People can do anything for money.

You can give up your dignity, you can give up your position, you can even be a dog.

Xu Damao is such a person.

In order to rise to the top and get ahead, there is nothing this guy wouldn't dare to do.

For people like him, there is no lower limit.

He can call Yang Jun godfather, or he can bark like a dog. What else can't he do?

At the beginning, Yang Jun actually asked him to call him godfather. He thought that this guy wouldn't do it in front of outsiders, but he didn't expect that he actually did it.

If you say it out loud, you can't go back on your word.

There was no way, Yang Jun could only let him follow Li Huaide, but he could only get the goods from Li Huaide.

If his guess was correct, Li Huaide would definitely join forces with You Fengxia to trick Xu Damao.

As for who is cheating whom, and who is being cheated by whom, Yang Jun has no control over it.

The nature of the world is like this, the weak eat the strong. If you want not to be the piece of fat in the eyes of others, then you have to become a predator like them.


On this day, Yang Jun did not go fishing, but showed up at Sun Zhaodi's house wearing new clothes.

You read that right, today is a day of great joy for Sun Zhaodi and Ding Erzhu.

The wedding was postponed three times, but the lovers finally got married.

Early in the morning, festive songs kept playing from the loudspeakers, and the community was filled with lights and colorful decorations.

Everyone knew that Yang Jun was going to marry his daughter, so everyone came to help.

As a big leader, Yang Jun naturally couldn't let him actually work.

No, he and Wang Erwa were squatting together to cook a pot.

It’s the dog days of summer, and cooking a pot is not an easy task.

After a while, he and Wang Erwa were soaked to the skin.

"I said, Lao Yang, why don't we go to the accounting table? There's still a fan there," Wang Erwa complained.

"Oh, you have to go."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Have you ever heard of a married girl going to the table and receiving gifts herself?"


Wang Erwa smiled awkwardly and said, "I forgot about this."

"Well, if we don't go to the accounting table, we can't burn this pot."

Yang Jun nodded and said: "That's right, this is not a job for humans."

Wang Erwa rolled her eyes: "No one did it. You have been doing it for several years."

In recent years, Yang Jun and Wang Erwa are almost always responsible for cooking pots in the community, regardless of whether they are happy or not. No one can compete with them for this job.

"You talk too much."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "You just keep watch, I'll go over there to cool off."

"Hey, if you go, I'll go too."

Wang Erwa threw down the firewood, patted her butt and followed Yang Jun.

The two came to the shade of a tree and squatted there smoking.

There is never a shortage of guards around Yang Jun. No one is allowed to approach within a radius of ten meters where he is.

"You have also been promoted. Shouldn't my position be moved as well?" Wang Erwa said.

Yang Jun took a drag on his cigarette and then said calmly: "Yesterday, several of our senior executives met to discuss and decided to nominate you to replace my original position."


When Wang Erwa heard this, she jumped up with joy.

"I'm happy today, so I won't argue with you."

What could be happier than getting promoted?

Over the years, Yang Jun really had nothing to say to him. Even if he treated his own son, he didn't treat him well.

He knew that the promotion this time was all due to Yang Jun's recommendation.

If it weren't for Yang Jun, he would never be in this position.

If it weren't for Yang Jun, he might still be farming in his hometown.

"Oh, Lao Yang, I am really your brother."

Wang Erwa said excitedly: "Come, let us hug each other."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment: "Why do I find this so awkward?"

"No matter, let's give it a hug first."

This guy didn't care that there were so many people here, he just hugged Yang Jun and kissed him.

This made Yang Jun very embarrassed.

"Good boy, come down here. Dad is very tired."

Yang Jun patted his back.

"Your uncle's."

Wang Erwa laughed and cursed, then slipped off him.

This scene caused all the guards to laugh.

"What are you laughing laughing?"

Wang Erwa's face sank and she shouted: "Expand the cordon to 20 meters."

Wang Erwa is now also a big leader and has her own bodyguards. His bodyguards and Yang Jun's bodyguards belong to the same system, and they often brag and spank when they are together.

They had seen Yang Jun and Wang Erwa look like this many times.

This is no surprise.

"Yes, big leader."

Wang Erwa's security guard responded and then expanded the cordon to 20 meters.

As for Yang Jun's guards, there was no need to listen to Wang Erwa, but they knew the relationship between Yang Jun and Wang Erwa, so they still took two steps back to give Wang Erwa some face.

"Okay, don't you think it's embarrassing?" Yang Jun said.

Wang Erwa rolled her eyes and squatted down next to Yang Jun.

"By the way, what kind of dowry have you prepared for your girlfriend to get married?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Qiu Shui is responsible for this matter, and I didn't even bother."

"Anyway, there's a lot of money for cars, houses, and so on."

