Chapter 88
After Old Wei walked away in a hurry, Yang Jun followed him downstairs.

The old comrades personally escorted the vehicles to the door to adjust the supplies, and he, Yang Jun, was not allowed to entertain them personally.

From afar, I saw a long line of trucks lined up at the entrance of the steel rolling mill, each truck filled with supplies.

With so many people coming to the factory at once, Li Hongjun, the chief of the security department, personally sat down and reviewed the information one by one at the door.

Yang Jun walked over, handed Li Hongjun a cigarette, and then said to him.

"Chief Li, these are the materials that our Procurement Department needs to adjust. Please make it easier for you and check them faster."

Li Hongjun took the cigarette, clamped it to his ear, and said calmly,
"Deputy Director Yang, I want to hurry up on this matter, but as the chief of the Security Section, I am responsible for the security of the steel rolling mill, so I have to strictly inspect it. Please forgive me."

Li Hongjun didn't give any face to Yang Jun. He still went his own way and strictly checked every passing vehicle. He even checked everyone's ID again and again. It took a full half an hour to review a truck.

When Yang Jun saw this, he didn't argue with him. After all, the security department performed its duties seriously, and you couldn't tell him anything.

Li Hongjun is Li Huaide's person. Since Yang Jun became deputy director of the Logistics Department, those people who used to be Li Huaide's have gradually alienated him, and even deliberately made things difficult for him at work.

Although Yang Jun is one level higher than Li Hongjun in terms of position, who is he? The chief of the security section of the steel rolling mill, the leader of a particularly important department. He has not only soldiers but also guns in his hands, so he doesn't care about you at all. This deputy director.

Lao Wei led hundreds of people to stare eagerly at the truck outside the factory. Seeing that Li Hongjun was deliberately embarrassing the purchasing department, he did not dare to step forward to argue. He did not notice that the security department did not even give Yang Jun face. He was a deputy department. The elder doesn't even have to clamp his eyelids.

"Section Chief, this..."

Old Wei walked anxiously around Yang Jun.

Yang Jun didn't say anything and turned back to the office building.

He felt that continuing like this was not an option. Only then did he realize the importance of the Security Department, and he made up his mind to keep the Security Department in his own hands.

And he must get rid of this loyal bastard of Li Huaide.

Li Hongjun must have been instructed by Li Huaide to do this.

Otherwise, Li Hongjun, a small section chief, would not dare to go against his superiors rashly.

Yang Jun did not go to Li Huaide and went directly to Factory Director Yang's office.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yang Jianguo staring at him with a smile on his face.

"You kid, you finally came to see me."

Yang Jun saw Yang Jianguo standing by the window, clearly aware of what was going on outside. He must have seen Li Hongjun making trouble for Yang Jun a long time ago.

"Director Yang, you...know everything?"

Yang Jianguo smiled, with a bit of sternness in his sharp eyes. He motioned to Yang Jun to sit down and speak slowly.

"I thought you would come to me after you were promoted to deputy director of the Logistics Department, but I didn't expect so many days to have passed..."

Yang Jianguo handed him the teapot that had just been filled with water, and then nodded his head with his hand.

"The old leader has spoken and asked me to take more care of you. You have abilities, but your political consciousness... haha."

Yang Jianguo didn't say it so thoroughly, but Yang Jun already understood it very well.

As the helmsman of the steel rolling mill, Yang Jianguo naturally knew what was going on in the mill. He had long known that Li Hongjun was a member of Li Huaide. No matter what he did, he would hinder him and many tasks could not be carried out.

Yang Jun stood up, saluted Yang Jianguo respectfully, and then said with a pious face,

"Director, I am still too young and I still have a lot to learn from you. Please take care of me in the future."

Only now did Yang Jun feel Yang Jianguo's wisdom. He had underestimated him before, and he also felt that he had many shortcomings and needed to continue to learn.

