Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 653 Guo Caocao was annulled

Chapter 653 Guo Caocao was annulled

Guo Caocao thought for a moment and said, "Jun'er, you did the right thing. That bastard is nothing but lawless now. You can beat him to death."

"It is becoming more and more lawless now. If we continue to ignore it, we may not be able to control it in the future."

After speaking, Guo Caocao sighed, his face looking solemn.

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this.

Whose stall has such a deceptive thing? I'm going to have a headache.

Guo Tianming represents his face outside. If he does something embarrassing, Guo Cao will have a hard time on his face.

If that were the case, things would be in trouble.

"Uncle Guo, please don't count on me. You can't control me as my father. Do you still expect me to find a brother-in-law?" Yang Jun asked cautiously.

"I have too much control. People say I am overstepping my authority. If I don't care and you don't want to, it will be difficult for me to be caught in the middle."


Mr. Guo Cao Cao sighed, raised his head, and said with red eyes: "He has been like this since he was a child. His character has been formed for a long time. There is no way he can change it now. We can't really kill him, right?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled and said, "That's not the case."

"I lost my practice on the tuba, so I'll start practicing the trumpet again."

Hearing this, Guo Caocao glared at him fiercely.

"What time is it, are you still in the mood to joke?"

"From now on, take more care of your brother and don't let me worry about you anymore."

At this time, Guo Caochang seemed to have aged ten years. His whole body collapsed on the sofa, hunched over and looking like he was aging.

"Hey, Uncle Guo, actually I'm just a baby of over [-] months old. I haven't grown up yet, but you ask me to discipline others. It's hard for me..."

Yang Jun said solemnly: "Didn't you see how Tianming pointed at my nose and scolded me, calling me a dog and a rat, so what qualifications do you have to care about him?"

Guo Caocao shook his head and said with a smile: "That evil beast has such a temper. In fact, he is quite afraid of you. As long as you are willing to discipline him, he will not disobey you."

"I think that I, Guo Caocao, have lived a life of ups and downs, a life of openness, and half of my innocence will be ruined by this evil beast."

"Uncle Guo, if you are still angry, I will give that evil beast a good beating when you turn around." Yang Jun said

In fact, Yang Jun knew in his heart that a dog could not change its habit of eating shit, and beating it would be useless.

However, no matter how useless Guo Tianming is, it will still be the only seedling of his old Guo family.

"If it's a pipe, can you still use it?" Guo Caocao said with his eyes closed.

"Uncle Guo, if that doesn't work, you and Aunt Guo can practice the trumpet. Anyway, you're not even sixty yet, so there's still time." Yang Jun said with a smile.

Guo Cao was expressionless and didn't bother to pay attention to Yang Jun's words.

Staring at the ceiling with blank eyes, he murmured,
"Oh, so what if you practice the trumpet? The trumpet still exists. Is it possible to delete it?"

"It's useless to say anything at this time. I can't wait to strangle that evil beast to death. I'm so angry."

Yang Jun advised: "Uncle Guo, I understand how you feel now, but now is not the time for angry words. We must make up for our mistakes. Apologize where we should, compensate where we should compensate, and there is nothing that we can't live with."

Guo Caochao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Jun'er, I'm tired and don't want to take care of it anymore. You can help me deal with the follow-up matters."

"do not care?"

Yang Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Guo, with all due respect, I'm actually tired too."

Hearing this, Guo Caocao glared and said, "You are so young, how can you be so angry?"

"You must take care of Tianming's affairs, and you must take care of them well."

Guo Caocao ordered.

When Yang Jun saw this, he sighed.

"It's so difficult for me."

After saying that, Yang Jun suddenly stood up.

"Uncle Guo, don't worry, no matter what, I will take care of it for you tomorrow."

"However, one thing needs to be explained. If I take action harshly, you cannot feel sorry for me, let alone interfere."

Guo Caocao looked at Yang Jun a little excitedly, but in the end he nodded and said,

"As long as you can't kill me, you can do whatever you want."

