Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 817 Yang Anguo picked it up

Chapter 817 Yang Anguo picked it up

"Actually, I'm not her son." Yang Anguo held his head in pain.

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

Then he opened his mouth in shock and was speechless.

Even though he was calm and steady, he was shocked when he heard this.

Yang Anguo is not the biological son of the second uncle. Did the second mother bring a colored hat to the second uncle?
However, Yang Anguo's appearance didn't look like he was lying. No son in the world would be willing to gossip about his parents behind their backs. Ruining his parents' reputation is no different from ruining himself.

"Anguo, you...what are you talking about?"

Yang Jun knew in his heart that Yang Anguo might be telling the truth, but there were some things he still had to ask clearly.

"Brother, all this is true, I heard it with my own ears."

Yang Anguo held his head in his hands, tearing his hair desperately, and kept knocking on the table with his head in his hands.

Yang Jun heard this and stopped talking.

He lit a cigarette and started smoking it.

"Anguo, what's going on?"

Yang Anguo roared, then grabbed the bottle and drank it into his mouth.

The wine flowed from the corner of his mouth, into his neck, and then into his clothes.

After half a bottle of wine, Yang Anguo blushed horribly, his eyes seemed to be on fire, and his expression looked like he was about to eat someone.

"Today, I went to the hospital to visit my mother. I heard my mother explaining the funeral arrangements to my brother. All the family property was handed over to him, and then she told him a secret. This secret is about my life experience."

"My mother said that I am not their son, I was picked up by them since I was a child."

"After all these years, I finally understand why my mother doesn't like me so much. She clings to my brother for all the good things she has, and she also drugged Xiangxiu to make me a childless child. It turns out that this is the reason for everything, because I am not their biological child. son."

Yang Anguo's eyes were full of tears, and he said painfully: "Brother, you know, I have never coveted the family property. What I care about is the family affection."

"I don't know now whether to thank her for her upbringing or to hate her. I'm in so much pain that I can only talk to you."

When Yang Jun heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he's not a cuckold, just pick him up. After raising him for so many years, he's no longer his biological son.

"An Guo, you are still a cadre, why don't you even realize this? Why do you think your second mother and second father have raised you for more than 20 years? This kind of upbringing is as high as heaven. You should naturally be grateful."

"As for the second mother's partiality and the things she has done to you and Xiangxiu..." Yang Jun pondered for a moment, and then said: "They are the elders, and it is not easy for me as a junior to comment on it. It is right for you to hate her in your heart. However, the kindness of raising someone must be repaid, and we gentlemen must keep our grudges clear, and we cannot hold grudges for the rest of our lives just because they have done something wrong to you."

"Besides... the second mother doesn't have much time, so you still have to let go."

Yang Anguo's face was filled with tears and snot, and he said painfully: "Brother, I don't hate her, I... I blame him for being so partial. You know that I am also her child."

Yang Jun patted his shoulder: "An Guo, I know you are in pain now. It doesn't matter. Drink some wine and cry again. It will feel much better. After crying, we can do whatever we need to do. We can't let hatred blind us. The mind."

"After all, she has raised you for more than 20 years, so let's send her off properly, do you hear me?"

Yang Anguo nodded painfully: "Brother, I understand in my heart."

Then, Yang Jun drank three more drinks with him.

After a long while, Yang Anguo suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Brother, will you disown me as your younger brother?"

Yang Jun's face sank and he said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Your surname is Yang, and you are a descendant of my old Yang family. You will never be able to get out of this life."

Hearing this, Yang Anguo hugged Yang Jun and cried bitterly.

"Brother, you will always be my brother."

Once I knew that I was not from the old Yang family, I must have been very disappointed. After hearing Yang Jun's words, I became relieved.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. I'll have two more drinks with you." Yang Jun consoled him.

Later, Yang Jun brought two more bottles of wine from the kitchen.

The two of them didn't eat anything but drank wine.

After a while, Yang Jun couldn't stand it anymore, so he turned on the space mode.

Then, Yang Anguo was very drunk, lying on the table and mumbling to himself.

Yang Jun shook his head and went over to send him back.

I tried it, but it was too heavy, so I put it down angrily.

I was about to go back and get him a blanket to cover him, but as soon as I went out, I found Wang Yuying standing outside the door.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Wang Yuying suddenly appeared, startling Yang Jun.

When Wang Yuying saw this, she looked panicked. She quickly turned her back and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

It seems that Wang Yuying must have heard about Yang Anguo's life experience after listening at the door for a long time just now.

"Nothing, Mom...just came to see you."

Yang Jun was stunned.

"Mom, is Lao Wu angry with you?"

"If you're not used to living there, just move back."

Wang Yuying waved her hand and said, "No, it's nice for me to live there. Lao Wu and his wife are very filial to me."

Yang Jun curled his lips when he heard this.

