Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 713 Grandpa’s Love Story

Chapter 713 Grandpa’s Love Story

One meal took more than two hours.

After the meal, the whole family gathered together to eat after-dinner fruits.

Yang Jun did not go to work in the afternoon, but chatted with his grandfather Yang Wenhou.

The old man had stayed in that poor mountain ravine all his life and was very curious about things in the city.

Especially when I saw the house where Yang Jun lived, I was even more envious.

He had to let Yang Jun accompany him to visit the front and rear yards.

After visiting Yang Jun's yard, the old man went to visit Yang Anguo's home.

Fortunately, they live not far away, right next door.

Yang Wenhou stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at the row of old Yang's houses with a proud look in his eyes.

First we visited Yang Anbang's house, then Yang Mei's house, Yang Anguo's house, and even Ma Juzi's house.

After coming out of Ma Juzi's house, the old man suddenly stopped in front of Yang Mei's house and refused to leave.

"Jun'er, grandpa wants to discuss something with you. Do you think I can live in Meizi's yard?"

Yang Jun was startled.

"Grandpa, aren't you afraid of people poking your grandson's spine and scolding him?"

Yang Wenhou smiled bitterly and said, "That's why grandpa wants to discuss it with you."

"I know your filial piety, and I naturally hope that I can live a better life, but Jun'er, please be considerate and considerate of me finding an old man to bury my neck in. I really don't want to cause trouble to you younger generations. What's more, I just want to Live a quiet life alone.”

"It's not that you are unfilial, but people who live to my age have only memories left in their lives. I just want to be able to remember without being disturbed. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Jun'er, you know that if nothing unexpected happens, I have no intention of leaving that poor mountain valley in my life. However, Grandpa, I understand your difficulties and risk not being able to return to my roots. Can you also understand? Grandpa, please let me live alone?"

When Yang Jun heard this, something crystal clear appeared in his eyes.

He was moved by his grandfather's words.

Especially when his grandfather said that he would take the risk of not being able to return to his roots, he felt even more ashamed.

He only thought that he could fulfill his filial piety, but did not take into account the old man's mood, which was really unfilial.

"Grandpa, please stop talking. I agree, don't you?"

Yang Jun suddenly knelt on the ground and choked with sobs: "Grandpa, forgive my grandson for his unfilial piety."

Seeing this, Yang Wenhou quickly helped Yang Jun up and looked around.
"You kid, what are you doing?"

"You are a filial child, and grandpa doesn't mean to blame you."

"I mean, grandpa has given you face, shouldn't you also give grandpa some face?"

After speaking, Yang Wenhou looked at him kindly.

When Yang Jun saw this, his tears turned into laughter.

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he smiled and said, "You must give me face."


There was no other way, Yang Jun could only agree to Yang Wenhou living in Yangmei's yard.

He could understand the old man's thoughts.

In my grandfather's words, when a person reaches his age, there are only memories left in his life.

Thinking about Grandpa Lenovo's words, Yang Jun can understand why he sees so many old people often in a daze.

It turns out that they are lonely inside, especially the elderly widowed people, and only memories can comfort their lonely lives.

Yang Jun helped his grandfather to do ideological work for everyone.

Fortunately, grandpa lives not far from them and can be reached in a matter of seconds.

Even if something happens, you can know it as soon as possible.

That afternoon, grandpa Yang Wenhou moved into Yang Mei's home.

The old man didn't want to live in the backyard. He said he wanted to live in the front and watch the gate.

Everyone could not persuade him, so they had no choice but to obey him.

Everyone helped sort out a wing and then prepared some daily necessities.

As for the issue of eating, there is no need to think about it at all.

He was not prepared to make the old man angry. Every time it was time to eat, the old man would come over. Even if he didn't come, he would still give it to him.

Everyone was busy, while the old man was squatting in the corner smoking a cigarette.

His eyes were not idle, looking here and there, and sometimes he stood up to measure something with his steps.

There was a sigh coming from his mouth.

When Yang Jun saw this, he immediately understood.

So, he turned around and said to Yang Anguo, Ma Juzi and the others,

"Get some guys and dig up the yard."

Yang Anguo and the others were suddenly stunned and looked at Yang Jun in confusion.

"What are you still doing? Dig up the yard and clear out a piece of land." Yang Jun roared.

"Oh, I see."

When everyone heard it, they all understood.

Yang Jun wanted to clear out a piece of land for his grandfather and find something for him to do.

Yang Anguo and the others turned around and left the yard.

After a while, he came with something.

Without saying anything, he started digging the yard.

When Yang Wenhou saw this, he looked at Yang Jun with a troubled expression.

"Jun'er, these bricks are quite expensive, why don't we forget about them?"

"That won't work. I'm still waiting to smoke the tobacco leaves you grew." Yang Jun said.

When Yang Wenhou heard this, a trace of guilt flashed across his face.

I didn't want to cause trouble, but in the end it caused trouble for Yang Jun and the others.

But when he thought about it, he felt bored if he did nothing all day long, slept well after eating, and ate well after sleeping.

After struggling for a while, I finally agreed.

" careful. Once the floor tiles are stacked, they can be re-paved later."

"Grandpa, you are just watching from the side. You just use your mouth to command. We will do whatever you tell us to do."

