"What is a green tea bitch?"

Wang Erwa and Li Tiezhu asked in unison.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, expressing his contempt for them.

You don’t even know about Green Tea Bitch, but you still have the nerve to boast about being battle-hardened?
"Green tea bitches are those female cousins ​​who are very good at pretending to be innocent. On the surface, they appear to be harmless to humans and animals, but in fact they are more ambitious than anyone else." Yang Jun explained.

No wonder they don't know, after all, this word is not popular yet.

In later generations, it means peripheral women.

Just like Qin Huairu, she would use any means to seek other people's husbands.

In fact, if Qin Huairu's life were written into a novel, it would probably be as good as A Ping Mei.

If you think about it carefully, her life is a history of romance. She is always on the way to the top. She has been entangled with men all her life, trying to seize other people's husbands and other people's property.


The two of them looked like they suddenly realized something.

"Lao Li, does the green tea taste good?"

Wang Erwa asked with a smile.

"piss off!"

Li Tiezhu felt sick at the thought of Qin Huairu being such a woman.

If you think about it carefully, he has spent a lot of money on Qin Huairu. He has spent between eight and ten thousand on her over the years. He didn't expect that this woman was so ambitious. She not only wanted his money, but also his. family.

This woman is horrible.

"Old Li, if I'm not telling you, how could you attack such a woman?"

Wang Erwa looked heartbroken.

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Don't you understand this? Having an affair with your own sister-in-law is so exciting."

"Tsk, tsk, that's right, I haven't tried it, I don't understand." Wang Erwa said with a smile.

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes: "You can try it too?"

Wang Erwa waved her hand and said: "My wife has no sisters, so I can't even try if I want to."

This guy just deliberately disgusted Li Tiezhu.

Moreover, he and Yang Jun came here today just to watch Li Tiezhu's jokes. They came just as they could to disgust Li Tiezhu.

"Old Wang, we brothers may not be able to do this in this life." Yang Jun said with a smile.

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"You two can do it, don't be so arrogant here, come up with a solution for me quickly, how to solve this problem?"

"Do you still need us to teach you this?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Just help my sister-in-law upright."

"That's right, that's right. My sister-in-law is holding me up, how exciting it is." Wang Erwa laughed.

"You two are weaklings."

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes in anger: "You two are not good guys either. Sooner or later, you will be like me."

They both know that the other is raising women outside, and there are more than one.

Just because you can hide it now doesn't mean you can hide it in the future.

"Haha, I'm sorry, my mother went to see her daughter-in-law and grandson early in the morning today. Are you angry?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, Wang Erwa and Li Tiezhu's eyes widened.

"Lao Yang, are you really lying?" Li Tiezhu asked.

He didn't believe that Yang Jun could handle the family relationship so harmoniously. Not only did he prevent several women from making trouble, but he also made his mother accept this reality. He was really envious and jealous.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My wife went to the hospital early this morning to help my woman during her confinement."

Wang Erwa sat there and said shit.

Brothers brag to see who brags better.

He didn't believe that Yang Jun could handle the family relationship well.


Yang Jun and Li Tiezhu showed contempt at the same time.

Who doesn't know that Wang Erwa's wife is a lioness.

If he wanted her to accept that Wang Erwa was raising a woman outside, it would be better if she didn't stab someone with a knife.

"Old Wang, do you dare to ask your sister-in-law for confirmation of this matter? Believe it or not, I will call you immediately to verify it?"

After speaking, Li Tiezhu directly grabbed the phone.

If Yang Jun's words had some credibility, even Wang Erwa wouldn't believe him even if he were beaten to death.

"I remember Lao Wang's phone number is [-]..."

Yang Jun didn't think it was a big deal and came directly to help him dial the phone number.

"Okay, two brothers, you win, I admit defeat."

When Wang Erwa saw this, she rushed over anxiously and hung up the phone.

"Bah, I'm not telling you Wu Dalang, you don't even dare to touch Pan Jinlian, how dare you touch other women?"

Li Tiezhu looked contemptuous.

