Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 827 I want to be a meat-eating dog

Chapter 827 I want to be a meat-eating dog

It’s really not Yang Jun’s bragging.

With his 40-year-old age and 30-year-old physique, let alone Nalan Qingmeng and Huang Yani joining forces, neither of them would be his match.

No matter whether he is a double phoenix playing a dragon or a queen of Ehuang, he will not reject anyone who comes.

There is no such thing as a woman in later generations who acts like she is giving alms. In order to get a hold of a man, she does both hunger marketing and fasting. She is sure of the one thing and always tries it, but she will never do it with Yang Jun. Something like that happens.

This is the advantage of power and wealth. Those who shout that everyone is equal every day are actually making excuses for their own mediocrity. In this age of materialistic desires, what you say is all nonsense and is entirely your own fault. Pour yourself chicken soup for the soul.

It’s no wonder that people in later generations have a weak concept of human relations. No one is a monk, and no one is willing to live an ordinary life. It is right to pursue power and wealth. No one should condemn anyone from the height of morality, because from the perspective of eating whole grains, you From that moment on, you are already a layman.

But when a person reaches a certain height, his vision becomes different.

Yang Jun is not short of money, and he has a certain ability to protect himself. He no longer has to worry about three meals a day, and he no longer considers the price when buying a luxury product. He can truly do whatever he wants, so when he looks at the world, he has more A peaceful state of mind.

Once people become vested interests, they will become selfish, and Yang Jun is not immune to this.

No matter how big a mistake his family makes, he will definitely choose to protect him.

No, his son got into a fight with others at school, and the teacher asked his parents to be called.

Yang Chengdao trains with Yang Jun every day and has a certain level of skills. He has almost no rivals among his peers.

This child relies on this ability and usually likes to play with his classmates and friends, and accidentally injures his classmates.

Originally, Yao Maizi could handle this matter with full authority, but this time the child of the other party was beaten a bit severely, and the parents of the child made a fuss at the school, so Yang Jun had to go there in person.

When I arrived at school, I heard loud noises coming from the office.

Looking through the window, I saw Yao Maizi and a group of teachers reasoning with the parent of the student who was beaten. His son Yang Chengdao was so frightened that he hid behind the door and looked at the parent in horror.

I heard that the child was beaten very badly and was admitted to the hospital. His ribs were broken and his head was cut open.

Yang Jun put out his cigarette butt and pushed the door open.

As soon as he entered, Yao Maizi greeted him.

"Big boss, you should go back with Chengdao first. The child's parents are crazy."

Hearing this, Yang Jun nodded and said,
"Teacher Yao, thank you for your hard work."

"It's my job to share the worries of the big leaders."

Since learning Yang Jun's identity, the teachers and principal have taken special care of his son. In order to improve Yang Chengdao's performance, they specially arranged for the best teachers in the school to tutor him, and even changed the teachers in each subject in his class. .

No, as soon as the two children started fighting, the principal, dean and other school leaders came over.

The parent of the other child is a middle-aged man in his 30s. He is very burly, somewhat like Lu Zhishen, and has a very bad temper. All the teachers and leaders could not persuade him.

However, Yang Jun can also understand that if a child is beaten like this, it would be strange for the parent not to go crazy.

Yang Jun didn't say anything and walked past, preparing to take Yang Chengdao back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he held his son's hand, the child's parents discovered it.

"Stop, do you want to run away after beating someone?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he couldn't leave without saying a word. After all, his child beat someone like that, so he should apologize.

"Parent, I'm sorry. I apologize to you for my son's reckless behavior, and I regret that your son was injured."

The more the man saw Yang Jun say this, the more he felt that he was hypocritical and fake.

The fire in his heart became even more angry.

"Bah, your apology is of no use. You just want to leave after beating the person?"

If several school leaders hadn't hugged the man, he would have come over and beaten him.

"Parent, I know it's too late to say anything now. Now is not the time for us to quarrel. After you calm down, let's sit down and slowly discuss your son's medical expenses. What do you think?"

