Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 765: Kissing Brotherhood

Chapter 765: Kissing Brotherhood
On this day, Wang Yuying returned to her hometown in Shanxi.

She went back to her hometown to take care of her old man Yang Wenhou.

Ma Juzi and Zhou Miaomiao accompanied her back with their two children, and the five of them drove back in a jeep.

Wang Yuying felt that she had wronged the elderly over the years, so she felt that she, the eldest daughter-in-law, should take care of her in her later years, hoping to make up for the shortcomings over the years.

Yang Jun gave Ma Juzi a lot of instructions, telling him to take good care of Wang Yuying and call him as soon as possible if something happened. In addition, when leaving, Yang Jun gave Wang Yuying a large amount of money, which was enough for her to cope with it. Any emergencies.

After seeing off Wang Yuying, Yang Jun went directly back to work.

"Minister, Director Chen Shanhe of the military factory is waiting in your office."

As soon as she got off the car, Tan Qin began to report to him.

Those who can enter Yang Jun's office are all Yang Jun's trusted friends, and Chen Shanhe is one of them.

"Has Secretary Nalan gone to work?" Yang Jun asked.

Since that incident, Nalan Qingmeng has been in poor spirits for a long time and can't bring himself to do anything. He just took a few days off to go home to deal with his funeral.

Her stepmother Nalan Chen and her younger brothers and sisters were secretly dealt with by Yang Jun. The family's inheritance is still waiting for her to go back and deal with it. If she doesn't deal with it, she will probably be targeted by her uncles soon. .

"Sister Qingmeng hasn't come to work yet. However, we just talked on the phone yesterday. She said that she still has some unfinished matters at home and will not be able to go to work for two days."

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.


In fact, Nalan Qingmeng's every move was under his control.

Since that incident last time, Yang Jun no longer dared to let her go out alone. Now he secretly sent someone to protect her. According to the news from the person he was protecting, Nalan Qingmeng has been busy with housework these days. , she had liquidated most of the property left by her father, leaving only the house that her grandfather had left to her.

As soon as they said this, they arrived at Yang Jun's office.

"Director Chen and I have something to discuss. Don't let anyone in casually."

"Yes, Minister."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he went in.

As soon as he entered the door, he found Chen Shanhe sitting on the sofa and drinking tea in a formal manner.

Seeing Yang Jun coming, he quickly stood up and stood at attention to salute.

"Okay, Lao Chen, there are no outsiders here, so please forgive me."

Chen Shanhe smiled.

"I said, Lao Chen, you have changed. You didn't call me that before." Yang Jun said.

"That's because I was ignorant before. Just don't take offense."

Chen Shanhe screamed in frustration, but there was nothing he could do. Who could let Yang Jun do better than him?

You can't call your boss "brother" when facing your boss, right?
Even if Yang Jun is not offended, if others hear him, it would be an understatement to say that he has no superiors.

"Just do whatever you want, call me whatever you want."

Yang Jun motioned for him to sit down, and then poured himself a cup of tea.

"What's up?"


Chen Shanhe opened his lips, looking a little embarrassed.

"Given our relationship, it's not like your habit to be hesitant when talking about something."

"Okay, then I'll just say it."

Chen Shanhe patted his thigh and made up his mind: "I'm here mainly to make connections. I heard that the ministry has a big project recently. Can you see if you can..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Yang Jun with some embarrassment.

You know, Chen Shanhe is famous for his tough temper and never bends down to speak. Now he is quite embarrassed to speak.

Fortunately, Yang Jun had a close relationship with him, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to open his mouth.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "How many indicators do you want?"

Yang Jun dealt with Chen Shanhe with a grateful heart.

Yang Jun didn't mind helping him as long as it didn't violate the regulations.

Hearing this, Chen Shanhe's face flashed with excitement.

He didn't expect that Yang Jun was so generous that he agreed to the matter.

"Thank you, Minister Yang."

