The reason why Yang Jun helped Li Huaide was not out of guilt.

If he was given another chance to choose, he would still send Li Huaide in.

The reason why he helped him today was just Yang Jun's attempt to challenge himself.

On weekdays, he either helps friends, relatives, or promotes his own people, but he never helps his opponents.

It may seem like help, but it actually means challenging yourself.

After living two lifetimes, what else can’t a person in his 70s see through?

He just wanted to try the feeling of helping his opponent.

Of course, this opponent cannot be too strong. If it backfires, the gain will outweigh the loss.

In a sense, Li Huaide is not his opponent, they just think that there is a conflict caused by different interests.

A victory is a victory, a defeat is a defeat.

Don't get carried away when you win, and be graceful when you lose, and don't do anything crazy.

Li Huaide's wife and children were now separated, he was alone, and he lost a leg. Yang Jun didn't think he could make any waves.

The next day, Yang Jun asked someone to send 500 million entrepreneurial funds to Li Huaide.

Since he wants to help, he should help thoroughly. Yang Jun wants to see if this Li Huaide is still the Li Huaide he knows.


"Oh, it feels so comfortable."

Yang Jun shook his head, twisted his waist and came out of the villa. He looked back at Yang Huai who was curled up on the ground, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Now, he has found a new way to exercise. He comes over and beats Yang Huai every morning, which is equivalent to running ten kilometers.

This kid Yang Huai will be completely useless if he doesn't educate him. Yang Jun would rather let his brother hate him for the rest of his life than allow him to become a scourge to the old Yang family.

As soon as he got home, he saw Wang Yuying staring at him with eyes that were not eyes and a nose that was not a nose.

"Haha, Mom, you got up early enough."


Wang Yuying's eyes widened: "No matter how early I get up, I'm still not as early as you."

Wang Yuying had long known that Yang Jun whipped Yang Huai every morning.

She also wanted to educate her little son well, but Yang Jun was going back and forth all day long, and she felt distressed.

"Ha ha."

Yang Jun laughed: "What, Mom, if nothing happens, I'll go upstairs and take a shower."

The man who had just been smoked was all sticky.


Wang Yuying glared at him.

He pulled Yang Jun aside and asked in a low voice: "I heard that you have a woman outside?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment: "Mom, who did you listen to?"

"Do you think your mother is stupid? Qiu Shui said half of what she said yesterday. Do you think I can't hear it?"

Yang Jun looked embarrassed and nodded with a wry smile.

"You...really have a woman outside?"

This time it was Wang Yuying's turn to be surprised.

"Yes." Yang Jun smiled bitterly and nodded.


Wang Yuying tapped him with her hand, and then kept walking back and forth on the spot.

"Tell me, do you have any children?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment.

Isn't your old focus on blaming me for not having a woman outside? Why do you care about your children?
"Yes, four." Yang Jun raised four fingers.


Wang Yuying was surprised and said: "You are really good at it."

However, after the surprise, Wang Yuying became happy.

He murmured to himself: "Blessed by our ancestors, the descendants of the old Yang family will be prosperous..."

"By the way, Jun'er, are they all boys?"

Wang Yuying asked excitedly, grabbing Yang Jun's hand.

"Two boys, two girls."

Yang Jun asked cautiously: "Mom, don't you blame me?"

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes: "Is it your fault for having so many children?"

"I've been urging you to have more children, but you just don't listen. Qiu Shui is also serious. How can such a smart woman not be able to look down on men?"

"Jun'er, you've already felt sorry for Qiushui. Don't go to the last step."

"Mom, no, no matter what, I will not go to the last step with Qiu Shui."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Wang Yuying murmured a few words to herself, and then said to Yang Jun: "By the way, when will you bring the child to me?"

"Mom, why did they come here?" Yang Jun said.

"Yes, yes, it's not convenient for them to come here. Mom should go see them."

If he just took the child home in a daze, he would not take Yi Qiushui seriously.

