Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 798 The battle in the secret room

Chapter 798 The battle in the secret room
Yang Jun did not agree with Yang Yu falling in love so early.

At less than 16 years old, the concept of right and wrong is immature. People at this age only have the restless passion of youth and no mature concept of love at all.

Thinking that a moment of impulse is love, shit, there is no love in this world, all it is is a compromise after weighing the well-matched.

When I was young, I mistook passion for love and thought I had met the true love, so I jumped on him desperately. But when my life returned to calm, I regretted the decision I made.

However, people are no longer young, and there is no regret medicine in the world. At this time, it is too late to say anything.

Therefore, Yang Jun will never allow his sister to go astray at such a young age. Even if he is resented by his sister, he will stop them.

"Zhaodi, go and call Xiao Wu over." Yang Jun said to Sun Zhaodi.

"Okay, godfather."

Sun Zhaodi put down her chopsticks and went out.

After a while, Xiao Wu came.

"Godfather, are you looking for me?"

Yang Chengwu went to the kitchen to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and sat across from Yang Jun to eat.

"Well, for the past two days, put down what you are doing and investigate your fourth aunt, mainly those men, to see who she has been in contact with and who her boyfriend is. After the investigation is clear, report directly to me."

Xiao Wu froze for a moment.

He looked at Yang Yu who was sitting next to Yang Jun and said awkwardly,

"Godfather, the fourth aunt is sitting here. Is it appropriate for you to tell me this?"

"There is nothing inappropriate. Not only do I have to say it in front of her, but I also want to let her know my next plans."

Yang Jun took advantage of it and said: "I will order the school to expel the boy who fell in love with her, and I will also notify the local unit to fire the boy's parents."

When Yang Yu heard this, he was so shocked that his mouth opened wide, and he said with a look of grief and anger: "Brother, you are too cruel..."

"Yes, I am so cruel, I will make that man hate you for the rest of his life."

"Why? Why did you do that?"

Not to mention that Yang Yu was afraid of this method, but other people also felt that what Yang Jun did was a bit incredible.

"I said before, you are not allowed to fall in love during college. When you become an adult, you can like whoever you like, and you can do whatever you want with love, but it is absolutely not allowed now."

"Brother, you are too domineering. Why do you control my life? I make the decision on my own life." Yang Yu cried.

"You talk to me about life?"

Yang Jun teased: "When you can make money to support yourself and no longer ask for money from your family, come and talk to me about life."

"Eat what is at home, use what is at home. Every penny you spend now belongs to the family, including the house you live in now, the car you drive, and the clothes you wear are all mine. Let me ask you, you What qualifications do you have to say that you have the final say in your own life?"

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to eat enough, even whether you can go to this university is another matter. Don't think that you just go to school for two days and just talk to me about life and ideals. Let me tell you, you are far behind. Woolen cloth."

"I advise you to recognize the reality and don't force yourself to use any tricks. Our parents owe you, but as the eldest brother, I don't owe you anything, and I have no obligation to raise you. Do you understand?"

The last word was yelled by Yang Jun, which frightened Yang Yu into a daze.

Yang Laosi retreated, trying to stay as far away from Yang Jun as possible.

Boss Yang got angry, which was really scary.

Yang Jun's scolding was like a wake-up call, and Yang Laosi suddenly woke up.

Especially the last sentence completely woke her up.

What her parents owed her, Yang Jun didn't owe her, let alone the obligation to raise her. The good life she had lived these years was all Yang Jun's. Without Yang Jun, she would still be living in that large courtyard, living a hungry life. A life full of meals.

But her stubborn personality could not make her lower her head to admit her mistake to Yang Jun. She sat there with her head lowered and said nothing, her big eyes brimming with tears.

Seeing that Yang Jun was so angry, Yi Qiushui quickly asked him to sit down.

"Fourth sister, your eldest brother is right. You are too young now and don't have the ability to distinguish yet. You should consider this issue again when you become an adult."

"Sister-in-law, does eldest brother really love you?"