He still doesn't know what kind of person Yang Huai, the fifth child, is. If one day he can bring peace to his family, he will be thankful to God. If Wang Yuying lives with him, he will live for at least ten years. Sooner or later he will be angry to death.


Yang Jun wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Wang Yuying.

"Well, it's quite cold. Why don't you cover Anguo's bed?"

"Oh, I was just going to get it."

Yang Jun didn't ask any more questions, so he went back to the backyard.

He brought a mattress and put it on Yang Anguo, and then he and Wang Yuying came to the living room to talk.

"Jun'er, I heard everything you were talking to An Guo outside."

Yang Jun sighed: "Yes, if I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have known that An Guo was not Er Ma's biological son."

"Actually, your second mother is quite good. She has worked hard to bring the two brothers together for so many years. If she hadn't done something wrong to Ma Xiangxiu, her life would be considered perfect."

"Who said it wasn't."

Yang Jun said: "Actually, the second mother still has Anguo in her heart, otherwise she would not have told him the truth until now, because she never wants to make Anguo suffer in life."

"But fate plays tricks on people. In the end, Anguo heard it. If there is a chance to do it again, Anguo will definitely not want to know the truth."

When Wang Yuying heard this, she couldn't help but sigh.

The whole person sat there motionless, his expression seemed to have entered some kind of memory.

After a long while, he said: "Jun'er, if you were An Guo, would you hate your second mother?"

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

Then he was stunned: "Mom, do you want to ask, if I picked it up, would I hate you?"

Wang Yuying seemed a little unnatural when she heard this.

There was a little panic on her face, but she covered it up.

"Even so."

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

"There's nothing to hate about this."

"Even if you tell me now that you picked me up, I won't be surprised."

"We have been living together for such a long time. We are not just a family, we are also a family. What is the difference between adoptive parents and biological parents? What's more, you are good to me."

When Wang Yuying heard this, the corners of her mouth curved.

She felt a little relieved at Yang Jun's words. So many years of silent efforts were not in vain.

"That's fine, that's fine."

When Yang Jun heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

It always feels weird.

"Mom, you didn't really pick me up, did you?"

When Wang Yuying heard this, she raised her head at 45 degrees to the sky, and her expression immediately fell into memories.

"That was 30 years ago... no, it was 40 years ago. One day I went out and heard something coming from the grass on the roadside..."

Upon seeing this, Yang Jun quickly raised his hands and surrendered.

"Okay, okay, mom, please stop it and I won't ask you, is it okay?"

Whenever he asked this question, Wang Yuying would always fool him with this story, which made his ears tingle.

"You brat, even if you were picked up, you are still my son, and I am still your mother."

"Of course, you are my biological mother, the kind who will never be separated from her in this life." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"Don't be so playful. Let me ask you, I heard that Xiaoliu's partner was attracted by you. Is this true?" Wang Yuying said.

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this.

"Mom, who did you hear this from? Is it Xiao Wu?"

Only Xiaowu knew about this, and no one else except him reported it.

"Don't care who told me, just tell me if this happened?"


Yang Jun admitted directly.

When you are with Wang Yuying, there is no need to hide it.

She is her mother and will always stand with her.

"Xiao Liu is such an honest child. Is it easy to find a partner? It's fine if you, the father, don't help. Why are you breaking them up?"

"Mom, if you knew who Xiaoliu's partner was, you would break them up as well."

"Oh? Who is Xiaoliu's partner?" Wang Yuying asked curiously.

"Peng Sanwan."

"Hey, why is this name so familiar?" Wang Yuying frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly slapped her thigh and said, "Could it be that this Peng Sanwan is..."

"Yes, it's him."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Mom, do you think I should break them up?"

Wang Yuying said: "That's necessary, Jun'er, you did the right thing."

"If they really get married, how will my niece and aunt get along with each other in the future?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

Listen to the wind is the rain.

Hearing people's complaints, why don't you just listen to them and come to investigate?

"Mom, can you tell me now who filed the complaint?"

Wang Yuying was so angry that she directly named the informant.

"Little five."

She was also angry with Xiao Wu. This guy was careless and did not investigate clearly. If he came to Gaomi and caused Xiao Liu and Peng Sanwan, how would he get along with Yang Liu in the future?

"Jun'er, Xiao Wu has been a little arrogant lately. Shouldn't it be time for you, the godfather, to take care of it?"

Yang Jun smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

Xiaowu didn't know the relationship between Peng Sanwan and Yang Liu. If he had known, he would definitely not complain to Wang Yuying.

However, now that Wang Yuying has spoken, Yang Jun must obey her words.

"Okay, Mom, I'll take care of it later."

Wang Yuying's eyes widened: "Don't look back, just now."

"When I came here just now, I happened to find him at home."

When Yang Jun heard this, his head turned black.Why is it that such an old person still acts like a child?

