Chapter 780

Since Yang Jun became rich, he has basically bought all the houses in the alley.

Except for the largest courtyard house where he lives now, most of the other houses are two-entry or one-entry. Yang Jun chose a two-entry courtyard for Yang Chengwu as a wedding room.

On the tenth day of the lunar month, Yang Jun failed to attend Xiaowu's wedding. He went to the north to inspect the docks and shipyards.

It wasn't until half a month later that he returned to Sijiu City.

As soon as he got home, he went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After being outside for so many days, I didn't wash myself properly, and my whole body was sour.

After half an hour, I came out of the bathroom.

Everyone looked at him with serious expressions.

"What's going on? Everyone is looking sad?"

Yang Jun lit a cigarette and took two puffs.


Yi Qiushui opened and closed her lips several times, as if she wanted to speak but hesitated.

When Yang Jun saw this, he suddenly had a bad thought.

"What happened at home?" Yang Jun asked again.

"Grandpa he..."

Before Yi Qiushui could finish speaking, she was choked up and speechless.

Yang Jun was startled, although his eyes turned red.

"When did this happen?"

"The night before last."

Yi Qiushui wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "The second sister, second brother-in-law, third sister, third brother-in-law, and An Guo have already rushed over. I don't know when you will come back, and I don't dare to call you, so..."

"Okay, don't cry."

Yang Jun consoled him: "Birth, old age, illness and death are common. Don't be too sad. Life will still go on."

Grandpa failed to survive in the end, and his life stayed at the age of 88 forever.

Some time ago, I thought I was cured, but I didn't expect that I was just getting better.

Human life is like grass and trees, changing one after another. Yang Jun didn't understand the meaning of being here in this world for decades.

Just like flowers, plants and trees, does it tell the world that it has arrived?

"Hey, pack it up and go back tomorrow."

After saying that, Yang Jun went out.

People with his status need to report wherever they go.

Yang Jun went to Hongqiangzi and returned to his unit after coming out.

He first held a meeting to set the tone for things in the unit, and then implemented the plan. After the meeting, he told Wang Erwa some things, and then continued to deal with official duties.

"Minister, everything has been arranged. The flight is at nine o'clock tonight, and a special car has been arranged to pick you up."

Jiang Haitao reported to him.

As the chief of the department, he has a special plane, but he rarely uses it.

There were a lot of things going on in the ministry recently, and he couldn't spare much time to waste on the road, so he had to use a special plane.

"Is your family ready?" Yang Jun asked.

"The madam said that everything is ready and ready to go at any time."

"Well, I'm working overtime so I won't be going home. When the time comes, you can pick up my wife and we'll go directly to a few shows."

"Okay, leader, I'll make arrangements right away."

He had just returned from a business trip and had too much backlog of work on hand. He had to deal with the urgent ones first and wait until he came back to deal with the rest.

In the afternoon, the secretary brought dinner, and Yang Jun simply ate it and continued to deal with the work at hand.

At eight o'clock, Jiang Haitao came over and informed him that he could set off.

Yang Jun looked at the time and nodded to indicate that it was time to set off.

When he left the office, he saw Yi Qiushui, his fourth son, Yang Yu, and his fifth son, Yang Huai, sitting in the outer office waiting for him.


As soon as Yi Qiushui saw Yang Jun, he stood up immediately.

"Wait a long time?"

Yang Jun walked over and touched her face.

"No, I just arrived." Yi Qiushui said.

Yang Jun smiled and then said, "Let's go to a few games."

Afterwards, a group of people drove towards several fields.

This time, the whole family returned to their hometown, including Yang Jun's goddaughters and godsons.

Dozens of families were crammed into a plane.

Except for Yang Jun, most of the people here were flying for the first time. As soon as they got on the plane, they lay on the window and chattered.

Yang Jun often goes on business trips and has long been accustomed to flying. At this time, he was sitting in a special seat and continued to handle unfinished business during the day.

Next to him sat Jiang Haitao, exchanging work matters from time to time.

