Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 769 I can beat even my own grandson, let alone you.

Chapter 769 I can beat even my own grandson, let alone you.
Early the next morning, Yang Jun called all my Yang Yu's drivers and security guards.

He did not continue to lecture Yang Laosi. Girls have to save face. Yang Jun did not want to have a too tense relationship with his sister. If he wanted to solve the problem of fighting, he had to start with the people around her.

Her wings have to be cut off, she can't do whatever she wants without her claws.

After Sun Zhaocai was transferred, the person responsible for Yang Laosi's safety now is a guard named Wang Qiang. He was transferred from the Security Department by Yang Jun. He also held some positions in the Security Department. At first, Yang Jun was thinking about Wang Qiang. He can help solve the problems on the table, but who knows that this guy is indifferent and just indulges Yang Laosi.

"Wang Qiang!" Yang Jun shouted sharply.


When Wang Qiang heard this, his body tensed up reflexively.

"I'm giving you an order. From today on, when my sister's life is not threatened, you are not allowed to interfere in her affairs. Do you hear me?"

Yang Jun can't just indulge Yang Laosi, he must cut off the barrier she relies on and see how arrogant she is without the help of guards.


Wang Qiang responded loudly.

"Minister, if the fourth lady gives an order..."

"Are you deaf?"

Yang Jun said sharply: "Repeat the order I just gave."

"When Miss Fourth's life is not threatened, you are not allowed to interfere in her affairs."

Yang Jun said: "Don't you understand this very well?"

"Yes, Minister, I know what to do next."

"If you let me hear about beating people for no reason again, you will take off your military uniform and go home to farm." Yang Jun said.

"Yes." Wang Qiang roared.

Only then did Wang Qiang realize that Yang Jun was not joking with him.

In fact, he has long been dissatisfied with his current job, especially when he is wearing a military uniform and beating people for no reason, not to mention how uncomfortable he feels.

It's better now. The big leader finally realized that the situation is not good. As long as he makes up his mind, there is no one who can't be cured.

In other words, as long as Yang Laosi's life is not threatened, he does not need to interfere with anything. In other words, as long as he is not beaten to death, he does not need to intervene.

After training Wang Qiang, Yang Jun turned back to Team Luo and said, "You do the same. Tell your people that as long as Miss Fourth is not in danger, no one is allowed to interfere with her affairs."

"In addition, tell the accountant that you are not allowed to pay money to the fourth lady, otherwise you will be punished as a crime of dereliction of duty."

Luo Xiaodui is Luo Xiaojun’s younger brother.

Since Luo Xiaojun followed Yang Jun, the underworld was completely under his control. Now the business affairs are all under the control of the kingdom. He works as a subordinate below, and sometimes goes out with Yang Yu to bully men and women.

"Yes, leader."

Team Luo looked ruthless, but acted like a quail in front of Yang Jun.

"Remember, if anyone dares to interfere, I will chop off their hands." Yang Jun said harshly.

"Yes, leader."

Luo Xiaojun was trembling with fear.

Others didn't know it, but he knew that Yang Jun was a man of his word.

After hanging out with Yang Jun, he realized how small their circle was before. In the eyes of people like Yang Jun and others, the so-called Jianghu Dao was no less than a child playing house.

As long as Yang Jun says a word, their circle can fall apart at any time.

The reason why their way still exists is that people don't take it seriously.

"From now on, everything about my sister must be reported to me in detail."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he pointed at Wang Qiang and Team Luo and said, "Remember, you two will report to me separately."

Yang Jun did this to prevent them from colluding with each other and concealing the truth. He said it in front of them to warn them not to take chances. Otherwise, if they are discovered, they will not be lenient.

"Yes, big leader."

After the training, Yang Jun told them to get lost.

For many days, Yang Yu did not speak to Yang Jun.

That meal of stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots pushed the brother-sister relationship to a freezing point. Where there was Yang Jun, there was no Yang Yu.

The brother and sister had a cold war for more than half a month.

