Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 796 Playing with guns in various ways

Chapter 796 Playing with guns in various ways
This kind of disguised surrender is actually asking for protection money.

However, due to Yang Jun's status, Awang and Xiaobian did not dare to go too far.

This phenomenon is common in Hong Kong City. Even big families as powerful as the local ones have to succumb to the power of the association. For rich people like them, spending money to buy peace is common.

Although they are not afraid of associations, they will not offend them easily. If they can spend a little money to send them, they will not take the risk of offending them to death.

The same goes for Yang Jun. He is a foreigner with no roots. Although he is not afraid of the community, there is no need to fight against them. Why use fists when things can be solved with money.

Awang doesn't ask for much. The annual protection fee of 100 million yuan not only protects the safety of Huang Yani and her company, but also helps them solve any grievances.

After lunch, Yang Jun went back to the hotel directly.

As the deputy leader of the inspection team, he cannot be away from the team for a long time.

Many leaders came to this inspection team, and each leader was responsible for one project in the examination room. Yang Jun was responsible for inspecting the electronics market, which was his initiative.

Electronic products will dominate the market in the next few decades. This is a potential stock, and he happens to know more about it.

After saying hello to Guo Caochang, Yang Jun set off with a team of inspectors.

As for which company to visit, what to study and visit are all arranged by the local department. This is commonly known as going through the motions.

People also have technology patents to protect. It doesn’t mean that you can watch whatever you want, you have to listen to other people’s arrangements.

Yang Jun and his party first visited a fairly large electronics factory.

As soon as he entered the production workshop, he felt the sound of mechanical operation that he had not seen for a long time. He was so familiar with the neat and uniform movements. This scene would be repeated in the mainland in the next few decades.

The wealth in Hong Kong City is polarized. The rich are very rich and the poor are very poor. The workers in the workshops do heavy physical work, working at least twelve hours a day, but they earn wages that can barely make a living.

After visiting three factories in the morning, Yang Jun stopped visiting. He felt that they were all the same. People who wanted to see them were not allowed to see them. He felt that it was boring, so he returned to the hotel.

Back to the hotel, just in time for dinner.

The dining room is on the first floor.

The entire lobby can serve 500 people for dining at the same time. The delegation members and local staff are divided into two areas for dining.

Although we dine in the same hall, the food standards are completely different.

Due to limited funds, the inspection team here ate steamed buns and cheap potatoes and cabbage. On the other hand, the people over there ate steaks and drank red wine while working. It was equivalent to a vacation. The popular ones drank spicy food, and the people on both sides The food is very different.

The people on the inspection team ate in silence. After all, this was the standard everywhere, even better than what they ate at home. Not to mention how good the food was, at least they were full.

On the other hand, the people over there were eating steak elegantly, sipping red wine, and whispering from time to time.

Guo Caocao was very angry when he saw this scene.

"Speak to the person in charge of the hotel, and people on both sides will eat separately from now on."


A leader nearby who was responsible for the logistics of the inspection team responded.

"In addition, our comrades are strictly required not to go out without permission. They must ask for leave if they have something to do, and they can only go out after getting approval."


The crowd responded in unison.

The local staff snickered from time to time, and Guo Caocao frowned from time to time. Finally, he threw the cornbread in his hand on the table.

"I'm done eating, you guys eat."

When everyone heard this, they all stood up and saw each other off.

Guo Caocao turned back to Yang Jun and said, "Come in with me."

"Yes, big leader."

Yang Jun responded, put the wowotou in his pocket and followed.

The two came to the top floor, and Guo Caocao started to lose his temper as soon as he entered the door.

"Shame, shame."

"They say it's a win-win situation, but in fact they just look down on us."

Guo Caocao walked around the living room, his beard smoking with anger.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

Then he sat down on the sofa, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Uncle Guo, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. We all understand this truth. What's the use of being angry here? Can it change the status quo?"

"Bullshit, it's all bullshit."

Guo Caochao sat down on the sofa, grabbed the cigarette that Yang Jun had just lit, and took two puffs.

"Our foundation is too weak. Others are at least decades ahead of us. We can't even catch up with our bare feet."

"Especially in terms of machinery and industry, we are far behind. Everyone is mechanized now. We are still in the manual era. How can we catch up with such a big gap? Tell me, how can we catch up?"

Yang Jun said: "Fat people are not made in one bite. Take your time."

Guo Cao Cao exhaled a puff of smoke, sighed, and buried his head deeply in his neck.

"I'm old and may not see this day, but the burden of revival falls on you, Jun'er, and our industry all depends on you."


Yang Jun coughed twice: "Uncle Guo, it's not me, it's us."

