Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 777 Yang Cheng chooses 5 wives

Chapter 777 Yang Cheng chooses his fifth wife

Yang Jun was eating the roasted donkey meat that he had not finished in the morning. His mouth was oily and he looked slovenly.

What's more, he came here to hunt today. He didn't wear a cadre uniform, but was dressed in a retired military green uniform.

The three cadres looked at Yang Jun, then looked at each other, and smiled at the corners of their mouths.
Yang Jun looked like he was less than thirty because of his good maintenance. Even if such a young man was a cadre, how big a cadre could he be? Compared with the so-called big leader in front of him, it could be said that there was no comparison at all.

Afterwards, the three of them didn't take Yang Jun seriously at all.

"You are their leader, can you be the master of the house?"

The middle-aged cadre narrowed his eyes and said condescendingly.

Yang Jun stuffed the last mouthful of roasted donkey meat into his mouth and wiped the grease stains from the corners of his mouth with his sleeves without any image.

The three of them didn't even care about Yang Jun.

"The two younger ones are my nephews, and the two older ones are my younger brothers. I am the eldest, so I should... be able to make the decision." Yang Jun said.

"It's good to be able to decide."

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face and said in a tone of "I'm doing my best for you": "It seems that you are also a cadre. Your nephew doesn't understand the rules. I don't blame him, but now I want to buy a goat. You What should I do?"

The middle-aged man seemed to have convinced Yang Jun, thinking that he would obediently give him a fat sheep.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jun was not afraid at all. He stood up from the ground and patted the dirt on his butt.

"You can eat sheep if you want, as long as you beat this guy up, let alone a sheep, I can give them all to you."

Yang Jun said that this person was Sun Zhaocai.

This guy looked like he had won a lottery, standing there with a triumphant look.

"Come on, you three can come together."

Just these three gentle people, it's not his fault, there is no problem in beating a hundred of them.

The expressions of the three of them were stagnant.

They finally saw that Yang Jun was even more ignorant of current affairs than this stupid boy.

"Okay, you're ruthless."

Another young man next to him said angrily: "If you have the ability, tell me your name and position."

Yang Jun shook his head and said: "I won't retaliate, and I'm not stupid. You three look like you are capable people. I'm afraid you will cause trouble for me."

"Haha, if you are sensible, I advise you to sell us a sheep."

The three of them smiled and began to get carried away.

Yang Jun pretended to be thoughtful and thought for a while.

"Okay, it's okay to give you one. How about this? Tell me the name and unit, and I'll give it to you directly."

"Forget your name and unit, we drove here, you don't need to send them away."

The young secretary next to him turned back and pointed at the car.

"Did you see that Buick with license plate number 5248 is our car?"

The young man looked at the license plate, said "Eh" and muttered: "Why are there military vehicles here, and they still have four 2's on the license plate."

"Oh, you mean that Paris, right?"

Yang Jun pointed to his driveway: "That's my car. It's very convenient for me to take you to work."

"your car?"

The three of them were shocked when they heard this, and their faces turned ugly.

He walked over and took a look, then came back and asked cautiously: "Excuse me, comrade, which unit are you from?"

"Why are you asking this?"

What does my unit have to do with your sale of mutton?
Yang Jun pretended to be ignorant and asked: "Hey, do you still want to buy mutton?"

When they saw Yang Jun's car, the three of them began to retreat.

If they had seen that car earlier, they wouldn't be clamoring to buy mutton.

"Don't buy it, don't buy it."

The three of them were usually cautious enough, but they didn't expect to hit a brick wall today. Only then did they realize that Yang Jun and the others had just cooperated with his performance, but they were actually pretending to be pigs and eating elephants.

"Don't buy it?"

Yang Jun exclaimed: "You are the one who bought it, and you are the one who didn't buy it. Are you kidding us?"

"No, I have to buy it today, even if I don't want to buy it, I have to buy it."

Hearing what Yang Jun said, Sun Zhaocai immediately blocked the three of them's way.

His stomach bulged, and one of the young men was thrown to the ground.

"Weak chicken."

Sun Zhaocai's contemptuous eyes were full of disdain.

The young man's face turned red, but he did not dare to complain.

