Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 877 Mediocrity and Excellence

Chapter 877 Mediocrity and Excellence
Early the next morning, Yang Jun saw Yang Huai and Yang Chengdao starting to stand on the grass in front of their home.

Yang Jun was drinking tea leisurely on the recliner while bathing in the morning glow.

Last night he was more thoughtful and asked the security guards to guard the door of Yang Huai's house, otherwise they would not see him fleeing overnight with his suitcase at midnight.

Yang Chengdao didn't want to be a monster. He didn't have the capital. He was still young and relied on his family to support him. He could escape wherever he could.

But Yang Huai was different. He had already married and was separated from the old Yang family. He and Yang Jun were brothers of the same generation. He still had to talk to Yang Jun. But what he didn't expect was that this time was unfavorable. The army actually set a trap for him in advance, and he was caught right away.

"Look at how you look like a bear. An uncle is worse than a nephew."

After standing there for only 10 minutes, Yang Huai couldn't bear it anymore. His body was shaky and his face was as bitter as a bitter melon.

"Brother, we are from the same roots. Why are you so impatient? Can't you just treat me like a fart?" Yang Huai said with a bitter face.

The moment he moved a little, the guard behind him who was looking at him immediately whipped him.

"Haha, we are born from the same roots, so why be too impatient? Okay, Lao Wu, if you are promising, if you can say this, I will reward you for half an hour less."

Anyway, he couldn't even stand for half an hour, so the reward didn't matter.

Also, since you can tell these two lines of poetry, why can't you let me go.

If you are good, I, a big leader with a lot of things to do, will personally watch you?
"Brother, if my brother is so promising, can't you cut off an hour?"

"Okay, I'll give you one hour off."

Yang Jun chuckled, but he kept laughing in his heart.

Two hours in total, minus one hour, and one hour left.

If he could persist even for this hour, Yang Jun said that he would take his last name.

Yang Huai was stunned for a moment, then said with a grimace: "Brother, I was wrong, it should be one and a half hours."

This guy thought, after one and a half hours, there is still half an hour left. He has been standing for more than ten minutes now. If he persists, he will be able to survive.

"Lao Wu, that's enough for you."

When Yang Huai heard this, he shut up obediently.

If Yang Jun is made anxious, I am afraid that what he just said will not count.

Seeing this, Yang Jun nodded with satisfaction.

Corporal punishment is not the purpose. As long as Lao Wu still listens to his big brother, it means he is still saved.

Yang Jun looked back at his son and saw the little guy pursed his lips and looked ahead firmly.

Over this period of time, this little guy has made progress. He could only stand for more than ten minutes in the past, but now he can stand for more than two hours. And judging from how strong he is, he may be able to stand for a little longer.

Seeing his son's progress, Yang Jun felt comforted beyond words.

The son will inherit everything from him in the future. If he is too useless, he will be like a young child trying to get through the bustling city with a fortune. No matter how big the family fortune is, he will not be able to keep it. By then, inheriting the family fortune will be an empty talk.

In fact, the most important thing for a son to inherit his father's business is not to inherit the family property, but to inherit the resources passed down by the older generation. Yang Jun has very rich resources in this area. By then, as long as his son is not useless, he will definitely be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life.

Yang Jun lived two more lives and knew what was most important.

Countless wealth is important, but without rights, it cannot be maintained. The most obvious case is that of Shen Wansan, who ended up doing dowry for others and ended up dead.

Yang Jun has already planned his son's future. He will definitely pursue an official career in the future. Only when you become an official and have rights, others will not dare to touch you. If you want to be just a businessman, I'm afraid...


Looking at Yang Chengdao, Yang Jun couldn't help shouting.

The son was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of trance in his resolute eyes: "Dad, is something wrong?"

"Dad... I just felt it."

Yang Jun said in a gentle tone: "I am happy for your current progress, but also worried about your future."

When the son heard this, there was a trace of guilt in his eyes.

Although he may be young, he was born in such a family and has never seen anything. He is more mature than those of his peers outside.

He also knows that his father has been heartbroken recently, and he also knows that he has broken his father's heart. If not for this, whose parents would guard him every day?
"Dad, I was wrong."

Yang Chengdao's eyes turned red, and two tears slid down his cheeks.

When Yang Jun saw this, he wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't bear to be harsh.

"If you want to say who loves you the most in this world and who can make selfless sacrifices for you, I'm afraid it's your parents."

"You are my father's son. You don't know how high I have high expectations for you. I..."

As Yang Jun spoke, he choked up and couldn't continue.

Seeing his son's tears streaming down his face, he knew that his son had realized his mistake.