Wang Erwa rolled her eyes: "You are just a hands-off guy. You haven't prepared the most important thing."

"Oh, what's the key thing?" Yang Jun asked curiously.

"Food." Wang Erwa said quietly.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Not to mention, it is really like this. If the two rice buckets are combined, this is the amount of food. If nothing else is prepared, at least food must be prepared.

Especially Ding Erzhu, he is no longer a good person. One meal a day, one meal a day, will not be enough.

Yang Jun suspected that he usually ate while sitting on the toilet, urinating while eating, and conducting import and export business at the same time.

"Hey, I'm so worried."

Yang Jun held his forehead and was speechless.

Having such a son-in-law give him a headache.

"The nannies that should be assigned to them are all assigned. I won't worry about these trivial matters and leave them to them."

"Forget it, ignore them. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. I can't worry about everything." Yang Jun waved his hand.

"Hey, who says it's not the case?" Wang Erwa said.

"By the way, starting from tomorrow, you have to accompany me fishing."

"I can't enjoy your blessing. I don't have as much control as you. The unit can't do without me." Wang Erwa decisively rejected Yang Jun.

"You're so exhausted, you selling pancakes."

"I'm happy." Wang Erwa rolled her eyes.

After a while, firecrackers sounded in the yard.

I saw Sun Zhaodi wearing a red hijab and coming out of Yang Jun's house accompanied by the bridesmaid.

When two people get married, they enter from one home to another.

We live in the same community, and even the procedures for sex are exempted.

Today, Ding Erzhu was wearing a fat suit, holding flowers in his hands, and followed Sun Zhaodi with a smile.

When Yang Jun saw this, he snorted coldly: "This idiot deserves a beating again."

How can a bride be allowed to enter a house with her legs on her legs? You idiot can’t carry her on your back?
Wang Erwa squinted her eyes, nodded and said, "I need a beating. Do you want me to lend you two?"

It is unlucky for the bride to enter the house on her legs.

Anyone with a little bit of brains would just carry it home.

Wang Erwa also knew Yang Jun. Which of his brothers-in-law had not been beaten by him?

However, he also knew that Ding Erzhu was the number one general beside Yang Jun. His strength and strength could not be described as abnormal. It would not be easy to beat him.

"It's no use."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "I'll do it myself this time."

Instead of finding someone to beat up your son-in-law, you might as well do it yourself.

Yang Jun didn't believe it, Ding Erzhu dared to fight back.

"Hey, there will be another good show tomorrow." Wang Erwa looked gloating.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and automatically blocked this guy's words.

As soon as the sound of firecrackers here fell, the sound of firecrackers over there rang again.

There are firecrackers for weddings and there are firecrackers for welcoming brides.

The guests used to stay at Yang Jun's house to watch the fun and help, but now they all flocked to Sun Zhaodi's house in random directions.

This villa was decorated early in the morning to serve as their wedding room.

Ding Erzhu's mother was wearing a gray cloth gown today. She stood at the door of her house and smiled as she watched a newlywed couple walking towards them.

The little old lady couldn't be more happy. Having a family for her son was better than anything else.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Ding Erzhu's mother happily welcomed the new couple, but Yi Qiushui burst into tears.

No, I followed Sun Zhaodi and the others while wiping away my tears.

Yi Qiushui took Sun Zhaodi as her own daughter, but when she thought of her goddaughter getting married, she felt reluctant to let her go.

"Your daughter is getting married, are you still in the mood to joke around here?"

Seeing Yang Jun and Wang Erwa looking leisurely, Yi Qiushui became furious.

When he rushed in, he was scolded all over his face.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times, but there was no tear left.

"It's not like we can't see each other anymore. We all live in the same courtyard. Is there any need for this?"

Wang Erwa was holding back her laughter and shrugged her shoulders.

"Lao Yang, how about I go find the cook and give you some ginger slices?"

"Get out!" Yang Jun said angrily.

Yi Qiushui became even more angry when she saw them like this.

The tears were like the flood that had opened the gate, falling slowly.

"Can that be the same?"

"From today on, she is no longer a member of your old Yang family."

Yang Jun said awkwardly: "It's different, the water thrown by the married daughter..."

"You still said?"

Yi Qiushui waved her fist and was about to hit Yang Jun.

He was so frightened that he ran away quickly.

If there weren't so many guests watching, Yi Qiushui would have to give him a beating.

He glared at Yang Jun, and then walked quickly to Sun Zhaodi's house.

After she left, Yang Jun came over angrily.

"Oh, my younger siblings are now as majestic as my tigress." Wang Erwa sighed.

Yi Qiushui used to be such a gentle person, but now, she has become fierce.

"Oh, aren't you afraid that your tigress will hear this?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

"You think I'm like you, being chased around like a lost dog."

