Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 666 Grandpa is sick

Chapter 666 Grandpa is sick
After coming out of the courtyard, Yang Jun went home directly.

As soon as I got home, I saw a row of cars parked at the door.

There are people wearing Chinese tunic suits everywhere at the door.

Sun Zhaodi and Yang Laosi sat on the drum-holding stone at the door, blocking those people from entering.

At this time, the car slowly stopped, and Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui got out of the car.

When those people saw Yang Jun, they cheered and surrounded him.

"Big boss, I'm Xiao Yang from the second department. When are you free for tea?"

"Leader, I'm a rookie in the third round. Can I give you a favor and a meal?"

"Big leader, I..."

For a time, everyone was talking about it and surrounded Yang Jun, unable to move.

At this time, Luo Xiaojun waved his hand and several people rushed over to clear a path in the middle.

Yang Jun stood on the high platform at the door, facing them.

He raised his hands and pressed them down slightly.

"It's getting late, everyone should go back."

"If anything happens, you can come to me at work. If nothing happens, don't block the door of your house."

At this time, a man in his 50s with glasses in the crowd stepped past the crowd, stretched out his hands, and wanted to shake hands with Yang Jun.

Yang Jun frowned and put his hands behind his back without leaving a trace.

When the man saw this, he didn't feel dissatisfied and retracted his hands.

"Big boss, I am Xiao Huang from the eighth round. Can you give me 5 minutes to talk?"

Looking at the man in his 50s who called himself Xiao Huang, Yang Jun's eyes flashed with a hint of sarcasm.

How old are you, and you are still called Xiao Huang? Do you still want this old face?

Yang Jun refused without even thinking.

"For business matters, you can go to my office to talk. For personal matters, we... don't know each other, and there is no need to talk about it."

"The great leader..."

Yang Jun waved his hand, then turned back to those who came to visit him and said,

"Everyone, I know the purpose of your visit. We are all decent people. I don't want to say anything ugly, and I'm not afraid of offending you. If you want to get something from me or achieve something, I advise you. They gave up the idea."

"After I say this, if anyone still wants to talk to me, it's not impossible..."

Yang Jun looked back at Yang Laosi and said, "Fourth sister, register these people who want to visit me one by one, and record their names, work units, and positions."

After saying that, Ruoyou looked at everyone meaningfully, and then said in a serious tone,
"Especially remember the gifts they brought."

"Okay, brother, leave it to me."

After saying that, Yang Yu took out a pen and paper and stopped at the gate to register one by one.

When everyone saw this, they subconsciously took a step back.

Yang Jun has said so. If they still don't know what's going on, they are feeling uncomfortable.

"Your name, position, unit, and what are you carrying?"

Yang Yu pointed at Xiao Huang who was in the eighth game and asked.

When Xiao Huang heard this, his expression changed and he hurriedly put the things he was carrying behind his back.

"'s nothing. I...I'm just passing by. I'm leaving now."

After speaking, he turned around and fled.

When the others saw this, they suddenly wanted to retreat.

"I passed by too, and I went back too."

"I suddenly remembered that there is something else going on in the unit, so I need to leave first."


After a while, the crowded alley suddenly became deserted.

The peace of the past finally returned to the box.

Seeing them fleeing, Yang Jun shook his head.

Sometimes power is a good thing, but if used improperly, it can backfire on you.

He is different now. He must be more careful and cautious in everything he does.

Yang Jun turned back to Yang Yu and said, "Yang Laosi, you did a good job."

"Next time you meet this kind of person, do this."

When Yang Yu heard this, he rolled his eyes, flicked his pigtails, and snorted coldly.

"Humph, I called you Fourth Sister just now."

Yang Jun didn't bother to pay attention to her, so he slapped her head and rubbed her pigtails into a chicken coop shape.

If you want to find respect from him, you have to see if you have the qualifications.

"I heard from your sister-in-law that you extorted 100 yuan from her?"

"What do you mean by blackmail? That's the money I gave you to set off firecrackers."

Yang Laosi said dissatisfiedly while arranging his messed up hair.

"Didn't I give you twenty? Why are you asking your sister-in-law for it again? What's this if not blackmail?"

"Hmph, cheapskate, I'm ignoring you."

After saying that, Yang Yu jumped back to the yard.

Yang Jun likes this cute and naughty sister from the bottom of his heart.

In this family, this girl is the only one who can say a few words to herself. As for the others, they are either afraid of him or respect him, and they always feel like they are separated by something.

None of them are as down-to-earth as Yang Yu, and only this girl dares to call him Boss Yang. Only by getting along with this girl can Yang Jun feel a relaxed atmosphere.

Today is the first time Yang Jun has gone home for dinner in a while.

Therefore, Zhao Juhua started preparing dinner from the morning.

She was also very attentive and spent several hours preparing a large table of sumptuous meals.Yang Jun had eaten at Shazhu's house and was not too hungry.

However, he still sat there and poked a few chopsticks symbolically, mainly chatting with Wang Yuying and the others.

Yi Qiushui went back to the backyard to rest early. She felt a little tired after walking around outside all day.

"Jun'er, your grandpa is sick. Your second uncle wrote a letter asking you to get some western medicine here and send it back."

After speaking, Wang Yuying took out a crumpled letter from her trouser pocket and handed it to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

"Grandpa is sick? What disease does he have?"