Once a person can still understand his mistakes, it means he can still be saved. If he is as shameless as Yang Huai, then he is completely hopeless.

Excellent parents may not necessarily have excellent children, but a truly excellent parent will accept mediocrity in their children.

Children are not necessarily better than their parents.

What's wrong with being mediocre?
Yang Jun hopes that his children will be mediocre, at least not as famous as him. Now he even goes out in disguise, hiding his head and tail, and is timid in everything he does.

He doesn't want his son to be like him. He just wants his son to be healthy and happy, and to live openly and openly in the sun in the future, enjoying the ordinary fireworks of the world.

Nothing bad.

This kind of life has more meaning.

"Son, you are still young and can't tell the difference between right and wrong. When you grow up in the future, you will be able to understand my painstaking efforts."

Yang Jun lay on his back on the wicker chair with his head in his hands, squinting slightly and looking at his son in front of him.

After getting along with him for the past few days, he found that his son was no longer the simple-minded child he used to be. He seemed to be under pressure.

"Dad, I know."

Yang Chengdao choked up.

"Then can you tell me why you call Teacher Yao your wife?"

This is the answer Yang Jun has wanted to know most for a while.

This problem has troubled him for a long time, and he doesn't understand why his son insists on calling Yao Maizi his wife.

Although this Yao Maizi is handsome, he is not beautiful. Why should his son fall in love with him?

He originally thought that at his son's age, even if he liked someone, it would be someone of the same age, not an adult much older than him.

He has been trying to figure this out.

When Yang Chengdao heard this, his face turned red, and then he lowered his head with an embarrassed look on his face.

This topic is most appropriate to talk about between men, but these two men have a father-son relationship.

Since ancient times, the most taboo thing between father and son is talking about women.

Isn't there a saying that parents are their children's best teachers? This is true, but what should be taught by words and deeds? For example, physiological knowledge is not suitable for parents to teach.

Imagine how embarrassing it would be for me to teach my son how to pick up girls and how to control women.

Yang Jun was embarrassed to talk about this topic, let alone Yang Chengdao, an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

"If you feel embarrassed, just think of me as..."

Yang Jun glanced at Yang Huai who was standing next to him, and then said: "Otherwise, just think of me as your brother-in-law. You and him can talk about everything."

It can be said that Yang Chengdao became what he is today entirely because of Yang Huai's fault.

It can be said that these two men have the same chemistry. Even things like peeking at girls going to the toilet always bother Yang Chengdao. It can be said that these two men are good uncles and nephews who share hardships and share blessings.

"Dad, there's nothing you can't say."

Yang Chengdao's face turned red and he said, "Actually, the reason is not as complicated as you think. Maybe if I tell you, you will find it ridiculous."

"Okay, I'm all ears." Yang Jun smiled.

He sat up straight in his wicker chair and looked like he was listening.

Parents should give their children enough respect. Only in this way can their children be able to have a heart-to-heart relationship with you.

A look of excitement flashed in Yang Chengdao's eyes, and he rolled his eyes several times.

"Dad, actually you don't know, I have always admired you."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

But then he felt relieved.

Which parent in this world is not a hero in the eyes of their children.

There can be multiple heroes in a child's eyes, but the first one is often his or her father.

In the eyes of the child, the father is omnipotent. There is nothing in the world that he cannot do. Therefore, the father plays the role of a hero in the eyes of his son.

What's more, Yang Jun is a special father. He is in a high position and the people around him are capable people, which leaves a deep impression on the child's young mind.

"Well, you go on."

Yang Jun nodded and motioned for him to continue.

When the son saw that his father agreed with his point of view, he felt inexplicably excited. He felt that standing still was not so hard.

After adjusting his posture, he continued: "Dad, you know, my dream is to be like you when I grow up."

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

Everyone wants to be like him, someone who holds a high position of power, speaks his mind, is decisive, and embraces both sides. It's very unpleasant. Yang Jun said that if he could live a new life, he would still want to be such a person.

"So, I just want to grow up as soon as possible and take over your class as soon as possible, and you often teach your son that starting a family and starting a career means he has grown up. I just want to start a family and find a wife, which means he has grown up, so... …”

"So, this is why you call Teacher Yao's wife?" Yang Jun said in surprise.


Yang Chengdao blushed and nodded.

When Yang Jun heard this, he laughed dumbly.

The world of children is still simple.

There are many signs of growing up, but it's not just about marrying a wife. For example, the evil beast standing in front of you, although he is married, is still like a child. He should eat, drink, and bastard. A bit like growing up.

However, after hearing these words, Yang Jun felt relieved.

As long as the son doesn't really like Yao Maizi, it will be fine. As long as the son is still mentally healthy, there will be no problem. The son only made this move to prove that he has grown up, so it is not really a waste.