When something like this happened, Yang Jun had no choice but to apologize and pay.

However, the other party's parents obviously don't want to let it go.

"Bah, you are a piece of shit. You are dressed like a dog. You think there are two bastards who can't afford it. Let me tell you, don't let this happen today."

"Oh, what do you think?"

Yang Jun originally felt a little guilty, but after the man said this, he couldn't help but become a little angry.

Usually when children fight, the one who takes advantage always apologizes and pays to the other party. It’s not like they were beaten to death, so why should they be so reluctant? Even if they were beaten to death, isn’t there still a law? As for getting so angry? ?

Yang Jun said solemnly: "You draw a path, and I will follow."

"Okay, you have the guts."

The man pointed his finger at Yang Jun and said, "I don't ask for anything else. Whatever happens to my son, your son will be like that. I'll break two of his ribs first, then make a hole in his head, and that's it."

Yang Jun frowned deeply when he heard this.

From the looks of it, he looks like a tyrannical master who doesn't know how to do anything. He is the kind of person who is quite radical and a bit perverted.

When children fight, you should handle it as you want. By using such a radical method, aren't you just blocking all avenues for negotiation?
"Sir, I know you are very angry now. How about this, in addition to compensating your son's medical expenses, how about I give you another 1 yuan in compensation?"

"1 yuan?"

When everyone heard this, they all screamed.

You know, the salary of one of their teachers is only a few hundred yuan a year, and 1 yuan is enough for them to work for more than ten years. You must know that this is without food or drink.

If it were for ordinary parents, they would definitely accept such a solution.

However, this parent obviously has a different mind than ordinary people. Although he was stunned when he heard about 1 yuan, he still disagreed with this plan.

"Bitch, do you think you can just send people away with a little stinky money? Let me tell you, it won't work here, Zhao Dazhu."

When Yang Jun heard this, his anger was on the verge of exploding.

This is the second time I've been called a piece of shit.

The first time, he tolerated it because of the child's fault, but the second time he couldn't bear it anymore. After all, everyone has a lower limit of tolerance.

"Zhao Dazhu, what do you want?"

Yang Jun finally asked with anger in his heart.

"I just said, break two of your son's ribs and make a hole in his head, and that's it."

"Does it have to be like this?" Yang Jun sneered.

"It has to be like this." Zhao Dazhu yelled, holding his neck.

Upon seeing this, Yao Maizi and other school leaders stepped forward to persuade him.

"You two-handed parents must stay calm and don't be impulsive."

"The child is already like this, and continuing to make trouble will not solve the problem."

"Impursuance cannot solve the problem. You must sit down and talk calmly."

When Yang Jun saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head.

He was originally here to solve the problem, apologize if he should apologize, and pay if he should pay. Now, Zhao Dazhu obviously doesn't want to be kind anymore, so he can only stay with him until the end.

"Okay, I don't care about the child now, it's a matter between us two adults."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he said to Yao Maizi and the others: "Teacher Yao, Principal Fang, please get out of the way and just do as he wants."


Principal Fang's thin body hugged Zhao Dazhu tightly and refused to let go.

"I am the principal of a school and I will never allow anyone to fight in my school."

Principal Fang is a smooth man. Ever since he learned about Yang Jun's identity, he has tried every means to curry favor with him. Now is the best time to curry favor with Yang Jun.

He made up his mind that even if he put his old life here today, he would not let Yang Jun suffer a single hair loss.

When the other people saw what the principal said, they also hugged Zhao Dazhu tightly.

"Get the hell out of here."

Yang Jun yelled.

"Mr. Yang..."

Principal Fang and the others looked at Yang Jun blankly.


Yang Jun yelled again.

When everyone saw that Yang Jun was angry, they were stunned.

All the leaders looked at Principal Fang and asked what he meant.

When Principal Fang saw this, he thought Yang Jun was deliberately showing off, so he hugged Zhao Dazhu tightly.

