Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 8 Entry into the Purchasing Section

Chapter 8 Entry into the Purchasing Section

After Yang Jun heard this, he was also in a dilemma. In his previous life, he was just a freelance worker and had never worked. He also had a dark eye on matters between various departments in the factory and could not even understand the responsibilities of each department. .

At present, he is in charge of the system, which naturally focuses on obscene development. It is best to find a department that is not noticed and can be easily ignored.

He first excluded the security department, which not only offended people but also had frequent missions and was unable to get to and from get off work on time.

Finance department?Understand the hammer debit and credit accounting method.

broadcast room?He immediately denied the idea and was looking for death. Didn't you see that the wind was about to rise?
R&D room?Don't talk nonsense, it's enough if you let him fish in troubled waters.

Logistics office?It’s a lot of trivial matters, and the 3 to [-] people in the factory are counting on logistical support.

"Brother, I'm still saying the same thing. I'm just a brick. You can move it wherever you need it. Everything is at my discretion."

Yang Jun looked embarrassed and decided to return the choice to Li Huaide.

On the one hand, he really didn't know which department to choose.

On the other hand, if someone asks you to pick, just pick. If you really pick, if you touch a piece of cake that you shouldn't touch, you won't know how you died.

Li Huaide looked at Yang Jun's serious face. It seemed that he was not testing. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said,
"Brother, you are smart, capable, and have strong business capabilities. You also have many connections in the team. How about going to the Procurement Department of the Logistics Office?"

Logistics and Purchasing Department?
This is a good place to go.

The Purchasing Department is just an ordinary department of the Logistics Department. The Scheduling Department, Equipment Department, and Publicity Department driver's shift actually belong to the Logistics Department.

If strictly speaking, except for the production department, everything else belongs to logistics management.

There is a big difference between the purchasing department of this era and the modern purchasing department. Although they both purchase materials, the materials of this era are all purchased and sold under a unified system. All materials are produced and sold in a unified way. Where to buy things and what to buy. , you don’t have to worry about it at all, every material has a fixed manufacturer.

For example, the steel rolling mill purchases steel from the southwest and northeast. The factory's production and sales plans are set quarter by quarter. It only needs to send a truck to pull the steel back on time every month. And the procurement The responsibilities of the department are just transportation, receiving, registration, warehousing, and registering.

Yang Jun felt that the Procurement Department was pretty good, so he quickly stood up, gave Li Huaide a military salute, and said in a sonorous voice,

"Everything is subject to the arrangements of the leadership and the organization. I hereby assure the leadership and the organization that I will fulfill my responsibilities, work hard and shine in my position, and never let down the expectations of the leadership and the organization."

After hearing Yang Jun's assurance, Deputy Director Li immediately felt at ease, knowing that a general was in hand.

The Logistics Department is his base. Although his official position is the deputy director of the steel rolling mill, in fact he also serves as the director of the Logistics Department.

Placing Yang Jun in the Procurement Department is like Sun Wukong being unable to climb Tathagata Buddha's Wuzhi Mountain, so that his backyard can be more stable.

Yang Jun got the position he wanted, and Deputy Director Li also achieved his goal. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother, you can do it with confidence, brother, I believe in you. I hope you will achieve great results in your position."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After chatting with Deputy Factory Director Li for a while, Yang Jun realized what was going on.

With Deputy Director Li taking care of me, the rest went much more smoothly. Sister Cai took over all the remaining trivial matters.

In less than an hour, all the onboarding procedures were completed.

At this moment, Yang Jun officially became a member of the steel rolling mill.

Sister Cai also brought back his work clothes, protective shoes, gloves, meal tickets and other items.

Looking at Sister Cai who was sweating profusely after working for him, Yang Jun felt very sorry, so he secretly took out ten five-jin denomination food stamps from the space and secretly stuffed them into her hands.

"Sister Cai, it's such a small thing, don't refuse." "Tong Yang... Section Chief Yang, you can't do this. It's too expensive. From now on, everyone is on their own. It's okay to help colleagues."

Sister Cai glanced at the food stamps secretly when Yang Jun handed her the food stamps. They were in denominations of five jin each, and they were national food stamps. She felt the thickness with her hand, and there were at least ten of them.

You know, this is fifty pounds of national food stamps.

From now on, my boss Zhang will no longer have to beg his grandpa and grandma to redeem food stamps when he goes on a business trip.

Food stamps are divided into national food stamps and local food stamps. In fact, they are both vouchers for rations. They are nothing more than local circulation and national circulation. When someone in the family goes on a business trip or visits relatives, they must redeem the national food stamps a few days in advance.

First, you must have a business trip certificate issued by your unit, and then you can go to the grain station to exchange for national food stamps. You need to exchange local food stamps of the same kilogram for national food stamps. In addition, you have to pay extra for gas stamps. Generally, it takes one to exchange three kilograms of national food stamps. Two gas tickets.

Nowadays, there are [-] kilograms of national food stamps, so how can we get nearly [-] kilograms of gas stamps? You must know that each household in the city is rationed [-] taels of gas per month, so the whole family has to go without eating or drinking to get the two kilograms of gas stamps.

Not to mention the difficulty of exchanging food stamps, these fifty kilograms of food stamps alone are enough for one person for two months.

Sister Cai secretly sighed, Section Chief Yang was so generous. No wonder Deputy Director Li wanted to win over him. It seemed that he would have more interactions with this person in the future.

"Sister Cai, you have already said that we are our own people, and there is no need to refuse."

Seeing Sister Cai's unwillingness to give up, Yang Jun quickly struck while the iron was hot and stuffed the food stamps into her pocket.

"Then... then Section Chief Yang, I won't refuse. I can still speak in the Personnel Department. If you need it in the future, just give me orders."

"Sister Cai, my brother will definitely look for you when something happens in the future. Who told you to be the first person I met when I entered the factory? Who else would I look for if I didn't look for you?"

Yang Jun climbed up the pole to get closer to the two people. The Sister Cai in front of him was a person of Deputy Factory Director Yang. She could still speak well in the human resources department. She would be needed in the future.

After all, multiple friends have multiple paths.

Food stamps, he has plenty of space, so this is nothing to him. (Food stamps are not numbered)

As the saying goes: The hand that takes others is soft, and the mouth that eats them is short.

Sister Cai secretly squeezed the thick stack of food stamps in her pocket and felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

As the saying goes, reciprocity is called friendship.

There is no going back and forth, and friendship flows slowly.

Sister Cai thought for a moment and said tentatively,

"According to the treatment of cadres in our factory, Chief Yang, you are qualified to be allocated a house. There happens to be a cadre house in the south of the city. I know Chief Liao of the Housing Management Department. Do you want..."

"A cadre room? Can I still get a cadre room?"

Yang Jun felt happy for a while. He was worried that he couldn't find an excuse to ask about the house, so he didn't want to use a pillow to doze off.

It seems that the fifty kilograms of national food stamps were not given away in vain.

According to the regulations of the steel rolling mill, cadres are eligible to be allocated a house, but if you just go to the housing management department to ask for it, they will have already prepared a bunch of excuses to block you. To wait for.

"Sister Cai, to tell you the truth, the place where I live now is too crowded. When I came back yesterday, I didn't even have a place to sleep. I had to make do with a bed on the floor in the living room. Now the factory can solve my housing problem. It’s resolved, I’m so grateful.”

"Just, can you change the cadre room into a staff room? The courtyard where I live now is the staff room of our steel rolling mill. Now there are two rooms available. Could you please say hello to Section Chief Liao and put those two rooms in? Give me a staff room?"

(End of this chapter)

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