"Shit, you're in charge of industry. If you can't do your job well, I'll blame you."

Yang Jun has a black line on his head.

It’s so hard for me. There’s such a big mess, what can he do on his own?

"Uncle Guo, I can't do this."

"Stop giving me a hippie smile."

Guo Caocao suddenly said seriously: "Now we are not in a relationship as son-in-law. As a superior, I am ordering you to change the status quo, otherwise I will not be the first to spare you."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, Yang Jun quickly put out his cigarette and stood up.

"Report to the boss and ensure that the task is completed, but I want the rights and the policy."

The current gap between the two places also deeply hurts Yang Jun. He feels sad for the development gap between the two places. After being reborn, he also wants to contribute a heavy love to this passionate land, but the power of one person is too great. He is so small and powerless.

"Okay, I'll give you whatever you want. We'll have a meeting later to discuss it and make corresponding adjustments to our current situation."

"Thank you, great leader, for your trust."


In the afternoon, Yang Jun did not inspect local companies, but met with several famous local entrepreneurs and talked with them about the current international situation and future economic development trends.

The next day is the day of the World Engine Expo.

Not surprisingly, the Great Wall No. [-] engine at this exhibition has been sought after by the world, and our staff enthusiastically introduced this excellent engine to them.

This engine was just a transitional product. It was used by Yang Jun for communication with his superiors at that time. Unexpectedly, such a substitute could become the best engine in the world. Engine manufacturers from all over the world gathered in front of the booth to inquire about it. Regarding the situation of this engine, and testing the situation of Great Wall No. [-].

The Great Wall No. [-] engine has long been included in the country's combat readiness list. It is a controlled material and is not for sale to the outside world.

They shook their heads in disappointment.

But even so, the Great Wall No. 120 engine is still undeniably the best engine today. In less than an hour, the order volume of the Great Wall No. [-] engine exceeded [-] million units, and the order volume is still increasing.

Yang Jun was very happy to see the Great Wall No. [-] engine selling so well.

In any case, he personally participated in the development of this, and he was very happy to be able to contribute to the construction of the motherland.

On the third day, the order volume of Great Wall One once again exceeded 500 million units. Some companies were looking for hotels because they could not get orders.

“Tell our people to take as many orders as there are orders.”

Guo Caocao happily gave instructions on the spot.

This was originally Yang Jun's supervisory work, but he overstepped his authority and made the decision.

Yang Jun listened on the sidelines and frowned.

According to the current domestic productivity, there is no ability to produce so many orders. Even if it is built now, it is too late. Moreover, the steel production cannot be supplied.

When no one was around, Yang Jun reported the situation to him alone.

"This is your job. You have nothing to say to me. In short, you can't let the duck fly." Guo Caocao said.

"Uncle Guo, aren't you fooling around? If you can't deliver the order by then, do you know that we will face sky-high compensation?"

"Then I don't care. How to deliver the order is your business."

Guo Caocao began to display his rogue personality.

Yang Jun knew that this was an emergency reaction after being stimulated, and he was eager to prove to the world that he was not inferior to anyone.

Yang Jun couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, whatever you want, you are the big leader, I will listen to you."

He is now stimulated. He is a hedgehog and will prick anyone who comes near him.

His face must be maintained.

After coming out of Guo Cao Cao's room, Yang Jun immediately found the person in charge of this business and asked him to immediately stop accepting orders. Those who did not sign the contract would be refunded directly. Those who had signed the contract should discuss with them carefully whether they could refund. If it cannot be returned, can the delivery date be extended?

Guo Cao Cao was messing around, but Yang Jun couldn't mess around. After all, the industry was under his control, and he was responsible for anything that happened.

At night, Yang Jun sneaked out again.

After two hours of exercise with Huang Yani, we drank wine and counted the stars on the open-air balcony of the villa.

"I'm going back the day after tomorrow."

After speaking, the atmosphere fell into silence.

After a long while, Huang Yani's faint voice came.

"Time flies so fast, I don't know when we will meet again."

After saying that, he buried his head deeply in Yang Jun's arms.

"If you are tired of this kind of life, find someone to marry..."

After saying that, Yang Jun felt as if his heart was torn apart, and the pain made him shed tears.

But people can't be too selfish. Huang Yani has sacrificed so much for him. He can't be selfish enough to spend her entire youth.

Huang Yani didn't speak, but Yang Jun could feel her shoulders shrugging.

After a long while, he said, "No, I'll wait for you."

Yang Jun held her tightly in his arms.

"What are you doing?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Yani raised her head and looked at him sadly.

"When you brought me out of that small mountain village, I was destined to be yours for the rest of my life. If I hadn't met you, I would still be struggling in that quagmire."

