Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 848 Guo Caocao died of illness

Chapter 848 Guo Caocao died of illness

In the next few days, Yang Jun went to accompany Guo Caocao almost every day.

Since the reunion that day, Guo Tianming and Guo Tianyue went back and went about their business. Aunt Guo followed Guo Tianming and took care of his children.

Guo Caocao was the only one left at home again.

Yang Jun went over to chat with him every day, play chess, drink tea, fish, and try to make him happy as much as possible.

However, what he worried about happened.

Guo Caocao was already feeling unwell, and severe pain tortured him all the time. He fainted from the pain several times.

Yang Jun originally wanted to send him to the hospital, but he insisted on death. As long as he dared to go to the hospital, he would end his life immediately. Yang Jun knew that he always had a pistol in his waist, so he must have meant what he said.

Yang Jun proposed several times that his family members come back to accompany him, but he also refused.

Seeing how stubborn the little old man was, Yang Jun didn't know what to do.

For now, all he can do is spend as much time as possible with Guo Caocao.

In the next few days, Yang Jun lived directly at Guo Caocao's house.

There are many nannies and guards at home, and even expert doctors are on call 24 hours a day. He can only play a coordinating role here, and cannot help at all with other tasks.

Looking at Guo Caochao who was unconscious for longer and longer, Yang Jun finally couldn't help but tell Yi Qiushui the truth of the matter.

After Yi Qiushui learned the truth, she broke down and cried, blaming Yang Jun for hiding it from her.

Seeing the haggard Guo Caochao, Yi Qiushui couldn't hold back anymore and burst into tears.

"Uncle Guo, Uncle Guo, wake up and look at your beauty."

"Uncle Guo, you are so cruel, how could you have the heart to abandon us."


Perhaps it was Guo Caocao who was moved by his sincerity. He woke up faintly and shed a few tears from his eyes.

The thin and dry old hand gently stroked Yi Qiushui's face and said with a smile: "Silly girl, why are you crying? Your face is so pale just looking at it."

"Uncle Guo, I don't want anything to happen to you. Let's go to the hospital."

Guo Caochao lay on the bed and shook his head feebly.

"Good boy, let Uncle Guo go away with dignity."

Guo Caochao has been a hero all his life, so naturally he doesn't want people to see his embarrassed side.

He just wanted to hide at home and walk the rest of the road with dignity.

"Uncle Guo...wuwu!"

Yi Qiushui knew that Guo Caochao was a strong person. Such people often valued face more than life and would rather die than let others see his embarrassed side.

Guo Caocao opened his eyes and slowly passed over everyone's faces, finally stopping on Yang Jun's face.


Guo Caocao yelled, then nodded slowly towards him.

Seeing this, Yang Jun nodded heavily.

"Uncle Guo, I understand. I will go and inform them to come back immediately."

When a man is about to die, his words are also good.

In the end, Guo Caocao didn't persist until the end. He still wanted to see his family before closing his eyes.

Hearing this, Guo Caocao flashed a smile on his face.

Then, the eyelids closed.

He was so tired and needed a break.

Yang Jun waved his hand and asked the others to go out, leaving only two expert doctors in the room to accompany them.

After coming out, Yi Qiushui hugged Yang Jun and cried bitterly.

"Husband, I'm so afraid of losing Uncle Guo. Please think of a way to save him."

Seeing Yi Qiushui crying so hard, Yang Jun felt very sad.

What can he do? This is kidney cancer, a wasting disease that constantly absorbs nutrients from the human body and undergoes chemotherapy and radiation until the person is exhausted. Even if this disease is left to future generations, there will be no effective treatment.

People suffering from this disease have no cure and can only hope for a miracle.

"Don't worry, I will definitely hire the best experts. No matter how expensive the medicine is, I will cure Uncle Guo."

After saying that, Yang Jun turned around and went to the study.

In the study, he notified Guo Tianming and Guo Tianyue one by one through Guo Caochang's landline.


The next day, before Yang Jun got up, he was woken up by a rapid knock on the door.

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately realized something was wrong.

