Chapter 744
After Huang Yani arrived in Hong Kong City, she immediately adjusted the company's industrial structure.

The company's main business, which was originally focused on investment and stock trading, has now become a company mainly engaged in the production of electronic products.

After the company received hundreds of millions of dollars in support, it immediately entered the electronics industry. You must know that the next few decades or even hundreds of years will be a market dominated by electronic manufacturers, such as printers, duplicators, electronic watches, pagers, recorders, televisions, etc. Computers and so on basically originated from Hong Kong City. At that time, these manufacturers and companies all made a lot of money.

While there is still some time now, I think I can catch up with the earliest benefits.

Although Luo Shigen was not a native of Hong Kong, he had been in Hong Kong for decades, and his interpersonal relationships were naturally not comparable to that of Huang Yani, who had just arrived. Yang Jun still appointed him as the general manager of the company, fully responsible for the company's full-time operations. situation, while Huang Yani serves as the vice president and is fully responsible for the financial situation. The two have their own division of labor and play a role in mutual supervision.

It was not until the end of the year that the company's site selection and recruitment work was initially completed, and all that was left was to build the factory building.

Today is the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, and it’s the Little New Year again.

As a leading cadre, Yang Jun has no fixed rest and holidays. It can be said that he has no rest all year round, or that he has rest all year round. How should I put it? The higher the position, the more free time he can control.

As long as there is nothing wrong, he will take care of the children at home.

No, he was woken up by his son early in the morning. The little guy had to poop, so he could only sit in the bathroom with a small stool and hold the child in his arms.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't sleep, go to bed after you poop."

Yang Jun was in a daze, and the child fell asleep.

This made him half angry. He couldn't move here and was half exhausted. Fortunately, he fell asleep in such a comfortable position.

The baby boy's charming eyelids opened wide, then he closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, it's just a good time for us to take a nap together."

Yang Jun pulled a piece of red toilet paper, wiped his buttocks, then put it in the creaking hole and went back to bed.

Looking at Yi Qiushui sleeping soundly on the bed, Yang Jun began to feel a little envious.

It's been such a nourishing day.

If she eats well, she sleeps, and if she sleeps well, she eats. Naturally, someone will help her take care of the child. She is so heartless that she becomes a big shopkeeper.

Since the two of them took safety measures, they have become more confident and bold, and they are living a happy life without any worries.

As soon as the child was put down, he woke up immediately.

After waking up, I started to make noises about getting up. The tiredness on my face just now disappeared and I became particularly energetic.

There is floor heating in the room, and the child is not afraid of the cold. She lies on her back on the bed, making a sound of "beep babbling". From time to time, I crawl into her mother's arms.

Yi Qiushui was helpless because of the trouble. She frowned and kicked Yang Jun impatiently.

"Husband, give the child to mom, I want to sleep for a while longer."

"I want to sleep some more."

Yang Jun muttered, seeing that he was about to fall asleep and was kicked awake again, it was strange that he was happy.


Yi Qiushui used her trump card, causing Yang Jun's whole body to go limp.

"Zhao Di, Zhao Di."

Yang Jun called out the door twice impatiently.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind came in.

Sun Zhaodi smiled and took a small cotton-padded jacket to dress Yang Chengdao.

Since having the child, Yang Jun's bedroom door has never been locked, so that Sun Zhaodi and Wang Yuying can come in at any time to take care of the child.

Of course, if Yang Jun didn't call, Sun Zhaodi wouldn't come in casually, but she would definitely be waiting outside the door at any time.

"Little brother, get up quickly."

The cotton-padded jacket was kept on the stove outside, and it was very warm.

When the little baby saw Sun Zhaodi, she felt closer to her than to his own mother and waved her little arms happily.


Sun Zhaodi dressed the child as quickly as possible, then wrapped him in a cloak before carrying him out.

"Zhao Di, it's cold outside, please take a moment before taking her out," Yang Jun warned.

"Okay, don't worry about it, Zhaodi is more experienced than you."