"Okay, I'll go now."

Yang Jun had no choice but to get up.

He found a handy wooden stick behind the gate, then sharpened his knife and walked towards Xiao Wu's house.

When I arrived at Xiao Wu's house and saw Xiao Wu's car parked at the door, I knew this guy was at home.

Yang Jun went in directly and closed the door behind his back.

"Godfather, here you go."

Xiao Wu was having lunch and saw Yang Jun coming over, so he quickly came out to say hello.

When he saw Yang Jun holding a stick in his hand, he immediately stopped.

"You should know why I'm looking for you, right?" Yang Jun asked with a cold face.

When Xiao Wu heard this, he knew that Yang Jun knew about the whistleblower.

"Godfather, you listen to my quibbles... No, you listen to my explanation."

Yang Jun held the stick in his hand, stood there, and gestured with his chin,

"Okay, you can quibble. I want to hear how you quibble?"

Xiao Wu looked at Yang Jun dumbfounded: "Godfather, I just want to know why you don't agree with Xiao Liu's marriage. Apart from being a little older, that man is quite good in other aspects, and he treats Xiao Liu well."

"Of course I have my reasons for not telling you the reason, but if you spread the word about it without permission, you will bring shame on your godfather."

Yang Jun said: "Let me ask you, does Xiao Liu know about this?"

Yang Chengwu raised his finger and said, "I don't know, I definitely can't tell Xiaoliu about this kind of thing."

"Well, you're not beyond hope yet."

Yang Jun nodded and said: "Because you didn't tell Xiao Liu, I will beat you half to death today."


"Stop quibbling. If you continue to quibble, I'll beat you to death."

Yang Jun pointed to the pillar and said: "Go over and hug the pillar."

"Godfather, give me a chance to correct my mistakes. I won't dare to do it again next time."

"Go over there." Yang Jun roared with a stern face.

When Yang Chengwu saw this, he walked over with sadness.

Holding the pillar, all the muscles in his body were tense.

Yang Jun went over and hit him directly in the back with a stick.


Yang Chengwu let out a low roar and gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from screaming.

When Yang Jun saw this, he became even more angry.

He hates this kind of pretending to be smart. The more you act like this, the more he wants to conquer.


Another stick.

Xiao Wu gritted his teeth and was stunned without saying a word.

He is indeed a cruel master, even to himself.

Yang Jun then went down with three sticks.

He didn't stop until the stick broke into two pieces.

Yang Chengwu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the stick was broken.

The previously tense muscles also relaxed, and his whole body went limp, sliding down the pillar.

Yang Jun threw away half of the stick in his hand and said: "Next time, if you don't act wisely before doing something, the guy you are eating will pick it off for you."

When you're done, just leave.

Yang Chengwu expressed that he was wronged.

He said that he just wanted to find out from Wang Yuying why Yang Jun opposed the marriage, but he didn't expect that what he got in return was a severe beating. Who could he ask to reason with?


At dinner time.

As soon as Yang Jun sat down, he saw two brothers, Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang, coming over.

"Have you eaten? Sit down and eat something together."

Yang Anguo got very drunk at noon and was still in a daze. If Yang Anbang hadn't called him, he would still be sleeping soundly in bed.

"No, brother, we brought it here."

Yang Anbang said: "Brother, please eat slowly. We will wait for you in the living room and tell you something later."

"Okay, you go ahead. I'll be there after I finish eating." Yang Jun said.

After Yang Anguo and his brothers passed by, Yi Qiushui asked,

"What are these two brothers doing so mysteriously? Now they are talking behind my back."

Yi Qiushui felt that the two brothers seemed to distrust her and spoke behind her back, which made her feel ashamed.

Yang Jun smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

Of course he knew what Yi Qiushui was thinking, but he didn't dare to tell her the truth.

This matter is not a glorious thing, and it would be a bit embarrassing to tell it.

"Okay, ladies, why are you so curious?"

Yi Qiushui's beautiful eyes widened and she kicked him under the table.

"You think I'm curious, I'm..."

"Hey, forget it. Anyway, it's rare for me to be quiet. I don't have the same experience as you."

Yang Jun: "Is this right? Women should be in peace and quiet and stop asking around all day long."

"Young man named Yang, don't talk like an old woman. I'll let you know how powerful old women are tonight."

After saying that, he ignored his son's presence and gave Yang Jun a wink on the spot.

When Yang Jun saw this, he was so frightened that he trembled all over.

The ancients do not deceive me. A woman in her thirties can be dealt with, a woman in her forties can be dealt with, but a woman in her fifties dare not provoke her.

Now, he has to deal with several women in their thirties every day, and he doesn't dare to mess with a 40-year-old woman casually.

"I surrender. Is it okay if I surrender and lose half of it?" Yang Jun said.


Yi Qiushui snorted coldly: "What's the matter with half of it? No."