Yang Jun: "For me, it's just a matter of effort, you don't have to commit yourself to it."

"It's a piece of cake for you, but for me it's a snowy opportunity."

Huang Yani hugged his neck and said: "Besides, this is no longer a matter of saving my life. Now I have fallen in love with you. I can do anything for love. Do you understand? For love, I can regardless of costs."

Yang Jun was startled.Then he held her tightly in his arms.

"I know, I will cherish you in this life."

"Just hold on for a few more years, and then I can fly to see you at any time."

Yang Jun, who has lived two lives, knows that this day will come sooner or later.

When conditions permit, he can run back and forth between the two places.

"I believe you."

Huang Yani loves the man in front of her deeply and has never doubted his words. She believes in Yang Jun that that day will come sooner or later.The night before leaving, Yang Jun went to Huang Yani's house again.

The two seemed to know that the day of separation was getting closer, so they stayed together.

It wasn't until the plane was about to take off the next morning that Huang Yani reluctantly let Yang Jun leave.

When the plane took off, Yang Jun recovered from his heavy thoughts.


After returning to Sijiu City, it was already past three in the afternoon.

Yang Jun gave everyone a holiday and asked them to go back and reunite with their families in the afternoon.

Yang Jun didn't go anywhere in the afternoon, but stayed at home with his children.

The child is now able to walk and does not need to be held by him at all.

Yang Jun had never raised a child before and didn't know how to coax him, so he gave his son his Browning gun to play with.

The little guy seemed to be more interested in this new toy. He stayed in Yang Jun's arms and let him teach him how to play with the gun.

Yang Jun held a cigarette in his mouth while explaining the structure of the gun.

"If the gun is not going to be used for a long time, remove the bullet to extend the life of the magazine spring."

"Also, you need to maintain it regularly, oil the gun, clean it, and check the rifling and other things..."

The little guy seemed to be very interested in guns. He kept playing with the pistol in his hand and making "PAPA" sounds from time to time.

When Yang Jun saw this, he knew that his son had inherited his genes and loved playing with guns.

Simply, Yang Jun took out various guns from the space for him to play with.

The two men sat on the floor in the living room. Yang Jun patiently told him about the characteristics of various guns bit by bit, and taught him some shooting skills.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Yang Jun looked up and saw that it was Yi Qiushui who was back.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw her son holding a gun in his hand, with the black muzzle pointed at her.


Yi Qiushui screamed and subconsciously hid behind the wall outside the door.

"Mommy mommy."

When the child saw Yi Qiushui hiding behind the wall, he thought he was playing hide-and-seek with him, so he stood up tremblingly and looked for Yi Qiushui with a pistol.

When Yi Qiushui saw this, she was so frightened that she ran all over the yard.

"Xiaobao, you bastard, I am mom."

"Husband, come and save me."

The more Yi Qiushui ran, the more happily the child chased her.


Yang Chengdao had more fun.

"Young man named Yang, you are going to die. Come and save me."

Seeing the opportunity, Yi Qiushui ran directly into the living room and hid behind Yang Jun.

"There are no bullets in the gun, what are you afraid of?"

Yang Jun said quietly.

"You can't let your children play with this without bullets, right?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Qiushui snatched the gun from her son's hand.

"Is there anyone who takes care of a child like you? What's not fun? Do you have to let him play with guns?"

Yang Jun: "A boy who has never played with a gun has no future."

When he was a child, he played with guns, but there were no real guns for him to play with at that time. He played with wooden guns or paper guns. A group of friends were divided into two groups, and they slapped each other at each other. Not to mention how happy they were. .


Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes at him: "My son's hands will never touch guns in the future. His hands are used to touch scalpels."

Yi Qiushui has long-term plans for her son. He hopes that his son will either be a doctor or a pianist in the future. In short, no matter what he does, he is not allowed to touch a gun. She thinks it is too dangerous.

"You do not understand."

Yang Jun shook his head and said quietly: "You women don't understand a man's happiness. If a man doesn't have the dream of being a hero, he is destined to be mediocre in this life."

Yang Jun changed the topic: "By the way, why did you get off work so early today?"

It's not even five o'clock now, and Yi Qiushui has gotten off work.

Yi Qiushui blushed when she heard this.

She said coquettishly: "I heard that you have returned home. Don't they want to see you as soon as possible?"


Yang Jun made a real expression: "Oh... So you also have a dream of being a hero."

"Do you want to die."

Yi Qiushui became angry with shame, and her small pink fists rained down on him.

The two quarreled for a while, and then Yi Qiushui took the child to the front yard.

It was definitely impossible for the two of them to do that kind of thing in broad daylight.

After Yi Qiushui left, Yang Jun thought, and all the guns on the ground were put into the space by him.