When he returned to his hometown this time, he had to interact with local people, and he didn't like that kind of painless social interaction, so he took Jiang Haitao with him.

The plane flew for two hours before arriving at a temporary airport in my hometown in Shanxi.

After getting off the plane, Yang Jun asked another secretary to take the processed documents back with the special plane, and then he got on the special car back to his hometown in the countryside.

This time, in addition to her own family, Yang Jun was accompanied by her secretary, driver, and guards. In total, there were about 50 people.

The local department sent two minibuses and a car to pick him up. Yang Jun got into the car and then motioned to the driver to drive.

The leader was local secretary Tang Hezhang, who personally came to the airport to pick up Yang Jun.

"Boss, it's already early in the morning. Why don't we rest in the county for one night and go back early tomorrow morning?" Tang Hezhang said.

Tang Hezhang sat in the passenger seat and turned sideways to talk to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun rubbed his temples with his hands, closed his eyes and said, "It was just because it was dark and there was no one around, so I rushed back overnight."

Yang Jun didn't like to walk through the city in the daytime. He just wanted to go home quietly while it was dark.

"Yes, yes, the great leader has a good style and is worth learning from."

Tang Hezhang said: "This time the big leader went home for the funeral, I wonder what I can do for you?"

"You don't have to do anything."

Yang Jun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him solemnly.

"Just take care of your people and don't let anyone harass me."

"Yes, I will definitely restrain the people below and will never cause trouble to the boss." Tang Hezhang promised.

"Well, you're good. I remember you. Your name is Tang..."

"Tang Hezhang."

Tang Hezhang said quickly.

At this time, there was a burning light in his eyes.

In fact, Yang Jun knew that his name was Tang Hezhang, but he just pretended to forget it on purpose in order to give Tang Hezhang hope. Of course, only Yang Jun knew whether this hope could be realized.

After all, my hometown is here, and I will inevitably need him in the future, so even if I don't like this person, I won't show it.

"Well, well done."

"Thank you, the great leader, for your appreciation."

The car drove for more than an hour before arriving at my hometown.

When we arrived, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, and it would be dawn in less than two hours.

It was already June, and the weather was very hot. Even in the early morning, I could feel the slightest bit of heat coming over me.

After the car stopped, Yang Jun asked Tang Hezhang to go back.

Before leaving, he repeatedly told him to restrain the people below and not let others harass him.

After sending Tang Hezhang away, Yang Jun had time to look at the old house.

There are two white flags standing in front of the door, and two felt sheds are supported on both sides of the door, with shadows inside.

The gate of the wooden fence was open, the light was on in the cave in the middle, and the sound of quarreling could be faintly heard.

"go in."

Yang Jun walked in front and walked straight to the middle cave dwelling.

The closer they got to the cave, the louder the quarrels became, as if they were arguing over funeral matters.

There was a black coffin placed in the cave dwelling, with the coffin lid leaning against the side of the coffin.

There were people sitting on both sides of the coffin, and their faces were red as they discussed the funeral.


Yang Jun shouted.

He took two quick steps and knelt down.

There is no imaginary grief, and there is no false performance, only the condolences of the younger generation to the elders.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Kowtowed three times.

Yi Qiushui and the others knelt behind Yang Jun, called grandpa, and then kowtowed three times.

The people who were arguing in the mourning hall suddenly saw Yang Jun coming and stood up one after another.

"Jun'er, why did you arrive in the middle of the night? Where are Anguo and the others?"

Second uncle Yang Dong looked back and did not find Yang Anguo and his brothers.

It stands to reason that when grandpa died of illness, all the descendants of the Yang family would come back for the funeral. Only the people from the eldest family were seen, and none of the sons and grandsons were seen.

"Second uncle, we came by plane. Anguo and the others probably won't arrive until the day after tomorrow." Yang Jun explained.

It takes four days and four nights to drive from Sijiu City back to his hometown in Shanxi. Even if we take turns, it will take at least four days and three nights to get there. Even though Yang Anguo and the others set off a day early, they are two full days behind Yang Jun.

