Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 762: Teasing an old colleague

Chapter 762: Teasing an old colleague

After attending the wedding, Yang Jun went directly back to work.

In the afternoon, he went to have a meeting inside the red wall.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours before it ended. After returning to the unit, he immediately held a high-level meeting.

The meeting decided to build 35 large-scale shipyards in [-] ports across the country. This task was handed over to the First Machinery Department. Yang Jun personally took charge and supervised the preparation and construction of this project.

The construction of a large shipyard is related to national defense construction and involves all aspects. As the main person in charge, Yang Jun must be in charge of liaison. The cement, steel, shipping department, personnel, technology, etc. used in the shipyard are all complex and complex. He will be busy with a lot of heavy work in the next few years.

Yang Jun didn't get home from get off work until very late.

After returning home, everyone in the family fell asleep.

Yang Jun went back to the room and took a look. Yi Qiushui was sleeping soundly. He did not disturb him, but came to the study to continue working overtime. There were still a lot of problems waiting for him, and he had to make a plan overnight.

I don't know how long it took, but he actually fell asleep. When he woke up, he found that he was wearing a coat.

He rubbed his dry face to cheer himself up.

Just as he was about to pour a glass of boiling water to warm himself up, Yi Qiushui came in.

"Husband, you are awake."

After saying that, he took the teapot and poured him a glass of water.

Yang Jun said softly.

"What about the child?"

Now the most common topic between the two of them is their children, and the focus of the family has shifted to their children.

"Zhao Di took him out to play. In such a cold weather, the little guy didn't know how to sleep in and actually wanted to go out to play." Yi Qiushui put the coat on him again.

"Hey, you think everyone is like you and can't wake up every day." Yang Jun teased.


Yi Qiushui patted him and said coquettishly: "Since I went to work, I rarely sleep in, okay?"

"Yes, it is indeed much better than before, but I heard that I am late for work every day."

"Isn't it true that I can't get up?"

Although Yi Qiushui no longer sleeps in, it is common for her to be late for work. Fortunately, she is the head of a department, and she usually works... Besides, her department is also a leisure department, and the discipline is not so strict.

"Is the meal ready?"

Yang Jun was very cold all over and was shivering from the cold.

"It should be fine."

Yi Qiushui looked up at the clock on the wall and said, "I have told Sister Juhua that we will have dinner early this morning."

Yi Qiushui didn't wait for Yang Jun all night, so she was worried all the time. She got up very early in the morning and found that Yang Jun had worked overtime all night, so she went to the kitchen and asked Juhua to start dinner early.

"Then let's go. It's a cold day and we must drink porridge."

Yang Jun wrapped his coat tightly and went to the front yard.

As soon as she arrived in the kitchen, she saw Yan Erni setting breakfast.

"Uncle Yang, Auntie, it's time to eat."

"OK, all right."

Yi Qiushui responded, and then started serving porridge to Yang Jun herself.

On the other hand, Yang Jun sat down on the stool like an uncle, as if he was waiting to be served.

The breakfast is very rich, including rice porridge and meat and vegetable dumplings.

Yang Jun didn't like eating greasy food in the morning, so he only ate a few vegetarian steamed buns, but he drank a lot of rice porridge.

After eating a bowl of rice porridge, I felt warm all over, but my head felt a little heavy, probably due to lack of sleep.

At this time, Wang Yuying and the others came over to eat.

The family started talking and laughing.


Wang Yuying opened her mouth, looking like she was hesitating to speak.

"What's wrong, Mom?"

Yang Jun stopped his chopsticks and asked.

Looking into Yang Jun's scarlet eyes, knowing that he had not slept all night again, Wang Yuying swallowed back the words that came to her mouth.

"It's nothing. Eat more."

After saying that, he gave him a meat bun.

Seeing this, Yang Jun took the bun back again.

"I'm full, Mom. If you have anything to say, just say it, as long as you don't mention the child."

Since the last conversation, Wang Yuying has not mentioned the child for the time being.

The reason why Yang Jun said this was to block the retreat.

"I'm full and go to work first."

Every time he mentioned this, Yi Qiushui would always leave with an excuse.

Looking at Sun Zhaodi who kept stuffing buns into his mouth, Yi Qiushui said: "Zhaodi, hurry up, I'll wait for you in the car."

