Chapter 792
Yang Jun thought the person coming was his second uncle Yang Dong, so he didn't want to see him from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Jun clearly remembered the first time he met his second uncle Yang Dong. What a simple and honest person he was at that time.

At that time, her mind was simple and she only wanted to fill her stomach. As for things other than her stomach, she didn't have to think about it at all. She didn't know when her second uncle became bloated and was not satisfied with the one-third of an acre in the village. He went to the commune to make trouble.

It is undeniable that the second uncle must be doing things in his name behind his back, otherwise others would not give him this face.

He is fine now and has returned home to farm. However, looking at the situation now, it seems that he is not yet peaceful. The couple came to Sijiu City again to tease him.

If his second uncle was still young, Yang Jun wouldn't mind giving him another chance, but it would be unreasonable to bother him at such an old age.

Fortunately, the person who came was Wang Guozheng.

"Brother Junzi, congratulations."

Guozheng came in with a smile on his face.

"Come on, brother Wang, sit down and have a drink together."

Yang Jun quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Haha, Brother Junzi, although I have already eaten, I am so happy today that I must have a drink."

Wang Guozheng was not polite and sat down directly.

"Auntie, please excuse me and bring me a pair of dishes and chopsticks. Thank you."

Wang Guozheng was respectful to Wang Yuying.

Wang Yuying didn't treat him as an outsider. At least in her eyes, Wang Guo was just the boy who gave away money.

"Okay, just wait, my aunt will cook you two more dishes to go with the wine."

"Okay, thank you then."

The cooks were all off work, and Wang Yuying didn't want to trouble anyone anymore, so she started cooking herself.

After Wang Yuying went to the kitchen, the two started talking about business.

"Brother Junzi, you are awesome. If I don't obey anyone, I will obey you."

Wang Guozheng gave Yang Jun a thumbs up.

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Got it? The information is quite good."

"Hey, my brother is so well-informed. This is such a big deal. People all over the world know about it. It's hard for me not to know."

Guo Guozheng finished speaking, looking annoyed.

"If I had known this earlier, brother, I would have just sold the pot and borrowed money but also invested it, hey!"

Yang Jun said: "You boy still can't completely believe me."

"No, absolutely not."

Wang Guozheng said solemnly: "If I didn't believe you, would I hand over all my wealth to you with just one word?"

After hearing this, Yang Jun quickly admitted his mistake and said: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I apologize to you."

Yang Jun is like this. If he's wrong, he's wrong. If he's right, he's right. He'll admit it when he's wrong. He won't admit defeat like others who insist on losing face.

"Has the money arrived?" Yang Jun asked.

"not yet."

"Oh, don't worry, I think it will arrive tomorrow."

Such a large amount of money needs to be settled with the bank, so it is normal for it to arrive a day or two late.

"Brother Junzi, thanks to you this time, I have made more money than I can spend in several lifetimes." Wang Guozheng sighed.

He came out to work when he was 12 years old. He has been working for so many years and has been reselling supplies every day, earning more than 100 million. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, his entire net worth has increased fifty times.

"This is not a big deal. Are you satisfied with this little money?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: ""There is gold everywhere outside, it depends on whether you have the courage.

Wang Guozheng sighed after hearing this.

"Brother Junzi, you know that my brother is in charge of overseas business. I just want to do something, but I don't have the channel."

Yang Jun was also very sad after hearing this.

His old man is also partial, leaving all the good things to his younger son. The eldest son has nothing and has managed to get to this point almost on his own. If he wants to open a market overseas, it will be harder than reaching the sky.

"You're talking about the past, not now."

Yang Jun said: "Do you know how much money you have now? It's a total of 500 million. With this huge sum of money, you still worry about not being able to open markets overseas."

"Brother Junzi, can I do it?"

Guo Guozheng looked excited, his face flushed with excitement.

