Chapter 691
As the first unit of this inspection, Yang Jun started the inspection the next day.

The steel rolling mill can be said to be the birthplace of Yang Jun. It contains all his feelings over the years.

He has lived here for nearly three years and knows everything about every plant and tree here, as well as everyone.

Especially the control over the entire factory is no problem.

Even if Yang Jun doesn't come here to inspect, most of the people in the steel rolling mill belong to him.

Still, he came.

There is no other reason. After all, this is a large factory with 10 people playing a decisive role in Forty-Nine City.

Yu Deshui had notified the steel rolling mill the day before. When Yang Jun arrived, there was a loud roar of gongs and drums and the sound of firecrackers at the entrance of the factory.

Everyone warmly welcomed him as the former factory director.

Originally, Yang Jun didn't want to be high-profile, but Yu Deshui suggested that he should go through the necessary cutscenes.

Once out of Forty-Nine City, it is never too late to keep a low profile.

As soon as Yang Jun got off the car, Shang Tielong led a group of people to greet him.

"Big leader, you are welcome to visit the steel rolling mill for inspection."

Yang Jun shook hands with them one by one.

"Lao Shang, you have done a good job. The steel rolling mill is prospering under your leadership."

"This is all the foundation you laid before. I don't dare to take credit." Shang Tielong said with a smile.

He can no longer call Yang Jun "Lao Yang" like before. He still needs the respect that a big leader should have.

Yang Jun is no longer the director of the steel rolling mill two years ago.

He is considered an old subordinate of Yang Jun, and he has witnessed with his own eyes how Yang Jun climbed from a small deputy factory director to his current position step by step.

Moreover, Yang Jun has outstanding abilities. In just a few years, he has made four major achievements: artificial mushroom cultivation technology, lathe technology modification technology, engine research and development technology, and 5S management system.

Just take out one thing at random, it is enough for an ordinary person to struggle for a lifetime.

But all these impossible things happened to Yang Jun. I have to admire that this man is indeed excellent.

Now, Yang Jun can call him Lao Shang, but he dare not maintain the relationship and call him Lao Yang.

Looking at these familiar faces in front of him, Yang Jun was filled with emotion.

Thinking about it, these people were all carefully trained by him. Without the support of these people, he would not be where he is today.

"Big leader, please come in." Shang Tielong said.

"it is good!"

Yang Jun was not polite and took the lead directly in.

Behind him are deputy directors Yan Huaisheng, Liu Feng, Peng Wanli and hundreds of thousands of cadres at the steel rolling mill.

Since Wang Erwa was transferred, Peng Wanli from the production department was promoted to the position of deputy director of production.

This guy was the first person to follow Yang Jun and was his magnet.

He was promoted to factory director only because of Yang Jun's signature.

Therefore, he was loyal to Yang Jun and often regarded himself as Yang Jun's man in the factory.

"Boss, should we go to the conference room or visit the workshop directly?" Peng Wanli asked.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "I am an old man in our steel rolling mill. I know the situation in the workshop better than all of you. I won't visit it for the time being."

"Let's go to the conference room. I have something to tell you."

Yang Jun turned back to Qian Kun, the chief of the finance section of the steel rolling mill, and said, "Chief Qian, you are also here to attend the meeting."

Qian Kun was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Then, he said happily: "Okay, leader."

Although they were qualified to line up to welcome Yang Jun, entering the conference room was not something he could achieve at his level.

Now that Yang Jun personally named him to participate, he suddenly felt superior to others.

But Shang Tielong and the others didn't think so.

It might not be a good thing for Yang Jun to let a finance section chief attend the meeting.

Several people looked at each other, but no one spoke.

I came to the small conference room on the third floor with a feeling of anxiety.

Yang Jun sat in the middle seat in a familiar manner, raising his hands slightly and pressing down, gesturing for them to sit down.

Only Shang Tielong, several deputy factory directors and Qian Kun participated in the meeting.

Yang Jun took a sip of tea and glanced at everyone.

"I won't say any more nonsense. Now the ministry is encountering difficulties. I hope you, the subordinate units, can provide support."

Yang Jun raised two fingers and said: "I am not an unreasonable person. I hope you can take 200 million from the small treasury and let me take it back."

A few days ago, the secretary reported to him the situation in the ministry. There is still a financial gap of 200 million yuan in the second quarter. Recently, he has been worried about this matter.

In fact, Guo Caocao sent him out for inspection with the intention of raising funds.

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, several people present looked male.

Shang Tielong said: "Boss, it's not that I'm crying for poverty, but that our factory really can't afford so much money."

"As you know, in the past two years, we have built hospitals, guest houses, movie theaters, and office buildings. The money has been spent like water. Now the movie theater is halfway through construction and has stopped due to lack of funds. We really can't get it. Pay this money."

Yan Huaisheng and Liu Feng opened their mouths as if they wanted to say something, but when they saw Yang Jun's gloomy face, they immediately suppressed what they wanted to say.

Yang Jun looked at Shang Tielong coldly, with an unhappy look on his face.

If Wang Erwa hadn't been transferred, he wouldn't have recommended him to Guo Caocao.

