Chapter 813

After talking to Yao Maizi, Yang Jun went into the classroom to hold a parent-teacher meeting.

After a while, the students and parents were almost there.

The atmosphere in the classroom was very heavy. Except for a few parents communicating quietly, everyone else sat in silence.

All the children were very well-behaved today. They were sitting upright in their seats, their backs straight, and they looked serious.

Yang Chengdao's grades were at the bottom of the class, so his seat was naturally at the back, and it was close to the hygiene corner.

Seeing his son Yang Chengdao sitting there like a child who had done something wrong, Yang Jun became very angry. If there weren't so many people, he would have taken out his belt and taught him how to behave.

The child's seat was still a long table, and the stool was also long, and it was the kind where he could sit alone. Yang Jun glared at him, and Yang Chengdao quickly gave up half of his seat.

After Yang Jun sat down, he turned his head to the side and was about to take out a cigarette. He suddenly remembered that this was a classroom and he couldn't smoke, so he put down his hand angrily.

It’s really frustrating. He always smokes during meetings at work, and those people don’t even dare to fart.

"Junzi, Junzi."

Yang Jun heard someone calling him.

Looking back, I saw Silly Zhu sitting in a seat not far from him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Yang Jun shrugged and smiled.

"Brother Zhuzi, are you coming to hold a parent-teacher meeting too?"

Silly Zhu chuckled, then stood up and came to Yang Chengdao's side.

"Son, go over and sit with your brother He Xiao, and I'll chat with your dad for a while."

Yang Chengdao glanced at Yang Jun.

Yang Jun nodded.

When the child saw this, a smile appeared on his face, but he quickly hid it.

He wished it was like this and didn't want to sit with Yang Jun at all. Seeing that Yang Jun agreed, he quickly ran over and sat with He Xiao.

After Silhu sat down, the two began to chat.

The teacher hasn't come yet, so everyone can chat freely.

"Junzi, for so many years, except for returning to the old house every year during the New Year, I never go back at other times. Everyone in the compound is thinking about you."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sneered inwardly.

He is not a heartthrob. Do the beasts in the courtyard need to worry about him?
Those guys only care about themselves because they want to curry favor with themselves and take advantage of themselves.

"Hey, I'm too busy with work, so I don't have time to go back."

In order to change the subject, Yang Jun asked: "How are you all these days?"

Silly Zhu looked indifferent.

"Hey, it's still like that. It doesn't matter if it's good or not. I'm a third-level fitter now. I swing a sledgehammer every day and get my salary of 37 yuan, just to get by."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sneered inwardly.

There was something in Silhu's words, but he was just blaming Yang Jun for assigning him to the workshop to express his dissatisfaction. It had been almost ten years, and he was not being transferred to another job.

Since he took Guo Tianming as a gunman, Yang Jun assigned him to the workshop to wield a sledgehammer. At that time, it was also stipulated that no one was allowed to transfer him to other posts without his order.

In the middle, Shang Tielong wanted to transfer posts to him, but after being repaired by Yang Jun, no one dared to transfer posts to Sha Zhu anymore.

After so many years, Shazhu is still wielding a sledgehammer in the workshop.

However, now that the policy is liberalized, there is no guarantee that Shazhu will find his own way out. Maybe he will quit his job at the steel rolling mill and work as a cook in a restaurant outside because he can't get his head around it.

In the original drama, he first worked as a cook for the restaurant opened by Yan Jiecheng. Later, when Lou Xiao'e came back from Hong Kong City, he was asked to serve as the head chef.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Okay, don't complain. If you want to be transferred back to the kitchen, just say so and I will grant your wish."

Silly Zhu was stunned when he heard the words.

I just wanted to complain, but Yang Jun actually agreed.

"Junzi, don't joke with me. My little heart can't bear it."

"Don't believe it."

"No, no, no, don't you believe me?"

Silly Zhu smiled and said: "Hey, Junzi, when do you think I will be transferred back?"

Yang Jun thought for a moment and said, "I'll tell the fourth child when I get back and I'll transfer you back to the cafeteria."

"You can be the director of the cafeteria. This can be considered as compensation for having suppressed you for so many years."

When Shazhu heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

He said excitedly: "Junzi, pinch me. Isn't this true?"

The position of director of the canteen is a cadre. Silly Zhu did not expect that Yang Jun was so generous and promoted him to the position at once.

You know, some people have been working for a lifetime, working from a young boy to a gray-haired man, but he didn't expect that he would be promoted from an ordinary fitter to a cadre. This was something he never dared to think about before.

It seems that Yang Jun still has a little affection for them since they were young.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and gave him a big slap.

“Does it feel real now?”

Silly Zhu stroked his head and laughed.

"I feel it, I feel it, thank you Junzi."

