Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 854 Rakshahai City

Chapter 854 Rakshahai City
Yi Qiushui suspected that Yang Jun was hiding something from her, or else he and Yang Laosi had been playing riddles during the meal just now.

After Sun Zhaodi reminded her, the more she thought about it, the more something was wrong.

"Yang, tell me, are you hiding something from me?"

Yang Jun was hiding in the study, smoking and drinking tea, when Yi Qiushui suddenly broke in to question him.

Yang Jun put one hand on his forehead and rubbed his eyebrows.

"I said Qiushui, this matter is not over yet, isn't it?"

Seeing Yang Jun like this, Yi Qiushui immediately knew that she had been too impulsive just now.

I was so carried away just now that I didn't even think about it carefully, so I came over to ask for help.

At this moment, seeing Yang Jun frowning deeply and seeming to be on the verge of an explosion, she realized that going too far was not enough.

It is true that Yang Jun made a mistake, but he admitted it to himself after he made a mistake. If he forced her again, he might push Yang Jun into the arms of another woman.

"Husband, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be suspicious."

After saying that, tears of grievance fell down.

Then, he hugged Yang Jun's neck and fell into his arms.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's all my fault."

Yang Jun held her tightly in his arms and comforted her: "If you want to know anything, just ask, and I will definitely tell you everything."

"I'm sorry for you when it comes to women, and I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I still hope you can trust me more."

I have told you everything about raising a woman outside, there is nothing to hide. I just hope that we can trust each other more, so that both of us won’t have to suffer so much.

Letting others go is also letting yourself go.

"Husband, I don't distrust you, and I have nothing to ask. I just like you too much, so I get angry for no reason."

Yi Qiushui Xiaoniao lay in his arms, drawing a heart-shaped pattern on his chest with one hand to express her love.

"Hey, it's okay to get angry. I can help you put out the fire, but don't get angry easily. At least you have to let me know why you are angry..."

"Husband, what kind of riddle were you playing with Fourth Sister just now?"

Yi Qiushui asked.

In the end, she couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and asked.

"Hey, you, you..."

Yang Jun sighed and told Yang Yu about her boyfriend.

He just wanted to make up for his mistakes now. He was already sorry for Yi Qiushui and didn't want their relationship to become more and more alienated.

As long as it wasn't a matter of principle, he had nothing to hide from Yi Qiushui.

After hearing this, Yi Qiushui blinked her beautiful eyes a few times, and then said curiously: "Husband, you people in the Yang family are so strange. When looking for a partner, you like to find someone with a lower status than yourself. The second sister is like this, and the fifth brother is like this too. , now even the fourth sister is like this."

Yang Jun was stunned and glanced at Yi Qiushui in astonishment.

"Who says it's not the case? We, the old Yang family, are so kind. We can't bear to see others suffer and always want to lend a helping hand."

After saying that, he kissed her on the forehead lovingly.

Yi Qiushui smiled shyly, then thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, you are thinking of me. Do you mean you want to marry me because you pity me?"

According to Yang Jun's current status, it can be said that Yi Qiushui has reached a high level.

But the situation at the beginning could not be calculated that way. It was Yang Jun who had the upper hand.

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself."

"Hateful, you didn't say that, but you said you thought so."

"No, absolutely not."

Even if I beat him to death, he wouldn't even dare to admit it.

"You have it, you have it, woo woo..."

Yi Qiushui's cherry mouth was suddenly blocked, and then the two figures slowly overlapped.


On this day, Yang Jun was fishing with Jiang Taigong by the river.

The guard told him that a woman named Liu Aiyun was looking for him.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment and quickly invited people in.

He asked Lu Jie to change the tea water again, and then sat there and waited.

Looking from a distance, I saw Liu Aiyun walking towards this side under the leadership of the security guards, with a five or six-year-old boy accompanying her.

"Mr. Yang, hello."

Liu Aiyun shouted respectfully.