After doing all this, he also went to the front yard.

Wang Yuying cut a ten-pound watermelon, and everyone gathered around to eat the melon and chat.

"Daddy, you eat."

Sun Zhaodi handed him a piece of watermelon with relatively few seeds.

"Okay, Zhaodi, you can eat it yourself and don't worry about me."

Sun Zhaodi was not idle either, and was feeding watermelon to Yang Chengdao in her arms.

When Yang Jun saw this, he didn't want her to be too tired.

Wang Yuying began to chatter to Yang Jun about what happened in the past few days.

Whenever Yang Jun comes back from a business trip, she always talks to Yang Jun about what happened at home in the past few days. It's not that these things are difficult, but that she hopes to prove to her son in this way that she is still useful. And they are so old that they have to eat instead of work.

"In the past few days when you were away, I installed ceiling fans in every room in the front and backyard. It cost me a little over 1000 yuan."

"Old Liu at the entrance of the alley is in trouble. He wants to sell his house to our family. I didn't want it, so I borrowed him three hundred yuan without permission."

"Master Zhu, who used to live in the compound, married his daughter-in-law. I took the gift of two yuan as a gift."


Listening to Wang Yuying chattering about trivial family matters one by one, Yang Jun had a peaceful smile on his face.

He likes and even enjoys the quiet life now.

Sitting and chatting with his family, listening to his parents' nagging, and his wife and children's coquettishness and complaints about him, he felt that life had meaning.

People's happiness is very simple. It may be the trivial things in life, or it may be the casual care, or it may be the son's father.

"Mom, are Anbang and Anguo back?"

Yang Jun suddenly asked.

When Wang Yuying heard this, her brows suddenly knitted together.


"When we were chatting today, I heard Xiangxiu mention that your second father and the others have arrived at their hometown, but they are still making trouble. The Anguo brothers will not be able to come back yet."

Yang Jun sighed: "My second uncle is really capable of making trouble."

"Who says it's not the case? It's hard enough for the two brothers to have such an old person in the stall."

Not only was Wang Yuying worried for the Yang Anguo brothers, but Yang Jun was also worried.

If you tighten your control, you will be misunderstood as being unfilial; if you loosen it, it will be useless, and someone who can't help it will come to Sijiucheng to cause trouble for you.

Talking about the second uncle Yang Dong, the whole family is worried about the Yang Anguo brothers.

"By the way, Jun'er, Teacher Gao is sick and hasn't come to class for many days."

"Teacher Gao is sick?" Yang Jun frowned.

"Isn't there still Teacher Qian?"

"I heard that Teacher Gao is seriously ill, and Teacher Qian is taking care of him in the hospital."

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

Looking at this posture, Gao Jingtao must be seriously ill.

According to the nature of Gao Jingtao and Qian Rong, they would never miss school unless the sky fell.

"Jun'er, take some time to see Teacher Gao." Wang Yuying said.

"Well, I'll take the time to visit him some other time."

Yang Jun thought for a while: "Don't change the date, just do it now. I really don't know when I will have time."

Yang Jun stretched his waist and prepared to stand up.

At a glance, Yang Yu was eating watermelon.

Yang Yu rolled her eyes at him, then turned her head to the side.

Every time he saw Yang Laosi, Yang Jun couldn't help but want to scold her.

"Yang Laosi, why aren't you in class at this time?"

When everyone saw that Yang Jun was deliberately picking on Yang Yu again, they all couldn't help laughing.

The brother and sister cannot meet each other, and they fight each other whenever they meet.

"The superior leaders came to check and the school gave us a holiday."

Yang Laosi said angrily.

"What kind of bullshit leader? No leader can delay students' class when they come?"

College students in this era are just like high school students. Management is very strict. Some schools even adopt closed management. Dating, dating, fighting, etc. are not allowed.

"Hmph, yes."

Yang Yu pinched her nose and said, "You realize now how annoying it is to patrol around all day, right?"


Yang Jun said speechlessly: "Can I be the same as them? It's my normal job, it's the need of the job."


Yang Yu said angrily: "Those bullshit leaders think so too."

"Okay, you're awesome. It's okay that I'm a bullshit leader."

Yang Jun knew that this girl was deliberately angry with him, and he was not as knowledgeable as her.

The brother and sister cannot be serious. Appropriate concessions can increase their feelings for each other, and the relationship between Yang Jun and Yang Laosi is about fighting, fighting hard, and constantly fighting.

When you are angry with your sister, you must not take it seriously. You must not hit or scold her. Your anger will hurt your body.

"Yang Laosi, I order you to teach them how to read and study while Teacher Gao is away."

(End of this chapter)

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