"Mr. Yang, even if you remove me as the principal today, I will not let go..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was thrown out by Zhao Dazhu.

Zhao Dazhu, who threw away Principal Fang, found no resistance and walked towards Yang Jun angrily.

The casserole-sized fist hit Yang Jun's face. If the punch had been firm, Yang Jun's head would have been smashed to bits like a watermelon.

When Yang Chengdao saw that his father was about to be beaten, he was so frightened that he cried loudly and grabbed Yang Jun's clothes tightly.


A shot went off.

Zhao Dazhu fell straight backwards.

When the huge body fell down, a burst of dust was thrown up.

"Ah, dead."

After everyone reacted, they screamed in fright.

The bold ones ran away in fear, while the timid ones peed their pants.

Yang Jun put the gun back on his waist, looked at Zhao Dazhu's body and said coldly,
"Bah, shame on you."

At this time, the security guard who heard the gunshot rushed in, carrying the guy, and immediately protected Yang Jun and his son behind him.

"This person intended to be detrimental to the big leader and was executed on the spot."

Luo Xiaojun glanced at everyone coldly, and then said coldly.

He identified the matter immediately.

Yang Jun is a big leader, and his safety issues cannot be ignored. If anyone dares to go against him, they have the power to make arbitrary decisions when the opportunity arises.

"Xiaojun, you stay to deal with the follow-up matters, I will go back first." Yang Jun said.

"Yes, big leader."

Luo Xiaojun waved his hand, and the guards immediately escorted Yang Jun away.


After returning home, he immediately called Yi Qiushui to come back.

If something like this happens, the child must be hurt.

At this time, you need the comfort of your loved ones the most.

There is no doubt that Yi Qiushui is the best candidate.

Yang Chengdao was obviously frightened and hid in his room in a daze.

Yang Jun did not comfort him because he knew that the child could not hear anything at this time, and he had to digest some situations by himself.

His son, Yang Jun, was not a grass-eating animal. He had been at the top of the food chain from the moment he was born, so he was destined to have an extraordinary life.

You can't achieve great things if you are too soft-hearted. You will have to go through this test sooner or later.

It wasn't that Yang Jun had to take such extreme measures, but that Zhao Dazhu was too deceptive and always felt that his fists could solve all problems.

His philosophy was correct, but he just met someone with a bigger fist than him. He was unlucky to meet Yang Jun.


After a while, Yi Qiushui felt anxious.

She ran in in a panic with a pale face, glanced at Yang Jun standing at the door, and then hurriedly got into the house.

After a while, an explosive cry that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly came from the room.

Yang Jun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

As long as the child can cry, it's fine.

When I came to the front yard, I happened to meet Wang Yuying, Yang Mei and others.

They glared at Yang Jun fiercely, and went straight to the backyard without even having time to say a few words of blame.

Yang Jun didn't think anything about it.He doesn't feel like he did anything wrong.

Looking at Zhao Dazhu's posture today, I'm afraid this matter can't be resolved. Even if it is temporarily settled with money, there is no guarantee that he will retaliate against Yang Chengdao in the future.

Rather than doing this, it is better to directly solve this hidden danger.

After a while, Luo Xiaojun came.

"Uncle Master."

He handed a piece of information to Yang Jun, who was smoking.

Yang Jun took it and took a look.

This is the basic situation of Zhao Dazhu's family.

There are four people in the family, including the couple and a son and daughter.

The son is Zhao Tiedan, who was injured by Yang Chengdao and admitted to the hospital. The daughter is only three years old. The family mainly relies on Zhao Dazhu to kill pigs for a living. It is not rich, but it can be regarded as a small fortune.

However, this Zhao Dazhu's reputation is not very good. He often bullies his neighbors because of his physical strength. The neighbors dare not speak out if they dare to be angry. Those who live around his house will move out if they can, and meet all those who don't. Avoid him, he totally falls into the bully category.

"Have the follow-up matters been dealt with?" Yang Jun asked.