Without even thinking about it, I refused.

"Hey, I'm so hard."


After eating, Yang Jun made a pot of tea and took it to the living room.

After pouring tea for the two brothers, Yang Jun took the main seat.

"Tell me, what do you two brothers want from me?"

At noon, Yang Jun learned about Yang Anguo's life experience, and he certainly could not take the initiative to mention this matter.

Yang Anguo's head was dizzy and he slumped in his chair.

On the other hand, Yang Anbang lowered his head and was thinking about something. Judging from the frown on his face, there must be something unspeakable.

"Brother, Anguo and I are planning to separate our families. I hope you can be a witness this time."

Yang Jun was stunned when he heard this.

"Didn't you two separate a long time ago?"

Since they bought a house in Sijiucheng, the two of them have lived their own lives. Although they have not formally proposed to separate, they have tacitly agreed to separate.

Yang Anguo was lying there in a daze, but upon hearing this, he sat up from his chair.

Yang Anbang also looked embarrassed, but after sorting out his emotions, he explained,
"It's like this. When my mother and father were in the hospital today, they asked me to divide the family. The house and land at home have not yet been divided. I hope you can be a witness. We brothers have divided the family."

Yang Anguo and Yang Jun looked at each other.

Obviously, Yang Anbang did not know that Yang Anguo eavesdropped on their conversation and learned about his life experience.

However, what surprised Yang Anguo was that Yang Anbang offered to divide the property left to him by his parents.

"I don't want it." Yang Anguo said angrily.

On the one hand, he was very grateful for Yang Anbang's brotherhood and did not selfishly monopolize the family property. But on the other hand, the more Yang Anbang took the initiative, the more he resented Yang Dong and Qin Xiuzhi's favoritism.

"Second brother, what are you doing? I know you don't like that little bit of family property, but after all, this is what my parents left behind. The two of us divided it up as a souvenir. ." Yang Anbang said.

"I do not want."

Yang Anbang still said the same thing.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to the side angrily.

Seeing this, Yang Jun advised: "Anguo, you are an adult now, please speak up."

"Your brother has never done anything sorry for you. Don't take it out on him."

Yang Anguo sighed after hearing this.

He felt that Yang Jun was right. No matter how partial his parents were, his brother Yang Anbang was still good. He did not monopolize the family property, and even offered to share it equally.

For this reason, he couldn't play tricks on him.

He turned back to Yang Anbang and said, "Brother, I don't want the family property anymore. The land and house at home belong to you."

"An Guo, how can that be done? After all, it is the family property left by my parents. No matter what, you have to keep something."

Yang Anguo thought for a moment and said, "Then leave the land on the slope behind your home to me."

"After a hundred years, fallen leaves will still have to return to their roots. At least they will have a place to stay."

When Yang Anbang heard this, he sighed.

The eye circles instantly turned red.

"Anguo, let's do this. The land and the house are not separated for the time being. When we brothers want to go back in the future, we can go back and have a look..."

Yang Anbang is right to say so.

After all, they don't lack these now. The things in their old home are nothing more than spiritual sustenance for them. If the land and house are divided, they may never go there again. If the house and land are still there, they will also Maybe go back and check it out occasionally.

Yang Jun said: "Anbang is right. The family is not divided for the time being. Let's keep it as a thought. In addition, the second uncle is still here. If the family is divided, where will he live in the future?"

Yang Anbang said: "My dad said that he doesn't want to go back to that place anymore. He will stay in the city for the rest of his life and live with me temporarily."

When Yang Jun heard this, he also sighed.

It is difficult for people who have been baptized by big cities to return to life in the mountains. Urbanization is very easy, but de-urbanization is very difficult. It also corresponds to the saying that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

If you ask a city dweller who is accustomed to enjoying life to live in the countryside, he will definitely run back to the city within two days. If you let a rural person live in the city for two days, he will be immediately attracted by the prosperity of the city. You can quickly adapt to life anywhere.

Life is like this, going around in circles, stopping and going, life is like a bus, it has to pass through villages and towns with few human fireworks, and it has to pass through luxurious metropolises with blooming flowers.

"Brother, why don't dad live with me?" Yang Anguo said.

Seeing Yang Anbang take the initiative to take on the task of supporting the elderly, Yang Anguo felt relieved at this moment. No matter how dissatisfied he was with his parents, he still knew how to choose in the face of decades of family affection.

"It's better to live with me. As the eldest son in the family, I naturally have to take the initiative to take care of the elderly." Yang Anbang refused.

"Brother, how about we take turns taking care of our parents?"

Yang Anbang smiled when he heard this.

He patted Yang Anguo on the shoulder and said, "Second brother, stop arguing. I am the elder brother, and this is what I should do."

"Brother, thank you!"

At this moment, Yang Anguo was already in tears.

(End of this chapter)

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