"Ms. Liu, please sit down." Yang Jun pointed to the small bench next to him.

"God's love, call someone quickly."

When the boy next to him saw Yang Jun, he was so frightened that he hid behind Liu Aiyun.

Liu Aiyun coaxed him several times, but the little boy was still scared to death.

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, maybe the child was frightened last time, and now he is scared to death when he sees strangers."

Yang Jun took a look at the boy and found that the boy looked a lot like Guo Caochao in appearance. He knew without doing DNA that the child must be a descendant of Guo Caochao. However, he took a look at the little finger of the boy's right hand and found that there was something missing. Jie, suddenly felt guilty.

He felt that he failed to take good care of their mother and son, and betrayed Guo Caocao's trust in him.

Not long after Guo Cao Cao passed away, something like this happened. He felt very sorry for his trust.

Yang Jun knelt down, pointed at the snacks on the low table and said, "Guo Tianai, don't be afraid, brother is not a bad person, come here and have something to eat."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, his face felt hot.

This old Guo is such a bastard, leaving him a bunch of younger brothers and sisters, and... a bunch of prospective mothers-in-law.

Liu Aiyun saw this and knew Yang Jun's embarrassment, so he said,
"Mr. Yang, how about... let's discuss our own issues, or let the children call you uncle?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said, "It's just a title, there's no need to be serious."

It didn't matter if they changed their names, but in fact, these children of Guo Cao Cao were still his younger brothers and sisters. As long as Yi Qiushui was his wife, this fact would not change.


At this time, Guo Tianai gave a weak cry.

After shouting, he immediately shrank his head behind Liu Aiyun.


Yang Jun responded loudly and awkwardly.

Hearing this, Liu Aiyun smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, kid. It was this uncle who rescued you. He is the great benefactor of our family. You must remember his appearance and you must repay your benefactor when you grow up."

"Got it, Mom."

The child's big eyes looked at Yang Jun with fear, and he timidly responded.

The way he opened his eyes wide seemed to leave an impression of this person deep in his heart.

"Okay, don't embarrass the child. The child has just been frightened. Don't force him."

Yang Jun gestured with one hand for them to sit down.

"Have you ever taken your child to the doctor?"

When Liu Aiyun heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

"We've already seen it, and the doctor can't do anything. He just said that the child should try not to be stimulated in the future. He also said that domestic conditions are limited, so we should go to see a psychiatrist abroad."

"Mr. Yang, you know, we orphans and widowers have never been out of the Forty-Nine Cities, let alone abroad. How can we know a psychiatrist?"

The profession of psychiatrist is very scarce at present. There are no doctors in this field in China. If the child is frightened, the most you can do is take him home and take care of him to avoid further stimulation. There is no other way.

Yang Jun: "Leave it to me to find a psychiatrist for the child. I happen to know a few experts in this field. I will ask someone to bring the doctor to see the child later."

It’s not that there are no psychiatrists in the country, it’s just that such scarce resources can’t be used by ordinary people, except of course for big leaders like Yang Jun.

In any case, the child was hurt because he failed to take care of him, and he has the responsibility to heal the child's psychological trauma.

"Then...thank you very much, Mr. Yang."

If Yang Jun hadn't stopped him, Liu Aiyun would have knelt down and kowtowed to him.

After several people sat down again, Liu Aiyun took out a time passbook from his pocket.

"Mr. Yang, I have nothing to repay you with. This amount of money is not a sign of respect, so please accept it."

After speaking, he did not dare to hand it to Yang Jun directly, but carefully placed it on the low table next to him.

Yang Jun glanced at the bankbook and saw that it looked like 100 million.

100 million is a lot. In this era when the per capita income is less than 100 yuan per year, this [-] million is no less than [-] million in later generations.

Yang Jun felt sad and thought to himself that this was probably the greatest sincerity Liu Aiyun could show.

However, how could Yang Jun collect this money?

As an orphan and a widower, there is no man to rely on. If he accepts this money, is he still a human being?