During this period, Yang Jun kept in contact with Wang Yuying, basically talking on the phone every day.

Instead of getting worse, my grandfather's condition is getting better. Doctors from the hospital over there have checked him several times and said that there is nothing serious for the time being, but he needs to pay attention to rest.

According to Wang Yuying, her grandfather Yang Wenhou started smoking dry cigarettes again, and he couldn't stop him no matter what.

At first, his dry cigarette pot was left to Yang Jun as a souvenir. Now the old man tinkered with it and brought out another one. I heard that his second uncle Yang Dong even got a jade cigarette holder for him, which was very exciting to smoke.

As for the second uncle Yang Dong, he is now the leader of the commune. I heard that he will be transferred to the city soon. , no one was seen for ten days and a half.

If someone at home had taken care of her grandfather, Wang Yuying would have wanted to come back a long time ago.

But she was the only one in her hometown, and she was afraid that if her grandfather left, no one would take care of her. So, after much hesitation, she decided to wait for a while.

As for the home, it can't be said to be good or bad.

It is said that Yi Qiushui is in charge, but in fact it is Yang Mei who is in charge. Now she is busy at both the factory and home, plus she is pregnant, and her body cannot bear it.

Yang Jun lamented that it was really hard not to have a woman in charge of the family.

Of course, neither can a woman who is too capable of running the family.

Anyway, nothing is perfect in the world.

Hey, go ahead and cherish it.

This morning, Yang Jun went to the countryside.

After taking out hundreds of tons of supplies from the school warehouse and giving them to Wang Guozheng, he returned to the city with a group of guards.

Back in the city, it was already past noon. Yang Jun did not go back to his work, but found a state-owned restaurant to eat.

Whenever there was a meal, Yang Jun never had to worry about it. Luo Xiaojun and the others would take care of the food.

After a while, Luo Xiaojun brought Yang Jun a large bowl of ramen. This was a ramen master from the northwest. I heard that he had more than 30 years of craftsmanship.

The noodles are very chewy, and paired with the mutton soup, they taste great.

"Uncle Master, there is something I don't know whether I should tell you or not."

Yang Jun and Luo Xiaojun were sitting at the same table. Halfway through their meal, Luo Xiaojun suddenly said.

Yang Jun glared at him: "Then you'd better stop talking."

Yang Jun hates people saying that sentence the most. He clearly wants to say something, but he has to say that sentence, as if others are begging him to say it.


Luo Xiaojun smiled awkwardly.

"My master won't let me tell you, but I don't think it's good not to tell you. After all, you and my master are close friends."

When Yang Jun heard that Ma Zhanshan was involved in this matter, he immediately became alert.

"What's the matter, tell me."

Luo Xiaojun's face darkened, he pondered for a long time, then reorganized his words and said: "The thing is like this..."

Since Ma Zhanshan became attached to Yang Jun, he started to return to his old business, preparing to carry forward the family winery. Through his connections, he obtained a business license, which is the kind of public-private partnership, which is operated by private individuals, and [-]% belongs to the individual. , [-]% returned to the state. Although they suffered some losses, they took advantage of the policy and had strong support from the state, so the business was barely manageable.

But Ma Wumei, who was just two months pregnant, was so angry that she took the boy to take revenge. Unexpectedly, she was outnumbered, was beaten, and the child was gone.

Later, not only that the winery was not saved, Ma Zhanshan even paid a large sum of money to settle the matter.

Ma Zhanshan was a warrior and a very loyal man. He was unwilling to cause trouble to Yang Jun, so he strictly ordered Luo Xiaojun and the others not to tell Yang Jun about this.

The more Yang Jun listened, the angrier he became. Finally, he couldn't listen anymore and interrupted him directly, saying,
"Who is the person named Zhu?"

"Do you have any specific information?"

Yang Jun is not a fool. Before he does something, he must clearly weigh the pros and cons.

If Zhu Wen dares to do this, he naturally has support, and I'm afraid the backstage is still very tough.