Yang Laosi blinked his eyes and said.

When Yang Jun saw this, he knew that this girl was trapping Yi Qiu underwater.

Yi Qiushui is not stupid. No matter how smart Yang Laosi is, can her childish thoughts escape the eyes of adults?

"Of course it's true love."

Just when Yang Yu was about to open her mouth, Yi Qiushui didn't give her a chance to speak, and continued: "When your eldest brother and I met, I was already 26 and your eldest brother was 29. We are adults, so of course we can tell the difference between ourselves and others. Whatever we do, we think maturely and come together because we love each other.”

"You are not yet 16 years old. Your current mission in life is to study. As for falling in love and getting married, let's wait until you are an adult."

Yang Laosi was speechless after a long argument.

I thought Yi Qiushui had a gentle personality and was easy to handle, but I didn't expect that she was flawless in her words and didn't even give her a chance.

Seeing that he couldn't find help from Yi Qiushui, Yang Laosi turned to Wang Yuying for help.

Wang Yuying got married at the age of 16. Perhaps only people of her generation can understand the meaning of getting married early. Some habits and customs cannot be changed at once.

Wang Yuying lowered her head to eat without raising her head and said,
"Don't look at me. Your eldest brother has the final say in everything at home."


"It's no use calling me mother."


Everyone laughed secretly.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Yang Jun said to Yang Chengwu,
"Xiaowu, send more people to keep an eye on your fourth aunt during this period. If you see a man approaching her, just cut off one of your legs for me. I will take care of you if anything happens."

"Okay, godfather, I'm the best at this kind of thing."

Yang Chengwu made a face at Yang Yu, indicating that he was helpless.


After eating, Yang Jun went to work.

When we arrived at the unit, we first held a meeting and invited all the top leaders of the subordinate companies to come.

Guo Caocao gave him a fatal task. He must relieve the pressure and strictly ordered them to achieve results within three months, otherwise they would all be replaced.

He understands the principle of a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist. If his own life is difficult, others cannot have an easy life either.

During the meeting, in addition to asking them to make achievements, they also slightly adjusted the industrial structure.

This time he came back from the port city and brought back a large number of orders, especially engine orders of up to 800 million units. He must ensure that the entire industry has a clear strategic focus.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours before it ended.

As soon as the meeting ended, Yang Jun kept Li Tiezhu.

When he came to the office, Yang Jun asked his secretary to make him a cup of tea.

"Gangtou, I'm going to transfer Li Xin away, you have to be prepared."

Yang Jun went straight to the point.

Li Tiezhu was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean? Where are you going to transfer Lao Li?"

Yang Jun sat opposite him with his tea cup, took a sip, and said thoughtfully: "I'm going to ask him to come to the ministry to help me."

"Ministry... Ministry?"

Li Tiezhu was stunned when he heard this.

"No, Lao Yang, this is too sudden. I was transferred as soon as I said I was going to be transferred, and I was transferred to the ministry right away...I..."

It can be seen that Li Tiezhu was jealous of Li Lixin being transferred to the ministry.

The two of them are on the same level, so in terms of qualifications and abilities, he must be given priority.

"Director Zhao of the Machinery Investment Strategic Research Office has retired, and I want Li Xin to take over."

"Ah...I really envy Lao Li."

This is a fat job. Many people are eyeing this position, and Li Tiezhu is no exception.

Although he and Li Lixin were comrades and partners, when it came to his own interests, he still hoped that Yang Jun would give him priority.

Compared with other comrades, he has experienced life and death with Yang Jun.

The relationship between the two is also closer than other comrades, and he hopes that Yang Jun will consider him.

How could Yang Jun not see what he was thinking.

"Okay, don't envy him. You, Lao Li, and Lao Mu, I will transfer you into the ministry to help me in the future, it just depends on the length of time."

"Oh, Lao Yang, this is great. I was just happy for Lao Li, nothing else." Li Tiezhu said embarrassedly.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

"I don't know you yet? My mind is not much bigger than the tip of a needle. If I don't make things clear to you, you might not be able to hold grudge against me."