Besides, he is not short of money at all.

"Put it up."

Yang Jun lit up a cigarette and said quietly: "You also know that I can help you, not for your money. In other words, no matter how much money you give me, I will not help you."

The reason why Yang Jun helped Liu Aiyun was entirely due to Guo Caocao's dying entrustment. Otherwise, no matter how much money you gave him, he would not do this.

People who have reached his status will become more cautious and try not to do anything if they can. Moreover, favors are not so easy to owe, and when they are repaid, they have to be repaid several times the price.

"Mr. Yang, I know you are not short of money, but... this is the best way I can think of to report on you." Liu Aiyun said.

Yang Jun waved his hand: "I don't need any reports from you, you just need to... raise the child."

After a pause, Yang Jun continued: "Lao Guo said that if there is a suitable one, you can remarry, but..."

At this point, Yang Jun paused and stared directly into her eyes.

"However, the child must not change his surname."

This is the bottom line and the red line.

If all the children changed their surnames, it would be meaningless for Lao Guo to ask Yang Jun to take care of his children.

"If it's serious, I won't say anything. If that day comes, I will definitely not be merciful."

When Liu Aiyun heard this, he said anxiously: "Mr. Yang, please stop talking. I will never remarry in this life. I was born as a member of Lao Guo and died as a ghost of Lao Guo's family. I have only two children in my life." After that, I have no other requirements, I just hope to raise them as siblings."

After saying that, tears fell slowly.

Yang Jun took two long puffs of cigarette, and then said,

"As long as you can live peacefully, I will not ignore you. As long as I am here, no one will dare to do anything to you in this life."

"Thank you, Mr. Yang. Lao Guo said that you are a reliable person and asked us to come to you no matter what trouble we encounter. We also believe in you and we will rely on you in the future."

After saying that, he stood up and led his children to bow to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun did not hide, but accepted the gift calmly.

As long as he accepts this gift, he will have more courage on his shoulders from now on, and he must take on some responsibilities.

"Well, there's something I don't know how to tell you."

Yang Jun pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Do you know that Lao Guo is not just a woman like you?"

When Liu Aiyun heard this, his face turned red with embarrassment.

He nodded, sounding like a mosquito.


Seeing this, Yang Jun nodded.

As long as he knew that it would be easy to handle, he wouldn't be afraid that there would be too many people to take care of him.

"Now that you know, I won't hide it from you. I'm going to build a villa community next door to bring you all together so that it's easier to take care of you. Do you think this is okay?"

Hearing this, Liu Aiyun hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I'm OK."

"Now that Lao Guo is gone, there is nothing to care about. I have put aside reputation as a thing and don't value it so much. As long as I can take good care of the children and avoid causing trouble to Mr. Yang, I can do whatever I want."

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

He thought Liu Aiyun would object.

Just imagine, if all the women and children in Guocao lived in the same community, and everyone could not see each other when they looked up, it would be quite awkward to think about it, but I didn’t expect them to care at all.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know.

People who are willing to be other people's women must be open-minded about fame, so they no longer care whether they are embarrassed or not. They only think about how to make their lives better and how their children can grow up safely. Adults are enough.

Besides, this was arranged by Yang Jun.Who is Yang Jun?
They don't need to ask for anything else, just hoping that they can hold Yang Jun's lap is enough.

Therefore, not only did they not object to Yang Jun's arrangement, they actually agreed with it.

"Okay, since you agree, there is no problem. I will notify you to move after the next door community is completed."

Liu Aiyun has discussed here that there will be other women, and Yang Jun will do their ideological work one by one.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang."

The two chatted for a while, and Yang Jun had his mother and son sent away. Of course, he also took the bankbook back.


Today is the weekend.

Yang Jun couldn't help but came to the river to fish.

He didn't even put the bait, just threw the hook into the river, and then lay down on the wicker chair.

"The Rakshasa Kingdom is twenty-six thousand miles eastward."