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Yang Dong felt disappointed: "Why didn't Anguo Anbang come back by plane with you?"

The second uncle emphasized the word "airplane" very strongly.

It could be seen from his expression that he was a little disappointed.

Yang Jun didn't say anything, but greeted the people in the mourning hall.

"Uncle Big Eyes..."

"Uncle Ma..."

All the people with some respect in the village are here, including about a dozen of Yang Jun's cousins.

"The army is here."

Everyone greeted him one after another.

Perhaps because of Yang Jun's identity, they felt uncomfortable speaking.

Wang Yuying, who heard the commotion, came out of the cave next door. She first held Yang Chengdao in her arms and kissed him, and then led Yi Qiushui and the others to the next door.

Yang Jun was tired and sleepy, and wanted to rest early. However, as the eldest son of the Yang family, he could not abandon his guests and go to sleep alone, so he could only stay in the mourning hall.

After each person smoked a cigarette, Second Uncle Yang Dong and the others continued the topic. "Junzi, you are a big leader and have seen the world. Tell me, what should I do about the old man's funeral?"

Uncle Big Eyes, as the village party secretary and an elder, spoke first.

"Your second uncle insists on setting up some kind of funeral committee. My opinion is not to do it. Junzi, what do you think?"

Yang Jun thought for a moment and said only two words: "Simple."

"Right, I just said it should be simple, your second uncle and your cousin both want to make it big."

"Let me explain to your second uncle that he should not only think about himself, but also think about the military. He is a leading cadre and must take the lead."

Yang Jun said: "Uncle Big Eyes is right, life is not easy for everyone these days, and it is not appropriate to make a big deal."

Yang Dong: "But Jun'er, we are a big family member of the Yang family. How can your grandfather's funeral be simplified? Isn't this a joke to the surrounding villages?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his face was as dark as water.

He knew it would be so.

The second uncle Yang Dong started to wander, and the official who was as big as sesame seeds and mung beans began to be ignorant of the heights of the world.

Still a big business?
Where is it big?

"Second uncle, you are also a cadre now, and you have to take the lead. Besides, grandpa has been keeping a low profile all his life. If he knew better, he would definitely not be willing to make a big deal." Yang Jun explained patiently.

If he hadn't been an elder, Yang Jun would have lost his temper a long time ago.

Why don't you do something big? You don't have a clear idea?

"Jun'er, your grandfather is gone. I am the eldest in the family. Listen to me on this matter. First, set up a funeral committee..."

"Second uncle, you are wrong."

Yang Jun suddenly interrupted: "According to the rules of the older generation, the eldest brother should be the one who calls the shots, right?"

"It's a new society now..." Yang Dong muttered.

"Okay, just follow the rules of the new society. Since grandpa is gone, my mother is the eldest, so it's not your turn to be the master of the family, right?"

This second uncle has no eyesight. After being an official for a few days, he doesn't know how many buns he has eaten.


Second uncle Yang Dong was speechless.

"Jun'er, my second uncle didn't want to be the master of the family. Isn't the reason why I did this just for the sake of our old Yang family's face?"

"Second uncle, you are right. If it is really for the good of the old Yang family, then you should not do that."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he turned back to his cousins ​​and said, "Brothers, uncles, and gentlemen, do you think I am right?"

At this time, a cousin of the family said: "Jun'er is right, the old man's funeral should be simple."

With this cousin taking the lead, several other tribesmen told them to express their views on the matter.

"Third child, have you forgotten how your eldest child became a teacher in the town?" Yang Dong suddenly said sharply.

The cousin's face turned red, but he immediately retorted: "Second brother, why are you bringing this up? Let's talk about it. I will keep your kindness in mind, but we can't just think about ourselves. We have to do it for ourselves." Isn’t it for the military’s sake?”

The cousin's hint was very obvious, and it also gave his second uncle Yang Dong face, asking him to think about the overall situation and not just think about himself. The army is much more important than him.