Yang Jun was already sorry for Yi Qiushui and could no longer stab her in the heart.

"You see when the time is right and arrange for me to meet with my eldest grandson." Wang Yuying said eagerly.

"Mom, this is not urgent, let me arrange it slowly."

This matter cannot be rushed, Yang Jun must arrange it properly, at least not let Yi Qiushui know about it.

It wasn't that Yang Jun wanted to hide it from her, but he was afraid that she would be sad if she found out.

"You, you, hey..."

Wang Yuying pointed at Yang Jun's forehead and sighed.

She was quite satisfied with Yi Qiushui as her daughter-in-law. Apart from not giving birth to more children for the old Yang family, she had nothing dissatisfied with Yi Qiushui. She also did not want to see the relationship between Yang Junhe and Yi Qiushui get to that point. She is old and just wants to live a stable life, but she doesn't want the family to have any more troubles.


Yang Jun went back upstairs to wash up.

Yi Qiushui is still sleeping. She was busy until the early morning last night and didn't go to bed.

Yang Jun took a change of clothes and went in to wash up, moving as gently as possible.

When he came out, he saw that Yi Qiushui had already gotten up.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Yang Jun asked.

"I can't sleep anymore. I have something on my mind that I can't sleep on."

Yi Qiu held a document in his hand and frowned in thought.

"Tomorrow, I have to go on a business trip to the northwest, and engine research and development has encountered a bottleneck again."

After saying that, he glanced at Yang Jun dissatisfiedly.

Yang Jun quickly turned his head to the side.

Yi Qiushui blamed him again for not providing engine technical support.

Does Yang Jun dare to provide it? The technology of the Great Wall No. [-] engine is classified as a national secret, unless he wants to use the engine technology because he is too short-lived.

"You, please don't force me."

Yang Jun said: "If I make a mistake, this family will be finished. Then the bullshit car engine technology you want will be of no use?"

"Hey, I'm just talking, don't let me complain."

Yi Qiushui frowned and said, "How about you transfer Du Shikui to my company?"

Du Shikui was originally an expert on the Great Wall engine and is now the president of the General Institute of Mechanical Science.

"What's the difference between this and asking for engine technology directly?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

"Then what do you say?"

Yang Jun spread his hands and said: "If the technology is not good, then use money to make up for it."

"We are not short of money, we just want to spend more time. Are you worried that you can't develop better engine technology than the Great Wall engine?"

"It's all your fault."

Yi Qiushui punched him with her little pink fist.

"If you hadn't developed such advanced engine technology, would our company have been in such a passive situation?"

Yang Jun said: "Hey, you bitch, why are you only thinking about yourself? Isn't such good engine technology a good thing for our country?"

"The country doesn't matter to me. Now I just want to develop our own automobile factory." Yi Qiushui pouted.

"You, you, you are so enlightened...hey."

Yang Jun shook his head, speechless.

Yi Qiushui changed and became selfish.

Ever since I took over the family business, I have focused exclusively on my own business. Whatever good things I have, I will always follow my own business.

"If Uncle Guo is still here, he will definitely help me." Yi Qiushui murmured to herself.

"You can pull me down. Aren't you doing harm to others?"

Yang Jun was completely speechless towards her.

This bitch was stunned.

Even if Guo Caocao were alive, he wouldn't do this favor for him.

Guo Cao Cao can still distinguish clearly what is light and what is serious. Do you think everyone is like you, with long hair and short knowledge?

"Hey, I have no choice but to throw money in as hard as I can." Yi Qiushui said.

"That's right. If we don't need money, we'll just throw it in. In a short time, we will be able to develop an engine of our own." Yang Jun said.

Upon hearing this, Yi Qiushui rushed forward and bit and pinched Yang Jun.

It's his fault that he can't help with anything.

"By the way, the automobile industry is developing very well now. You must give me some advice."

Yang Jun lay under her, blinked a few times and said.

"As long as you move, I will give you a move right away."