Yi Qiushui hugged him and patted his back, signaling her to sleep a little longer.

"I am quite a failure as a father." Yang Jun sighed.

"Hey, I, as a mother, am no better than you. The children are basically taken care of by Zhaodi and mother." Yi Qiushui said.

"Yes, fortunately you married me, otherwise a lazy daughter-in-law like you would have been kicked out long ago."

"Hey, who asked me to marry a good husband?"

When Yi Qiushui heard this, two sweet dimples suddenly appeared on her face, and she hugged Yang Jun tighter.

They didn't get up until three o'clock in the morning.

This is a real three-pole day, and I didn’t get up until almost eleven o’clock.

After understanding their work and rest habits, the family members never came in to disturb them, and they decided when to get up. Of course, most of them were thinking about Yang Jun. After all, it was rare to have a day off.

After the two washed up, they went to the front yard to eat.

"Uncle Yang, Auntie, do you want to eat now or eat together at lunch later?"

The speaker was Sun Zhaocai's daughter-in-law Yan Erni.

Sun Zhaocai did not agree with her joining the factory, so she could only arrange to do some chores with Yang Jun.

This girl is only about seventeen or eighteen years old. She has a face called Shui Ling and a pair of clear, big eyes. She is very good at making trouble and has a sweet mouth when she meets everyone. In less than a few days, she and Everyone mingle.

But Yang Jun always felt awkward when meeting her.

Yan Erni knew very well that she was given to Yang Jun as a gift. If Sun Zhaocai hadn't appeared, she might be Yang Jun's woman now.

Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassment, the two never mentioned it and tried to avoid being alone together.

"Eat now, whatever is delicious will be brought to you."

Yi Qiushui rubbed her belly and curled her lips and said, "I'm almost starving to death."

"Okay, Auntie, I'll bring you the steamed buns and porridge."

Yan Erni answered with a smile and went to the kitchen to serve the food.

When Yang Jun heard this, he suddenly lost his appetite.

I've long since become tired of eating these every day.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for lunch, so Yang Jun simply had two meals at a time.

After a while, the food was served.

Yang Jun only wanted a bowl of white porridge and ate it slowly.

However, Yi Qiushui had a particularly good appetite, grabbing the big meat buns and chewing them, which made Yang Jun feel nauseous.

While they were eating, there was a movement outside.

It seemed like there was a visitor at home.

Yang Jun didn't go out. With so many people at home, there was no need for him.

He vaguely heard Ma Wumei's voice. This girl had a very loud voice, and she coaxed Wang Yuying into excitement.

Yi Qiushui poked Yang Jun and saw that he had no intention of moving, so she took a bun and went out.

After a while, Yi Qiushui came with Ma Wumei.

"Husband, look who's here?"

As soon as he entered the door, Yi Qiushui winked at Yang Jun and asked him to greet him.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and felt that there was no need for Yi Qiushui to do this. They were all members of his own family, so why should he be so polite?

"Uncle Master, I wish you a good year."

After saying that, he knelt down and kowtowed three times to Yang Jun.

Today is the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, which means praying for a good year in the future. Unless the relationship between the two families is relatively close, they usually won’t pray for a good year.

"How is your father's health lately?"

Ma Wumei curled her lips when she heard this.

He got up from the ground, stretched out his hand to Yang Jun and said, "Uncle, bring me the new year's money."

"Hey, girl, do you want another piece of New Year's money during the Chinese New Year?"

Although he said this, he still took out 20 yuan of new year's money from his pocket.

"That's necessary. When the time comes, I will bring a group of fellow disciples over to pay you New Year's greetings."

Ma Wumei happily put the money into her pocket.

"Hey, these days, the landlord's family doesn't have any food left, so just let your uncle go."

If all the fellow disciples were really brought here, wouldn't Yang Jun be bleeding heavily?

Although he didn't care about the money, he didn't want to be too showy.

These days, Gou is the king.

"Then if you give me double the New Year's money, I won't let them come."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand with a smile.