Yang Jun moved a chair for his grandfather and let him rest next to it.

Ma Juzi and the others went straight to work. They first used iron rods to pry up the floor tiles in the yard, and then neatly stacked them in the corners.

After a while, a large area of ​​land was cleared.Ma Juzi came over and said to Yang Jun,
"Brother, we can't grow crops on this old soil. We need to get some new soil to put on it."

"Then what?" Yang Jun asked.

Ma Juzi was stunned for a moment.

"Then...I'm going to borrow a car and go to the suburbs tomorrow to pick up some soil."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "You already know what to do, and you still come to ask me?"

Ma Juzi smiled when he heard this.

"Brother, do you think you are wise if I don't ask for instructions on everything?"

"Go away, your brother and I are such an impetuous person in your eyes?"


Ma Juzi laughed twice and left.

This guy is going to find a truck to haul some soil.

After Ma Juzi left, Yang Anguo came over.

Seeing Yang Jun and Yang Wenhou sitting there chatting and drinking tea leisurely, a trace of envy flashed in their eyes.

"Brother, I'm thirsty."

When Yang Anguo spoke, his eyes were fixed on the teapot next to Yang Jun.

When Yang Jun heard this, he looked at him speechlessly.

It’s fake that these idiots are thirsty, but it’s real that they want to increase their presence.

Seeing that Yang Jun was so favored, he also wanted Yang Wenhou to praise him.

Yang Jun was about to speak, but Yang Wenhou beat him to it.

"What are you thirsty for?"

Yang Wenhou glared: "I usually work in the fields to earn work points and I haven't seen you thirsty even if you don't drink water for a whole day. How can you be thirsty after such a long time?"

Yang Anguo was startled and subconsciously took a step back.

However, he was stubborn, still holding on to a sense of luck, and looked at Yang Wenhou with a look of resentment.

"Grandpa, I'm really thirsty."

When Yang Jun saw this, he almost laughed out loud.

He's such a grown-up person, but he's still acting cute.

However, he was moved by Yang Anguo's persistence.

If you are so persistent, you don’t know if you can get the results you want.

Yang Wenhou has lived for more than half his life and is sober in the world. He still can't guess what Yang Anguo is thinking.

I have watched him grow up since he was a child. He looks like a calf. He has endless energy in his body and does not feel tired when he works.

I work in the fields to earn work points and never bring water with me, so I can persevere even in the dog days of summer.

Now he's thirsty even after he's done it twice. Do you really think he's been working hard for nothing for so many years?

However, he is also his grandson, so he cannot favor one thing over another and goes too far.

The old man sighed, looked at the teapot in front of him, and silently poured a glass of water.


When Yang Anguo saw this, he was immediately overjoyed.

He took it with both hands and drank it all in one gulp.

"Are you still drinking?"

The old man asked while holding the teapot.

Yang Anguo waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no, that's enough. I feel like my whole body is full of energy now."

After saying that, he made a few body movements, and then went to work with satisfaction.

Yang Wenhou saw this and shook his head.

"Cow chews peonies."

He was disappointed with his grandson.

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Grandpa, I didn't realize that you still know the word "cow chewing peony".

Yang Wenhou rolled his eyes: "Together with your grandfather, I am just a rough guy in your eyes? Can you only farm?"

"That's not true. However, I think you are the most educated among the farmers. Among the educated people, you are the best at farming." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"You brat, are you trying to take advantage of your grandfather again?"

Yang Wenhou was not angry, but smiled and explained,
"I have known this idiom all my life. I think I learned this word from your grandma back then, so I remember it deeply."

Yang Jun gave a thumbs up and said, "I didn't expect grandma to be a very talented woman."

"Of course, your grandma is a famous talented woman in eight villages across the country."

When grandma was mentioned, grandpa's face showed an indescribable sense of pride.

"Your maternal grandfather was a private school teacher. Your grandma grew up in the school and knows a lot of words."

"Grandpa, I have a question. Since my grandma is a talented woman, how could she like a rough guy like you?" Yang Jun asked doubtfully.

Yang Wenhou rolled his eyes, seemingly dissatisfied with Yang Jun's words.

"You brat, do you know what childhood sweethearts are?"

Yang Jun shook his head and said with a smile: "Grandpa, you are awesome, tell me, how did you hook up with my grandma?"

"That's a long story..."

Yang Wenhou came to his senses and raised his hand to hit Yang Jun, but not with much force.

"You brat, what is hooking up? What we call mutual love."

"Yes, yes, please continue. How did you and grandma make eye contact?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

Yang Wenhou glared at him, then lay down on the chair.

Looking at the sky, my thoughts were drawn back to more than half a century ago.

"At that time, your grandfather was a teacher in the next village. As for me, I was just over ten years old at the time and was herding cattle for the landlord's house. Every time I passed by the school, I would secretly hide under the window and eavesdrop. , I am already familiar with your grandma..."

After listening for a long time, Yang Jun finally understood the love story of his grandfather and grandma.

It took a while before Yang Jun came back to his senses.

He said kindly to Yang Wen with a teasing look on his face.
"Oh...Grandpa, so you are the legendary cowherd boy who hid under the window and listened to my teacher's lectures?"

"Broken baby, look for a slap!"

(End of this chapter)

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