After that, he went out.

Sun Zhaodi became anxious. She stood up and kept stuffing buns into her mouth. Finally, she opened her clothes, grabbed a few big buns and left.

Looking at the backs of Yi Qiushui and Sun Zhaodi, Wang Yuying frowned.

"Look, I still can't say anything."

Yang Jun quickly raised his hand and interrupted: "Mom, if you do this again, I will be like Qiu Shui in the future."

When Wang Yuying heard this, she rolled her eyes in anger.

He opened his mouth several times, but in the end he said nothing.

"Okay, you don't want to hear it, I won't tell you, and I don't want to be the bad guy."

Wang Yuying said: "Your grandfather is not in good health recently. Please take the time to go over and take a look."

"Ah? Is Grandpa having an old habit?" Yang Jun asked anxiously.

Wang Yuying nodded: "The doctor has checked and said that he has smoked too much recently. If he wants to stabilize his condition, it is best to quit smoking."

When Yang Jun heard this, he heard that he had seen a doctor, and he felt relieved.

However, there is nothing he can do about his grandfather's illness. According to the current medical level, the disease can only be managed and there is no better medical solution. However, he knows about his grandfather's smoking addiction. If you ask him to quit smoking, it will probably be better than trying to stop him. His life is still serious.

"I'll ask two experts to come over and take a look later," Yang Jun said.

"It's useless. If your grandpa doesn't quit smoking for a day, it will be useless no matter how good the expert is." Wang Yuying said.

"Okay, I'll go and persuade him later to see if he can stop smoking."

"You are the only one in this family who can persuade him. He listens to you the most."

Yang Jun thought for a while, put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll go over and take a look."

After saying that, he put down his bowls and chopsticks and went out.

When I came to the next door, as soon as I reached the door, I heard a heartbreaking cough coming from the room.

Nine out of ten people who smoke dry cigarettes have bad lungs, and most of them have coughing problems. The old man Yang Wenhou is not an exception, but it is not that serious.

It's only been a few days since I last saw him, and the old man's cough has become so severe.


As soon as he entered the door, Yang Jun smelled a strong smell of tobacco leaves that choked his nose. Coupled with the unique smell of the elderly, it made Yang Jun breathless.

"Jun'er is here?"

The old man came out after hearing the sound, holding a cigarette pot in his hand, and motioned to Yang Jun to go outside to talk.

The two came outside and sat on wicker chairs under the eaves.

Yang Jun pulled out a cigarette and lit it. The two men sat there and smoked one each, not talking for a long time.


Yang Jun was about to speak when he was interrupted by the old man.

"Jun'er, I don't have much time left."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? This is just a minor problem. It will be cured in a few days." Yang Jun said.

"Don't try to persuade me. I know my own body well. I really can't survive this time."

After finishing speaking, there was another severe cough.

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

He knew that the old man was not aimless. When he lived to his age, he could often sense his own limit.

"Grandpa, you..."

Yang Jun didn't know how to speak.

Despite his usually glib tone, he would not joke about this kind of thing.

"I have been dreaming about your grandma these days. Hey, I miss your grandma too."

The old man was lying in the recliner with a desolate expression, and his whole figure seemed to be sick and sick from being taken away.

"Grandpa, I've been too busy recently and haven't paid enough attention to you. My grandson is unfilial."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Your energy should not be focused on me. You are the one who does big things. Dozens of people in the family are all pointing at you."

The old man was so weak that he started coughing without saying a word.

Yang Jun stood up and gave him a pat on the back.

"Grandpa, have you quit smoking?"

Yang Jun didn't want to say it originally, but seeing how uncomfortable he was, he couldn't help but bring it up again.

He vaguely felt that his grandfather's days were numbered, and he didn't want to deprive him of this hobby, but...


The old man waved his hands and smiled.

"I won't smoke anymore, I won't smoke anymore, and I won't be able to smoke for a few more days."

After speaking, knock off the ash.

His cloudy old eyes looked at the cigarette pot that had been with him for decades with reluctance, and suddenly moved the cigarette pot forward.

"Grandson, I give it to you, keep it as a souvenir."

Seeing the sudden action, Yang Jun was immediately at a loss.