Yang Jun shook his head and reluctantly gave her another 20 yuan of new year's money.

"What's the matter with coming here today?"

"What's the matter? Can't I come over and see you?"

"Yes, yes, yes, if you have the ability, just hold it back and don't say it." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"No, Uncle Master, can't I say it?"

Ma Wumei smiled and took out a gold-gilded invitation from her pocket.

"The second day of the Lunar New Year is my wedding day. My uncle and aunt must come then."

"You're getting married?"

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this.

"Who is so unafraid of death that he dares to marry you?"

When Ma Wumei heard this, she suddenly became unhappy.

She turned around and hugged Yi Qiushui's arm and said, "Auntie, look at what my uncle said. I'm not a dominatrix. Am I that scary?"

Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes at Yang Jun, turned back to comfort her and said,

"Don't be as knowledgeable as your uncle. He has no vision. For a girl like you who looks safe and rich, everyone should rush over to get her, don't you think?"

Ma Wumei was about to nod when she immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Auntie, why do I think you and my uncle mean the same thing?"

The corners of Yi Qiushui's mouth twitched and she laughed dryly: "Is it so obvious?"

Ma Wumei doesn't look any better than Sun Zhaodi. Not only does she have the frame of a man, but she is also violent and will do anything if she disagrees with her.

She is now a cadre at the Institute of Mechanical Science, and her family is in good condition. It can be said that she has no worries about getting married.

"Ma Wumei, come on, come on, tell me, uncle, who is not afraid of death to marry you? Tell me and let me gain knowledge." Yang Jun said with a smile.

He was really curious as to which person who was not afraid of death would dare to marry such a violent maniac.

Just like one day when he suddenly heard that someone dared to marry Sun Zhaodi, he would be surprised.

Ma Wumei rolled her eyes and pursed her lips.

"Uncle Master, you are old and disrespectful."

"No, I'm just curious." Yang Jun argued.

"That's right, just tell me, my aunt is actually quite curious too." Yi Qiushui interjected.

"Aunt, you have changed." Ma Wumei said quietly.

In this era, the person's name is not written on the invitation. After all, there are many bad people in this era. He can't see that your family is living a prosperous life, and is afraid that someone will cause trouble behind his back, so he makes it general. Guests don't know the couple until the wedding day. The name of the other half.Please post the name without the groom's official name. It's not that Ma Zhanshan doesn't trust Yang Jun, but it's a habit.

"Just tell me, to satisfy my aunt's curiosity." Yi Qiushui begged.

Ma Wumei looked like she was about to cry without tears.

How come this person who used to be so gentle and elegant has become so gossipy.

"Qin Tian, ​​are you satisfied?"

When the two of them heard this, they suddenly looked like they were suddenly enlightened.

As expected, Ma Wumei's target must be someone within the circle of martial arts practitioners.

Ma Zhanshan is too curly.

He only has Ma Wu Mei as his daughter, so he can rest assured that he will definitely hand over this apple to his apprentice.

This Qin Tian is Ma Zhanshan's apprentice. Yang Jun has seen this man. He is 21 or [-] years old and looks average. However, he seems to be honest and not very bright. This kind of person is often the best to control.

"Did you go there or... came to the door?" Yang Jun asked cautiously.

When Ma Wumei heard this, her face turned as red as a monkey's butt.

If Yang Jun hadn't been his elder, she would have definitely started a fight with him.

"Uncle Master, didn't you guess it? Is it interesting to ask again?"

Ma Wumei said coyly.


Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui let out a long sigh.

Sure enough, as they expected.

With such a big family fortune, Ma Zhanshan would definitely not be able to marry off his daughter. He must recruit a son-in-law, otherwise, his life would be in vain.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Qin is honest and motivated. You two are a good match together." Yang Jun said.

"Uncle Master, do you think so too? I also think Qin Tian and I are a good match." Ma Wumei exclaimed.

After talking for a long time, she finally heard what she wanted to hear. To hear the kind words from Yang Jun's mouth was even rarer than the sun rising in the west.