Who doesn't want to get rich? Although she, Wang Guozheng, is rich, no one thinks she has too much money. The more money she has, the more she wants. Sometimes making money can become addictive and she can't stop.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You can slowly adjust your business to overseas markets in the future. When the time comes, we brothers will rely on each other and break out of the world." Yang Jun said.

"Okay, I'll just listen to you and follow Brother Jun Zi. You will never suffer any loss."

"Brother, I'm optimistic about you."

Yang Jun is indeed very optimistic about Wang Guozheng. He is much more courageous than his father Wang Chuanting. The old man is old and no longer enterprising. He only wants to hold on to the little family property he has now. If he has the courage, the two yuan he lent to Yang Jun One hundred million is an investment. Every time the stock market comes in and out, at least ten billion has been made. It's a pity...

The next day, as soon as Yang Jun went to work, he received a call from Huang Yanni.

"Lao Yang, all the funds have been delivered. Guess how much we made this time?"

On the other end of the phone, Huang Yani reported the results to him with excitement.

After yesterday's excitement, Yang Jun was not so excited anymore. At this time, he said calmly,

"If nothing else happens, I should have made about 600 billion."

"Yes, Lao Yang, you guessed it right."

Huang Yani said: "I did the math. Excluding the arrears and interest, we made a net profit of 610 billion."

"Lao Yang, this is a beautiful sword."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "I know, you have worked hard this time."

"It's not hard for me, I just miss you a little."

Huang Yani's voice was a little low.

"Let me tell you good news. I may go to Hong Kong City on a business trip next month, and we can meet then." Yang Jun said.


A harsh voice suddenly came from the phone, and Huang Yani asked repeatedly,
"Lao Yang, I'm so excited. I'll pick you up after the date is set."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "I am on a business trip, and there are a lot of people around me. You should just stay at home and I will go find you."

"Yeah, how could I forget this? It would be better if you came here alone."

"Okay, if you hold on for a while longer, I will come to see you soon."

"OK, all right."

Then, the two hung up the phone.

After getting off work that day, Yang Jun did not go home. Instead, he asked Ma Juzi to take him to the military compound.

He prepared generous gifts and came to thank Wang Chuanting.

"Xiao Yang, come and sit down."

As soon as they met, Wang Chuanting warmly entertained him.

"Uncle Wang regrets it now. I really regret it. I missed such a big opportunity in vain. I feel regretful now."

Wang Chuanting beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Uncle Wang, everything has passed. There is no use regretting now. We will still have opportunities in the future." Yang Jun comforted.

"Is there really still a chance?" Wang Chuanting suddenly grabbed his hand and asked.

"There must be."

Yang Jun secretly laughed in his heart. If he missed this opportunity, he would have to wait another 20 years. He clearly remembered that there was an opportunity at the end of [-], and that opportunity was very big.

However, after 20 years, he will be over 50. By that time, he doesn’t know if he still has the desire to make money.

"It's great if you have the chance. I'll bring Uncle Wang to play with me next time."

After Wang Chuanting got over his excitement, he realized that he had indeed lost his composure just now.

This kind of thing was not something Yang Jun could have expected. They were just trying to comfort him.

After figuring this out, he no longer struggled.


Yang Jun said: "Uncle Wang, has the $[-] million arrived today?"

Yesterday, Yang Jun asked Huang Yani to pay back all the money she owed, but it took time for the bank to deliver the funds, so Yang Jun asked.

"Here we are, here we are, why did you give your kid an extra $[-] million?" Wang Chuanting looked annoyed.

"Hey, this is interest, and you deserve it. I originally wanted to count this money as an investment, but then I decided to forget it after thinking about it. Uncle Wang, you will definitely disagree."

"Hey, you kid, do you think your Uncle Wang has lived too long, and you just want to stab me in the eye? Don't you know that my heart still hurts?"

"Hey, Uncle Wang, my nephew tried to persuade you many times, but you just didn't listen. You can't blame me."