Finally got it back.

Wang Erwa has a short body, less than 1.6 meters tall. Usually everyone calls him Erwa or Wu Dalang.

"Your uncle, I will fight with you."

After saying that, Wang Erwa pounced on Li Tiezhu.

Seeing the two of them pinching and biting on the sofa, Yang Jun shook his head and smiled.

He enjoyed his time now, especially the time spent with these brothers.

With them, Yang Jun felt very relaxed and didn't have to think about intrigues.Beware of betrayal or anything like that, the whole person is very relaxed physically and mentally, without any pressure at all.

They quarreled for a while, and then went down until Qin Jingru came up and called for dinner.

Li Tiezhu is now also a high-ranking official and has a nanny at home. In less than a while, a table with decent food and drinks was ready.

Qin Jingru said a few words and then retreated.

She knew that it was okay to make trouble, but not too much.

She is not ready to sever the relationship with Li Tiezhu, and is still counting on him, so she will not make trouble with him in front of his brothers, not to mention that Yang Jun and Wang Erwa are high-ranking people. I will still count on them in the future.

"I said, brothers, next week is Li Lixin's son's full-moon banquet, are you still going?" Li Tiezhu said.

Li Lixin and Li Tiezhu have a special relationship. They are both working partners and lovers. Li Tiezhu is also Li Lixin's brother-in-law.

Under Qin Huairu's introduction, she introduced her cousin Qin Yanru to Li Lixin.

Li Lixin was married for the second time. After the two got married, they gave birth to four children at once. Including the three children of Li Lixin's ex-wife, there were seven children in total.

Last week, Li Lixin gave birth to another son. As an old comrade, Yang Jun was also invited to have a full moon drink.

Yang Jun also expressed headaches about this.

His group of comrades-in-arms, today is not the child's full-moon banquet, tomorrow is the child's college entrance banquet, the day after tomorrow is the child's wedding banquet, drinking here and there all day long.

Now that they are all in high-ranking positions, they are naturally not suitable to appear on such an occasion.

If you don't show up, it feels a bit like looking down on your old comrades. If you show up, it will have a bad impact on you, so they are all embarrassed.

Not only did Yang Jun find this a trouble, but even Li Tiezhu and the others found it difficult.

The three of them did not speak.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Wang Erwa suggested,

"Lao Yang, you are the biggest official here, what do you think we should do?"

Yang Jun's eyes widened: "No matter how big my official position is, I am in charge of heaven and earth, can I still control your shit and farts?"

"Hey, Lao Yang, you can't say that. Our group of buddies, no matter how big or small, you are the main one. If you don't decide the rules, who will?" Li Lixin said.

After saying that, he slapped Wang Erwa with a look of success on his face.

After the two of them finished fighting each other, it was Yang Jun's turn.

They don't need to discuss such trivial matters at all. They just do what they want. If there is a wedding or something at home, if it's not convenient for them to go, they can let their family members go. If it's not convenient for their family members to go, they can let their secretary go.

In short, go where you have to go.

Bringing it up now is to embarrass Yang Jun.

It's not interesting for them to fight each other. Only when they fight Yang Jun is they happy.

"Haha, Lao Yang..."

"piss off."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "If you ask me to say it, I will say that from now on, we brothers will not have anything to do with each other. It is not too troublesome to do so many things every day."

"Hey...you old Yang, you did it on purpose."

"That's right, talking like farts."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, he was ridiculed by the two of them.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and let's talk about something serious."

Yang Jun's face suddenly became solemn and he whispered: "The higher-ups recently talked to me and said they wanted to move my nest..."

"Is it going to be promoted again?"

Wang Erwa and Li Lixin said in surprise.

Yang Jun seems to be more happy about their promotion than they are about their promotion.

They are all from Yang Jun's faction. If Yang Jun is promoted, it means that they are also promoted.

This group of people is like grasshoppers on a rope, and they all hope that Yang Jun will be promoted more than anyone else.

"Hey, it's just a conversation, the final result hasn't been decided yet." Yang Jun said modestly.