He stared at the smoke pot blankly, and when he turned around, he found the old man looking at him kindly.

"Keep it and take a look at it later when you miss me."

Yang Jun's heart sank.
An ominous feeling came to my heart, as if grandpa was explaining the funeral arrangements.

It was as if he had concluded that his time was numbered.

This is how determined it is to hand over the beloved thing that has been with you all your life, and stop smoking if you say you won't smoke it anymore. This determination is so resolute.


Yang Jun couldn't bear it anymore and cried bitterly.

The first time I felt so helpless.

In the face of life and death, he is so insignificant and can't change anything.

"Silly boy, stop crying."

Grandpa stroked his head kindly and said calmly: "I can see my eldest grandson succeed. My life is worth it."

Speaking of this, Grandpa Yang Wenhou suddenly said solemnly: "Grandson, Grandpa, I want to ask you something."

After saying that, she stared at him with eyes full of hope.

When Yang Jun saw this, he couldn't help but cry loudly.

"Grandpa, stop talking, I promise you everything."

Yang Jun left, and he left the dry tobacco pot behind.

This is what the old man has thought about all his life. Yang Jun will not take it away from the old man until the last moment.

As for what the old man wanted to say to him, he knew it clearly.

The old man just misses you and returns to his roots. He hopes to see the hometown where he was born and raised while he still has his breath.

After coming out of the yard next door, Yang Jun went directly to work.

In the car, he sat there, deep in thought but lost in thought.

He had been too busy recently and had not paid much attention to his grandfather's physical condition. He thought the disease was not a big problem, but when he discovered it, it was already very serious.

Grandpa has only been in the city for a year, and this situation happened within two days of being blessed. This makes him feel at ease.

After returning to the unit, he immediately asked Jiang Haitao to ask the two original experts to conduct a comprehensive examination of his grandfather. In addition, he also asked Jiang Haitao to prepare a car to take the old man back. …

Although Yang Jun was deeply saddened by his grandfather's incident, the work at hand did not stop.

Life and death are normal, and we should treat them calmly. Life must continue. As long as people live, they must work hard.

In the afternoon, Yang Jun has been in a meeting. He has to implement the specific work and measures, select the site where the site should be selected, raise the funds that should be raised, transport the materials that should be transported, and call the whole country to build the shipyard. experts and so on.

This is a rare large-scale project in the history of the First Machinery Department, and it must go all out. Yang Jun also gave instructions at the meeting. Anyone who dares to block the project will be removed from office on the spot and held accountable.

Yang Jun didn't go home until very late.

After returning home, everyone in the family fell asleep.

Yang Jun did not disturb them and quietly came to the study alone.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Yuying came in.

"Mom, did I wake you up?"

Wang Yuying sighed: "No, I have been waiting for you."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, then helped her sit down.

Poured her a cup of hot water.

"Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yang Jun sat opposite her and looked at her solemnly.

Wang Yuying sighed, looking worried.

"Your grandpa probably doesn't have much time left. He has always wanted to go back to his hometown. He has been urging him several times today."

"Don't worry, I've asked experts to take a look. The results won't come out until tomorrow. Let's make plans after the results come out." Yang Jun said.

"Actually, you don't need to look at it to know the result. Your grandpa..."

Wang Yuying sobbed, and then said with a grimace: "How can I explain to your second uncle that the old man has had problems just a short time since he came here, but he has taken care of him all his life without any problems."

Yang Jun comforted him: "Mom, you can't think like that. Grandpa was already sick when he was in his hometown. Besides, life and death are determined by destiny, and who can control life and death."

"That's what I say, but after all, something happened to your grandfather in our family, and I feel very guilty."

"Mom, everyone is watching. They know how we treat grandpa. We just have to have a clear conscience."

Wang Yuying took a sip of tea and then said: "The matter has already happened and we have to face it. Jun'er, you'd better prepare this morning."

"I understand, Mom." Yang Jun nodded.

In fact, he is already making preparations and is waiting for the test results tomorrow.

If the test result is good, Yang Jun will try it at all costs. If it is not good, he will have to send his grandfather back to his hometown.

The two of them chatted for a while, and then Wang Yuying went back.

After she left, Yang Jun sat there smoking. After thinking about things for a while, he started working overtime.