"Mr. Yang, the leader...he's gone."

The doctor said seriously.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

I felt like my head was buzzing, and my brain went blank as if it suddenly shut down.

After a while, Yang Jun rushed to Guo Caocao's room like crazy.

Guo Caocao was lying on the bed with a peaceful look on his face, as if he was asleep.

There seemed to be a half-smile on his face, and he looked very relaxed as if he had been relieved.

Yang Jun knelt on the ground in pain, shrugging his shoulders and crying with choked sobs.

At this time, Yi Qiushui, who heard the news, also came over, lay on Guo Caochang's body and cried loudly.

"Uncle Guo, Uncle Guo..."

No matter how she screamed, Guo Caochao seemed to be sleeping forever and could never open his eyes again.

At this moment, Yang Jun heard a "ding" sound and looked back. It turned out to be a white medicine bottle.

He picked it up and saw that it was sleeping pills.

He immediately looked at the two doctors angrily.

"How is this going?"

The two doctors took the medicine bottle and took a look, also looking confused.

"This... we don't know. We have never given this to the leader. He may have prepared it himself." The two doctors explained nervously.

Guo Caocao's identity is unusual. If he can't explain it clearly, they will be in big trouble.

After hearing the explanation, Yang Jun's anger immediately subsided a lot.

Not to mention, it is really possible. With Guo Caocao's personality, he wanted to leave with dignity. Maybe this medicine was really prepared for himself.

I remembered the scene where the two of them communicated yesterday.

Guo Caocao nodded to him and asked him to notify his family to come back. It seemed that he was already prepared.

He didn't want to trouble his family until his death, and he didn't want them to see him in such a miserable state, so he resolutely chose to end his life.

Yang Jun sighed.

I can't help but have more respect for this strong old man.

Yang Jun put away the medicine bottle and said to the two doctors with a stern face: "Don't reveal a word of what is going on here to the outside world, otherwise... you will know the consequences."

Guo Cao Cao was so powerful that Yang Jun could only block the news as much as possible to protect Guo Cao Cao's image.

"Yes, big boss, we will definitely not talk nonsense everywhere."

The two doctors were frightened to death after hearing this.

I thought Yang Jun would blame them, but Yang Jun not only did not blame them, but also did not intend to pursue the matter.

Yang Jun called the guard from Guo Cao Cao and asked him to give the two doctors a thank you fee and arrange for them to leave Guo's house as soon as possible.

By this time, it was getting dark.

It won't take long for people in the compound to know about Guo Caocao's death, and people who come to express condolences will start to come to the door one after another.

Yang Jun ordered the nanny and guards to decorate the mourning hall, while he and Yi Qiushui stood at the door to greet the guests who expressed condolences.

Half an hour later, everyone in the military compound got the news of Guo Caochao's death, and everyone came to the door one after another.

Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui, with white flowers on their breasts, stood at the door and kept bowing to the guests who expressed their condolences.

At this time, the mourning hall was decorated, and Guo Caocao lay there quietly for guests to express their condolences.

It turned out that all the old friends who had followed Guo Caocao through life and death were here.

They looked sad and cried silently.

Their generation has begun to wither away. Now that Guo Caocao has left them first, it will be their turn next.


It wasn't until dark at night that the brothers and sisters Guo Tianming and Guo Tianyue rushed back one after another.

As soon as I entered the house, I cried non-stop.


"We've only been separated for a few days, why did you just say it's gone and then it's gone?"

Aunt Guo staggered towards Guo Cao Cao, with tears in her eyes, and stood there staring at Guo Cao Cao with an unclear expression.

No one knows what she is thinking at this moment, is it forgiveness, forgiveness or jealousy?

After decades of ups and downs, the hatred in my heart has long been transformed into family love.

What if you forgive, what if you don’t forgive?
With the death of a person, all grievances are cleared away.

After crying for a long time, everyone finally calmed down.

The family sat in the mourning hall and discussed the funeral arrangements.

Yang Jun told Guo Caocao about his illness, and also told him about his refusal to notify his family.