Chen Shanhe pondered for a moment and said, "If it's convenient for you, can you give us all the orders for the next three years at once?"

Regardless of the current market economy, all orders are distributed uniformly, but if you don't build a good relationship, the higher-ups will not give you the order. Even if they do, it will be a life-threatening situation, leaving you with no food to eat. Hungry to death.

Therefore, being a leader is not like you imagine, sitting in the office every day drinking tea and reading newspapers. He also has to run orders, not to mention a large factory with tens of thousands of people like a military factory.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this: "You might as well let me give you all the orders directly."

"That can't be done, that can't be done. I am easily satisfied. Just give me an order for three years."

You must know that this project to build a shipyard and port is a big project. It is a project that will last for five or six years without worrying about livelihood. It can be said to be a major event that the whole country can do. Let alone one arsenal, there will be another hundred. The arsenal cannot complete this project.

The completion of this project requires at least the cooperation of tens of thousands of units, and Chen Shanhe alone will definitely not be able to complete it.

"Okay, the order has been settled. You and Secretary Jiang will go down and meet later."

Yang Jun leisurely lit a cigarette, crossed his legs and took a few puffs.

"You came here empty-handed this time?"

Chen Shanhe felt much more relaxed when he saw that the matter had been settled.

After we finished talking about business, we started talking about old times.

Hearing what Yang Jun said, he immediately came over with a smile.

"Certainly not."

"I brought a lot of goodies this time, all of which you will like."

"Where?" Yang Jun asked.

Chen Shanhe spread his hands and said, "I can't bring you in. Your people are not allowed in."

Anyone who comes to see Yang Jun must be strictly inspected. Even if they bring something, they cannot bring it directly into the office. After the guard inspects it, they must temporarily leave it at the gate guard for safekeeping, unless Yang Jun informs them first.

After Yang Jun heard this, he got up directly and came to the desk, grabbed the phone and called.

"Guard? I'm Yang Jun."

"Send the things Director Chen brought to my office."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After a while, four doormen came in carrying a box.

After Yang Jun asked them to put them down, he let them out.

Chen Shanhe stepped forward personally and opened the box.

Dark guys appeared in front of Yang Jun one after another.

These gadgets are the latest weapons developed by the arsenal, including submachine guns, sniper rifles, rifles, grenades, military spurs, etc., which are piled high in a large box.

Chen Shanhe knew that Yang Jun liked these things, so he sent them here openly. It was not considered a mistake for a director of an arsenal to give these things to an old leader, and no one could find fault.

"Minister Yang, these are the latest gadgets this year. Look at this submachine gun. It has pistol bullets, double magazines, and a muzzle velocity of 870 meters per second. It can be said to be the fastest submachine gun, bar none."

"Look at this rifle again. It was just upgraded this year. It is at least twice as powerful as the original and is even more accurate."

"Look at this pistol again. It has double magazines and 24 rounds of ammunition. It can be fired continuously..."

Chen Shanhe introduced the weapons he brought to Yang Jun one by one. These were all good things that he had finally bought from other arsenals. He knew that Yang Jun was good at this, and it seemed that he had spent a lot of money. Some thoughts.

"Not bad, fun stuff."

While Yang Jun was playing with his weapons, he was generous with his compliments.

Although there is still a long gap between these weapons compared to the weapons of later generations, it does not mean that Yang Jun does not like them. These weapons represent the top production technology in the country and represent the level of industrial production in a country. They are both face and glory. Therefore, he is unusual. cherish.

"Are there any bullets?" Yang Jun asked.


Chen Shanhe pulled out a greased paper bag from the bottom of the box, opened the greased paper, and revealed a dozen bullets of various types inside.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It's rare that you still remember my habits."

Chen Shanhe had been observing Yang Jun's expression and saw that he was not unhappy, so he boldly said: "Always remember your habits. Besides, I can only keep a low profile on this kind of thing, for fear of causing trouble to you."