"Son, my father is happy that you have such thoughts. Which young man doesn't have dreams in his heart? Having dreams is not a bad thing. Since you have dreams, you must fight for them to realize them."


Speaking of this, Yang Jun paused.

"However, having a family and starting a business does not mean that you have grown up. To measure whether a person has grown up, see whether he is a responsible person, such as..."

Yang Jun glanced at Yang Huai, who had a twisted face in front of him, and said to his son seriously,
"For example, this evil beast has already married a wife and is going to be a father soon. Does he have grown up?"

There was a successful example in front of him, and Yang Jun happened to use Yang Huai as a negative example.

"Like this evil beast, he marries a daughter-in-law and doesn't care about her. As a man, he fails to fulfill his responsibilities. Can he be considered a grown-up?"

Hearing this, Yang Chengdao glanced at Yang Huai beside him and shook his head slightly.

"Not counting."

Here, Yang Jun and his son made trouble for Yang Huai, but over there, Yang Huai felt particularly uncomfortable.

You two, father and son, just be human beings.

Can you please stop using me as a teaching material for making noodles, and talk like an evil beast? I am your brother, not your son. Is it appropriate for you to say that?

He wanted to retort, but he couldn't open his mouth at the moment. His body was reaching its limit. If he spoke rashly, he might not be able to hold on.

He didn't want to argue with Yang Jun about the evil beast now, he just wanted to be able to hold on for this hour. "Yes, your fifth uncle...oh, that evil beast has not grown up at all. What does he look like now?" Yang Jun said.

Yang Chengdao thought for a while and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he shouted excitedly.

"Dad, I understand. Uncle Wu is the rice bug you often call me."


Yang Jun smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it's a rice bug. Of course, you can also call it a walking manure maker."

The so-called dung making machine, as the name suggests, is a machine that makes dung. This is an abbreviation for those mediocre people.

Yang Huai is a veritable manure maker.

When Yang Huai heard this, his face turned as red as a steamed crab.

So rude.

Please, father and son, please be human beings. You actually call him a manure maker. I'm really angry.

"Puff" sound.

Yang Huai finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground with his arms stretched out.

It wasn't that he couldn't hold on, but that he was overcome with anger.

"Brother, I am your biological brother from the same mother. If I were a manure maker, who would you be?" Yang Huai said with grief and anger.

"To shut up."

Yang Jun scolded: "I will punish you for an additional hour."

Just make up for the hour that was lost just now.

Yang Jun said that thunder, rain and dew are all due to your kindness.

If I can reduce your time by one hour, I can punish you by one more hour.

Yang Jun winked at the guard.

The guard raised his hand, and the small tree stick in his hand left a clear bloody willow mark on Yang Huai's body with a 'snap' sound.

"Get up, stand up." The security guard yelled.

Yang Huai shrank his neck in fright, and stood up quickly regardless of the pain.

At this time, he didn't dare to say a word.

Didn't you notice that Madman Yang was in a bad mood today? If he dared to say another word, he would probably be punished for another hour.

Don't you want to stand?

Is it up to you?
If you don't want to stand still, then I'll beat you to death.

Yang Huai has experienced this before.

"Ignore this bastard, let's continue."

Yang Jun waved his hand, signaling Yang Chengdao to continue.

When Yang Chengdao heard this, his face twitched.

Just now, she was chatting with him like a loving father with a pleasant face, but when she turned against him, she even disowned him and treated her own brother so cruelly.

Yang Jun saw him trembling slightly, so he smiled and said: "We are our own family. Of course, dad will not treat you like that evil beast. Go on."

When Yang Huai heard this, his face twitched.

See what that means?

The fox's tail is finally exposed.

In Yang Jun's eyes, Yang Chengdao is his family member, and all his brothers are outsiders.

You can see it just by looking at his attitude towards them.

"Big brother..."

Yang Jun glared at him, and Yang Huai immediately pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Come on, let's talk about it again, why do you call Teacher Yao's wife instead of your class beauty?" Yang Jun changed his face again.

This scene made Yang Chengdao's eyelids twitch.

"Because... Teacher Yao is an adult."


Yang Jun nodded when he heard this. He could understand his son's mood. If he found a class beauty who was about his age as his wife, how could he grow up?

Yang Jun did not criticize his son harshly, but taught him earnestly.
"Nothing wrong. If it were me, I would also like a more mature girl."

Yang Jun said with a smile: "You were born into this family, and you were someone else's destination as soon as you were born. You didn't have to worry about eating or drinking. Occasionally, your fifth uncle would take you out to have a drink secretly and watch other girls go to the toilet. If If it were me, I would lie down."