Finally, he took out a diagnostic certificate from his pocket.

"This is Uncle Guo's diagnosis certificate, please take a look."

With that said, he handed the diagnosis certificate to Aunt Guo.

In any case, Yang Jun is just an outsider to this family. It's no wonder that they feel angry if such a big thing is hidden from them.

It would be troublesome if they had other dirty thoughts and thought Guo Caocao's death was related to him.

Fortunately, he told Yi Qiushui about this the day before, otherwise, he would not be able to explain it even if he has a hundred mouths.

Aunt Guo took a look and said nothing, but handed the diagnosis certificate to Guo Tianming.

After Guo Tianming read it, tears fell down.

Although his father often beat and scolded him, after all, he was connected by blood. In the end, he still couldn't see him for the last time, which felt a bit regretful.

Guo Tianming cried for a while, then looked up at Yang Jun with a look in his eyes and choked with sobs,

"Brother-in-law, what did my father say before he died?"

Yang Jun subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but stopped.

"Uncle Guo said, let you all be well and don't miss him. After he leaves, everything will be as usual."

Yang Jun tried his best to imitate Guo Caocao's tone, thinking about what to say so as not to make his family suspicious.

In fact, Guo Caocao didn't say anything. If he didn't have last words, he had last words.

He just hopes that the status quo can be maintained and everyone will live a good life, and he will be satisfied.

Yang Jun glanced at Guo Tianming and saw a suspicious look on his face, and then said: "Uncle Guo has special last words for you."

"Brother-in-law, tell me." Guo Tianming said excitedly.

He knew his father well, and it was impossible for such a wise man to just say these insignificant words.

"Uncle Guo said... you did a good job and he is proud of you."

After speaking, Yang Jun quickly lowered his head.

These words were spoken against one's will.

It was his own guess based on knowing Guo Caocao for so many years.

Although Guo Caocao is not satisfied with Guo Tianming, he is also full of hope for him. Who doesn't want his children to be successful, but he has always wanted to be strong in his life, so naturally he will not say such things to his son. The two have been fighting for their whole lives. I won't say soft words in front of my son when I'm done.

"Brother-in-law, did my dad really say that?"

At this time, Guo Tianming's face was full of tears.

After so many years of hard work, isn't it just to get a word of approval from my father?

"Of course, Uncle Guo can't tell you face to face, so he asked me to tell you." Yang Jun said.

When Guo Tianming heard this, he choked and nodded.

Only then did he agree with Guo Caocao's character. He was such a strong person, and he was embarrassed to say some things in person, so he could only say them in a different way.


Guo Tianming shouted, then kowtowed in the direction of Guo Caocao.

Yang Jun was so sad when he saw this.

As long as the father and son could be relieved, he felt that there was nothing wrong with making a little fuss.

Next, Guo Tianyue asked her father if he had any special instructions for her.Yang Jun shook his head.

He can't lie all the time, otherwise his lies will be easily exposed.


The night was as cool as water.

It wasn't until late at night that everyone fell asleep in the mourning hall.

In the middle of the night, Yang Jun was woken up by someone.

When I opened my eyes, I saw it was Aunt Guo.

"Aunt Guo..."


Aunt Guo put her hand on her mouth and motioned for him to come out and speak.

When they came to the garden, the two stood under the street lamp.

For a long while, no one spoke.

"When Uncle Guo left, did he have anything else to ask you to do?" Aunt Guo asked.

When Yang Jun heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He knew that Aunt Guo was going to ask about this.

Although Lao Guo is gone, Aunt Guo's heart is still there. She wants to ask Lao Guo about his other women and children.


Yang Jun shook his head firmly.

"When Uncle Guo left, he told his family to live a good and stable life, and he didn't tell him anything else."

No matter how generous a woman is, she cannot be generous enough to forgive a man's betrayal.

After all, Uncle Guo entrusted people to him before he died, just because he was afraid that Aunt Guo would retaliate against those people in anger.

Therefore, Yang Jun would not tell her even if he was killed.

Aunt Guo smiled lightly when she heard this.