"Cross Qichong and cross the yellow mud of Jiaohai San Village."

"Just because there is a river."

"The river flows through Gou Gou Camp,"

"Gougou Camp, the leader of the family is called Ma Hu."

"Shilihuachang has a funny name,"


"Every day, I squat in a nest and lay my eggs on them,"

"For most of my life, I thought I was a chicken."

"Then Mahu didn't know he was a donkey."

"Then the bird doesn't know he's a chicken,"

"Goulan always pretends to be elegant..."


The powerful and hoarse voice combined with a bit of Peking Opera accent makes this song "Rakshasa Haishi" so charming that no professional singer in the world can sing it like Yang Jun.


Just when Yang Jun was singing so hard, he suddenly heard someone laughing behind him.

"Since ancient times, my father-in-law has always had a good reputation..."

Yang Jun looked back while singing.

When he saw the person clearly, his old face suddenly drooped.

"Luo, when did you come?"

The visitor is Luo Yanhong, Mu Sheng's wife, and she and Yi Qiushui are both teaching at Huaqing University.

However, Luo Yanhong is capable and sociable, and is now the vice-principal of the school, while Yi Qiushui is still the principal of the medical school, so there is a level difference between them.

"Hey, Yang, if nothing happens, can't I come and play with Qiu Shui?"

"I don't object to you coming to play, but why don't you hide behind me and eavesdrop on me singing? You are also a university professor after all, and such sneaky things don't suit your temperament." Yang Jun said.

"Bah, who eavesdropped?"

Luo Yanhong rolled her eyes: "You sing like a pig howling. It's hard for me not to hear you."

"By the way, Lao Yang, what song did you sing just now? It sounded pretty good?"

Since the policy was liberalized, all kinds of new songs have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, but there has never been one as catchy as this song.

This song is rich and atmospheric, sung in a rap style, giving people an uninhibited impression. Especially the lyrics on the facade contain a strong cultural heritage. If you listen carefully, you will find it quite charming.

"Rakshasa Haishi." Yang Jun said angrily.

"Rakshasa Sea City?" Luo Yanhong tilted her head, thought carefully, and asked doubtfully: "Which city is this and which province does it belong to?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he rolled his eyes speechlessly.

I'm afraid only Brother Dao knows which city Rakshahai City is and which province it belongs to. Some people say it refers to the United States, others say it refers to Xiaowazi, and others say it refers to Third Brother. In short, it's just a matter of guessing. As long as you are in the right position, there is nothing inappropriate.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Yang Jun said angrily.

After saying that, he turned around, held his head in his hands, and continued to hum,

"Every day, lay the eggs down,"

"For most of my life, I thought I was a chicken."



Luo Yanhong suddenly laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

Yang Jun looked back at her dissatisfied.

"If you want to listen, just listen. If you don't listen, don't make trouble here."

Luo Yanhong laughed again when she heard this.

"The surname Yang really made me laugh to death. Don't you think what is written in the lyrics is a true portrayal of you now?"

"What do you mean by this?" Yang Jun snorted angrily.


Luo Yanhong smiled and said: "If you lay eggs every day, wouldn't it mean that you lie here fishing all day like a rooster that doesn't lay eggs?"

"Ha ha!"

When Yang Jun heard this, he instantly became angry from shame.

"Luo, you are going too far. When did I pass the Air Force?"

"Haha, why don't you catch one and show it to me?"

Anyone who knows Yang Jun knows that Yang Jun's fishing skills are not very good, but he is very addicted and has a popular jingle.

What I catch is not fish, what I focus on is the fisherman’s spirit.

Definitely ends up with air force every time.

"Just watch, I'm still afraid of you..."

Yang Jun raised his pole as he spoke.

Hey, it's pretty heavy.

It seems there is.

Yang Jun felt happy and lifted the pole hard.

Sure enough, there was a black mass hanging under the fishhook.

Yang Jun's face darkened, and he turned out to be a toad.