"Of course, you two are really well matched, but..."

"But what?" Ma Wumei asked anxiously.

"However, don't just ask him to compete with you."

To be honest, Ma Wumei's combat prowess is pretty good among her fellow disciples, and few can beat her. As for the newer fellow disciples behind her, they are often bullied by her.

"Uncle Master, you are wrong. We martial arts practitioners must practice regularly. If you don't practice for three days, your skills will become rusty. My father chose Qin Tian as his son-in-law because he can withstand beatings. "

When Yang Jun heard this, his outlook was shattered.

This is a pair of strange women, both violent.

The first criterion for choosing a son-in-law turned out to be that he could withstand beatings and be able to accompany their women in sparring.

If this was a weak skill, how could it be destroyed by these two women?

"Well, let's hope your man survives the birth of his child."

In his heart, Yang Jun silently mourned for Qin Tian for 3 minutes.

This year's university holiday is also very early. Yang Yu and Wang Xiaoxiao had a holiday as early as the day before yesterday. The two girls devoted themselves to their business as soon as they had the holiday. They were nowhere to be seen all day long. The Yangmei Party School was also on holiday. Now she is four or five months pregnant. She does nothing every day and concentrates on enjoying Liu Zhi's 360-degree attentive service.

After chatting with Ma Wumei for a while, Yi Qiushui took the girl to find Sun Zhaodi. The two of them had been good friends since they first entered the steel rolling mill, and they chatted endlessly as soon as they got together.

After lunch that day, there were more people at home.

Today is the Lunar New Year, and everyone is getting together for a reunion dinner. People from each family come over one after another after lunch. Women go into the kitchen to help, and men take their children for a walk around the yard when they have nothing to do.

Yang Jun did not let Yang Jun take care of the child at all. He set up a table in the yard, and several men squatted there drinking tea and setting up a dragon gate formation.

"Brother, are you going to drink 35-year-old daughter's red wine tonight?"

Yang Anguo's eyes suddenly gleamed when he saw several jars of daughter red with the year 35 written on them at the door of the kitchen.

These jars of wine were gifts brought by Ma Wumei just now. They were the oldest Ner Hong specially selected by his father, Ma Zhanshan. They were placed at the door before he had time to put them in.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "You know how to eat and drink all day long. You usually eat and drink outside often, right?"

This guy is now the director of the security department of the Academy of Mechanical Sciences. Many people usually treat him to dinner and drinks, and almost everyone comes back drunk every day.

"Hey, brother, the wines outside are not as exciting as yours, why don't you just open a bottle at night?"

"Don't be too arrogant, kid. Stay still. You are different now. You need to know clearly what you should do and what you shouldn't do." Yang Jun warned.

Yang Jun was afraid that since he came from the countryside and had never seen the world, he would encounter sugar-coated bullets, which would not only destroy him, but also harm himself.

"Brother, don't worry, I will never touch anything I shouldn't do. I have a house now, a wife and children, and a good job. Do I have to touch those things?" Yang Anguo said solemnly.

"As long as you know what's going on, if you touch something you shouldn't touch, I won't be able to protect you."

This is not only true for Yang Anguo, but also for everyone.

Yang Anbang is now the deputy director of the logistics department of the steel rolling mill, and Liu Zhi is the deputy chief of the security department. They each have real power. Yang Jun is afraid that they will not be able to control themselves and make mistakes they should not make.

"Got it, brother."

The crowd responded in unison.

In fact, everyone knew very well that as long as they did not make principled mistakes, Yang Jun would not ignore them.

Yang Jun treats them well, and they know it clearly, so they will never cause trouble to Yang Jun.

While they were chatting, a sudden sound of brakes broke the cheerful and peaceful atmosphere.

I saw Yang Laosi and Wang Xiaoxiao running into the yard in panic.

"Brother, Zhaocai has been taken away. Go and save him."

Yang Jun sat there calmly drinking tea and looking at them with a calm expression.

"What's wrong? It's like a rabbit."

Yang Laosi looked away as if he had done something wrong.