"Stop talking. If you show off again, do you believe I will beat you out?"

Wang Chuanting was indeed jealous. He originally thought he was superior to others in front of the Yang family, but he didn't expect that in a few days, he would become a younger brother again, and his little family property would be nothing in front of the Yang family.

"Okay, Uncle Wang, I won't disturb you anymore. I have to go to Uncle Guo's house, otherwise he will blame me for not coming in after three visits."

Yang Jun stood up and prepared to leave.

"Go, go, Lao Guo is too narrow-minded."

Wang Guozheng joked.

Afterwards, Yang Jun stood up and left.

Then he arrived at Guo Caocao's house in less than one step of the accelerator.

He ordered the driver to move down.

Aunt Guo nagged again, blaming Yang Jun for spending money again.

Guo Caocao stood on the steps of his door with his hands behind his back, looking like it had nothing to do with him.

"Aunt Guo, I'll stay for dinner tonight and cook some more vegetables."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell the kitchen to make some more dishes."

Yang Jun came to Guo Caochao with a smile, imitating his behavior and standing side by side with his hands behind his back.

"You brat, are you looking for a slap?"

Guo Caocao raised his leg but didn't really kick it.

"Hey!" Yang Jun ran away with a playful smile.

"Come with me to the study."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the house.

The two came to the study, and Guo Caocao locked the door.

He came to the sofa, sat down with his legs crossed, and held a teapot in his hand.

"Is there something you didn't tell me, kid?"

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

Then he sat down next to him and took out a white envelope from his pocket.

"Uncle Guo, I guess I can't hide what I do from you."

"This is a 100 billion draft from Citibank. Please accept it."

Guo Caocao was stunned for a moment.

The tea cup in his hand trembled, and the tea suddenly wet a large area of ​​clothes.

"Uncle Guo, it won't happen."

Yang Jun took the teacup in his hand with a smile.

Guo Caocao put aside all his previous calming skills. He held Yang Jun's hand tightly and asked,
"How much did you just say?"

"100 billion."

After a pause, Yang Jun added quietly: "US dollars."

Guo Caocao was not calm at all this time.

" boy..."

Yang Jun looked at him with a smile.

Not talking nonsense, he immediately opened the envelope and showed him the $100 billion money order.Guo Caocao held the money order with trembling hands, his lips twitching and unable to speak.

Even though he had seen the world, he was still shocked by this large amount of money.

After being a chief official all his life, he has passed through tens of millions of funds, but the total does not add up to 100 billion.

The current gross national product is only over 1000 billion, but the money order Yang Jun sent him is equivalent to several months of gross national product. How can he not be excited?

Guo Caocao was excited for a long time and finally recovered.

"Jun'er, I can't take all of this money, you understand."

"I know, Uncle Guo, it's up to you how to deal with this money. My father passed away early and there is no one in the family to discuss it. I can only discuss it with you if I have something to do."

Yang Jun knew very well that he would take out the money no matter what.

The stock market collapsed in the Japanese country, and nearly 85% of the gross national product evaporated. Such a big event will definitely cause shock all over the world. As for whose pocket the money goes into, people will definitely be targeted. Therefore, Yang Jun A sum of money must be spent to settle this matter, and the most powerful backer must be Guo Caocao.

The first move was 100 billion. Such a big deal even shocked Guo Caocao, who had seen the big world. I believe someone would be willing to help Yang Jun settle this matter.

"I'm not wrong about you kid. Only if you don't be greedy for money and don't live alone can you accomplish great things. Yes, yes."

Guo Caocao nodded repeatedly, appreciating Yang Jun's actions.

"Hey, Uncle Guo, just worry about this."

Guo Caocao rolled his eyes at him.

"I don't care how your kid makes money outside, but you must not have thoughts that you shouldn't have, and you can't take things that you shouldn't take. I must remember this."

"Uncle Guo, I remember."

Yang Jun did not defend himself.