"Then what else can we say? Isn't the conversation already decided?" Wang Erwa said with a smile.

"That's right, it's almost the same thing."

Li Lixin suddenly looked solemn: "Old Yang, tell me, do you want us brothers to do something?"

"Yes, as long as our brothers can help, just ask." Wang Erwa said.

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled and said, "No, you don't have to do anything. Just wait for the good news."

Yang Jun has experience in this matter. The more this time comes, the more important it is to stay calm and not make any unnecessary moves, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

Besides, with Yang Jun's ability, he should have been promoted a long time ago. Since it means so, it means they are inseparable.

"Since Lao Yang said so, we will just wait for the good news."

Wang Erwa said solemnly: "I will tell our people to be careful in their words and deeds recently and not to cause any trouble."

"Yes, there are some things that should be done, and I will explain them to you." Li Tiezhu agreed.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

"Okay, don't make it so heavy. This is a matter of course, don't worry."

People who have reached his entire status already know some things well. What is yours is yours, and if it is not yours, there is no point in forcing it.

"Yes, yes, today is a happy day, let's open our stomachs and drink." Li Tiezhu said.

"Haha, weren't you the one who quarreled with Qin Jingru just now?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

"If anyone loses interest, I will worry about him."

Afterwards, the three of them laughed and drank from the wine glasses in one gulp.


Sure enough, a month later, Yang Jun was promoted again.

Compared with his original position, his current position is even more dazzling.

The halo around him is getting brighter and brighter, his reputation is getting brighter and brighter, and Yang Jun has become more and more low-key.

Yang Jun would never go out if he didn't have to show his face.

In addition to lying down and fishing every day, I also shoot... Yang Huai.

However, Yang Huai was released by him a week ago.

Yuan Erni gave birth more than half a month later than her due date. Yang Jun didn't release Yang Huai until she was sent to the hospital with stomachache.

After Yang Huai came out, the first impression was that he had changed.Everyone no longer knows me.

The restlessness on his body was no longer visible, replaced by a melancholy look.

Everyone he saw was trembling with fear, his eyes were full of fear, his speech became stumbling, and his temperament became taciturn.

Seeing her son in this state, Wang Yuying felt heartbroken.

However, compared to his previous son, he prefers the current Yang Huai.

Because now Yang Huai at least doesn't go out to cause harm to others.

"You brat, why are you so far away? Come here and hug your son."

In the delivery room, looking at Yang Huai who was as dumb as a chicken, Wang Yuying called him to come over and hug her son.

Yuan Erni was very proud of him and gave birth to a son, weighing six pounds and eight taels, who was very healthy.

And Yang Huai stood there like a fool, doing whatever others asked him to do, even when facing a baby, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

He was completely frightened by Yang Jun's beating.

Once a day, violently frying meat with bamboo shoots, people will be beaten stupid.

"Oh, here we come, here we come."

Hearing Wang Yuying speak, he didn't dare to show any slightness.

No matter who he hears talking now, he always thinks that person's voice sounds like Yang Jun.

He stood there awkwardly, looking at Bulin's big-eyed son at a loss.

"What is there that you don't dare to hold your own son?"

Seeing her son's useless look, Wang Yuying was furious.

Put his son directly into his arms.

Yang Huai was like a rabbit that was suddenly frightened. As soon as he touched his son, he immediately loosened his grip and took two steps back involuntarily.

Fortunately, Wang Yuying had quick eyesight and quick hands. She seemed to have noticed that Yang Huai would behave like this, and caught her eldest grandson.

"Things that are worthless, go to one side."

After almost throwing her eldest grandson, Wang Yuying disliked Yang Huai.

When Yang Huai heard this, he obediently stepped aside and stayed aside like a child who had done something wrong.

Yuan Erni, who was lying on the hospital bed over there, felt heartbroken when she saw this.

It's strange that she doesn't feel distressed when her man becomes like this.

However, she likes Yang Huai better than he is now.

At least now Yang Huai truly belongs to her.