At this point, Yang Jun blushed slightly.

Isn't he lying flat now? He is either fishing or picking up girls every day, and does nothing serious.

Now that he has a dishonest reputation, he cannot educate his son in an upright manner.

Yang Chengdao looked horrified and couldn't help but defend himself: "It's okay to drink secretly, but girls go to the toilet without looking at anyone."

After saying that, he glanced at Yang Huai.

It was Uncle Wu's job to spy on girls going to the toilet. He was a child and his hair wasn't all grown, so he couldn't do anything.

"Well, I believe you."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "You haven't even grown all your hair, so you can't do anything. Our family's living conditions are better, and your growth is a bit early. You still have to restrain yourself from some things. It's not that you can't do it, but it's best to do it before your body is fully developed." It's better not to do it, otherwise you will be like this evil beast with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks."

Yang Huai was not like this before. He used to be relatively round and lovable. But since he got married, no, earlier, he would have grown crooked. Look at him now, he looks like a monkey, with squinty eyes. Squinting, it is simply embarrassing to the people of the old Yang family.

You must know that Yang Huai is only 15 years old now, and his body is still in the development stage. It is because of the damage to the root that this winter melon grows crookedly.

Yang Huai rolled his eyes after hearing this.

He didn't dare to refute now. If he was punished further, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Regarding the words of Yang Jun and his son, he chose to block them naturally.

But when Yang Chengdao heard this, his face suddenly turned red.

It was obvious that he understood what Yang Jun was saying.

Originally, Yang Jun did not plan to teach his son physiology class in person, but now it seems that it is impossible not to teach him. His son's development seems to have exceeded his expectations. Judging from his tone and demeanor just now, the child has now been exposed to this aspect. knowledge.

When he thought of his son's early growth, Yang Jun couldn't help but glare at Yang Huai.

If this evil beast hadn't led his son to evil, how could his son be like this?

Yang Jun will definitely not teach his son any innocent principles. What is the point of a man working hard for it?
Isn’t it just power, money, and beauty?

How normal is it for a man to have three wives and four concubines, otherwise he would lack the motivation to fight.

The so-called love, bullshit!
However, it was indeed a bit awkward for the father and son to discuss this topic.

"Back to the topic, is there a girl in your class that you like?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

When Yang Chengdao heard this, his face twitched.

Are you sure this is what you, a father, should say?
When I talk to my son about women, are you serious?

Yang Huai groaned angrily.

At this time, he also saw that Yang Jun was playing tricks on him.

The serious me that I was just now is gone forever.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity."

Yang Jun shook his head, then smiled mysteriously.

"The school I'm contacting you this time has many good-looking girls in the class, so you have to take advantage of them."


Yang Huai looked at Yang Jun resentfully.

Yang Jun scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Dad is joking with you. This time I have found a monk class for you. Almost all of the classes are men. Even the teachers who teach you are male."

Yang Chengdao rolled his eyes.

I'm still young, why are you telling me this?
"Brother, I also want to go to school." Yang Huai suddenly said.

When Yang Jun heard this, he rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You just don't want to harm others."

"Brother, I really regret it now. Instead of wandering around with nothing to do every day, I might as well go to school and learn some knowledge." Yang Huai said.

"Haha." Yang Jun sneered coldly: "I think what you want to go to is not school, but the temple."

He still doesn't understand Yang Huai. If he can change his ways, there will be no good people in this world.

This is an old tree with a crooked neck. Why can't it be broken off?

Yang Jun punished him corporally, either to make him reform, or simply to torture him.

A worry-free thing every day.

Since you caused trouble for me, don't blame me for playing tricks on you.

"Brother, I was really wrong."

"Humph, even if I believe you will have a baby, I won't believe what you say." Yang Jun said.

"I would have given birth to a child, and I was going to be a father soon." Yang Huai muttered in a low voice.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He was speechless for this younger brother. The child was completely useless and had no value in saving him.

If Wang Yuying hadn't been reluctant to let go, he would have thrown it into the toilet and drowned.

"You performed well today, and I plan to reward you."

When uncles and nephews Yang Huai and Yang Chengdao heard this, excitement flashed across their faces, and a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes.

" should I reward you?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and thought for a moment.

"Then I'll reward you with another half hour."


When the uncle and nephew heard this, their faces suddenly turned gray.

Is there such a way to reward people?

Boss Yang, please be a human being.

When Yang Jun saw this, he felt proud.

Huh, baby, you are still a little green when you fight with me.

Today, I’ll teach you another lesson.

Let you know what makes people's hearts evil.

No childhood is complete without a beating.

(End of this chapter)

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