It's impossible to raise some unknown gunmen these days without some skills.


Luo Xiaojun took out a piece of paper directly from his pocket.

It seemed that he had made sufficient preparations, otherwise he would not have rashly told Yang Jun about it.

This guy wanted to avenge his master, but he couldn't do it with his own abilities, so he could only place his hope on Yang Jun.

Yang Jun took a look at the information and frowned deeply.

If Yang Jun touched him, he would not dare to take rash action.

Since this man named Zhu dared to touch Ma Zhanshan, he must have investigated his background. Since he has investigated, he must know the relationship between Yang Jun and Ma Zhanshan.

Then the question comes. Since you know Yang Jun and dare to take action, there are two reasons. Either you don't take Yang Jun seriously, or you are deliberately targeting him.

Yang Jun is different now. Although he has more friends around him, he also has more hostile people. It is common for him to be targeted when he offends someone.

He didn't dare to take rash action now, fearing that his whole body would be affected by one move.

"Closely investigate this person named Zhu to see what he has done recently. If there is any situation, report it to me at any time." Yang Jun said.

"Yes, uncle."

A few people ate the noodles in a hurry and then went back to the work directly.

In the afternoon, he asked his secretary to go out and buy some fruits and nutritional supplements.

When he got off work, Yang Jun took the security guards to Ma Zhanshan's house.

Since Ma Wumei got married, she and Qin Tian have been living in the old house.

As soon as Yang Jun entered the alley, he saw many people blocking the door of Ma Zhanshan's house.

Those people were dressed in strange clothes, looked arrogant, and blocked the door of Mazhanshan's house with iron bars, wooden sticks and other things in their hands.

"No, something happened to my master."

Luo Xiaojun screamed, and before the car stopped, he took out the guy and jumped out.

"Don't be impulsive."

Yang Jun warned, and then quickly motioned to the driver to stop.

Four cars and twelve security guards immediately gathered.

Yang Jun waved his hand, and eight security guards rushed over immediately, while the remaining four security guards stayed in place to protect Yang Jun's safety.

Since Sun Zhaocai was transferred back, he has been personally responsible for Yang Jun's safety.

At this moment, seeing the commotion in the yard, he couldn't bear it for a long time and wanted to go over and join in the fun.

Yang Jun kicked him.

"Stay close to me."

Sun Zhaocai stumbled, scratched his head, and laughed.

"Puff puff!"

A series of dull gunshots broke the tranquility in the alley.

Everyone was frightened by the sudden gunfire and stood there in a daze.

"Who, who fired the gun?"

A sharp voice came.

The crowd parted, and a long-haired young man who was arrogant walked out from the yard.

This guy was very coquettish. He had long hair with a small braid at the back. He had one hand in his trouser pocket and the other hand was holding a stick.

There was faint traces of blood on the stick, and it looked like he had just beaten someone.

When Luo Xiaojun saw this, the stigma suddenly arose.

Without saying anything, just look at the long hair and give him a slap.

"Bang!" The young man was beaten and spun around three times, his body swaying and unsteady.

"What a fool, you still dare to knock on the door?"

Luo Xiaojun put the short gun back into its holster, put it behind his back, rolled up his sleeves, and fired the bow left and right with both hands, making the long hair spin in place like a top.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Clap clap clap!"

With Yang Jun's support, Luo Xiaojun vented all the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for so many days.

After a while, Luo Xiaojun got tired of playing.

Letting go of the long hair, he collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Luo Xiaojun crossed him and kicked the young men who came with Changmao.

Those local ruffians still wanted to fight back, but faced with the dark cave entrance of a group of guards, they dared not speak out in anger.

"Throw the guy to me."

Luo Xiaojun yelled: "Hold your head with your hands and lie on the ground."

Those gangsters had no choice but to do as they were told.

At this time, two people came out of the courtyard.

I saw Ma Zhanshan and Qin Tian each holding a long stick in their hands, looking like they were ready.

Qin Tian stood there with a bloody face. Behind him was Ma Wu Mei, his home. He blocked the door tightly, not letting anyone in.