The weather is so cold. If you don't hibernate, why are you wandering around?

"Haha, ah haha."

Luo Yanhong laughed so hard that her branches trembled, and she almost died laughing.

"Young man named Yang, do you know what you look like now? You are just like this toad, you have beautiful thoughts."

"Luo, you've gone too far."

Yang Jun frowned and said, "Let me ask you, do I have an air force?"

When Luo Yanhong heard this, she covered her mouth and laughed: "Well, there is no air force, but it's worse than the air force, haha... I can't help it, let me laugh for a while."

Yang Jun was so angry that he jumped wildly.

This toad doesn't bite, but lies on the feet to attack people.

With a flick of the fishing rod, the toad was dragged ashore.

He was so angry that he stepped on the bulging toad's belly.


The toad opened its mouth and spurted out a jet of water, and at the same time two small fry popped out.

"Luo, have you seen it? What else do you have to say now?"

Yang Jun pointed to the two little finger-length fish fry on the ground.

Not counting the Air Force today, not only did we catch two fish, we also caught a toad.

"Haha, Yang, do you call such a small fish a fish?"

"Oh, what else?"

Yang Jun asked back: "What do you call such a small fish?"

No matter how small the fish is, it is still a fish.

"Okay, if you say it's a fish, then it's a fish, not counting your air force, ah... haha."

As she spoke, Luo Yanhong couldn't help but laugh.

Yang Jun looked at her with a resentful look.


When you come to the master's house, I don't expect you to say flattery, but you can't be sarcastic with a gun and a stick.

"You came by yourself? Is Lao Mu here?" Yang Jun asked.

"Here he comes." Luo Yanhong pointed her hand in the direction of the guard: "He is having a fist fight with that idiot."

"You're really mean-spirited, aren't you looking for abuse?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

Every time Lao Mu came over, he always challenged Sun Zhaocai to a show of strength.

Moreover, every time it ends with the pleasure of being tortured.

I don't care how old I am. If I am in my 40s, can I compare with a young man in his early twenties? Isn't he looking for abuse?

"Who says it isn't? Every time he comes home, he asks me to apply safflower oil on him."

Luo Yanhong shook her head and said: "You men are really strange creatures. You will feel uncomfortable if you don't seek abuse for a day." '

Just as they were talking, Mu Sheng appeared in front of them.

I saw him covering the wall with one hand and grinning, as if he was seriously injured.

"Haha, are you happy?" Yang Jun smiled.

Mu Sheng rolled his eyes: "Stop talking sarcastically. My arm is misplaced. Help me straighten it."

After saying that, he lay directly on Yang Jun's wicker chair.

When Yang Jun saw this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Be patient."

Yang Jun touched the misplaced position, marked his hand with one hand, and placed the other hand on his misplaced position.

"I'll start on the count of three, please cooperate."



Mu Shengshan screamed and howled: "You damn old Yang, didn't you say count to three?"

Yang Jun shook his connected arm and rolled his eyes: "What do I mean? I asked you to eat shit, how can you not eat shit?"

"You damn old Yang, I find that you are becoming more and more immoral. Do you believe I can fuck you?"

"Hey, do you believe I took off your other arm?"

When Mu Sheng heard this, he immediately became frightened.

After so many years, he has never been able to defeat Yang Jun.

I don’t know what’s going on, but every time I fight against Yang Jun, within two rounds, I’m sure to be beaten to pieces by him.

How should I put it, it's like Yang Jun knows magic. Even if you stare at him, you don't know how he suddenly appears behind you, and then is knocked down to the ground in a daze.

Of course, he didn't know that Yang Jun had room to help.

Even if he doesn't borrow space, he is no match for Yang Jun.

Yang Jun's physical strength will always stay at the age of 30, and he is already forty, how can he be Yang Jun's opponent.

"That's all, that's all. I'll let you go today."

Mu Sheng waved his hand and said, "I have something to do with you today. I heard that you are going to build a villa again?"

(End of this chapter)

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