After getting up from the ground, he hid behind the middle-aged cadre dejectedly.

The middle-aged cadres saw this and had to step forward.

When he walked up to Yang Jun, his expression became humble.

"Comrade, the person below just didn't understand etiquette and was very offensive. Please forgive me."

When Yang Jun heard this, he snorted secretly.

Grass is a plant.

The grass mud horse is indeed an animal.

What a two-tongued man, he said everything inside and out.

It’s you who want to buy the mutton. They won’t sell it, and you want to use your status to suppress others. When your status can’t suppress you, you start to show weakness.

When I talk to you about the rules, you talk about the rules. When I talk to you about the rules, you talk about the rules.

Hey, it’s really hard to be a human being.

I'm not your biological father, so why should I spoil you?

"What are you talking about? Let's talk about sheep."

"Comrade, do you sell this sheep?"

The middle-aged man saw that Yang Jun was not getting enough. At this moment, he wished that he had dismissed Yang Jun and got over it quickly.

Yang Jun plucked his ears with his little finger, then turned around and said to Ma Juzi: "Juzi, how much did you pay for a pound of mutton the day before yesterday?"

Among these people, Ma Juzi is the smartest.

Sure enough, Ma Juzi lived up to expectations.

He frowned and thought for a moment: "It's not cheap, it costs five yuan and thirty cents per pound."

The three people didn't say anything, but Sun Zhaocai, a fool, suddenly exclaimed: "How is it possible? I just bought two taels of mutton the day before yesterday, ninety-five cents per catty."

Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

This guy is out of his mind.

Yang Jun glared at him and said, "You bought fake mutton, right? The mutton from the supply and marketing cooperative is more than five yuan a pound."

"I remember wrongly, it's five yuan more than a pound." Yang Anguo agreed.

Sun Zhaocai was stunned by everyone's remarks.

He scratched his head and said, "Did I remember it wrong?"

Then another sentence came: "Oh, I suddenly remembered, it seems to be ten yuan a pound."


Everyone couldn't hold it back and laughed.

Pork only costs more than [-] cents per pound, and mutton only costs a pound.

Good guy, this idiot is not stupid, he speaks for others, and he is stupid. His mouth is ten yuan a pound, even if dragon meat is not sold at that high price, right?

The three middle-aged cadres were also secretly frightened when they heard it, and they hurriedly waved their hands and said: "I... we won't buy it."

That's okay, it's better to just grab it.

At ten yuan a pound, a goat costs 800 yuan no matter what. Even if all three of their families were emptied, they couldn't afford it.

"Daddy, don't talk nonsense to them, just give them a beating and you'll be honest."

Xiao Wu had a bad temper, and he had long been impatient when he saw how they were grinding away.

"Little five?"

Yang Jun yelled, then his face darkened and he said: "Stay aside and don't interrupt."

When Yang Chengwu heard this, he retreated angrily.

"Yes, godfather."

In fact, Xiao Wu had already figured out Yang Jun's intention. He just wanted to teach these three people a lesson, so that they would not be ignorant of the truth.

According to his point of view, it would be better to just give him a beating. This person who is grinding, hiding a knife in his smile, and secretly plotting against Chen Cang is too unpleasant.

Yang Jun turned around and said to the cadre: "Comrade, since you want to buy mutton, we will sell it to you."

"No... no more."

He can't afford the sky-high price of mutton.


Yang Jun snorted coldly, and a black shadow flashed past.

Xiaowu kicked the middle-aged man and knocked him backwards.

"Xiao Wu, let me tell you what you are good at."

"Daddy, villains often die because they talk too much. If you can do it, don't push it. This is the experience I have gained from so many years of fighting. It is very effective." Xiao Wu crossed his arms, looking like he was not convinced by anyone.

"Yes, you are right." Yang Jun gave him a thumbs up.

This rule suited Xiao Wu, but not him. With his status as Yang Jun, it was really inconvenient for him to do it.

"Comrade, can we continue now?"

Yang Jun leaned over and asked.

"I can...can continue."

It was really itchy, and I felt much calmer once I stepped on it.

"Okay, then continue."

Yang Jun turned back to Ma Juzi and said, "Juzi, pick the biggest and fattest one for this comrade."