Hearing this, Yang Jun sighed: "Brother Zhuzi, after staying in the workshop for so many years, you should have figured out some of the truth, right?"

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment and looked at him doubtfully.

"Understood, understood."

He figured it out, after so many years, nothing but hatred was hatred.

He hated Yang Jun for assigning him to the workshop. He hated the unfairness of this world to him, and he wished he could not engage in the industry he loved.

However, all this resentment disappeared the moment Yang Jun agreed to return to the canteen as director. The ten years of training in the workshop were worth it for a chance to improve.

"Junzi, let's break up later. I'll invite you to a restaurant." Silly Zhu said excitedly.

Yang Jun agreed without thinking.

"Okay, then I'll kill you."

Anyway, she had nothing to do when she went home, and was worried that she couldn't find anyone to chat with.

"Haha, then it's settled."

The two finished chatting about work, and then started to bring up the topic of their children's grades.

"Brother Zhuzi, if I remember correctly, your son He Xiao is two years older than my son. How come he is the same age as my son?" Yang Jun asked.

This He Xiao is the tallest in the class. He looks one or two years older than his classmates. He doesn't look like a third grader.

At the mention of He Xiao, Shazhu's face suddenly darkened.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's a shame."

Silly Zhu turned his head to the side and sighed: "The first grade was left with one grade, and the second grade is brooding again. I think this third grade is quite difficult."

When Yang Jun heard this, he burst into laughter.

Seeing Silly Zhu's angry eyes, Yang Jun waved his hands and said: "Brother Zhuzhu, I'm not laughing at you, we are in the same boat."

"My son is no better than your son. He has not passed double digits in any of the four subjects."

With Silly Zhu accompanying him, Yang Jun didn't feel so embarrassed at the moment.

No matter how bad his son's grades were, he never failed a grade. Silhu's son attended each grade for two years. If this continued, his son would only graduate from elementary school after others went to college.

When Silly Zhu heard this, his eyes rolled up to the ceiling.

"Junzi, I think you are just showing off."

After a pause, he continued: "My son has failed three exams. Do you still think we are in the same boat?"

"Three-door duck eggs?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, then laughed so hard that he fell forward and backward.

"Ahaha! Ahaha!"

"Brother Zhuzi, I didn't mean to do it. Please let me laugh for a while first."

This He Xiaoke is really stupid. After studying for so many years, he actually passed the duck-egg test in three subjects. Even if he was a fool, he wouldn't be able to pass the duck-egg test.

Besides, Ran Qiuye is still a teacher. With her tutoring, the child won't do so poorly in the exam, right?
Looking at Yang Jun who was smiling in an imageless way, the fool kept his face dark and said nothing.

"Don't laugh, the teacher is here."

A figure flashed at the door, and Yao Maizi and three other teachers walked into the classroom.

Yao Maizi stood on the podium, glanced at everyone, and then said,

"Hello everyone, my name is Yao Maizi, and I am the head teacher of Class [-] and [-]. The people around me are math teachers and politics teachers..."

Yao Maizi first introduced everyone, then said a lot of meaningful words, and then handed out the papers for the final exam to the children.

After the parents got the test papers, some were very happy, stroking their children's heads and praising them constantly, while some were sullen, staring at their children with sharp eyes, muttering about what they would do when they go back.

Yang Jun knew about Yang Chengdao's results a long time ago, and without even looking at them, he stuffed them directly into his son's drawer.

However, after Silly Zhu got the test paper, Yang Jun took a look and saw four subjects, two duck eggs, one with five points and one with three points.

Seeing Yang Jun's half-smiling look, Shazhu was so angry that he rubbed the test paper and put it in his pocket. He had already glared at his son with bull-eye eyes. He Xiao was also used to it. Not only was he not afraid of Shazhu, but the two men's eyes were quick. After a few exchanges, the expressions on their faces were very rich.

There's a lot of 'you bite me' attitude.

At this time, the teacher spoke on the stage again, first summarizing the children's problems, and then putting forward several solutions.

After the class teacher Yao Maizi finished speaking, several other teachers spoke. They started from their own disciplines and talked about the problems they encountered and their solutions.

Next comes the interactive part.

The head teacher, Yao Maizi, invited several parents of students who have studied well to come to the podium to talk about how they educate their children and share their educational experiences.

When those parents got to the stage, they couldn't find their way.

The only way out for children is to study. If their children get good grades, the parents will be happy. Some parents start to get carried away and show off their children on stage.

"I never care about children. This child is naturally smart and doesn't do homework when he comes home, but he always ranks first in the grade in every exam..."

The person who spoke on the stage was the parent who had ranked first in the grade. Judging by his dress, he must be a cadre in the government.

Next, several parents with good grades took the stage to speak.