"I'm going to die. I think about that every day."

Yi Qiushui danced wildly with Feng Mo Fist.

"Okay, okay, can't I give you some advice?"

Yang Jun quickly begged for mercy.

This bitch is really a tiger, can't you touch her? What man doesn't like an obedient woman?

"Hey, there are so many business opportunities, why can't you find them?" Yang Jun sighed.

"Say it quickly."

"Fine, I said."

Yang Jun twisted his body a few times and then said,

"Most of the cars on the market now are modified cars. Many car manufacturers do not have independent production rights. They purchase goods from various factories and then assemble them themselves. Although this business method can make money, it is not a long-term solution."

"If our automobile industry wants to go further, we must have our own brands."

"I know this too, but if we develop our own brands, we will miss a lot of business opportunities." Yi Qiushui said.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "You can't partly assemble cars and partly develop your own brand. We don't have just one car company. If I remember correctly, we have at least a dozen car companies under our name, right?" "

"This is also a method." Yi Qiushui nodded.

Yang Jun said: "No matter at any time, we cannot give up the right to independent research and development. No matter how difficult it is, we must stick to this path."

"I know, you should talk about how we can expand our market share now. There are many emerging automobile companies, and they have taken away our huge market share." Yi Qiushui urged.

Yang Jun said: "Hey, you bitch, why don't you use your brain? There are many ways, why do you have to ask me to help you find a way?"

"Say it quickly."

Yi Qiushui twisted a few times and urged.

"There are two ways to quickly increase our market share."

Yang Jun raised a finger and said: "First, we can get in an air-conditioned car."

"Air-conditioned car, husband, tell me quickly."

Upon hearing this, Yi Qiushui's eyes glowed golden and she twisted her waist a few more times.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

He has spoken very plainly, why can't this bitch understand?

"Just put the air conditioner in the car."

Of course, you cannot directly install a household air conditioner in a car, so you must develop a new type of car air conditioner.When Yi Qiushui heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"My husband is indeed the smartest, he can even come up with such a good idea."

Yi Qiushui said excitedly: "If the air conditioner is installed on the car, we will not be afraid of the cold in winter and the heat in summer. Once we seize this opportunity, our orders will probably explode again."

Yang Jun sighed.

He is so smart, he just copied the experience of later generations.

It's only the early 80s, and there are no air-conditioned cars on the market.

If Yi Qiushui had adopted this suggestion, I am afraid that air-conditioned vehicles would have been released more than ten years in advance because of Yang Jun's appearance.

"Husband, tell me about the second method?" Yi Qiushui urged.

"Move a few more times."

Yi Qiushui punched him with her little pink fist, but still moved her body honestly.

"The second is to develop RVs."


Yi Qiushui was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is it a car similar to a house?"


Yang Jun gave her an affirmative look.

"That's right, an RV, as the name suggests, is a car that functions like a house."

"This kind of car is different from ordinary cars. It is different from the traditional concept of cars. There is a place to sleep, a place to cook, a place to go to the toilet, and a place for entertainment..."

"So miraculous?"

It was the first time for Yi Qiushui to hear this concept of a car. She was stunned for a moment, and then twisted her waist again without Yang Jun's instructions.

"Husband, please tell me in detail."

So, Yang Jun carefully explained the concept of future RVs to her.

Yang Jun seemed to have opened a window to another world, and Yi Qiushui became fascinated.

This is a car concept that she never dared to think about before, but she didn't expect Yang Jun to have a genius idea.

With just two concept cars, the air-conditioned car and the RV, her car company will surely occupy more than half or even monopolize the entire car market. These two cars are so advanced that they completely break people's perceptions.

Especially now that there are more and more wealthy people, they begin to pursue material life. Once air-conditioned cars and RVs become available, they will become very popular.

This is how it is these days, whoever seizes the market will have an invincible position.

"Honey, you're so smart."

Yi Qiushui kissed and nibbled, making Yang Jun's face covered with saliva.