"Jun'er, I know your Uncle Guo very well. He won't leave without explaining anything. Tell me the truth, what did your Uncle Guo tell you?"

Yang Jun panicked when he heard this.

But there was no change on his face at all. He shook his head and said firmly: "Aunt Guo, Uncle Guo really didn't leave anything behind when he died. He told me to take good care of you, and he didn't tell me anything else."

Aunt Guo shook her head and smiled bitterly: "That's all, I won't force you if you don't want to say it."

"But, Jun'er, I'm not as petty as you think. The reason why I asked you this is to tell them that I don't care about it anymore. After all, what's going on between husband and wife, father and son, and Lao Guo is gone? Come and see me off for the last time, too?"

Looking at Aunt Guo's face, Yang Jun couldn't guess what she was thinking, whether she was really forgiving or deliberately releasing the fog.

However, he knew that it would never be possible to reveal a word of this kind of thing to Aunt Guo.

Besides, Uncle Guo's status is extraordinary.

If he allowed those women and children to see each other for the last time when he was about to die, and if outsiders knew about it, wouldn't the reputation he had worked so hard to earn all his life be gone in one fell swoop?

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Yang Jun would not tell her.

"Aunt Guo, I don't know what you are talking about. I have told you everything Uncle Guo told me truthfully. As for the rest..."

Yang Jun said: "Uncle Guo has not given an explanation, and I dare not make the decision without authorization."

After speaking, Yang Jun smiled.

"Aunt Guo, it's getting late. Go back and get some rest early. We still have a day to do tomorrow."


What else does Aunt Guo want to say.

However, Yang Jun didn't give her a chance to speak, so he hurried back to the mourning hall.


In the next few days, Yang Jun stayed with the Guo family.

Since Guo Caocao was an important leader, the superiors specifically approved his burial in Babao Mountain.

The farewell ceremony was at the Babaoshan Funeral Home. Yang Jun and Guo Tianming went there early in the morning.

Many people came to say goodbye, including ordinary people and important leaders.

As the son-in-law and important leader of the Guo family, Yang Jun's waist was almost broken at the end of the day.

In the afternoon, it was the day of burial.

Another busy job, finally settled down.

When they returned, Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui made a special trip to Guo's house.

After discussing some follow-up matters, the two went home directly.

As soon as I got home, I heard noise coming from the direction of Yang An's country.

Yang Jun frowned and said displeased: "It's just a good life, why do we have to make a big fuss?"

Yi Qiushui held his arm and sighed.

"Who says it's not the case? Living a good life as a family is better than anything else. If Uncle Guo..."

As he spoke, he choked up.

Guo Cao Cao had raised her as his own daughter since she was a child, and he was very kind to her. She was also very dependent on Guo Cao Cao. Now that she lost her family member suddenly, she couldn't adapt to it for a while.

"Okay, let's not talk about them anymore, let's go home."

Yang Jun said: "I haven't been at home these days. I don't know what trouble that kid Chengdao got into."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui patted him: "Our son is so good, he is not as bad as you said."

"Yes, yes, your son is the most well-behaved, obedient, and worry-free person in the world. He has never let us... worry about him since he was a child." Yang Jun rolled his eyes.


Yi Qiushui was amused by him and gave him an angry look.

"Husband, let me tell you, if he gets into trouble later, you are not allowed to hit him."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Yang Jun said speechlessly.

Before he even got home, he had already bought a death-avoidance talisman for that brat.

"Dad, why are you back?"

As soon as he got home and saw Yang Jun, Yang Chengdao looked frightened and subconsciously hid behind Wang Yuying.

When Yang Jun saw this, he knew that this brat was no longer worrying.

"This is my home, why can't I come back?"

"It's you, have you caused any trouble in the past few days when I was away?"

Yang Chengdao waved his little hand straight: "No, I have been very good recently and haven't done anything. If you don't believe me, ask grandma."

Wang Yuying heard this and sneered: "You are very good, but you accidentally got tens of thousands of lives on your hands."