No matter what happens, his work cannot stop.

In the afternoon of the next day, Jiang Haitao came with two experts.

Experts brought bad news, saying that grandpa was terminally ill and asked Yang Jun to prepare for the funeral this morning.

After seeing what the experts said, Yang Jun finally gave up.

He told Jiang Haitao to get ready. He planned to send his grandfather back to his hometown early tomorrow morning.

"Minister, it's time for the meeting." Tan Qin came in to report.

Yang Jun raised his wrist to check the time and said, "Let's go to the meeting."

After saying that, he took Tan Qin to the conference room.

In the past few days, Yang Jun was in meetings almost all the time, as if there was nothing else to do except meetings.

This project is so huge that all departments must work together to complete it. This meeting was held for the heads of all steel plants in the country.

Arriving at the conference room, hundreds of people stood up in unison.

Yang Jun raised his hand and motioned for everyone to take their seats.

After sitting down, he glanced at everyone.

"Is there anyone who hasn't arrived?"

Tan Qin immediately flipped through the sign-in book and said respectfully: "Except for the two factory directors from Beigang and Huagang, everyone else has arrived."

Yang Jun: "Have the personnel department issue a letter to remove them from their posts."

After speaking, Yang Jun patted the table.

"The notice was sent the day before yesterday. According to your schedule, you should be here even if you are on the horizon. The two factory directors of Beigang and Huagang have not arrived yet. They have no sense of time. Such comrades are no longer qualified for this position. Yes, I hope you will take this as a warning."

This is Yang Jun's method. With such a big project, it is inevitable that some people will hold back. He has to kill the chicken to show the monkey. He was worried that he could not find an excuse. Now, he has an excuse.

The director positions of the two steel mills were not considered low, they were considered to be official-level cadres. Yang Jun took them down as soon as he said they would, without sparing any mercy.

Seeing this, the people below were thankful that they were not late, otherwise they would have become the chickens shown to the monkeys.

Speaking of this, Yang Jun glanced down with sharp eyes, and the people below immediately shrank their necks and said nothing.

When Yang Jun saw this, he was very satisfied. The effect of killing the chicken to show the monkey was pretty good.

"Everyone has heard about the project, so I won't go into details. Let's start assigning tasks..."


This meeting lasted for more than an hour and ended. However, there will be another meeting tomorrow, otherwise the specific details of cooperation between various units will be implemented.

Yang Jun returned to the office with a thirsty mouth and was about to drink water when Tan Qin came in.

Recently, Nalan Qingmeng asked for leave. Her father died and she wanted to go home for the funeral. , during this time, her job was taken over by Tan Qin.

"Minister, Mao Hua and Gao Dongzhi want to see you."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Have they made an appointment?"

"No." Tan Qin said, "Do you want me to send them away?"

Yang Jun thought for a moment and decided to meet in person.

"Let them in."

Mao Hua and Gao Dongzhi were originally the directors of the No. [-] Steel Rolling Mill and the No. [-] Steel Rolling Mill. Since the merger of the three steel rolling mills, Yang Jun became the director of the merged factory. The two of them were transferred from their original positions and seemed to have gone to The leisure department of subordinate units.

I haven't seen each other in the past few years, and I don't know what happened to the two of them this time.

After a while, Tan Qin led the two of them in.

"Old leader, long time no see."

"Old leader, I miss you so much."

As soon as the two entered the office, they greeted Yang Jun very warmly.

For those who didn’t know, I thought their relationship was very strong.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Hey, two big factory directors, they don't dare to be. I don't know where the title of old leader comes from."

The three of them had worked together before, and they had a horizontal relationship. It was impossible to say who was leading whom. Even after the three steel rolling mills merged, there was no direct leadership relationship.

Although the two of them still work in this system, they rarely see each other, let alone have a good relationship.

"I am the director of the first steel rolling mill, and Lao Gao is the director of the second steel rolling mill. After the merger, you will be the general director, aren't you our old leader?" Mao Hua said with a smile.

"Yes, no matter it was before or now, we are all under your leadership. There is nothing wrong with this title."

Yang Jun looked at the table and said: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me why you are here. I don't have time to chat with you."

Yang Jun knew the two of them very well. They were all unprofitable and would not do anything good this time.