"Second uncle, don't blame your cousin. He is also doing good for our old Yang family. Just listen to me. Grandpa's funeral will be simple."

"No, Junzi, you are also a dignified leader after all, and I am also a commune cadre. Your grandfather's funeral cannot be simplified. This is related to our faces."


Yang Jun shouted sharply.

However, I suddenly felt that it was a bit bad to speak like this, so my expression softened and I said,

"Second uncle, that's it. I'm tired. I'll go back and rest first."

No longer even keeping vigil, Yang Jun returned directly to Wang Yuying.

Since the second uncle and second aunt went to work in the commune, the cave dwelling at home became vacant. In order to take care of her grandfather more conveniently, Wang Yuying moved to the cave dwelling where Yang Anbang originally lived.

The cave dwelling is not big, with a kang inside and a single-pot stove inside, which is convenient for heating in winter.

More than a dozen members of Yang Jun's family crowded into this cave dwelling. The women and children lived on the kang, while the men all lived in tents in the yard.

After Yang Jun entered, he climbed directly onto the kang, kicked Yang Laosi aside, and sat down.

Yang Laosi was just about to get angry, but when he turned around and saw that it was Yang Jun, he immediately became silent and rolled his eyes while sitting next to him.

"I'm furious."

Yang Jun complained as he poured herbal tea into his mouth.

Wang Yuying heard this and sighed: "Don't be as knowledgeable as your second uncle. He is obsessed with officialdom."

Yang Jun slammed the tea bowl on the table.

"What a bullshit official he is, he dares to show off in front of me. Believe it or not, I jerked him off with just one word?"

The second uncle couldn't tell the difference between the big and small kings, and Yang Jun was very angry tonight.

"No, you must not do this, otherwise your second uncle will hate you for the rest of his life." Wang Yuying advised.

"If you hate it, hate it. Anyway, since grandpa is gone, the two families are getting further and further apart."

"You don't have any contact with your second uncle. What about Anguo and Anbang? You don't plan to have any contact with them either?"


Yang Jun was stunned and silent.

"I can't write two Yang characters in one stroke. I have broken bones and connected tendons. Your second uncle has changed over the years, but his two children are still good. For the sake of Anguo and Anbang, don't fight with you. My second uncle is generally knowledgeable." Wang Yuying advised.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I won't be on the same level as him for the time being. If he continues to be ignorant, he will stop being the director."

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, your second uncle will stab you again, and I won't be the first to do it."

Wang Yuying coaxed him like a child.

"Hey, Mom, I talk to you very clearly. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let me give you a hug."

Yang Jun opened his arms and waited for Wang Yuying to hug him.

"You brat, your wife, son and daughter are all here. How old are you, and you still want your mother to hold you?"

As Wang Yuying was talking, her face suddenly darkened and she said, "I heard that during my absence, you have been bullying the fourth and fifth children?"

"Hey, you picked me up on the roadside?"

Yang Jun was speechless. His mother was so partial that she even came to protect the calf.

"Huh, that was one morning 34 years ago..."

Wang Yuying suddenly looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and spoke eloquently.

"Okay, okay, please stop, can you try a new trick?"

Everyone laughed when they saw the two of them joking when they met.

They envied the mother-child relationship between them, and were also moved by this unrestrained way of getting along.

"Mom, you don't know that during your absence, your son bullied me every day." Yi Qiushui said coquettishly.

"If you rebel against him, mom will make the decision for you. If you don't want this husband anymore, you will kick him out of the house someday." Wang Yuying said exaggeratedly.

"Mom, that's not a big deal, just give her a beating."

The two girls sang together and made everyone happy.

After the family chatted for a while, Wang Yuying began to chase people out.

"It's just a day tomorrow, go to bed early tonight."

Yi Qiushui, Yang Laosi, Yang Laowu and Wang Yuying stayed in the cave dwelling, while Yang Jun and others went to live in the yard.