"Okay, brother."

When Ma Juzi heard this, he came over in a hurry.

Among the eight animals, I picked the smallest and thinnest one, and carried it over with a strong hand.

"I didn't bring a scale today. I estimated it with my hands. It's about a hundred pounds."

In fact, the goat weighed at most fifty kilograms, but Ma Juzi insisted on saying it was a hundred kilograms.

Sun Zhaocai walked over and tried it with one hand holding the leg of lamb.

"Uncle Ma, are you mistaken? This goat must weigh two hundred catties no matter what."

In order to make up for the mistake he made just now, this guy deliberately reported the weight higher.


Everyone couldn't hold back and laughed again.

Ma Juzi patted Sun Zhaocai on the shoulder and said: "Zhaocai, that's about it. They won't be able to come up with more."

"Uncle Ma..."

"Yes, yes, we can't take out any more." The middle-aged man said with a grimace.

He dug through several pockets and only took out more than 30 yuan and a stack of food stamps.

"Comrade, you see, this is all we have with us. We simply cannot afford to buy a whole sheep."

Yang Jun saw it and became even more angry.

Since you can't afford it, why did you buy it just now? Wasn't it just to get food and get cards based on your status?
This is the kind of person he despises the most.

The more the middle-aged man says this, the less likely he will let them go.

"It doesn't matter if you don't bring any money. If you have an IOU, we are not afraid of credit."

Yang Jun turned around and said to Xiao Wu: "Keep their work IDs."

Now that you have a work permit, are you worried that you will default on your debt?

The three of them were a little repulsive about handing over their work ID cards and kept their hands on their pockets.

"Pah!" Xiao Wu slapped him across the face.

"You ungrateful animal."

After being slapped, the middle-aged man became more honest.

Xiao Wu found his work ID in his jacket pocket and handed it to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun took it and looked at it. It turned out to be a cadre from the Seventh Design Institute.

"Haha, I thought how old a cadre was, that's all?"

After hearing this, several people gathered around curiously.

When they saw his job title, they all took a sip.

"It's something that can't be put on the table, is this it?"

The Seventh Design Institute is under the control of the First Machinery Department, and Yang Jun is the direct leader of his superior.

"Bah, an official as big as sesame dares to rant? If you were a little older, you might be able to see my brother during the meeting." Yang Anguo spat.

"Comrade, who is your brother?"

The middle-aged man finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You don't deserve to know."

It's really not about maintaining his own identity. Yang Jun's name is really not something someone like him is qualified to mention.

"One hundred kilograms of mutton, calculated at five yuan per kilogram, totaling 500 yuan. Have it ready before noon tomorrow, and we will go to your unit to pick it up."

Ma Juzi said: "Don't think about wasting this money, you can't do it."

After speaking, he shook the work permit in his hand.

"Let's go, it's boring." Yang Jun said.

I thought I would meet someone who wasn't afraid of him, but I didn't expect that he was scared away by a license plate number before he even reported his identity. It was so boring.

Yang Jun said that life without opponents is lonely.

A few people left the thinnest and smallest goat and left.

After returning home, a group of people quickly bled the goat and slaughtered it.

Ma Juzi, who had worked as a cook, naturally assumed the responsibility of general dispatch and directed everyone to do what they did.

"Xiangxiu, boil more hot water, the more the better."

"Miaomiao, find some larger pots and save them for the meat."


Just like the red and white events in rural areas, everyone has a clear division of labor and everyone does their own thing.

The women did light and piecemeal work, while the men took the initiative to take on the heavy work of shaving, bleeding, and cutting flesh.

We don’t have a big pot like that at home, so we can only dig a hole in the ground, cover it with a layer of felt cloth, fill it with boiling water, and throw the goat into it, and it will start to shed its hair.

The weather is warm, and the blood on the goat's body has not completely coagulated, and it can bleed from time to time. The blood cannot be drained cleanly, and it tastes fishy.

The children didn't even attend class, but gathered around the adults to watch the sheep being slaughtered, with drool dripping from the corners of their mouths to the ground without even realizing it.


Yang Chengliu held in his hand the little lamb that Xiao Wu gave him. It had soft yellow fur and was particularly cute.