"That can't be done. No matter how stupid I am, I also know that I am here today only because of you, Lao Yang. I have always thought of your kindness in my heart."

"Okay, we've been sleeping in the same bunkhouse for ten years, and we understand each other well. Don't say any more unnecessary words. Just know what's going on."

"That is, that is."

Li Tiezhu nodded and said: "Well, Lao Yang, in order to express my gratitude for your care and concern for me over the years, I will make an exception and invite you to a restaurant today."

"Fuck you, I'm too lucky to eat what you have." Yang Jun scolded with a smile.

"Oh, you don't want to go there by yourself. There is no store after this village."

"Go away, I have a lot of work to do. How can I have time to eat with you?"

Just returned from Hong Kong City, a lot of work is waiting for him.

There are mountains of documents that need to be reviewed by him, so many orders need to be coordinated for production, and all tasks are assigned. Plants should be built and merged, especially the Great Wall No. [-] engine order, which is the top priority. According to the existing production capacity, it will definitely not be able to meet the existing order volume. Therefore, Yang Jun specially approved a piece of land in the suburbs for the construction of a new engine factory.

After a busy day, I still couldn't finish the work at hand.

Seeing that there was still a pile of unfinished documents, Yang Jun said that he really didn't want to work overtime, so he immediately announced that he was off work.

After returning home, I saw many people gathering in the yard.

"Brother, you're off work."

Yang Anguo quickly stepped forward to say hello.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment.

"An Guo is back."

"Back, brother."

The family members were all sitting under the grape trellis in the yard enjoying the cool air and chatting.

When Yang Jun came to him, Zhou Miaomiao stood up and made room for him.

After sitting down, he took a piece of watermelon from the stone table and started to chew on it.

The watermelon has been soaked in well water and is very cool. It feels very comfortable when you eat it.

Yang Jun motioned to Yang Anguo to sit down.

"Have you finished all the family matters?"

Nowadays, no one mentions the names of the second uncle and the second mother, but everyone knows that this is what they are talking about.

"It's done, brother."

Yang Anguo said with a blushing face.

He looked slightly tired, as if he had not been going well during this period.

Yang Anguo took the initiative to tell what happened without Yang Jun continuing to ask.

"I collected all the money and food at home and left only three days' worth for them. If I ran out, I went to Uncle Big Eyes to get it. I said hello to Uncle Big Eyes and Uncle San Pao. They won’t be given a letter of introduction and he can’t go anywhere now.”

When Yang Jun heard this, he silently gave him a thumbs up.

You two brothers are so ruthless that you can even think of such a trick.

Without a letter of introduction, he couldn't even leave the commune, let alone get on the train.

The food was only enough for three days, which completely stopped him from traveling far away.

Then he asked the village cadres to look at him, and he couldn't make trouble even if he wanted to.

"Where's your brother?" Yang Jun asked.

Only seeing Yang Anguo but not Yang Anbang, Yang Jun asked worriedly.

"It will take a few days for my brother to come back." Yang Anguo said: "This is our plan. My brother and I will take turns to go back to our hometown to watch them. My brother will watch first, and it will be my turn next month."

Speaking of this, Yang Anguo showed a troubled expression on his face.

"elder brother……"

Yang Jun raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need to say anything.

"Don't worry about those in the unit. I'm going to say hello to your leaders. Your salary and benefits will not change. As for your positions... I will promote you to a higher level at the end of the year."

"Brother, then I have nothing to worry about."

Yang Anguo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"Anguo, actually you don't have to do this. It's enough to cut off the money, food and letters of introduction. There is no need to watch them at home every day."

"Brother, my dad has many evil ideas. I'm afraid he will do something wrong again and cause trouble for you again."

Last time, Yang Jun made harsh words. If the Yang Anguo brothers could not deal with their second uncle again, they would go back to their hometown to farm. They were frightened and did not dare to turn a deaf ear. They kept taking this matter to heart, so this This is the first time I have made such a big determination

"It's not necessary. Let your brother come back. If your father comes to make trouble again, we will find a way then."