"Oh, you Wu Dalang, you are so capable."

The two of them would brag to each other. If the tigress really came, he would not dare to say that.

"Okay, let's stop fighting each other here, brothers."

Wang Erwa actually dusted off her butt. "The bride has also come in. The banquet is about to start. Let's go and get a good seat."

"Look at your worthless appearance. Do you need to occupy a position?" Yang Jun said.

With their status, they really don't need to compete for seats. Even if they don't go, they won't bring anyone to open the table.

"You don't understand. You have to rush to eat to make the food delicious." Wang Erwa said quietly.

"You're right, food tastes good when you eat it quickly."

After saying that, Yang Jun quickly ran towards the club cafeteria.

"Hey, you old Yang, wait for me..."


Early the next morning, Yang Jun asked Ding Erzhu to come.

Arriving at the river, Ding Erzhu was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

He saw the guards who were hanging out with him all holding electric batons in their hands and staring at him with unkind expressions.

"Daddy, is there something...?"

Ding Erwa came to Yang Jun tremblingly.

Yesterday, he was called Uncle Yang, but he changed his name today.

From today on, he is Yang Jun's godson-in-law.

Yang Jun lay down on the wicker chair and squinted his eyes slightly.

"Do you know why I called you here?"


Ding Erzhu nodded and said: "If you want to enter the Yang family, you will inevitably get this killing blow."

Ding Erzhu suddenly took a step back, stood in the open space, knelt on the ground, arched his body and said.

"Come on, I've been prepared for a long time."

Yang Jun and the guards were stunned for a moment.

This guy guessed his intention at once, how could they take action?
Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

Who said this guy is stupid? Isn't this very smart?

"What do you mean?"

"Am I, Yang Jun, the kind of unreasonable person?"

"Why should I hit you when you have no chance to care?"

Yang Jun suddenly shouted in unison, pointed at Ding Erzhu's nose and said, "I'm not beating you today for any other reason. It's because you didn't carry my daughter to the house yesterday."

"Do you think this beating should be given?"

Shazhu heard this and nodded.


"Okay, then since you said so, you must accept punishment."

He, Yang Jun, is not the kind of person who deliberately seeks trouble. It was because he treated his goddaughter lightly that I gave him the killing stick.

"Go ahead, godfather, you can't escape this beating anyway."

After Ding Erzhu finished speaking, he was ready to accept punishment.


Yang Jun felt that no matter what reasons he gave, they were all excuses with this fool.


Yang Jun winked at everyone.

Then a group of people went up and beat them with sticks.

Ding Erzhu also knelt there without saying a word.

After fighting for nearly 5 minutes, everyone was almost dead from exhaustion, but the guy still seemed to be fine.


Yang Jun signaled everyone to stop.

"Hitting you is not the purpose, but the process. If you treat my daughter badly in the future, you will be treated like this again."

"Hey, thank you godfather."

Seeing that Yang Jun stopped fighting, this guy laughed and got up from the ground.

He patted the dust off his body and said flatteringly, "Godfather, my marriage to Zhaodi is entirely dependent on your support. I'll give you a kiss here."

After saying that, he kowtowed to Yang Jun three times.

"You idiot, didn't you say you wanted to knock one out?"

Yang Jun was helpless and it was worth helping him up.

This fool didn't blame Yang Jun for beating him at all. He even felt that Yang Jun hit him because he was hurting him and showing favoritism to him.


This guy just smiled back.

"Okay, don't treat Zhaodi badly in the future, do you hear me?"

"I know, godfather, I will definitely hold Zhaodi in the palm of my hand."

Ding Erzhu said with a naive smile: "If godfather has nothing else to do, I will go back to eat first."

"roll roll roll."

Yang Jun waved his hand impatiently.

This guy knows how to eat all day long, either while eating or on the way to eat.

One meal a day, one meal a day.

"Got it."

After seeing the promise, Ding Erzhu jumped away, looking like a primary school student who had just been praised.

"This idiot."

Yang Jun saw this and shook his head.

Seeing the guards gathered around, Yang Jun waved his hand.

"You guys should go back and eat too."

After they left, Yang Jun continued to lie down.

After a while, secretary Tan Qin came over.

She sat down on the small stool next to her and started to complain.

"I'm talking about big boss, you are really about to become a big shopkeeper who can't even go to the unit to report such things. Do you really plan to just lie down like this?"

Yang Jun didn't open his eyes and said directly: "Isn't it you?"

Since her promotion, Tan Qin has become even busier.

Help him report to his new unit and help him go through the entry procedures.

After so many days, her secretary was extremely busy, but Yang Jun seemed to be fine.

"I really owe you in my previous life." Tan Qin muttered.

When Yang Jun heard this, he laughed.