Xiaoliu particularly likes this little lamb, it’s so precious.

At this moment, he was squatting on the ground with Lamb in his arms, watching his brother Xiao Wu weave a cage for the lamb.

The cage was originally used by my grandfather to raise rabbits. The space was so small that the lambs couldn't turn around inside.

"Let's do this for now. I'll go to the market tomorrow to buy a bigger cage." Yang Chengwu said.

"Thank you brother."

Xiao Liu smiled sweetly.

"Hey, thank you for anything, as long as you are happy."

At this time, Yang Laosi suddenly said: "Xiao Wu, I also like such a pet. Can you get one for me too?"

The little lamb is so cute, especially the meowing sound is very nice. There is no girl who doesn't like such a pet, and the carefree Yang Laosi is no exception.

"Fourth Aunt, you are already fifteen..." Yang Chengwu looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong with being fifteen? I still like her even if I'm 35. If you don't believe me, you can ask my sister-in-law."

Yang Laosi turned back to Yi Qiushui and said, "Sister-in-law, do you think so?"

Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes at him: "Don't ask me, your sister-in-law and I are already 45. How can I understand the habits of you children?"

Even when a woman reaches eighty, she is afraid that others will tell her that she is older, and Yi Qiushui is no exception.

"Oh, sister-in-law, let me use an analogy, why are you so serious?"

"Hmph! I'm not happy."

Yi Qiushui's pretty face sank, pretending to be unhappy.

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law, I'm sorry."

Yang Laosi quickly apologized.

Yang Laosi is very smart and knows who in the family can and cannot be offended.

Just like Yang Jun, if you offend him a hundred or a thousand times, the brother and sister will still be brothers and sisters, and they will not be estranged because of the quarrel. But it is different with the sister-in-law. You cannot offend him even once. Once you offend him, basically Even Yang Jun was offended. If she was asked to speak for him again in the future, it might not be that easy.

However, having said that, Yi Qiushui got along well with Yang Jun's younger brothers and sisters, and they never made a fuss. They often made her happy and treated her like a guest.

"Fourth Aunt, if you really like it, I will go into the forest another day. However, I can't guarantee whether I can catch him alive." Yang Chengwu said.

"Where are you going?"

Yang Jun suddenly became unhappy when he heard that Xiao Wu was going to the woods for hunting.

Hunting is basically done in groups of three or five, and it is rare for people to go alone.

There are many large animals such as wild boars in the forest. Yang Jun really doesn't want Xiao Wu to go into the forest alone if he accidentally reveals where they are.

"Xiao Wu, I'm warning you, if you dare to go into the forest alone, be careful I'll break your legs."

He turned around and said to Yang Laosi again: "Do you think you are still a child of three or five years old? You are fifteen, what kind of pet do you want? If you don't study every day, you have nothing to do?"

Yang Laosi glanced at him twice and continued to output health balls.

"Staring again? Believe it or not..."

Yang Laosi stood up and left directly, leaving him with the back of his head.

She knows this trick, and every time she does it, Yang Jun can't do anything to her.

After Yang Laosi's back disappeared from the Chuihua Gate, Yi Qiushui said angrily: "Husband, don't scold Fourth Sister in front of others. She is already fifteen and she also wants to save face."

"Bah, he wants to lose face?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said, "You underestimate her too much. His face is so shameless that even a knife can't penetrate it."

"How could you say that about your sister?"

Yi Qiushui punched him.

"By the way, hubby, tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, and Uncle Guo asked us to go back for dinner."

"It's the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow?"

Yang Jun lamented that time flies by so fast.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost four years since he came to this world.

For such a long time, he has not been fully integrated into the life of this era. Whether it is living habits or other things, there are more or less traces left by later generations, especially in terms of thinking. It is difficult for him to adapt to the current life. , sometimes, you have to force yourself to do things you don’t like.

If the policy is liberalized, he really wants to be a carefree rich man, living a life of walking birds and admiring flowers every day. He can do whatever he wants and if he doesn't want to, no one will force him to live the life he likes. Life.

He doesn't envy the scenery outside, he just wants to live a quiet and inactive life that he likes.

Promise a world of peace for yourself.