"My son, Wen Quxing, didn't study much in the first or second grade. He went directly to the third grade. He didn't need to read any books and he got No. 1 every time."

A parent who looked a little distracted said.

"We have never had to worry about my son going to school..."


Five or six parents with good grades came to the stage to speak. After they finished speaking, Yao Maizi stood in front of the podium with a smile.

"Now I would like to invite two to three parents with poor grades to speak on the stage and talk about how they usually educate their children. I hope other parents can learn from them." As soon as the words were said, all the parents except those with good grades came to the stage to speak. All the parents suddenly lowered their heads, especially those like silly Zhu Yang Jun, who almost retracted their heads into their crotches.

"Parent He Xiao, please come up to the stage and speak."

Hearing this, Silly Zhu muttered in a low voice: "This bitch has a grudge against me."

Silly Zhu did not come up to the stage, but lowered his head.

"Master He, I know you are here. Please come on stage and say a few words."

Everyone followed Yao Maizi's gaze and immediately looked at Shazhu.

There was a teasing look in their eyes, and a bit of sneer.

Needless to say, Master He's son must be at the bottom of the class.

"Master He, we are old acquaintances, you have to support my work." Yao Maizi smiled.

He Xiao repeated a grade every time he was promoted to a first grade. As a parent, Shazhu had to deal with teachers a lot. All the teachers in the school knew him.


Seeing that he couldn't escape, Silly Zhu patted the table and walked towards the podium.

Today, this person is definitely going to be thrown into disgrace. If he extends his head and cuts his head, it is still a cut. It is better to face them with his head raised and his chest raised.


Silly Zhu coughed, cleared his throat and said,

"Hello everyone, I'm stupid...I am He Yuzhu, He Xiao's father. I am too busy with work and have no time to educate my children. My children are usually playful and don't study well."

"Of course, a child's poor grades does not mean he is stupid, he is just temporarily unintelligent..."

"Ha ha!"

Before Silly Zhu finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from below.

Silly Zhu didn't blush, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked down at them with a look of arrogance.

"My son is really not stupid. Everyone in our family has extraordinary talents in learning. For example, the child's grandparents are professors who have studied abroad. His mother is a college student. And I... am not bad either. Level [-] chef..."

"The child is just having fun for the time being and is not smart. If my son understands things later, he will definitely be able to catch up with them. He may even be able to skip a grade by then."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed again.

They all felt that Silly Zhu was bragging and making excuses for his son's poor grades.

If the family really had two grandparents who had studied abroad and a mother who had gone to college, how could the son's grades be so poor?

Therefore, they did not believe what Silly Zhu said at all.

Silly Zhu looked indifferent anyway.

No matter how good your son's grades are, he won't get any benefits. No matter how bad his grades are, he won't be able to interfere with other people's affairs.

Anyway, everyone lives their own life, there is no need to compare.

At this time, Yao Maizi saw that the atmosphere had reached this point, and hurriedly came over to find a step for Sha Zhu to get off.

"I would like to thank He Xiao's father, Comrade He Yuzhu, for his wonderful speech, and also thank him for sharing his experience in educating children. I hope everyone can learn from it."

After a pause, he continued: "Next, we will invite another parent to speak on the stage."

Yao Maizi raised his feet and looked back. When he saw Yang Jun, he suddenly smiled and said,

"I would like to invite Yang Chengdao's father to speak on stage."

In fact, the little girl didn't have any trouble. She knew Yang Jun's identity. She rarely admired people like Yang Jun. She invited Yang Jun to the stage to speak, not because she wanted to see his jokes, but because she wanted to see the big leader. style.

But Yang Jun doesn't think so. In his eyes, there are no unprovoked coincidences in this world, and everything happens for a purpose.

When Yang Jun heard this, he didn't hesitate and stood up and walked to the stage.

"If your guess is correct, my son's grades should be second to last in the class."

Yang Jun's words were shocking, and he exposed his shortcomings as soon as he came up.

But those people sitting below could not continue to laugh.

Everyone admits that their son has the worst grades. If you continue to laugh at him, you are doing it to offend others.

Everyone, including Yao Maizi and several other teachers, sat there quietly, watching Yang Jun continue to speak.

Seeing this, Yang Jun continued: "I don't care what my son's grades are. Good grades do not determine the child's future. As long as the child is not stupid, there is nothing to worry about."

Speaking of this, someone suddenly interrupted Yang Jundao,

"Parent, I don't agree with what you said."

A middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a slicked back hair stood up. He first looked around at everyone, and then asked in an aggressive tone,

"As we all know, school is the only way out for children. If children don't study hard, how will they make a living and survive in this society? Even if they have a job in the future, it will be a disgraceful job. As a parent, you won't feel Blushing?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, everyone saw their heads nodding, and they all felt that what he said made sense.