"Oh, look how greedy you are."

Yang Jun wiped the saliva on his cheek with his sleeve.

"This matter must be kept secret. Don't rush to put it into the market. We must produce enough cars in the early stage. Once released, we must completely occupy the market."

There is no patent yet. Once this kind of car comes out, I'm afraid it won't be long before knockoffs appear again, and the loss will be their company's interests.

"I know, I'm not stupid." Yi Qiushui pouted.

"and also."

Yang Jun paused for a moment, then continued: "Don't let the air-conditioned vehicles and RVs out at the same time. We must leave enough opportunities for us."

"As I said, I'm not stupid." Yi Qiushui said angrily.

"Okay, forgive me for talking too much." Yang Jun said with a smile.

Yi Qiushui lay on Yang Jun's chest, blinked her beautiful eyes a few times, and then said with a low expression,
"All you said is good, but our industry does not yet have supporting facilities. For example, where can you get new car air conditioners and supporting facilities on RVs? Our family does not have related industries."

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

"Don't worry about these, we have them at home."

"Yes? Where is it?" Yi Qiushui asked.

"Port City." Yang Jun said quietly.

He had already considered this situation. As a time traveler, how could he not consider this situation.

He has already laid out his plans for the exam very early, and the industries he has laid out include almost all industries in the world. Thinking about the electronics industry, how could he not have thought of it.

Huang Yani went to Hong Kong City in the 70s. The first thing she entered was the electronics industry. Electronic watches, radios, air conditioners, and refrigerators were all her main businesses.

Yi Qiushui blinked a few times.

"Why didn't I know our family had this industry?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he held his forehead with one hand.

"Baby, can you stop asking?"

Yang Jun couldn't tell her that these properties were in the hands of another woman.

Sure enough, Yi Qiushui pouted when she heard this.

Somewhat disgusting: "Our family's property is all given to your women, huh."

Yang Jun raised his forehead and said, "Baby, do we still have a small amount of property? Can you not worry about this?"

"I am the wife you are marrying. I don't care. Who cares?"

"Everything you have will belong to our son in the future, why should I not care about it."

Yi Qiushui stood up suddenly: "Huh, let others take care of you."

After saying that, he went to the bathroom angrily.

When Yang Jun saw this, he had a wry smile on his face.

No wonder Yi Qiushui complained. It would be uncomfortable for anyone to deal with this matter.

"You really don't want to serve me?"

Yang Jun shouted in the direction of the bathroom.

"You come in, I'll tell you."

Yang Jun: "..."


Yang Jun naturally heard that this was an irony. If he dared to go in, he would probably get no good results.

After coming down from upstairs, Yang Jun went directly to the restaurant.

"I heard you guys arguing, are you having a conflict?" Wang Yuying asked in a low voice.

She thought Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui were quarreling about other women.

"No?" Yang Jun was stunned.

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes.

"Hold on tighter."

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

The old lady was really impatient. She had already urged her twice in just a while.

"Well, Qiu Shui will go on a business trip to the northwest tomorrow." Yang Jun said.

When Wang Yuying heard this, she immediately understood.

Yi Qiushui couldn't let Yi Qiushui know about this. She could only visit his eldest grandson when she was on a business trip.

"Well, Qiu Shui is on a business trip and we won't be able to see her for ten days and a half. You should spend some time with her tonight."

"Got it, Mom."

The old lady also had selfish motives. In fact, she was also very conflicted. She wanted Yang Jun to have more children, but she also felt guilty for Yi Qiushui.

"Zhao Di, your wedding is coming soon, how about I change someone to accompany your godmother on a business trip this time."

Yang Jun said to Sun Zhaodi who was cooking.

"No need, godfather."

Sun Zhaodi raised her head and said, "If it's too late to come back, let's change the wedding date."

Yang Jun: "..."

Wang Yuying: "..."

"You girl, how can you change the wedding date just as you say?" Wang Yuying said.