If that's the case, it's worth dying.

"Hubby, Uncle Guo likes wild game. How about we bring a few kilograms of wild goats to the Dragon Boat Festival this year?" Yi Qiushui opened and closed her lips several times, and finally opened her mouth to speak.

Yang Jun looked back at her and sighed: "When did you need to be so cautious when speaking?"

"You are the mistress of this house. I am the outside master and you are the house master. You have full authority to make the decisions in the house. You don't need to be so cautious. It feels like you always treat yourself as an outsider."

"I...I didn't."

Yi Qiushui used a smile to cover up her inner panic.

Obviously, Yang Jun's words touched her heart.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't say it. I won't force you. If you want to say something, you can talk to me at any time." Yang Jun waved his hand.

He has no habit of prying into other people's thoughts, nor does he force others to do anything.

There are absolutely no truly educated people in this world. Some are just selfish extremes. They seem to respect other people's privacy, but in fact they are selfish and too lazy to meddle in other people's business, even if that person is the person closest to them. .

"Husband, thank you."

Yi Qiushui cast a grateful look at him.

"Oh, by the way, you happen to be at home today, and I need you to make up your mind about something."

Yi Qiushui was startled, suddenly remembered something, and hurried back to the house.

When she came out, she had a stack of photos in her hand.

"Xiaowu, come and take a look too."


Xiaowu was stunned for a moment, but he came over obediently.

Yi Qiushui placed the stack of photos neatly on the ground one by one.

"A few days ago, I let it out that I wanted to find a partner for Xiaowu. I didn't expect that in less than two days I would receive so many photos of interested girls."

When Yang Jun heard this, he looked back.

Seeing this, he was startled.

"There must be... fifty of them."

Yang Jun said with a slightly envious and sour tone.

"78, they are all girls from good family backgrounds. None of the ordinary girls are wanted." Yi Qiushui said.

"Tsk, tsk, Xiao Wu, my godfather is so envious of you."

"Hey, thank you godfather, thank you godmother."

The girl's name and background were written on the north side of the photo. Yang Jun looked at a few pictures. They were all girls with good family backgrounds. Their parents were either senior officials or officials, and the youngest was a department-level cadre.

These girls are not only beautiful, but also have enviable family backgrounds.

This is Yang Jun's godson getting a wife. If his biological son gets a wife, he won't be allowed to audition.

"Xiao Wu, you don't have to think about your identity or background, just pick up the beautiful ones." Yang Jun said sourly.

"Godfather, I think so too."

Yang Chengwu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Anyway, no matter who I marry in the end, they will be superior to me. Instead of doing this, I might as well pick someone beautiful."

"Hey, you're not stupid."

Yang Chengwu is right. No matter who is related to Yang Jun, they are considered superior. No matter how good the family background is, can they be better than Yang Jun?
So, instead of doing this, it is better to pick one that you like.

"Xiao Wu, don't be silly and enjoy yourself. Let's see if there's anyone who can get along with you?" Yi Qiushui urged.

"Godmother, then I'll choose."

Yang Chengwu has been traveling in the world for many years, and his face has long been perfected. He doesn't feel embarrassed at all when it comes to choosing a wife.

As long as there are no special circumstances between the man and woman, and it doesn't matter whether they have a relationship foundation or not, the big deal is, get married first and fall in love later.

"That's it."

I don’t know what Xiaowu’s aesthetic standards are, so in the end he chose a girl that Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui thought were ordinary.

The girl's name is Yin Fang. She is 19 years old and works as an announcer in a glass factory. Her parents are also from the glass factory. She is just an ordinary department-level cadre in the factory.

The girl's family situation is not bad, and she belongs to the kind of family that has more than enough. There are four brothers and sisters in the family. She is the second child. Her brother has already married and started a business, and there are two underage sisters.

"Are you sure about this Yin Fang? Don't you want to be picky anymore?" Yi Qiushui asked.

"Godmother, I don't have to choose, it's her."

"Okay, as long as you like it, my godmother has no objection."

Yi Qiushui turned over Yin Fang's photo to the back and read her background information again.

"Now that it's settled, I'll send you a message later and let you two meet."

(End of this chapter)

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