, unless... she is extremely talented.

"Really?" Yang Jun squinted his eyes.

"If the boss doesn't believe it, you can inspect the goods." You Fengxia winked at him.

When Yang Jun heard this, his face twitched.

He has mysophobia. How can I test for this?

This change in Yang Jun was noticed by You Fengxia.

Her eyes lit up, how could such a smart woman miss such an opportunity.

She suddenly stood up and squatted at Yang Jun's feet.

Danfengyan winked, then buried her head...


After half an hour.

For the first time, Yang Jun was full of snacks.

At this moment, he was slumped lazily on the chair.

You Fengxia was waiting on the side, taking a sip of wine and a sip of food, serving her very considerately.

"Big leader, are you satisfied?"

Yang Jun nodded: "Okay."

Not only is it okay, it’s simply great.

There is a difference between after-dinner snacks and pre-dinner snacks. At least pre-dinner snacks make you feel fuller.

"As long as you are happy, I will prepare this snack just for you, the senior leader." You Fengxia giggled.

She knew in her heart that it was impossible to become Yang Jun's woman, and now she was satisfied.

After all, it's a good start.

With this time, maybe the next time will be better.

"Haha, while I'm still happy, feel free to ask for anything."

You Fengxia smiled and said: "Look at what you said, am I probably this kind of woman in your eyes?"

"I don't have any requirements. I just ask that I can follow you."

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled meaningfully.

He knew You Fengxia would say this.

Even if you are thick-skinned enough, you will be humble at this moment.

Humility comes and goes, and then I just go with the flow.

But Yang Jun doesn't play by common sense. Since he doesn't have nothing to ask for, why should I be polite to you?

You Fengxia couldn't help feeling regretful when she saw that Yang Jun had entered the sage moment again.

You were really mean-mouthed just now, why should you be so polite?

It's good now. If you miss this opportunity, you won't know when the next time will be.

"Big leader, actually..."

"Well, let's eat. I'm hungry."

Yang Jun suddenly opened his eyes, picked up his chopsticks and started eating hungrily.


When You Fengxia saw this, she knew that the opportunity had been lost and she could not force it.

If he insists on bringing it up, it may make Yang Jun unhappy, and then the gain outweighs the loss.

At this moment, she could only smile and pick up her chopsticks to eat.

"Big boss, the chefs here are good, much better than those in restaurants outside." You Fengxia said.

"Well, you're not bad either."

You Fengxia's cheeks turned red after a word of praise, showing a rare shyness.

"Big boss, you don't know, before I got married, I learned suona from my father for several years. We are indispensable for any affairs within a ten-mile radius..."

"Well, no wonder, no wonder." Yang Jun nodded frequently.

"Big leader, you are evil."

You Fengxia shyly pushed him.

"Haha, what is that..."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Don't you like the food cooked by the chef here? Well, this villa is given to you."


You Fengxia was stunned for a moment, and then she exclaimed: "Boss, are you telling the truth?"

She really couldn't believe this was true. A villa worth millions was given away without blinking an eye. There was no other person except Yang Jun.

"I said this, but it's up to you whether you believe it or not." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"I believe, I believe."

You Fengxia agreed repeatedly.

"The great leader Jinkou Yuyan will definitely not lie to me."

I missed an opportunity just now. You must not hesitate again this time.

Although she only had a two-way relationship with Yang Jun, she also understood some of Yang Jun's habits.

Even though he is a big leader, he loves to joke.

Although he is smiling, every word he says is not unnecessary. If you don't take it seriously and miss it, it will be your loss.

"By the way, what did you want to say to me just now?" Yang Jun narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"It's nothing, it's really okay now." You Fengxia waved her hand and smiled.

Yang Jun has given him a villa now. Those inconsequential requests are nothing. As long as he can climb up to Yang Jun, can he get less benefits from her in the future?

"Are you sure?" Yang Jun narrowed his eyes and smiled.


You Fengxia blushed and said, "Not only do I not have any request, on the contrary, I will treat the senior leader to a snack later."

After saying that, Yingying bit her lips and looked at Yang Jun shyly.

" want to support me to death?"

You Fengxia: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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