Today is the first time that Yang Jianguo and Yang Jun meet honestly. They don't hide anything and are honest with each other.

Yang Jianguo made his attitude clear as soon as he came up and brought out the big leaders, showing that he and Yang Jun were their own people and would need to support each other in the future.

Yang Jun's attitude of humbly admitting his mistake made Yang Jianguo very satisfied. There was no need for the two of them to say anything at this time. They both understood in their hearts that they would be in the same boat from now on.

When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed. "Oh, that's polite. We need to learn from each other. are you going to handle this matter today?"

Yang Jianguo waved his hand to indicate that he was welcome, then pointed out the window and asked.

Yang Jun knew that this was by no means the time to hide and tuck in. He could just say whatever he had to say.

I saw him staring at Yang Jianguo and said in a low voice: "Director, I feel that long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain, and it is better to... draw the fire under the cauldron."

Yang Jianguo crossed his legs, holding a teacup in his hand, looking at him with a satisfied smile.

As expected of someone who has been in the team for more than ten years, he can kill with every move he makes, hitting snakes within an inch of his body. What he wants is his ruthlessness. Yang Jianguo is becoming more and more satisfied with him.

Li Huaide holds a high position and has the support of big people. It is not easy to move him at the moment. The one Director Yang wants to move is naturally Li Hongjun.

As long as Li Hongjun is captured, Li Huaide will lose a powerful helping hand, and he will not have so much say in the factory in the future.

"I need a reason." Yang Jun said thoughtfully.

You can't remove a security section chief just by saying something. Even Factory Director Yang doesn't have the right, so you have to catch him by his tail.

Yang Jianguo smiled, stood up and returned to his desk. He took out a file bag from the drawer, slapped it in front of Yang Jun, and nodded to show him.

Yang Jun grabbed the file bag and took a closer look. He was shocked. This thick pile of materials was all evidence of Li Hongjun's violation of laws and disciplines.

From corruption and bribery to molestation of female workers in the factory, the evidence is conclusive, and even the specific processes are recorded as clearly as if they were witnessed with one's own eyes.

Yang Jun raised his head and glanced at Yang Jianguo, thinking to himself, Jiang is still old and hot.

Factory Director Yang has long had evidence of Li Hongjun's violation of the law, but has never produced it. He must be waiting for a suitable opportunity.

This opportunity must have come from Yang Jun. With so many seniors supporting him, Yang Jun felt it was time to arm-wrestle with Li Huaide.

If you want to touch Li Huaide, you must first remove his sharpest teeth, and these sharp teeth are naturally the security department that Li Huaide is proud of.

As long as the security section chief is replaced, Li Huaide will lose his confidence.

After many years of ups and downs in officialdom, Yang Jianguo has developed the ability to remain calm. At this moment, he said to Yang Jun calmly.

"Go get someone to a meeting."

Yang Jun naturally understood that this was the rhythm of war.

"Then the position of Chief of the Security Section..." Yang Jun stood up and was about to go out when he seemed to think of something.

Yang Jianguo looked at him and said with a smile,

"You've been on the team for so many years, don't tell me you don't have anyone I can trust?"

Yang Jun was stunned and suddenly became excited. Yang Jianguo was reciprocating the favor by giving him a piece of fat as big as the security department.

"Yes, it's comrade-in-arms is just a militia captain."

It was so sleepy that Yang Jun immediately thought of Wang Erwa, his brother in life and death.

"This is enough."

Yang Jianguo waved his hand and asked Yang Jun to call for a meeting.

Removing someone at the section chief level naturally requires senior leaders to discuss together. There are only a few people who are qualified to participate in the meeting. He, Yang Jun, is fortunate to have this qualification.

Yang Jun notified those people of sufficient rank one by one to hold a meeting, and then he hurried back to the office and made a phone call.

"Oh, Xiaowangzhuang Village branch..."

10 minutes later, small conference room on the third floor.

(End of this chapter)

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