"Old leader, look at what you said, what can we do? Why don't you come to the ministry to do something? Why don't you drop by to see you?" Mao Hua said.

"Don't say it?"

Yang Jun pointed at the door: "If you have nothing to do, get out."

"No, no, no, don't we agree?"

Mao Hua smiled and said: "Your temper has not changed and you are still so stubborn. No wonder you are the leader."

Yang Jun glared at him, looking increasingly impatient.

Seeing this, Mao Hua quickly raised his hands to show that he would stop talking nonsense.

"It's like this, old leader. I heard that you dismissed the directors of two steel plants at the meeting today. Lao Gao Bucai and I want to give it a try." Mao Hua smiled and continued: "You Yes, you know. We have worked in the steel mill all our lives. We know a lot about the steel mill. I think that instead of sending a newcomer who doesn't know anything, it would be better for our old subordinates to use it smoothly. Do you think so? ?”

After saying that, he looked at Yang Jun respectfully, with hope in his eyes.

Yang Jun stared at them for a long time, and then said,

"You want to try?"

"Well, I want to try."

The two nodded heavily.

When Yang Jun heard this, he lay back and looked like a rogue.

"Just give it a try, why should I listen to you?"

When the two heard this, they were stunned for a moment.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

They were too familiar with Yang Jun. They remembered that the three of them had fought openly and secretly in the past. Yang Jun's rogue attitude showed that he was willing to let them try, but the specific conditions had not been negotiated.

"Lao Yang, we are all our own people..." Gao Dongzhi said with a playful smile.

"Be serious." Yang Jun shouted with a stern face.

The two of them looked serious and said respectfully: "Yes, Minister Yang."

Seeing this, Yang Jun nodded slightly.

Don't think that just because you're familiar with him, you can do whatever you want.

"Did you call me Lao Yang?" Yang Jun knocked on the table.

"No." The two shook their heads quickly.

"Don't you two recognize the king yet?"

"Don't dare. You are the king. How dare we claim the title of king? We are your minions."

Yang Jun saw that his prestige was almost complete, so he started to get down to business.

"I'll let you try. It's not impossible, but..."

When the two heard this, they felt excited.

They looked at each other and said in unison: "Please give me the leader's instructions. As long as you can do it, you will never be vague. From now on, you will never frown."

Yang Jun stood up, waved his hands with a smile on his face and said: "After all, we are all working together, and we will not be in danger. I will make it easy for you to do things."

Yang Jun changed the subject: "As you know, you two were against me a lot back then, and you also caused a lot of obstacles behind my back. I am a person who holds grudges, so no matter what I say, I will, more or less, High, high, low, horizontal and vertical, it made me come out."

"As long as you bark like a dog, I will forgive you."

Yang Jun deliberately teased them. He was not that small-minded. Thinking that the three steel rolling mills were in a competitive relationship, it was understandable that they would do that. Moreover, he was not less interested in targeting them at that time, so it was impossible to talk about it. Nothing to complain about.

Besides, Beigang and Huagang currently lack people in charge, and this large project requires the full cooperation of all parties. In addition, the two of them have worked in steel plants, so there is currently no more suitable person than them.

"Old Yang..."

Mao Hua and Gao Dongzhi looked at him dumbfounded.

After so many years, Yang Jun is still the same Yang Jun, just like a child.

Besides, both of them are older than Yang Jun. If he is asked to learn how to bark like a dog, he will have to suppress him for the rest of his life.

"Be serious, is it you who calls me Lao Yang?"

Yang Jun said calmly.

"Yes, Minister Yang."

The two couldn't laugh or cry.

"Scream, there are only three of us in this room, no fourth person will know." Yang Jun said with a smile.

The two looked at each other.

They finally figured out that Yang Jun wanted them to try, but they just didn't let go.

It's nothing more than a matter of face. As long as they can save face, the position of director of the steel plant will be theirs.

It would be fine if any one of them was present alone, and if he screamed, he would do it anyway. No one would know, but now that two of them were present, it was a bit embarrassing.


Seeing that they were still hesitating, Yang Jun said to the door,
"Secretary Tan, see the guests off."

After saying that, Yang Jun turned his back.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

(End of this chapter)

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