Because he knew that all explanations were redundant in front of Guo Caocao.

The two of them were in the same boat. If the boat leaked, he would inevitably be drowned. Therefore, he would unswervingly and do his best to help him stabilize the boat.

After coming out of the military compound, Yang Jun went to a villa.

Guo Caocao will grow old one day. He cannot rely on him for everything. He must have his own way.


The next day, Yang Jun got up early for morning exercises.

As I was running on the street, I heard the sound of huffing and puffing coming from behind.

Looking back, he saw his second uncle Yang Dong running behind him, panting like a dog.

"Good morning, Jun'er."

Yang Jun frowned when he saw this.

"Second uncle, good morning. Instead of farming to exercise, are you running instead?"

Yang Jun slowly increased his speed while talking.

My second uncle is getting older, almost [-] years old, but because he has been farming all year round, his health is still very good, and he can barely keep up.

"It's not working anymore, it's not working anymore, it's no longer what it used to be. I've been sitting in the office for a long time, and my body is wasted."

Yang Jun could tell that the second uncle was steering the topic in that direction intentionally or unintentionally.

He smiled secretly, and then continued to run forward at a steady speed.

"Then the second uncle will go back to farming and train his body again."

Yang Jun followed the trend and wanted him to go home and farm directly.

If the second uncle was not a fool, he should understand what he meant.

However, you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

"No, my body is no longer what it used to be. I can't do strenuous exercise now. The doctor told me that I can only rest for this disease."

Didn't the second uncle just want to say that he has a disease like this and can only sit in a hospital to rest?
Then don't follow his words.

"Then just listen to the doctor and go home and lie down to rest. Anyway, Anguo and Anbang can afford to take care of you."

After saying that, Jia Xia's pace quickened.

Second uncle Yang Dong staggered and almost tripped.

"Jun'er, down."

"No, uncle, I'll be late soon."

Seeing that the fork in the road ahead was the direction leading to his home, Yang Jun did not turn in, but continued running along the main road.

"Second uncle, tell my mother that I won't go back and will go directly to work."


Second uncle Yang Dong finally stopped due to exhaustion, holding his hands on his knees and sticking out his tongue like a wild dog.


After Yang Jun got rid of his second uncle Yang Dong, he ran forward two blocks.

I looked at a breakfast shop nearby, rubbed my belly and went in.

Since the family hired a chef, he hasn't come out for breakfast for a long time.

It's not that the food outside is better than at home, he just likes the feeling of sitting around eating together, and then experiencing the feeling of eating as soon as he comes and leaving after eating.

"Boss, a bowl of two flavors of soy milk, half a pound of fried dough sticks, and three big meat buns."

As soon as he entered the breakfast shop, Yang Jun went to the ticket counter to buy tickets.

"A total of sixty-five cents."

The conductor raised his head and glanced at Yang Jun.

Not everyone can afford breakfast these days, and it's even rarer to order so much at once. People who eat like this are either rich or prodigal.

A meal costs [-] cents, which is equivalent to half a day's salary of an ordinary worker. How dare you do this if you have too much experience.

When Yang Jun heard this, he put his hand into his trouser pocket.

Suddenly stunned.

He never wears sports clothes with money, and he usually doesn't come in for breakfast during morning exercises.

The ticket seller was a woman in her 20s. When she saw Yang Jun's expression, she immediately guessed something.

"It doesn't matter, I'll put it on for you first, and you can just give it back to me tomorrow."

Yang Jun was stunned.

Is this bitch sick?
He has never seen a restaurant where you can eat first and pay later, let alone pay on credit. The waiters are all very conscientious and would be considered well-educated if they don't ridicule you.

"Comrade, aren't you afraid of defaulting on your debt?"

The girl smiled when she heard this.

"I'm not afraid, Comrade Yang Jun."

Yang Jun was stunned.

"you know me?"

The comrade curled his lips and said: "How new is it? Ask the people on this street who doesn't know you?"