"Grandma, isn't it just a wedding? If you change it, you can change it. Besides, this time Shazhu and I go together, it will be like a honeymoon for the two of us."

After Sun Zhaodi finished speaking, she said to Yang Jun: "Godfather, do you have any objection to letting Shazhu go on a business trip with us?"

"No comment, no comment."

Yang Jun nodded and said: "Si Zhu will follow you from now on, as long as I can attract wealth here."

"Thank you godfather."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly, wasn't he the one who should thank you?
Sun Zhaodi's pain for this child was not in vain. She wanted to kiss Yi Qiushui, and even if the wedding date was changed, she would still go on a business trip with Yi Qiushui.

"Hey, Zhaodi, is there anything else you need your godfather to do about the wedding?"

Yang Jun always felt that he owed her a little.

Sun Zhaodi heard this, thought for a while and said.

"Daddy, I have something to trouble you about."

"You said."

"Bring that man here."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment.

It soon became clear who the person in Sun Zhaodi's mouth was.

Since the death of her mother, Sun Zhaodi has had almost no contact with her family. The relationship with her father, Sun Dashan, has always been very stiff. Over the years, the relationship has been almost severed.

Sun Zhaodi has always been worried about Sun Dashan about her mother's death. If Sun Dashan hadn't kept giving birth to children and was tired all year round, her mother would not have died so young.

She has always had a strong opinion against Sun Dashan.

Unexpectedly, today, Sun Zhaodi actually asked Sun Dashan to attend her wedding to Shazhu.

Seeing Yang Jun's confusion, Sun Zhaodi quickly explained: "I don't have to invite him. The main reason is that I'm afraid of causing trouble to my godfather and godmother."

"Yes yes yes, I know."

Yang Jun nodded and said: "I will ask Zhaocai to go back to his hometown to fetch your father later."


Sun Zhaodi didn't say anything more and just lowered her head to eat.

Yang Jun knew that this girl at least said unfeeling words. In fact, she also hoped to repair the relationship with Sun Dashan. This girl was a person who valued love and justice, and it was impossible for her to be so unfeeling towards her biological father who gave birth to and raised her.

It's just that they are stubborn and no one is willing to bow down first.

The relationship between Sun Zhaocai, a good guy, and his father is not very good either, mainly because this guy holds a grudge.

When he was a child, he was often beaten by his father, who beat him out of his shadow. Ever since he came to Sijiu City, he was completely free from his father's control. Since then, he has not been back to his hometown often.

Of course, Yang Jun doesn't care whether he is willing or not. Your sister is willing to take the initiative to repair the relationship with your father. You are nothing.

After eating, Yang Jun called Sun Zhaocai and told him to go back to his hometown to pick up his father for the wedding.

"Uncle Yang..."

Sun Zhaocai was coy and reluctant.

"If you dare to say no, believe it or not, I will let Silly Zhu beat the shit out of you?"

Yang Jun was lying on the wicker chair, leaning towards him.

Silly Zhu is now his brother-in-law, so beating him is considered familiar to Mingzheng.

"Uncle Yang, it's not that I don't want to, it's mainly because I'm going and the old man won't be able to come."

"You didn't go, how do you know your father doesn't want to come?" Yang Jun glared at him.

"Don't you know him well?"

"It's just because I know him that I asked you to pick him up."

Yang Jun stood up directly and kicked him.

"If you keep grinding, believe it or not, I will whip you?"

Sun Zhaocai patted the footprints on his body, frowned and said, "I can go, but if the old man doesn't come, you can't blame me."

"Haha, if your father doesn't come, you won't come back."

Yang Jun still doesn't understand him?

You think you're done with the errands.

You think too much.

If your father doesn't come, don't come back.

"Uncle Yang, aren't you making things difficult for me?"

"Yes, I'm just making things difficult for you."

Yang Jun waved his hand: "Gungungun, stop hanging around in front of me."

Sun Zhaocai: "..."

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