Chen Shanhe remembered Yang Jun's habit. No matter how many weapons he took from him, he only needed one bullet for each weapon. Although Chen Shanhe didn't know the reason why Yang Jun did this, he didn't dare to damage Yang Jun casually. Military rules.

The reason why there are not so many bullets is because Yang Jun has a copying system. With just one bullet, an arsenal will be copied in a few days.

"Old Chen, you are serious," Yang Jun said.

"Hey, it should."

Chen Shanhe said modestly.

Now the status is different, the situation is inferior to others, and it is impossible not to bow down.

In the past, he could get along with Yang Jun as a peer and even dominate him, but now... he has to bend down to please this old friend.

He had to do that both publicly and privately.

"Okay, it's not easy for you to come here once. Let's stay and have a light meal together at noon." Yang Jun said.

When Chen Shanhe heard this, he stood up immediately.

"No, no, there is still something going on at the arsenal. I have to rush back as soon as possible to deal with it. Next time, I'll ask you to do it next time."

Speaking is an art.

When a superior wants to keep a subordinate for a meal, it is an eviction order. Don't foolishly think that the boss really wants to keep you for a meal. If you really think that, you will be on the bench.

Even though Chen Shanhe and Yang Jun had a good relationship, they didn't go so far as to just treat them to dinner.

Chen Shanhe knew better than anyone how busy Yang Jun was. If he stayed to eat without the sense of humor, Yang Jun would probably order to cancel the order from their arsenal before they even left the gate.

"Old Chen, I am telling the truth. I will definitely make time to have a meal with you at noon."

No matter what, the face-saving project still needs to be built.

The quality of their relationship cannot be determined by a meal. Chen Shanhe will not feel that Yang Jun is deliberately ostracizing him because of a meal. Likewise, Yang Jun will not feel alienated and neglected by a meal. Chen Shanhe.

"Leader, I am telling the truth. I am very grateful that you can give the order to our arsenal. Logically speaking, I should treat you to dinner, but you are so busy, and I dare not say this. Please forgive me." Chen Shanhe said.

"Okay, since I said that, I won't let you eat. I will go to your arsenal to buy some good things some other day." Yang Jun said.

"No problem. On behalf of all the employees of the arsenal, I am always waiting for your visit."

The two shook hands and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Chen Shanhe saluted Yang Jun with a standard military salute.

Yang Jun sent him to the door of the office and came back.

After coming back, he put all the weapons in the box into the space and copied them, and then asked people to move the box away.

After doing all this, Tan Qin came in.

"Minister, your comrade Erba is here again. Do you want to see him?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Tell him to get in." Tan Qin responded and was about to leave, but Yang Jun emphasized: "Remember, get in."

Tan Qin was stunned for a moment, then covered his mouth and went out with a smile.

After a while, I heard Wang Erwa's voice coming from far away.

"Lao Yang, what do you mean, are you so cruel to let me get out?"

When the person arrived, Wang Erwa didn't even knock on the door, but just barged in blankly.

Yang Jun gets dizzy every time he sees this guy.

There is no leading cadre here, he is just a scoundrel.

Tan Qin, who followed behind, looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Yang Jun waved his hand and said, "Go."

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by Yang Jun again.

"Ask Minister Wu from the Organization Department to come over."

"Okay, big boss."

Tan Qin responded and went out.

After Tan Qin left, Wang Erwa was about to pounce on him.

He was frightened when Yang Jun raised his foot.

"I said, Lao Yang, you are not interesting enough. I came to see you out of kindness. Isn't this how you treat guests?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said: "You would be kind enough to come see me? I'm afraid it's because the weasel is paying rooster a New Year greeting without being kind."

Recently, Wang Erwa has been making trouble in the research institute a lot, and Yang Jun receives reports about him every day.

This guy was not satisfied with being the vice-dean, and he was fighting against dean Zhou Hai every day, and Zhou Hai often complained to him.