In the past, Yang Huai could only see her when he asked her for money. At other times, he would eat and drink outside and stay away from home day and night with a bunch of friends.

"Master, come here."

Yuan Erni successfully waved to Yang Huai and said softly: "Come and see our son, he looks very much like you."

Yang Huai shivered when he heard someone calling him.

He huddled in the corner and waved his hands repeatedly: "I won't go, I won't go."

Seeing this, Wang Yuying sighed.

"The child had better not be like his father, as he will be a loser in the future."

When Yuan Erni heard this, she lowered her head and said nothing.

She also doesn't want her son to be like his father in the future.

It's enough to have a bastard in the family, but if both fathers and mothers are bastards, how will they live their lives?

"Mom, please tell eldest brother to stop beating Yang Huai. If he continues to beat Yang Huai, he will probably become stupid." Yuan Erni cried.

When Wang Yuying heard this, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't worry, mom told your eldest brother that he won't hit Sophora japonica anymore."

"Actually, this is good, so as not to bring trouble to the family."

Although Wang Yuying feels sorry for her younger son, compared to her son causing trouble every day, her current son makes her worry more.

"Thank you mom."

Yuan Erni did not dare to say these words to Yang Jun.

Although she and Yang Jun were family members and peers, in her heart, she always regarded Yang Jun as a big leader. She did not dare to have any opinions about the big leader, even if Yang Jun was the big leader. She didn't dare to complain at all when her eldest brother beat her man like that.

After staying in the hospital for three days, Yuan Erni and her son were taken home.

In order to facilitate the care of her youngest daughter-in-law during her confinement period, Wang Yuying moved from Yang Jun's home to Lao Wu's home.

In fact, there is no need for Wang Yuying to take care of the confinement herself, but she must adopt the attitude of a mother-in-law. Although she can't do anything, she has to be present.

Ever since Wang Yuying moved away, Yang Jun felt that his home was empty, as if something was missing.

Yi Qiushui and Sun Zhaodi were on business trips every three days, and he and his son were the only two people at home.

His son and he had nothing to say. Apart from meeting each other for two meals a day, the two of them did their own business at other times.

"This bitch is so big-hearted that she doesn't even want a home anymore."

Looking at the empty bed, Yang Jun couldn't help but complain.

Yi Qiushui was a workaholic and was away from home on business trips every three days. If it weren't for taking care of a son at home, Yang Jun would have planned to move to Yang Qingxiang's place.

Yi Qiushui is very busy, which has caused Sun Zhaodi's wedding to be postponed again and again. Now the elderly people from both parties have been in Sijiucheng for more than a month and have not met the new couple yet.

There was no other way, so Yang Jun could only accompany Sun Dashan to fish, drink tea, and talk about the mountains every day.

Touching the empty quilt, Yang Jun kept sighing.

How could he bear to spend this cold and watery night alone for his whole life of meat and pleasure?

"Forget it, I'll be back early tomorrow morning."

Yang Jun got up and walked out, preparing to find Yang Qingxiang tonight.

He went downstairs quietly, then walked to the gate of the community before getting in the car, so as not to wake his son.

"Haha, Lao Yang, I've finally waited for you."

Just as Yang Jun was about to start the car, he saw a figure rushing up and blocking his way.


Yang Jun quickly stepped on the brakes.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be Li Huaide.

"I said, Lao Li, you are so brave. If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, you would have been lying in the box now." Yang Jun cursed.

"Haha, no."

Li Huaide nodded, walked around from the front of the car to the passenger seat, and jumped in.

"You, Lao Yang, are very measured, I feel very relieved."

"What do you mean if you don't sleep at home at night?"

Yang Jun watched him sit down in the passenger seat and asked teasingly.

Don't treat each other with admiration for three days.

I haven't seen this guy for more than a month, and Yang Jun doesn't even dare to know him anymore.

He was wearing a crisp black suit, with a rose made of a red handkerchief pinned to his jacket pocket, and his long back hair was combed as if it were being licked by a dog.

"Hey, Lao Yang, it's like this. To express your gratitude for my help, I would like to treat you to a meal."