Luo Xiaojun and Sun Zhaocai had already set up four tents in the yard. Yang Jun was in a separate room. He crawled into the tent, folded his clothes and lay down.

I don’t know how long I slept when I was awakened by the sound of a suona.

Yang Jun rubbed his sleepy eyes, walked out of the tent and saw that the suona troupe invited for the funeral had arrived and were now auditioning outside the hospital.

"Uncle Master, are you still sleeping?"

Luo Xiaojun leaned closer and whispered.

Yang Jun looked back and saw that the other three tents had been put away, and his was the only one left.

"I'm not going to sleep anymore. I'll go to the mourning hall to relax for a while."

He came all the way back, not to enjoy the blessings. Grandpa's funeral had not been completed yet, so he had to stay in the mourning hall to keep vigil.

He washed his face, then found a pair of mourning clothes, and knelt in front of the mourning hall in place of his second uncle. Whenever someone came to express condolences, he would burn paper.

After a while, Yang Jun's younger brothers, sisters, and several godsons and daughters also came in dressed in mourning clothes. They knelt on both sides of the coffin very sensibly. If anyone came to express their condolences, they would cry twice, but no one would just stay there and chat.

At this time, the second uncle Yang Dong came in from outside and knelt beside Yang Jun. The two lowered their heads and talked quietly.

"Jun'er, I thought about it for a moment. Your grandfather's funeral cannot be arranged simply. It concerns the face of our old Yang family. We won't do it in a big way. We will make it a little larger in scale, mention the quality of the food, and then invite some more. People come to mourn, what do you think?"

"I don't think so?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Don't tell me about this. You first have to understand my mother's thoughts and then tell me about it."

After all, Yang Jun is a junior and cannot break up with me, Yang Dong, but Wang Yuying is different. The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother. Now she is the eldest in the family, and she has the final say in everything.

Wang Yuying will definitely not agree. As long as it affects Yang Jun, she will definitely be the first to object.

Yang Dong wanted to give his grandfather most of the funeral, but that would definitely not work with her.

"Jun'er, you have a family and a career. You can't just listen to women on everything..."

"Second uncle."

Yang Jun growled, his face as dark as water, and he stared at him with an unkind look.

"That's my mother and your sister-in-law. I hope you respect her."

"There is also the matter of grandpa's funeral. I have already said that it will be simplified. Can you stop talking about it? If you push me into a hurry, you, the director..."

Yang Dong must have understood the rest of the words without continuing.

"Jun'er, have changed."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

It seems that that person is you. You have become a mung bean and sesame officer. I don’t know how many buns you have eaten.

Yang Dong was stunned for a moment.

Facing the determined Yang Jun, he really had no choice.

Everything he had today was given by Yang Jun, so he naturally had no confidence to confront him.

Facing such a tough Yang Jun, he could only give up.

"Second uncle, if you have nothing to do, go and kneel on the opposite side. This is the position of the eldest son." Yang Jun said in a low voice.

Yang Dong rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Jun'er, you have changed."

Then, after checking that no one was paying attention, he climbed to the other side.

Today is the third day since my grandfather died of illness.

According to the rules passed down by the elders and the hot weather, the old man can only stay at home for five days. Therefore, if he stays at home for another day tomorrow, he can go to the ground the day after tomorrow.

Due to the hot weather, the body gradually decomposed, and a faint smell came from the coffin.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore and would sneak out from time to time and not come back for a long time.

Yang Jun had no choice but to discuss it with his second uncle, so he sent out all the younger people, leaving only him and his second uncle Yang Dong guarding the mourning hall.

The second mother, Qin Xiuzhi and Wang Yuying, took care of the outside affairs. They didn't have to suffer this, but Yang Jun and Yang Dong suffered.

Yang Jun covered his nose and did not dare to speak, for fear of spitting out when he opened his mouth.

They didn't dare to close the lid of the coffin. Firstly, it would rot faster after it was closed. Secondly, Yang Anguo and the others hadn't seen each other for the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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