"Hey, you guessed it right. I am just a weasel giving New Year greetings to the chicken. I have no good intentions." Wang Erwa sat on his desk with a shameless look.

"Go down."

Yang Jun raised his foot and kicked him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Erwa was already prepared and kicked him out of her loneliness.

"Why are you so angry? Being so angry can hurt your liver."

Wang Erwa went around behind Yang Jun and slapped him on the back.

"What are you holding back, kid? Just tell me directly." Yang Jun said.

"Hey, what's our relationship? Don't you know what I'm thinking?"

Wang Erwa massaged Yang Jun's back with a playful smile.

When Yang Jun heard this, he rolled his eyes to the ceiling.

"Don't even think about the position of dean."

"Don't worry, Lao Yang, everything is negotiable. I think I am fully capable of taking up the position of dean."

Yang Jun raised his hand to interrupt him and said, "You know a hammer."

"If you say no, you can't. I have other plans for you."

To be honest, Yang Jun originally planned to let him take over the position of dean, but now that he thinks about it, he has forgotten it. The position of dean of the institute must be filled by someone who understands technology. The country's industry is already backward enough. Yang The military does not want to let a person who does not understand technology delay the process of industrial development.

Therefore, he decided to make other arrangements for Wang Erwa.

"What arrangement?"

Wang Erwa came over with a look of surprise.

The distance between the two was very close, almost cheek to cheek.

Yang Jun pulled the disgusting pig's head aside with some disgust.

"Some time ago, Lao Wu, who was in charge of the railway, retired. I plan to..."


Wang Erwa jumped up in surprise, took Yang Jun's hand and said excitedly: "Old Yang, my brother, I know you will be thinking of me if there is any good thing."

"Thank you so much, wow, my dear little lamb."

Wang Erwa wanted to kiss Yang Jun while talking.

"piss off."

Yang Jun took a sip and cursed: "Damn it, if you do this again, do you believe I will kick you back to the steel rolling mill?"

"No, no, no. If you don't like this method, can I change it next time?"

"Not even next time." Yang Jun wiped the saliva on his face with his sleeve in disgust, rolled his eyes and said, "What good thing are you thinking about? You don't want to think about it either..."

While he was talking, the office door rang.

Yang Jun motioned to Wang Erwa with his hand to return to his seat and prepare, and then said attentively: "Come in."

"Leader, are you looking for me?"

What came in was an old man who was nearly sixty years old. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a pair of highly myopic glasses. He looked polite and elegant.

He is Deputy Minister Yuan, who is in charge of cadre and personnel transfer.

"Lao Yuan, sit down."

Yang Jun got up from his seat and led him to the sofa.

"Leader, if you give me any orders, I will obey you in everything."

Lao Yuan is an old man in the workplace. When he saw a strange man in Yang Jun's office, he guessed what Yang Jun was going to do next based on his many years of workplace experience.

When Yang Jun heard this, he nodded and smiled.

This Lao Yuan is very discerning and knows how to measure, which is why he keeps using him.

"Okay, we are all our own people here, so I'll just tell you."

Yang Jun turned back and pointed at Wang Erwa and said, "This is Vice President Wang Dezhi and Wang from the Institute of Mechanical and Scientific Research."

"Isn't that right? Did Lao Wu retire? His position is now vacant. I think..."

Before Yang Jun finished speaking, Lao Yuan interjected: "Leader, I'm afraid this is against the rules. I'm afraid Vice President Wang's level is not high enough. Besides, the appointment and dismissal of this position must be decided at a meeting."

Yang Jun said: "Lao Yuan, you misunderstood. Vice Minister Wang certainly cannot directly take over Lao Wu's position. Besides, this is not in line with organizational procedures, isn't it?"

"Leader, what do you mean?" Lao Yuan frowned.

Yang Jun said: "What do you think of Office Director Yu Deshui?"

"Yu Deshui?"