He took the envelope and looked at it.

The letter was written by the second uncle to the second interrogator Qin Xiuzhi, but the content of the letter had nothing to do with the second aunt's family.

Second uncle Yang Dong asked his second aunt to deliver the letter to Yang Jun.

The letter describes the process of grandfather Yang Wenhou's illness and the medicine he needs now.

It turned out that when grandpa was tending tobacco leaves in the private plot, he suddenly fainted in the field. He was found and sent home. The second uncle first asked the barefoot doctor in the village to take a look, prescribed a few herbs and left. After drinking, his condition did not improve, but became worse and worse. The second uncle became anxious and sent him to the town on a tractor from the village overnight.

The medical treatment in the town was rudimentary, and they couldn’t find out what kind of disease grandpa had. It was recommended that he be transferred to the county hospital. The second uncle had no choice but to transfer him to the county hospital. After the hospital checked, he secretly told his second uncle that grandpa had it. It's liver cancer. I suggest my uncle not to waste money. Instead of saving money, it's better to buy something delicious for the old man.

The second uncle didn't dare to hide it, so he told Grandpa the truth. When Grandpa heard this, he hurriedly asked to go back, saying that he didn't want to stay in the hospital anymore.

The second uncle had no choice but to take grandpa home. But after arriving home, grandpa was tortured by the disease every day. When he got in pain, the cold sweat on his head was as big as a pea.

The second uncle heard someone say that there is a kind of Western medicine that can not only delay the disease, but also relieve pain, but there is no such medicine in the poor mountain village. In desperation, he can only seek help from Yang Jun who is far away in Sijiu City.

Yang Jun is well-informed, and Yi Qiushui is a doctor, so he will definitely be able to think of a solution.

After reading the letter, Yang Jun felt very heavy.

Birth, old age, illness and death are the normal conditions of life.

Logically speaking, a person like him who has lived through two lifetimes should be able to see clearly.

But who knows.

When one's relatives encounter this kind of thing, their thoughts are not so open-minded.

"When did you receive the letter?"

"The day before yesterday." Wang Yuying said.

"The day before yesterday? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yang Jun shouted.

"Is it useful to tell you? The key is, have you gone home during this time?"

Wang Yuying glared at him: "You are different now. You have a lot of things to do. I can't let this kind of thing affect you, so I haven't told you."

"I've already told your wife about this. Qiu Shui has already used her connections to get a batch of medicine and sent it back, so you don't have to be too anxious."

When Yang Jun heard that Yi Qiushui had sent the medicine back, he felt much more relaxed.

In terms of medicine, he must listen to Yi Qiushui.

However, he was dissatisfied that only medicines were sent.

"Tomorrow, I'll ask An Guo to go back and pick up grandpa. The medical conditions here are good." Yang Jun said.

Wang Yuying waved her hand and said: "Don't bother with that. I have already talked with your second uncle on the phone. Your grandfather said that he will not go anywhere. If he wants to die, he will die in his hometown. He will not spend money on his treatment. It is said to be a damn disease, but even if it is cured, it will be in vain.”

"Is it possible to let him lie down at home and wait to die?" Yang Jun murmured.

However, after saying this, he felt as if all his strength had been drained away.

Liver cancer is a fatal disease.

If it were left to posterity, there might still be hope.

But with the current level of medical care in this era, what else can you do except go home and wait to die?
Even though Yang Jun is in a high position and has great power now, he is powerless when it comes to matters of life and death.

All he can do now is send some medicine to relieve the old man's pain.

Then buy some delicious food to improve the life of the elderly.

There's really nothing he can do but do this.

Even if he brought his grandfather to Sijiu City, it would be of no use. He would only live for two more days.

He knew that a traditional old man could perfectly interpret the true meaning of fallen leaves returning to their roots.

He also understood that a person who grew up there would have a deep love for that piece of yellow land.

In any case, grandpa would not agree to stay away from his hometown and come to Sijiu City for medical treatment.

"What did the second mother say?" Yang Jun asked.

This kind of thing cannot be decided by Wang Yuying alone, it must be discussed with the second aunt and her family.

After all, it was the second aunt and her family who had been taking care of grandpa.

"What else can I say? Your second mother plans to go back tomorrow." Wang Yuying choked with sobs, turned her head, and a few tears fell down her face.

"Hey, I can't leave here for the time being. I'll take some time to go back and have a look." Yang Jun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yuying objected.

"Don't get involved. I'm responsible for this. I'll go back with your second mother tomorrow."

"As for you, just send a car to see us off later."

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this.

"Mom, there are so many people at home, how can I let you..."

Wang Yuying raised her hand and said, "Do you have time? Your wife and sister are both pregnant with babies. The fourth and fifth children are still young. If I don't go, who will?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he expressed helplessness.

Except for Wang Yuying, there is really no one left.

Yi Qiushui won't talk about it anymore. She is pregnant with a baby. Yang Mei was pregnant again some time ago, and there is also a baby over one year old in her arms. There is also Yang Liu. I heard that there is also one. The only one who can take care of the family is Yang Jun. By myself.

And he was so busy at work that the department couldn't do without him.

Therefore, Wang Yuying can only go this time.

"Look back, I'll ask Anguo to drive you back." Yang Jun said.

(End of this chapter)

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