"It has been taken care of." Luo Xiaojun stood aside and replied respectfully.

"Well, let's go back to the hospital and pay the child's medical expenses."


Luo Xiaojun was stunned for a moment.

Yang Jun glared at him: "His father is his father, and the child is a child. This money is medical expenses, not compensation."

"Understood, uncle."

Luo Xiaojun understood immediately.

"Use your brain more when doing things in the future." Yang Jun scolded.

"Understood, uncle."

Yang Jun motioned for him to sit down, then pulled out a cigarette and handed it to him.

"Change Chengdao to another school, and arrange more guards around him in the future."

"Yes, uncle, I will make arrangements later."

Yang Jun finished smoking half of his cigarette and saw that Luo Xiaojun hadn't left yet.

Directly push him over with a big bag.

"Are you still waiting to take care of your business?"

Luo Xiaojun looked at each other, covered his head and left in embarrassment.

The big boss's temper is getting weirder and weirder, and he loses his temper at every turn. I'm not the roundworm in your belly, how can I know what you are thinking now.

"Uncle, I'm leaving."


After Luo Xiaojun left, Yang Jun returned to the backyard.

When he was approaching Yang Chengdao's room, he heard voices of talking and laughing coming from inside.

Wang Yuying, Yi Qiushui and the others were telling various jokes to amuse Yang Chengdao.

Yang Jun listened outside for a while and saw that the children were talking and laughing, and even said a few witty words from time to time, and his hanging heart was relieved.

After all, the child is still young and cannot concentrate. As long as the guidance is timely, there will be no psychological shadow. What's more, Wang Yuying and Yi Qiushui are the people he trusts most. With them by his side, the child will soon forget this incident. thing.

Seeing that the child was fine, Yang Jun did not go in.

At dinner time in the evening, Yang Chengdao also came out to eat.

Just the moment he saw Yang Jun, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Yang Jun knew that this was a normal physiological reaction. No one would act as if nothing was wrong when encountering that kind of situation. Even an adult would not be able to remain calm.

The adults kept silent about this matter and chatted about happy things.

"Brother, I met Lou Xiao'e today. She asked me to tell you that her work is done, and she asked me to thank you."

Yangmei said.

Yang Jun was startled.

"Oh, I know."

Yang Mei saw Yang Jun's indifferent look, and then gave Yi Qiushui a meaningful look.

"Brother, Lou Xiao'e is single now.'s best to keep your distance from her."

Yang Jun was stunned when he heard this and looked at her blankly.


What does it mean? What does it have to do with me whether she is single or not? Is it appropriate to apply eye drops on me in front of your sister-in-law?

"Brother, Lou Xiao'e is a lady among everyone, and now she is a successful entrepreneur. There are so many people chasing her, so you'd better not have any contact with her."

The more Yang Jun listened, the more something was wrong.

"Mei Zi, are you itchy again? No matter how good Lou Xiao'e is, what does it have to do with me?"

Yang Mei curled her lips and said, "Huh, it doesn't matter. Are you still going to lend her the house?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he was so stunned that he couldn't speak.

He couldn't tell Mei Zi that Lou Xiao'e was here for the treasure, right?

Since you agreed to return the treasure to others, you must keep it a secret, otherwise there will be no difference from directly advertising it to others.

However, he couldn't tell Mei Zi this. After all, it was such a big sum of money. Just because he wasn't jealous didn't mean that others weren't jealous.

"Hey, you girl, let me tell you what you are good at."

Yang Jun sighed and said: "In short, Lou Xiao'e and I have nothing to do with each other. You don't want to sow discord in front of your sister-in-law."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui smiled and said, "Mei Zi, my sister-in-law has never worried about your brother's affairs. Why do you care about these things more than me?"

Yang Mei pouted and said, "Sister-in-law, aren't you afraid that my brother has other women outside?"

"Your brother can't."

Yi Qiushui said confidently.

When Yang Jun heard this, he was also ashamed.

I always feel sorry for Yi Qiushui.