"Yes, if a child doesn't work hard since childhood, how will he support himself in the future?"

"Going to school is the only way out for children."


Faced with everyone's doubts, Yang Jun just smiled.

After the people below finished speaking, he spoke: "I admit that going to school is good, and this is always true, but going to school is not the only way out for children."

"My son's grades are not good. He is not good at studying. As a parent, I am worried, but what can I do? Can his grades be improved by giving him a good beating? Or can his grades be improved by tutoring from a famous teacher? ?”

"Children are not good at learning. As parents, we can only find other ways for him."

"Just like me..."

Yang Jun smiled and continued: "I keep buying houses for him every day to make money. Now my family has hundreds of houses. I can't even take care of them. I still have money, but they are all moldy. I have to hire people every day." To make money, I also opened dozens of companies..."

At the end of the sentence, Yang Jun sighed.

"I'm so worried. I don't know how many lifetimes it will take for this kid to lose all his money. Hey!"

When everyone heard this, their faces were filled with black lines.

Look, is this what people say?

Are you here to show off your wealth or are you holding a parent-teacher conference?

Of course, everyone doesn't think this is true. They think that Yang Jun is just like Silly Zhu, who always loses the opponent but never loses the battle. He is a tough talker and wants to find some ground for his son.

"Oh, I forgot to tell everyone what I do for a living."

Yang Jun patted his head and took out his work permit from his coat pocket.

I turned to the column with photos and showed them to everyone.

Several parents sitting in the front row were shocked when they saw it.

The look he looked at Yang Jun was a little more respectful.

In this era, no one dares to forge a work permit, and Yang Jun's job looks genuine.

It turns out that they were not bragging, but everything was true.

I'm afraid what people just said is a bit conservative, let alone spend more money than you can spend in a lifetime, even in ten lifetimes.

Indeed, as Yang Jun said, people don't care whether their son's grades are good or not. As long as his brain is fine, everything else is a minor problem.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yang Jun smiled.

"Everyone is right, school is the only way out for children, but..."

At this point, he paused and continued: "That's just for ordinary people like you who have no power. It doesn't represent everyone."

"Children are fighting for their grades. What if they can't compete with their grades? Then compete with dad."

"As long as the father is capable, are you still worried that your son will not be able to eat in the future?"

"No matter how good my grades are, what will happen? In the future, after I finish my studies, will I still have to work hard for my son?"

Speaking of this, Yang Jun said with a smile: "Don't think it's a big deal that your son has good grades. In my eyes, that's just bullshit and worthless."

At this time, the middle-aged man who had just spoken stood up again.

"Comrade, although I didn't see your work ID clearly, you can't insult people. As a cadre, you can't speak like this..."

"Shut up you."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Jun.

"You can't carry something clearly. Do you dare to tell me your name and workplace? Believe it or not, I will lay you off tomorrow?"

"you you……"

The middle-aged man's face turned red from holding back. He was a knowledgeable person. Seeing that Yang Jun dared to say this in front of so many people in the class, he must have the ability to mess with him. He did not dare to risk his own future.

Facing the aggressive Yang Jun, he could only give in.

Yang Jun looked at his deflated look and kept sneering in his nose.

I just like to see them looking defeated and helpless in wanting to kill themselves.

"If you have the ability, then use it again." Yang Jun cursed.

Where did that show off energy go?
What about superiority?What about the sense of accomplishment?
It's not that Yang Jun likes to be high-profile, but he really can't stand the looks of these people.

Can’t you afford it if your son gets good grades?If you have the ability, you can fight with your father.

Of course, the reason why Yang Jun dared to openly confront them was because he was not afraid of them at all.

This group of people don't dare to prick anyone. These parents are very timid and don't dare to talk nonsense. What will happen even if they say it?Did the reporter dare to report it to the newspaper, or was there someone desperate to investigate him?
Have you thought he was a living wage for so many years?

"Parents, please work hard. Whether your children can live a good life in the future depends entirely on you."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he smiled and walked out with his hands behind his back.

When he walked to the door, he said to Shazhu,

"Brother Zhuzi, let's go, don't you want to treat me to dinner?"

"Yes, yes, let's go have a drink."

Silly Zhu responded, and in front of these parents, he swaggered past them like a general returning from victory, which made the group very angry.

When passing by the podium, he glanced at everyone and said quietly,
"Parents, please work hard. Whether your children will live a good life in the future depends entirely on you."

After saying that, without giving anyone a chance to refute, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

After the two left, there was no movement in the classroom for a long time.

Everyone looked at each other, lowered their heads and said nothing.

We are all adults and know what the rules of this society are.

Yang Jun's words are correct. In this society, what matters is fatherhood, not grades.

(End of this chapter)

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