Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 80 Open and Honest with the Deaf Old Lady

Chapter 80 Open and Honest with the Deaf Old Lady

After eating, Yang Jun did not go back to the new house directly. Instead, he walked towards the deaf old lady's house.

"Who is it?"

asked the deaf old lady when she heard the knock on the door.

"Old lady, I am a soldier. Please open the door. I have something to ask you."

Yang Jun stood at the door and whispered.

There was a panic sound in the house, and it took a while before I heard the nervous voice of the deaf old lady,

"It's Junzi. I've already gone to bed. Let's talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

"Old lady, please open the door. I really have something to tell you."

Deaf old lady: "What are you saying, I can't hear you."

Yang Jun had long known that the deaf old lady was selectively deaf, and now he was even more convinced that she was faking it.

It stands to reason that the selective deafness of the deaf old lady is a manifestation of great wisdom. She lives a freer and more comfortable life than ordinary people. It is a rare and confused attitude towards life. When getting along with this kind of person, you can not only learn from her The experience of dealing with others is also a kind of enjoyment of life.

But she is only free and easy on the surface, which is inversely proportional to the calculations in her heart, so even though she is cheerful all day long, she actually has too many worries in her heart.

In fact, in the original drama, the entire plot of the courtyard was developed for the issue of elderly care. She first calculated that Yi Zhonghai would provide for her in old age, and then Yi Zhonghai calculated that Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu would provide for him in old age, and then Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu came together in Lou Xiao'e's house. With the help, a nursing home famous in the city was built...

"Old lady, if you don't open the door, I will send Yi Zhonghai to the farm."

Yang Jun didn't talk nonsense to her and said it clearly.

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, he heard the rustling sound of shoes being put on from inside the house, then the lights turned on and the door opened from the inside.

"You know it all?"

After closing the door, the two of them sat at the table. The deaf old lady asked with trembling hands.

Yang Jun did not answer, but took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

He most likes this state of being in control of the situation, and has an indescribable sense of satisfaction. At this time, every puff of cigarette is a kind of enjoyment.

"Hershey, am I right to call you that?" Yang Jun asked with narrowed eyes.

The deaf old lady was shocked when she heard this. Her already rickety body curled up into a ball like a deflated balloon, as if someone had suddenly stabbed her in the door of life, and her whole body's energy and energy suddenly disappeared.

Hershey, if this surname hadn't been mentioned by Yang Jun, she would have forgotten it. After many years, this gnawing surname has been hated by people, just like a rat crossing the street, everyone yells to beat it.

As hated as the Hesheli family, there are the Aixinjueluo family, the Fucha family, the Niugulu family, the Gualjia family, etc. These nobles of the Qing Dynasty brought endless benefits to the people of this yellow land. The sufferings of many people, how many people have lost their wives and children because of them, and how many people have become servile and fawning in order to survive because of them.

The deaf old lady has stayed anonymous and pretended to be deaf-mute for so many years, never talking about her family to anyone, just to hide her real surname.

Hershey, this is a surname that once made her extremely brilliant, enjoyed all the glory and wealth, brought her infinite glory, and made her proud. Suddenly one day, it became a surname that everyone shouted about. The shame of gnashing my teeth at the mere mention of this last name.

This kind of gap made it impossible for her to get out of the shadow in her heart for a while. She tried every means to erase her past one by one, and even donated the courtyard where her ancestral home had been for many years, just to exchange for a life-saving charm. .

Now that this protective talisman was exposed by Yang Jun, she knew that if she didn't say something today, she would definitely not be able to explain it.

"I don't mean to go against you, I just want to save Xiao Yi's life."

The deaf old lady no longer pretended to be deaf and mute, and the light in her eyes suddenly disappeared. She seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden, and her speech was weak.Yang Jun looked at the deaf old lady's groveling look and knew that he had her completely under control at this moment. As long as he wanted to know, the deaf old lady would tell him everything.

He didn't go to work all afternoon, but through the help of an old comrade in the city archives, he learned the entire history of the deaf old lady.

"I don't want his life."

Yang Jun exhaled smoke, narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "I just want him to live like a dog."

When the deaf old lady heard this, her body trembled, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.
"You can't kill someone without a nod, why should you..."

"Hershey, now that the time has come, I advise you to think more about yourself." Yang Jun shouted sternly.

The deaf old lady suddenly felt like an eggplant beaten by frost. She couldn't sit still and leaned on the table to prevent herself from falling.

As long as Yang Jun comes out of this door and announces her surname to the outside world, endless troubles will come to her door, and she will never have a peaceful life from now on.

After a long time, the deaf old lady finally recovered. She walked tremblingly to the bed and took out a red bundle from the bedside table.

Returning to the table, he opened the tightly wrapped red cloth package with trembling hands, revealing a flawless white jade Ruyi inside.

The surface of the Ruyi jade is crystal clear and the white jade is flawless. Under the illumination of the light, it exudes a charming halo.
Jade Ruyi is shaped like a long-handled hook with a hook head as flat as a bay leaf. It feels smooth to the touch, like silk and satin. It originated in the Song Dynasty and became popular in the Qing Dynasty. It was often played with by the royal family and nobles.

Jade Ruyi is named like its jade, which means good luck and happiness.

This is carved from a whole piece of white jade, also called three-inlaid Ruyi, that is, the handle is made of enamel, rosewood, gold and silver and other materials. The head, waist and tail of the handle are all oval-shaped, and are inlaid with jade ornaments. Two materials, perfect combination.

"Did you give the other one to Li Huaide?"

This kind of jade Ruyi usually comes in pairs. Now that there is one here, the other one is naturally given away.

When the deaf old lady heard this, her eyes flashed with light, and then she looked disappointed.


Yang Jun knew a little bit, so he could naturally guess that the other unit was used to rescue Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai didn't lose at all when he lost to him.

"If you like it, go ahead and play with it."

The old lady no longer spoke softly, but spoke calmly.

At this point, all the good things to say have been said, and the attitude has become humble. The only thing she can get is given away. If Yang Jun still doesn't let her go, she knows that no matter what she does, it will be useless. .

Moreover, she has lived for such a long time and has seen all the prosperity of the world. If Yang Jun really wants to fight her to the death, she will really not care about anything at that time.

Yang Jun naturally knew the meaning of her words. The reason why he came to see her tonight was not to push her to death, but to warn the deaf old lady not to interfere in matters in the yard in the future.

Yang Jun doesn't understand jade and has no hobby of collecting. In his understanding, all jade, antiques, and gold and silver treasures are money.

Now, what he lacks most is money.

Although he was interested in the jade Ruyi, he did not insist on getting it. It was just a pure appreciation.

(End of this chapter)

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