"Just eat. Do you need to block me at the gate of the community in the middle of the night?"

"I don't want to either." Li Huaide frowned and said, "I told the guard, but he just ignored me."

"Okay, don't blame the guard. That's what I told you to do. I'm so busy, I can't just see me just for everyone." Yang Jun said.

"That's right, I heard that Lao Yang has been promoted again. We must celebrate today."

Yang Jun frowned when he heard this.

He originally wanted to spend the night at Yang Qingxiang's place, but the current situation made it impossible to go.

"Okay, if I don't sleep with my wife at night and drink with you, I'm really sick." Yang Jun complained.

"Hehe, we are brothers who don't know each other unless we fight."

"Where to go?" Yang Jun started the car and asked.

"Go to a restaurant owned by an old acquaintance."

Then, under Li Huaide's guidance, Yang Jun drove to a Sichuan restaurant.

Standing in front of the Sichuan restaurant, Yang Jun always felt that this scene was very familiar, but he couldn't remember how long ago he had been to this place.


A woman's voice suddenly sounded in Yang Jun's ears.

When I looked up, I was so surprised that I couldn't close my mouth.

"Ran Qiuye?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

"Yang... turns out to be the big leader."

Ran Qiuye also recognized Yang Jun, who had just joined Brother Yang, but his intentions were inappropriate and he quickly changed his mind.

"You open this Sichuan restaurant?" Yang Jun pointed at the Sichuan restaurant.

After several years of not seeing each other, Ran Qiuye has become more and more mature.

Young, sunny, kind, and elegant, her many qualities are particularly eye-catching.

Ran Qiuye smiled when he heard this.

"Hey, you see what you said, this is opened by Zhu Zhu and I. I hope the boss will take more care of the business in the future."

"Oh, it turns out to be a mom-and-pop shop."

Yang Jun suddenly realized.

This shop is opened by Sha Zhu and Ran Qiuye. It is a husband and wife shop. The man is the chef and the woman is in charge of the front room. There is a clear division of labor.

Yang Jun couldn't help but sigh, the inertia of history is so great.

After the policy changed, Shazhu still opened a Sichuan restaurant.

However, in the TV series, he opened a hotel in partnership with Lou Xiao'e. Unexpectedly, things changed in this life, and he and Ran Qiuye opened a mom-and-pop shop.

"I dare to ask Teacher Ran, does this shop... have anything to do with Lou Xiao'e?" Yang Jun asked.

He is not the kind of person who likes gossip. He just wants to confirm whether the plot of this world is similar to that of that world.

Ran Qiuye was stunned for a moment, then said embarrassedly.

"I really can't hide anything from you."

"That's right, this store is opened in partnership with Lou Xiao'e. My pillar provides the technology, Lou Xiao'e provides the money, and we jointly open it. I just help with the management and get a dead salary."

When Yang Jun heard this, he kept nodding.

Sure enough.

Silly Zhu doesn't have the ability to open such a big restaurant. With this exception, he can't afford even a few million for the decoration of the store. No matter how rich Silhu is, plus the salary of his father-in-law, Professor Ran, he can't afford it. Maybe it can afford such a big store.

"Very good, very good."

Yang Jun said hello repeatedly.

"How's it going, Lao Yang?"

Li Huaide smiled and said: "Si Zhu is an old acquaintance, right? Can you trust his craftsmanship?"

Li Huaide looked like he didn't take you to the wrong place.

"It goes without saying that there are more than 30 canteens in the steel rolling mill. Otherwise, how could Silhu become the chef of one canteen?" Yang Jun said.

"Si Zhu's restaurant has been open for a few months. I've eaten here twice. The craftsmanship is still above the standard. Let Si Zhu show us his skills tonight."

After Li Huaide finished speaking, he turned back to Ran Qiuye and said, "Manager Ran, will Shazhu personally cook tonight?"

"That is required."

Ran Qiuye smiled and said: "Deputy Factory Director Li and the senior leaders are here in person, Sha Zhu must cook in person."

"Two, please come inside."

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