Lao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

This Yu Deshui can be said to be Yang Jun's die-hard loyalist, and it is reasonable for Yang Jun to promote him.

Although this was not in line with organizational procedures, he did not dare to say that he would retire in two years. He just wanted to live in peace until retirement, and he did not dare to ask for anything else.

Zhou Shijie learned from the past, he didn't dare to think about what was there and what was not. Not to mention that Yang Jun was his direct boss, even Guo Caocao was not something he could afford to offend.

Therefore, he knew in his heart that the reason why he could sit in this position safely was because he was obedient enough.

"Leader, I understand what you mean."

"It would be no problem if Director Yu succeeds Lao Wu. Director Yu is very capable and qualified. There is no more suitable candidate than him."

As for who should take over Yu Deshui's position, anyone who is not a fool knows that Wang Dezhi is the best candidate.

"Well, that's what I mean. How about we hold a meeting later and you can nominate me?" Yang Jun said.

When Lao Yuan heard this, his heart trembled.

He was being used as a weapon by Yang Jun. Yang Jun obviously wanted to promote one of his own, making it look like he was promoting him.

However, he couldn't help but do it.

So, after being slightly startled, he immediately made a decision.

"No problem. I will take the lead later and bring it up at the meeting."

"Well, Lao Yuan, thank you." Yang Jun said.

All this was expected by Yang Jun. Even if there was an accident, Yang Jun could make it not an accident.

Wang Erwa didn't speak the whole time, just watching Yang Jun settle the matter in a few words.

His eyes widened as he looked at him. He didn't expect that all the principles in this world were clear. There were only a few tricks in the workplace, and they were not very clever, but they were very effective.

As soon as Lao Yuan left, Wang Erwa jumped for joy, just like a child who had just been given candy.

"Lao Yang, I love you to death."

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Can Wang Erwa be unhappy? Originally, the purpose of his coming was to become the dean, but who would have thought that he would directly become the office director.

Although the two are at the same level, their promotion priorities are different.

This is the direct leader. As soon as there is a vacancy above, he can fill it as soon as possible. Didn't you see that Yu Deshui directly took over Lao Wu's position? That's because he is directly under the leadership. Unlike him, even if The dean of the graduate school, there is still a layer in between.

Otherwise, it would be nice to have a big tree at your back to enjoy the shade.

"Go away, believe it or not, I will kick you to death, you little bastard."

When Yang Jun wasn't paying attention, he drooled all over his face again.

"Bah, bah, you bastard Lao Wang, I will kill you, you pervert."

Yang Jun kicked and scolded him, but Monkey Wang Erwa dodged him.

"Lao Yang, the situation has opened up. I'm so happy today."

"Open up your sister's scheme, I'm really mean-spirited. It's disgusting to bring a thing like you in front of me. Damn you." Yang Jun was disgusted.

"Hehe, we are Meng Bu Li Jiao, Jiao Bu Li Meng, you are indispensable for me, we should stay together in this life."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

Talking about face with a douchebag is like playing the piano to a cow.

"You kid, take it easy, don't blab, don't forget that Lao Guo doesn't like you." Yang Jun reminded.

When Wang Erwa heard this, she immediately became more honest.

"Yes, yes, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot that Lao Guo is complaining about me. Fortunately, he is not in front of me."

A few years ago, Wang Erwa offended Lao Guo because of Guo Tianming's affairs. If Yang Jun hadn't explained it clearly, this guy would have gone home to farm long ago.

Of course, if Lao Guo really wants to mess with him, even ten Yang troops can't stop him.

The reason why Yang Jun said this was because he didn't want Wang Erwa to have her tail raised to the sky.

"Humph, this is his base camp. If he wants to know, there's nothing he doesn't know. You'd better keep your tail between your legs."

"I know, I know, doesn't this belong to you?"

Wang Erwa chuckled.

"Fuck you, I'm not your father, so why should I wipe your ass?" Yang Jun scolded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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