The two brothers have already reached this point, what else can he say? We can't let them go back to their hometown every month, right?Let's not talk about anything else, it would take seven or eight days to go back and forth by car. It is more likely that the person is his second uncle, and he cannot be ruthless and righteous.

"Brother, are you sure?"

"Sure, let your brother come back." Yang Jun nodded.

"Thank you bro."

Afterwards, several people chatted for a while until Ma Xiangxiu came over and asked them to eat.

Yang Anguo didn't go back, so he stayed at Yang Jun's house tonight.

The brothers each also showed off a bottle of beer.

After drinking a bottle of wine, Yang Anguo felt much better and spoke more fluently.

Afterwards, the two drank a few more bottles of wine before ending the banquet.

After returning to the backyard, Yang Jun lay naked on the ground.

It was too hot in the house, almost [-] degrees Celsius. The insulated courtyard was no longer insulated, and the ceiling fans on the beams were blowing hot air.

The door to the bedroom opened, the light flashed, and Yi Qiushui appeared at the door.

First he glanced at Yang Jun, and then gave his son who had just taken a bath to Sun Zhaodi.

When she came back, she locked the door directly.

The scent of orchid and musk blew in his ears, Yang Jun waved his hands feebly and said,

"Honey, can I apply for a truce for one night?"

Summer nights without air conditioning are much less exciting.

No energy to do anything.


Yi Qiushui said angrily: "I gave the child to Zhaodi just because I want to hurt you."

"Hey, it's so hot. I don't want to move at all."

He didn't dare to exercise on such a hot day. Yang Jun was afraid of dying of dehydration.

Yi Qiushui smiled, then lay next to his ear, biting his earlobe and said.

"I found a cool place, I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled and said: "Still happy to die... Where are you?"

Yang Jun failed to withstand the temptation in the end. He didn't want to, but finally asked.

"It will be cooler when you go down three meters." Yi Qiushui chuckled.

When Yang Jun heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly.

"Wife, I'm sorry that my husband can't do this."

"I'm less than 1.8 meters tall. How can I get three meters?"

Yi Qiushui's pretty face turned red when she heard this.

"You're going to die, I mean in the basement."


Yang Jun suddenly slapped his head: "Oh, why didn't I think of that?"

"Let's go, wife, let's go down and experience it."

Without saying a word, Yang Jun took Yi Qiushui and ran away.

"Slow down, why are you in such a hurry?"

Yi Qiushui smiled and said, "You can't take a mat and go down there."

"Yes, yes, get the thin mattress."

The two of them quickly ran back to the bedroom and locked the bedroom door.

Yang Jun went to open the secret room, while Yi Qiushui opened the cabinet and took out a sandal and a thin mattress.

Seeing this, Yang Jun smiled and said, "Baby, it turns out you have been planning this for a long time."

"I hate it, I'm not thinking about you."

Women are always like this, always saying ironic things with their mouths, but doing honest things with their bodies.

There are two different things before marriage and after marriage. Before marriage, you refuse to welcome someone, but after marriage, you throw yourself into someone's arms.

"Tsk, tsk, can I think that you are lusting after my body?" Yang Jun said sideways.


Then the two began to go down.

Yang Jun bent down and turned on the light inside.

"I'll go down first, you follow behind me."

Yang Jun warned.

Then he lowered his head and got in.

The moment he stepped into the secret room, he felt a rush of cold air, and Yang Jun couldn't help but shiver.

"It's a bit cold, you need to get used to it slowly."

"Oh, it's really cool."

Yi Qiushui had already stepped into the cave entrance with one foot, holding Yang Jun's shoulder with one hand as she walked down.

The two of them quickly walked down the spiral ladder to the bottom. The cold air hit them, and they felt as if they had entered an air-conditioned room, feeling sore all over.

"If I had known it was so cool down there, I would have slept down there."

Yang Jun muttered.