Tan Qin is a very competent secretary. With her here, he saves a lot of trouble.

"I haven't treated you badly. I'll give your Qianhai another level later."

When Tan Qin heard this, he smiled happily.

"It's almost there."

The reason why Tan Qin has been willing to work as Yang Jun's secretary for so many years, apart from his own future, is mainly to embrace Yang Jun's thigh.

Because she was Yang Jun's secretary, her husband Qian Hai was also promoted.

He used to be just an ordinary worker, but now he has become a department-level cadre.

"By the way, big boss, the leaders of several departments in the unit want to meet you. Do you want to meet them?" Tan Qin said.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "No."

"Ask them to report anything to you, and then you can report it to me."

Sometimes, the less you see them, the more mysterious they think you are and the more awe they feel.

Yang Jun knew that now was not the best time to meet them, and he would wait until some time later.

"Hey, I'm just a little secretary, but I followed you to enjoy the rights of a big leader." Tan Qin sighed.

"Isn't that nice?"

Tan Qin rolled his eyes and said, "It's so good. I'm so busy every day that I don't even have time to eat. I have to take time out to report to you."

"Hehe, hard work."

"Hey, after following you for so many years, I can't see through you anymore."

Tan Qin said: "Other leaders are eager to seize the power in their own hands, but it is better for you to be like a big shopkeeper who throws away his hands and is indifferent to the affairs of the unit."

Yang Jun shook his head and said, "You don't understand."

"It seems like they don't care, but in fact they are restricted very tightly."

"Let me ask you, during my absence, are they too timid to do anything?"

After hearing this, Tan Qin thought for a while.

He nodded and said: "That's really what happened. If you don't show up for a day, they will keep to themselves. They will walk on thin ice every day, as if they are facing a formidable enemy."

"now it's right."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "This is the effect I want."

"Even though I hide here to fish every day, my fishing line is already very long. No matter how cunning the fish is, they can't escape the fate of being caught."

Tan Qin shook his head: "It's so complicated, I can't understand it."

Yang Jun: "You don't need to understand these, just do what I say."

"I don't understand this, but I know it's right to follow you in this life."

Afterwards, Tan Qin reported to him for a while before leaving.

After she left, Yang Jun took the guards to Sister Hong's teahouse.

When he arrived at the tea house, Yang Jun asked the guards to guard the arch of the central courtyard, and he went directly to the backyard.

An hour later, Yang Jun was lying on the bed with a cigarette in his mouth, entering the sage moment.

"You girl, you have made some progress recently." Yang Jun said.

The girl nicknamed Nini served her well, and Yang Jun was very satisfied.

Nini lay on his chest and blushed shyly after hearing this.

"I know that Mr. Yang is not satisfied with me, so I asked Sister Hong for advice. Sister Hong taught me some experience, and then I became more comfortable serving you."

"Well, that's a good idea."

Yang Jun praised: "When you have nothing to do, ask Sister Hong for advice. She is rich in experience."

"Mr. Yang, as long as you like it." Nini said shyly.

Sister Hong is worthy of being her eldest sister. She is very experienced. She learned a few tricks from her. Unexpectedly, she served Yang Jun so comfortably.

"Good work is rewarded."

Yang Jun said: "Will I pay you back this time?"


Nini responded shyly.

I don't know when she started to fall in love with the man in front of her who was more than 20 years older than him.

There was an indescribable charm about this man, and she couldn't help but be fascinated by him.

When he first followed Yang Jun, he was really looking for money. After several in-depth exchanges, he was moved by this man's academic, wit, and humor, and he fell in love without knowing it.

Sometimes, she was in a daze, feeling that she shouldn't have been such a Philistine who only wanted Yang Jun's money, making him look like a salesman every time.

Yang Jun didn't waste any time and directly handed him the two wads of money he had in his pocket.

There are no bills with a face value of 1000 yuan, and the maximum amount in a wad is 2000 yuan, and he gave [-] yuan.

"I won't give you money next time. It's too much trouble. Remember to open an account and I'll transfer the money to your account."

If Yang Jun didn't want to have too much to do with this girl, he wouldn't want to carry so much money every time he came over, making him look like a nouveau riche looking for excitement.

"Okay, Mr. Yang."

Nini took the two wads of money and stuffed them into the pillow without counting them.

Yang Jun is very generous, starting with at least 1000 yuan each time.

The money was given readily, and she served willingly.

"Oh, by the way, eat more in the future. Look how thin you have become. You only have two ounces of meat on your body. It makes me uncomfortable every time." Yang Jun said.

Hearing this, Nini said shyly: "I'm not thin. Even though I look petite, I'm actually over 90 pounds."

"Really? Am I feeling wrong?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Come up here and I'll weigh you again."

Nini: "..."

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