This guy has good character and a selfless heart, but he is someone who values ​​his reputation very much and is not easily used by others.

"Director Shang, I think you have forgotten that I am the former director of the steel rolling mill. I know what is going on in the factory better than anyone else."

Yang Jun didn't even call him Lao Shang, but directly called him Factory Manager Shang. This showed that he was already angry. "If I hadn't missed my old friendship, I'm afraid the private treasury would have been enough for you to drink."

There was a threatening meaning in Yang Jun's words.

When Shang Tielong and others heard this, their faces twitched.

Yang Jun's waist really doesn't hurt when he sits and talks. Hasn't the matter of the small treasury been around since you were the director of the factory? How come it turned out to be set up by Shang Tielong in the blink of an eye?
Shang Tielong is mute and cannot tell how hard it is to eat Coptis chinensis.

But he didn't dare to explain. If he made Yang Jun unhappy, he might be the only one to take the blame for setting up a private treasury.

"Big boss, I'm really not crying about poverty. Even if you sell me, you still can't get 200 million." Shang Tielong looked embarrassed.

Yang Jun heard this and looked at him carefully.

It didn't look like he was lying.

"Then how much money can you give?"

"How about 100 million?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he said, "Hey, there's something going on."

Looking at it, I guess if I squeeze it a little more, I might be able to squeeze out more.

"One hundred and fifty, no more," Yang Jun said.

"One hundred and three." Shang Tielong bargained.

Yang Jun glared: "Old Shang, do you think this is a vegetable market that allows you to bargain?"

"Big boss, it's not me who bargained. I really don't have that much money in my account."

Shang Tielong smiled bitterly and said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Section Chief Qian."

Yang Jun's eyes narrowed and he glanced at Qian Kun.

Upon seeing this, Qian Kun quickly stood up and reported.

"Boss, Director Shang is right. There really isn't that much money in the account, only 140 million."


"Really, I wouldn't dare to lie to anyone."

Seeing his appearance, Yang Jun didn't seem to be telling lies.

Then he turned back to Shang Tielong and said,
"Okay, Lao Shang, I'll do as you say, one hundred and three, just one hundred and three."

When Shang Tielong heard this, his expression relaxed.

"Hey, leader, that's not how you harvest the wool, right? You're killing the goose that lays the goose to get the eggs."

Yang Jun snorted coldly and said quietly: "Big rivers are full of water and small rivers are full. Don't you understand this truth?"

When Shang Tielong heard this, his heart suddenly shivered.

He quickly said: "I know, I know, without you, the great leader, our steel rolling mill would not be what it is today. Don't worry, we will definitely support you strongly."

"You just understand."

Yang Jun nodded, quite satisfied with Shang Tielong's attitude.

If this guy is still as hard and smelly as the rocks in the latrine, Yang Jun wouldn't mind replacing him with someone else as the factory director.

"I want to see this money appear on my account before I go to work tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, you don't have to wait for tomorrow, you can get it today."

Shang Tielong turned back to Qian Kun and said: "Chief Qian, what are you still doing? Hurry up and transfer the account. If the leader regrets it, you won't be able to keep the remaining money in the account."

After saying that, he looked at Yang Jun with a resentful look.

"Okay, director, I'll go to the credit union right away."

After saying that, Qian Kun ran out.

Seeing Qian Kun leaving, Shang Tielong said with a bitter face.

"Big boss, you are an old man in our steel rolling mill. You should take more care of our mill."

As soon as Shang Tielong finished speaking, everyone immediately agreed,
"Yes, leader, the steel rolling mill is a child you raised by yourself. You can't ignore it."

"That can't be done. Who is the big leader? He is a big hero who values ​​love and justice. Naturally, he won't ignore it."


Listening to their flattery, Yang Jun raised his hand to signal them to be quiet.

"Okay, stop flattering and tell me, how do you want me to support you?"

Yang Jun added: "First of all, let's make sure not to be greedy. If the lion opens his mouth, there is nothing I can do."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately ecstatic.

It seems that the more than 100 million small treasury handed over was not in vain, and it won Yang Jun's support.

Everyone looked at each other, and then fixed their eyes on Shang Tielong.

Shang Tielong tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, coughed twice, and collected his emotions.

"Boss, please see if you can give us more orders this quarter. The current orders are only enough for one month of production. We have nothing to do in the rest of the time."

Since the implementation and promotion of the 5S management model, as well as the successful technological transformation of lathes, the production capacity has been greatly improved, coupled with the merger of three steel rolling mills, resulting in overcapacity. Therefore, Shang Tielong and the others asked the ministry to draw more points Order.

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

He is also aware of the overcapacity situation in the steel rolling mill. However, as the supervisor who coordinates the overall situation, he cannot only consider the steel rolling mill. The huge resources must be allocated rationally.

This time he inspected units across the country to count the resources of all parties and then make reasonable allocations.

However, he cannot allocate resources to the steel rolling mill for the time being. This matter must wait until his inspection is completed.

"Well, let me contact the arsenal and see if I can give you more orders."

(End of this chapter)

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