Yang Chengdao subconsciously covered Wang Yuying's mouth and signaled her to stop talking.

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes at him: "You kid, if you don't tell me now, your father won't know about it tomorrow?"

"Mom, what trouble did this bastard get into again?"

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard that he had tens of thousands of lives on his hands.

Even Yi Qiushui was nervous and worried about him.

"Chengdao, what trouble did you...get into?"

"Dad, Mom, I...wuwu."

Before she even said anything, she started to perform a crying scene.

Wang Yuying sighed.

"Don't be nervous. It's not a big deal. We just killed tens of thousands of fish in the river."


The two screamed, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it's not a human life, there's nothing to worry about.

"I don't know where he got hundreds of bags of laundry and dumped them all into the river. No, in less than half a day, all the fish in the river choked to death." Wang Yuying said.

"In the past two days, there has been a fish feast every day in the cafeteria, and everyone in the community has been disgusted by the food."

The two of them looked dumbfounded after hearing this.

Both happy and worried.

It was heart-breaking to have such a naughty thing on the stall.

Yi Qiushui doted on this child very much, and was afraid that Yang Jun would try to educate the child, so she quickly said before Yang Jun,

"Hey, what kid isn't naughty? If he doesn't do something outrageous, his childhood wouldn't be complete."

Yang Jun and Wang Yuying both rolled their eyes after hearing this.

This is too doting on the child.

If you spoil your child like this now, you won't know what outrageous things you will do when you grow up.

Yang Jun glared at Yang Chengdao, and then said quietly: "If a child who makes a mistake is beaten again, will this be considered a complete childhood?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Qiushui frowned and said, "Hubby, I am still a child when I become a Taoist. Let's forget it this time."

After Yang Chengdao heard this, he hid behind Wang Yuying and kept mumbling something in her ear.

"Jun'er, forget it, this time just for my sake, go around him." Wang Yuying said.

"Mom, why do you spoil your child like Qiu Shui?" Yang Jun said dissatisfied.

Wang Yuying glared at her: "If I hadn't only had this eldest grandson, would I have pampered him so much?"


Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

He looked at Wang Yuying speechlessly, not knowing how to explain to her.

On the other hand, Yi Qiushui snorted slightly, and then stared at him with a resentful look.

Others don't know, but she knows that Yang Jun is more than just a son to Yang Chengdao.

She felt unhappy when she thought about it.

When Yang Jun saw this, he panicked and expressed his opinion immediately.

"Okay, I'll forgive him this time for the sake of both of you, but the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be forgiven."

"Starting from tomorrow, Chengdao, you must practice Chinese calligraphy for me for an hour."

Yang Jun expressed a headache for his son. He has never been worried about this since he was a child.

"Got it, Dad."

When Yang Chengdao heard this, he felt relieved.

As long as he doesn't get beaten, he can do anything.

As for writing big characters, haha, he has a clever idea.

After the two sat down, they started eating.

"By the way, Jun'er, you are back. Please take the time to visit Anguo. Your second uncle has been making too much trouble recently."

"What's wrong? Could it be that my second uncle did something jaw-dropping again?" Yang Jun asked.

"Hmph, your second uncle has completely embarrassed the old Yang family this time."

Wang Yuying snorted angrily: "I don't know where I found an old lady who is 80 or [-] years old. She must be his wife. This will force An Guo and his brothers to separate."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sneered coldly.

"I won't go. You can make trouble as much as you like."

Yang Jun understood in his heart why his second uncle Yang Dong was making such a fuss.

I'm afraid he still doesn't know that the Biyun woman is a spy. She just came out of it and hasn't calmed down for two days before she started making trouble again.

"You really don't care?" Wang Yuying looked at him coldly.

"in spite of."

"I ask you again, do you care about this matter?"

"in spite of."

Yang Jun frowned and said: "If you say you don't care, don't care. A man's spitting is a nail..."

"Believe it or not, I will imitate your second uncle..."

"Okay, stop it."

Before Wang Yuying could finish speaking, Yang Jun raised his hands and surrendered.

"Can't I take care of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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