"I see you running on this street every day. It's hard not to recognize you."

"real or fake?"

Yang Jun didn't believe it.

The woman didn't talk nonsense and turned directly to the woman who was cooking at the window.

"Sister Aiyun, do you know this person?"

After hearing the voice, the man named Aiyun glanced over here. Just as he was about to shake his head out of habit, he suddenly took another careful look, then his eyes lit up and he ran over in small steps.

"Hey, isn't this Yang Jun? Have you eaten? Can I treat you to breakfast?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he shook his head with a wry smile.

Now he believed it. Everyone on the street knew him, and even the rhubarb on the roadside could chat with him.

"When I go out to eat from now on, I'll just show off my face." Yang Jun said to himself.

"Isn't that right? If anyone in the country doesn't know you or who their ancestors are, then they have to know who you are, Yang Jun."

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

People are afraid of famous pigs.

This is true at all. He can really feel the pain now. It is so inconvenient. Someone will supervise him if he does something bad or something.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll give you the money."

Don’t worry if you don’t bring any money, as long as the system is still there.

As soon as Yang Jun thought, a wad of money and tickets appeared in his pocket.

He took out sixty-five cents and handed it to the conductor.

This kind of state-run breakfast shop has rationed food, so there is no need to give food stamps.

"There's no need to give it. The two of us are treating you to this meal."

The conductor patted his chest and said.

When Yang Jun heard this, his head turned black.

Who are you two sisters with? Aren't you taking advantage of me? Judging by your age, you two are not even older than me.

"Comrade, aren't you asking me to make a mistake?"

Yang Jun dropped the money and went to find a seat to sit down.

Logically speaking, customers have to go to the window to pick up their meals, but Yang Jun has a special status. He knows that someone will definitely bring his meal to him soon.

Sure enough, after a while, a woman in her fifties delivered the meal.

The fat woman smiled and nodded at him, and then began to take out the food on the plate.

"Comrade Yang, who are those two girls running behind you every day? Do you have a husband? My boy is [-] this year and he is still single..."

Yang Jun was speechless and held his forehead: "Sister, all the men in my family are married, all the women are married, and the unmarried ones are all married, so you don't have to worry about my family's affairs."

"Then...then your son is just one and a half years old, so he can't get engaged, right?"

Yang Jun was about to eat fried dough sticks, but after hearing this, he put it down again.

"Sister, can we wait to discuss this matter after my son? Now let me have breakfast quietly?"

"Oh, okay, okay, let's talk about it later..."

Seeing that Yang Jun was unhappy, the eldest sister left quickly, muttering: "My granddaughter is only one year old..."

Yang Jun almost fell over. He said that he would never come out for breakfast again.

Just when Yang Jun took a bite of the bun, he saw someone walking towards him.

Looking back, I saw my second uncle staggering over with his hands on his hips.

"Jun'er, I knew I would find you here..."

"Come on, come on, second uncle, I also know that you will come, and I bought it specially for you."

Yang Dong took a look and found that it was indeed like this.

There were two bowls of soy milk on the table, and a large plate of fried dough sticks and steamed buns next to them. It looked like breakfast for two people.

"Hey, Jun'er, you still have your second uncle in your heart."

Yang Jun grabbed a bun and stood up.

"Well, uncle, please eat slowly. I have to go to work. If you don't leave, I'll be late."

After speaking, he ran away.

"Hey, Jun'er..."

Yang Dong wanted to continue chasing, but he couldn't run anymore.

Yang Jun ran home quickly and found that Ma Juzi and the others had been waiting at the door for a long time.

At this time in the past, Yang Jun had been back a long time ago, but now that he had not come back at this time, they were frightened, thinking that something had happened, and fled into the streets.

"Brother, where have you been?"

Yang Jun sat down in the car.

"Stop asking questions now and drive quickly."

"By the way, inform Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang so that the two brothers can divorce."

(End of this chapter)

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