"It's not because of me. The people who were beaten by Zhaocai found a group of people from nowhere and beat them up if they stopped Zhaocai."

"Where is the man now?"

As long as the two girls are fine, Yang Jun has nothing to worry about.

As for Sun Zhaocai, that guy is rough and thick-skinned, so it would be nice to let him suffer a little.

"Now both parties have been taken to the police station."

After asking which police station he was in, Yang Jun motioned to Ma Juzi to go over and deal with it.

He, a big leader, can't take action on such a trivial matter personally, right?

Without saying anything, Ma Juzi took Yang Anguo and the others and walked out.

After they left, Yang Jun said to Yang Laosi and the others.

"You two go to school and make trouble for me every day."

"Look at you, how many days did you not get into a fight because of you?"

Sun Zhaocai has been fighting almost every day since they went to college.

Now, okay, it's not that I can't beat you, it's just that I didn't see the opportunity correctly. It's just a holiday, so I'm going to gather people to get back on track.

"Do you think I do?" Yang Laosi muttered.

Wang Xiaoxiao is introverted and very well-behaved. She would listen to him if he gave her a few words, but Yang Yu couldn't. Taking advantage of their brother-sister relationship, she always talked back to Yang Jun.

"I'm waiting for you ten times a sentence. Look at you, do you still look like a girl?"

Yang Jun was also angry. He looked around and saw no one taking advantage of him.

Yang Laosi was not stupid. Seeing that Yang Jun was really angry, he quickly ran away towards the kitchen.

On the contrary, Wang Xiaoxiao stood there shivering in fear.

"Are you stupid? Don't you run away and wait to be beaten?"

Yang Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Her goddaughter was good at everything, but she was too honest. She was going to be beaten, and she was still standing there stupidly.

Wang Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then said "Oh" and slipped away quietly.

It was impossible to do anything, Yang Jun was just scaring them.

After all, a goddaughter is not a biological daughter, so she can't do anything whenever she wants.

Sometimes, we have to worry about the gossip of outsiders.

It took about an hour, until it was almost time to eat, when Ma Juzi and the others came back.

Just like a general returning from victory, Sun Zhaocai was seen walking towards him in a majestic manner.

"Hey, Uncle Yang, I'm back."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

This guy is a douchebag, as if he has nothing to do.

If other people go into the police station and feel ashamed to see people for a long time, this guy is better. Instead of feeling ashamed, he feels proud, as if he has done something great and important.

"Aren't you hurt?"

Apart from a few tears in his cotton clothes and a few big feet, there was nothing else on this guy.

"It's okay. What can happen to me? The person who can hurt me hasn't shown up yet." Sun Zhaocai said.

"Is it all right?"

"It's all right."

Yang Jun turned his fingers in circles, indicating for him to turn around.

Sun Zhaocai didn't know it was a scam, so he turned around as he was told.

Yang Jun stood up from the stool and kicked him on the butt.

"Brother, be careful."

Before he finished his sentence, Yang Jun was bounced back as if he had hit a wall.

Fortunately, Ma Juzi and the others were there to support him, otherwise he would have been bitten by the dog.

Yang Jun became angry from shame.

After all, he was considered a military king, but he was so embarrassed when he attacked from behind. In front of everyone, he was a little embarrassed.

Sun Zhaocai didn't know what happened, so he turned around and looked at everyone blankly.

When he saw Yang Jun's embarrassed look, he immediately understood what was going on.


The guy suddenly let out a scream and threw himself forward.

After falling to the ground, he secretly glanced back with a smile on his lips.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone was amused and laughed.

Yang Jun couldn't even laugh or cry.

This reflex arc is too long, it took so long to react.

You don't know how to flatter someone, you are just insulting me.

From his clumsy movements, Yang Jun saw the insult.

Without saying anything, he just pulled out the belt.

"Don't stop me. I'm going to beat this guy to death for daring to insult me."

Yang Jun smoked loudly.

While pumping, he yelled: "Whoever stops me is in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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