When Qin Tian saw Yang Jun, he was about to speak out when he was stopped by Yang Jun's eyes.

There are people watching here, and Yang Jun doesn't want others to know about his relationship with Ma Zhanshan, lest he fall into passivity.

Ma Zhanshan is an old man, and he understands all the reasons.

Upon seeing this, he shouted sternly: "This comrade in military uniform, this gang of thugs broke into houses in broad daylight and violently injured people. Please deal with them according to the law."

I said this to Luo Xiaojun.

He knew that Yang Jun was not suitable to come forward, let alone involve him.

Luo Xiaojun is Yang Jun's guard. He was drawn from the guard regiment, so he usually wears military uniform.

Luo Xiaojun did his part and became the leader.

Without saying a word, he kicked the hairy young man on the ground.

"At the feet of the Emperor, the most virtuous city, you dare to break into people's homes and violently hurt people. You are thugs and the source of trouble, and you must accept legal sanctions."

After following Yang Jun for a long time, Luo Xiaojun naturally knows what is most important.

In front of hundreds of pairs of eyes, he had to characterize this matter, otherwise he would be passive in the future.

"Everyone here is one, let me catch them all."

After issuing the order, the guards swarmed over and grilled the group one after another.

Ma Zhanshan and Qin Tian also stepped forward to help. There were not enough handcuffs, so they brought ropes from home and tied up the dozens of thugs like rice dumplings.

Looking at the candied haws on the ground, Yang Jun frowned and said: "Go to the nearby police station to call a big truck and take the person directly to the steel rolling mill."

The purpose of these thugs was unknown, and Yang Jun was worried about being imprisoned elsewhere. He was only at ease if they were imprisoned in the steel rolling mill.

The steel rolling mill belongs to him, and no one dares to let these people go without his order.


Luo Xiaojun responded and immediately asked a guard to go to the nearby police station to call someone.

Yang Jun glanced at the people around him, and then winked at Ma Zhanshan.

When Ma Zhanshan saw this, he retreated into the house first.

As soon as Yang Jun wanted to go in, he was stopped.

"Wait a moment."

Yang Jun looked back and saw a young man wearing a green windbreaker and sunglasses walking out.

This middle-aged man, about 24 years old, was wearing a brand-new military uniform and a windbreaker that was only popular in the army this year. He looked very intimidating.

Yang Jun stopped and turned around: "You called me?"

The young man smiled and said, "Yes, Minister Yang."

When Yang Jun heard this, his pupils shrank.

"Oh, you know me?"

"Haha, this sounds really ridiculous. Let me ask you, is there anyone in the entire Forty-Nine City who doesn't know Yang Jun and Minister Yang?"

Yang Jun squinted his eyes and looked at him, but his mind was racing, thinking about this person's origins.

After pondering for a while, Yang Jun suddenly understood and said with a smile: "Are you suffering from swine fever?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "It's Zhu Wen, not swine fever. Minister Yang, please respect yourself."

Sure enough, he guessed right, this person is Zhu Wen who robbed Ma Zhanshan's family business.

Now that we have come out of the darkness, there is nothing to fear.

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Sorry, I am a farmer and have had an accent since I was a child. Please forgive me."

Zhu Wenming knew that Yang Jun did it on purpose, but he did not show it.

"Minister Yang, did you handle the matter in front of you unfairly?" Zhu Wen said.

"Oh, really?"

Yang Jun looked around and said with a smile: "Where do you start talking about this? Is there anything wrong with it?"

Now people are taking the stolen goods together. These thugs armed with sharp weapons forced their way into people's houses in broad daylight and committed violent crimes. Yang Jun didn't do anything to them, so he treated them with peanuts on the spot and treated them mercilessly.

"The two groups were clearly fighting each other, so why did they only arrest them but not the others?"

Zhu Wen pointed at Ma Zhanshan and Qin Tiandao.