Then the two people spread the mat in the middle of the secret room, and then spread the mattress on it.

Yang Jun stretched out and got on the mattress.

"Baby, please sit down, please take a seat."

Yi Qiushui's pretty face turned red and she kicked him.

"Bite you!"


When Yang Jun woke up again, he felt an indescribable soreness all over his body.

He slept very well last night. He felt completely relaxed after his exertion. Coupled with the soundproofing of the secret room, his sleep quality was particularly good.

I touched around me, but there was no one there.

Yang Jun opened his eyes and looked at the vent at the top of the secret room, and saw a slight light coming through.

He knew it was daybreak.

So, he got up and left the secret room.

When I came up, I found through the window that the sun had risen very high, and the temperature in the bedroom was a bit stuffy.

Yang Jun went to the bathroom to take a shower, then changed his clothes and went out.

When I came to the restaurant, I found that everyone had already eaten and went to work.

Wang Yuying was chatting with Ma Xiangxiu, Zhao Juhua and Ku He. They were choosing vegetables and entertaining their children.

"Come on, son, let daddy kiss you."

Regardless of whether the child was happy or not, Yang Jun directly took the child over and kissed it.

Yang Chengdao cried loudly and slapped his mouth with his hand in disgust.

"Stinky daddy, stinky daddy..."

My son has just learned to call daddy, but his pronunciation is not accurate and he always refers to daddy as daddy.

However, the meaning is full of disgust.

"Tell me, why did you make him cry when you had nothing to do?"

Wang Yuying called her son over and gently hit Yang Jun twice in front of the child.

"Grandson, if we don't cry, we'll beat dad up."

"Stinky daddy, stinky daddy..."

Yang Chengdao followed Wang Yuying's example and beat Yang Jun several times.

Not to mention, this trick is very easy to use. The thunderstorm turned sunny immediately, and the glistening tears hung on the eyelashes, making them look lively.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Jun didn't take it seriously, looked at him and flicked his penis without paying attention.

This caused the child to scream again.

At this time, Kuhe brought him food.

Thick rice porridge with pickled cucumbers.

A bite of porridge and a bite of cucumber, crunchy and very refreshing.

"Jun'er, aren't you going to work today?" Wang Yuying sat with her child in her arms and watched him eat.

"Mom, you have something to say."

Wang Yuying said: "Today is Yu'er's birthday, can you come back from get off work early?"

Yesterday, there was a quarrel over Yang Yu's birthday. Wang Yuying was worried that Yang Jun was still angry, so she seemed cautious when speaking.

No matter what, the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. No matter how ignorant Yang Yu was, it was still flesh that had fallen from her body. She had to protect her when it was time to protect her.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "No problem, I'll take half a day off today...forget it, I won't go to work."

"Just in time, I'll tidy up the basement again by the way."

Wang Yuying was very happy after hearing this.

"I asked Xiangxiu to cook a table of delicious dishes, and then go to the People's Shopping Center to visit and buy some snacks to celebrate her birthday."

"Mom, I also want to celebrate my birthday." Yang Jun said with his lips drawn.

"You are almost a grandpa, why are you still acting like a child?" Wang Yuying rolled her eyes.

"What the hell, am I going to be a grandfather?" Yang Jun exclaimed.

"Yin Fang has it."

Wang Yuying whispered: "You can ask Qiu Shui to take care of you later. Don't let others say that you, the father-in-law and mother-in-law, are ignorant."

Yin Fang is Yang Chengwu's wife and Yang Jun's goddaughter-in-law. The two families don't live together on weekdays, and they don't know about such a big pregnancy. To tell the truth, he has failed as a godfather.

Wang Yuying's care is Wang Yuying's business. No matter how well she does, it is just her responsibility as a grandmother. Therefore, Wang Yuying asked Yi Qiushui to go over and express condolences. After all, it is easy for women to communicate with each other.

"Hey, I see."

Yang Jun wondered: "Why did I become a grandfather all of a sudden?"

(End of this chapter)

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