Not only does he already have a woman outside, but there is more than one woman.

He basically has all the bad habits of bad men.

The more Yi Qiushui trusted him, the more he felt sorry for her.

However, men are like this, and they will definitely become bad when they have money and power.

"Sister-in-law, you are so big-hearted, how do you know that my brother can't do it?"

Yang Mei said: "Just like this Lou Xiao'e, who is not only rich but also beautiful. Even a man can't stand her. If my brother really has something to do with him, you don't know."

Yi Qiushui smiled and said: "Mei Zi, even though you are brothers and sisters, you don't know your brother at all."

"Your brother has mysophobia."

When Yangmei heard this, she relaxed for a moment.

Then he nodded in realization.

"Oh I see."

No matter how good Lou Xiao'e is, Yang Jun will not touch her.

Because he is mysophobic, he never touches things that others have touched.

For example, he replaced all the expensive furniture at home with new ones, and he piled all the expensive furniture in the warehouse.

"elder brother……"

Yang Mei wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Wang Yuying.

"Okay, is it appropriate to say this in front of the children?"

After scolding Yang Mei, he turned back to Yang Jun and said, "Jun'er, this time the yard where the old house is located must not be sold. I want to go back and take a look again in the future."

After saying that, he added: "At least don't sell it before I close my eyes."

She has too many memories there. She has been living there since she got married. It carries the beautiful memories of most of her life. When people get older, they especially like to remember the bitter and the sweet. She just wants to go back often. have a look.

"Mom, you are wrong."

Yang Jun corrected: "At least I won't sell that house until I close my eyes."

There were not only Wang Yuying's meetings there, but also Yang Jun's beautiful childhood.

Even if Wang Yuying didn't confess, he wouldn't sell the old house.

Wang Yuying nodded after hearing this, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"That's fine, that's fine."

"However, it's not a problem if the house remains empty. I'll find someone to guard it later."

Yang Jun said: "Mom, don't worry, I already have a suitable candidate."


After dinner that day, Yang Jun came to Yang Chengdao's room with his hands behind his back.

The moment the child saw him, his limbs shrank subconsciously.

When Yang Jun saw this, he moved a chair and sat opposite him with a smile.

"Chengdao, are you scared today?"

Yang Chengdao glanced at him timidly, then nodded.

"Dad, will you...will you treat me like that in the future?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his heart ached.

He shook his head and said, "No."

"Daddy will never point a gun at you, daddy will only take a bullet for you."

In this world, the only people who can make Yang Jun willingly take bullets are probably his own relatives.

"Dad, when I grow up, I will also take bullets for you, my mother, and my grandma."

Infected by his words, Yang Chengdao puffed up his chest and said proudly.

Yang Jun stroked his head distressedly.

"Good boy."

I held the child in my arms and felt distressed for a while.

Then Yang Jun said to him with a solemn expression.

"Child, let this matter be a thing of the past today, and don't think about it again in the future."

"People should keep their eyes on the future, not on the past."

"The same goes for being a human being. You should move forward bravely and don't hesitate."

"Of course, people in this generation will inevitably make mistakes, but making mistakes is not terrible. Don't be immersed in mistakes and be unable to extricate yourself. You must learn lessons, sum up experience, and move forward."

"Life is a long road, don't stop moving forward just because of a mistake, because there is a better scenery waiting for you ahead."

Yang Chengdao listened carefully, his little eyes blinking.

Yang Jun continued: "There are two kinds of people in the world, one is like a wolf, and the other is like a dog."

"A wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat, and a dog travels a thousand miles to eat shit. Dad wants you to be a wolf that eats meat, not a dog that eats shit. Can you do it?"

Yang Huai was so young that he didn't understand the true meaning of Yang Jun's words.

He feels that wolves are too ferocious and might as well be dogs. Of course, he also knows that shit is not tasty but meat is delicious.

He blinked his little eyes a few times and said weakly,

"Dad, can I be a dog that eats meat?"

Yang Jun: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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