It seems that Zhu Wen is used to being arrogant and domineering. Do you think you are Zhao Gao and can refer to deer as horses and rats as ducks?

Sorry, Yang Jun is not your father and will not tolerate your problems.

They commit violent attacks in front of people's homes, and even yell and beat each other. I wonder if your teacher taught you how to write the word "shameless".

For this kind of person, Yang Jun didn't bother to reason.

"You don't agree?"

"I don't agree."

Zhu Wen had a smile on his face and seemed not to take him seriously.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't accept it. Take it back and argue slowly."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he motioned to take action.

A child whose fur is not fully grown, let’s see what you can do.

"Minister Yang, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Firstly, I don't know them, and secondly, I didn't participate in the fight. There is no reason for you to take me away."

Zhu Wen was a little panicked.

Yang Jun doesn't play according to the routine.

I thought that in front of everyone, I would force Yang Jun to come down and let him go. Who knows, this guy has no regard for the majesty of the big leader and acts like a rogue.


Yang Jun smiled and said: "Who said there isn't one? Come back with me and I will find one for you."

Yang Jun glared at Sun Zhaocai.

Sun Zhaocai grinned, hung his MP5 submachine gun behind his back, rolled up his sleeves, and walked over.

"Baby face, I advise you not to resist, otherwise you will suffer the consequences."

This Zhu Wen has quite the characteristics of a pretty boy. Not only is his skin extremely white, but he is also handsome.

At this time, he saw the tall and powerful Sun Zhaocai walking towards him, and he suddenly panicked.

"Don't come here..."

He said while stepping back.

Sun Zhaocai grabbed Zhu Wen with his big hand, and he immediately caught him like a weakling.

"Do you know who my grandpa is?"

Zhu Wen finally got scared and started to move out of the backstage.

Sun Zhaocai, a fool, is very playful.

He opened his mouth and continued: "I will beat even my own grandson, no matter who your grandfather is."

Yang Jun hurriedly stopped him and said: "To attract wealth..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Zhaocai flicked his hand, and Zhu Wen was shot out like a cannonball.

Fortunately, there were many people watching. After Zhu Wen knocked down five or six people, he rolled away for a long time.

Sun Zhaocai was unhappy when he saw that he was not injured. He was about to go over and catch him, but he didn't know how slippery the guy was, so he got up and ran away.

"Hey, don't run away if you can."

But Zhu Wen didn't listen and ran away.

"Yang, please wait for me."

After saying that, Zhu Wen disappeared into the crowd.

Sun Zhaocai wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Yang Jun.

"Forget it, stop chasing."

It's not that you can't catch up. If you really want to catch up, it's just a matter of distance.

Yang Jun let him go just to see what cards he would play behind him and to see if the people behind him were going to target him.

"Uncle Yang, I'm sorry."

Sun Zhaocai apologized.

"Okay, just be careful next time."

Yang Jun did not blame him, but went directly into the yard.

Coming to the living room, the guests and hosts sat down.

Yang Jun looked at Qin Tian, ​​whose forehead was still bleeding, and said, "Do you want to go to the hospital for a bandage?"

Qin Tian wiped the blood on his forehead with his sleeve and smiled.

"No need, uncle. It's a skin injury. Just put some medicine on it and it'll be fine."

Yang Jun did not insist, because Qin Tian's wound was indeed a skin injury and there was no need to go to the hospital.

"How is Wu Mei?" Yang Jun asked.

When Ma Zhanshan heard this, he immediately looked downcast and said: "She is fine, but the child is gone. She can't think about it for a while..."

"It'll be fine after a while."

Ma Zhanshan straightened his back and said, "Brother Yang, thank you this time. If you hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid..."

"It's a great kindness that I can't say thank you for, but I'll use my words if I'll be useful in the future."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said, "Brother, why are my brothers talking about this?"

"You should have told me about this earlier, otherwise, things wouldn't have developed to this point."

Ma Zhanshan: "Hey, I thought I could solve it myself, but I didn't expect...hey."

Ma Zhanshan sighed and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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