"Yes, with your words, I feel relieved. Don't worry, I will let him know what it means to live but not to die, and also let him understand what it means to linger on."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he walked out.

Guo Caocao was left alone in the office, his face twitching.

"You brat, take it easy."

The sound is getting smaller and smaller.

It was he who begged me, Yang Jun, to discipline Guo Tianming.

Saying this now feels like a slap in the face.

However, Yang Jun was right. Guo Tianming would really become a disaster if he didn't discipline him.

After coming out of the steel rolling mill, Yang Jun drove home alone.

When he arrived at the door of his house, he parked the car outside and sat in the car to smoke.

He sat in the car and thought about how to deal with the aftermath of Guo Tianming.

He knew very well that this matter could not be covered up.

Apologize where necessary, make amends where necessary, and try to gain Ding Qiunan's understanding.

He does these things.

Not only for himself, but also for Yi Qiushui.

People living in this world cannot always consider gains and losses. Sometimes, family love is more important.

He didn't know how long he sat there. There were more and more cigarette butts under his feet. By this time, it was already dark.

Suddenly, the car door was opened from the outside.

A black shadow came in.


After Yi Qiushui came in, she called out, then she hugged his arm and lay on his shoulder without talking.

"How did you come?"

Seeing this, Yang Jun tightened his arms and held her in his arms.

"Uncle Guo called me just now and told me what happened."

When Yi Qiushui said this, he pondered for a long time.
At this moment, Yang Jun could feel that she was very excited and seemed to have something to say.After a long while, he said,

"Husband, are you okay?"

Yi Qiushui held his arm with a worried look on her face.

Hearing this, Yang Jun held her in his arms and comforted her,
"What can happen to me? It's always others who are in trouble. Don't worry about me. You can raise your baby with peace of mind."


Yi Qiushui smiled.

She likes this about Yang Jun. No matter what happens, he has an open mind.

Don't be surprised by changes, look like a king.

"Husband, you are doing well outside, don't let me worry at home."

"I understand. I promise to be a good man and never let you worry."

Yang Jun patted her back and comforted her.

"Husband, I feel particularly at ease when you are here." Yi Qiushui said coquettishly.

"Me too. I just hope that we will live in the same fur and die in the same coffin in this life, and no one can separate us." Yang Jun said.

"Yes, we live in the same fur and die in the same coffin. No one can separate us." Yi Qiu smiled through her tears.

"Okay, let's tidy up our clothes and go home for dinner. If our mother sees it, I don't know how worried we will be." Yang Jun said.

"You're so annoying. Why are you tidying up your clothes?" Yi Qiushui said shyly.

"Hey, doesn't this lighten the atmosphere?"

Afterwards, Yang Jun started the car and drove into the yard.

Then, he went to eat with Yi Qiushui.

The people in the family didn't know what happened. They were eating and drinking as usual.

Yang Jun had no intention of telling them, as he didn't want to bring the bad things outside into his home.

After eating, we went back to the backyard.

He locked himself in his study and smoked constantly.

After racking his brains and thinking of ways, he suddenly thought of someone.

This person can be said to be his noble person. His current status is inseparable from this person.

This person was a great help to him. If it hadn't been for him, Yang Jun would not have been promoted to the dean of the Institute of Mechanical Science so quickly.

He decided to try it tomorrow anyway.

Early the next morning, Yang Jun had a hasty breakfast and went to the ministry.

First, I went to the ministry and found Guo Caocao.

"Uncle Guo, have you been awake all night?"

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Jun saw Guo Caochao sitting there in trance with red eyes.

It was obvious that he didn't sleep well last night.

"Jun'er, you're here."

Seeing that it was Yang Jun, Guo Caocao sat up straight and braced himself.

I picked up the cigarette case on the table and touched it. It was empty.

Then, he squeezed it hard, balled it up, and threw it directly into the wastebasket.

Seeing this, Yang Jun quickly handed over his cigarette and lit it for him.

Guo Caocao took two puffs and then sighed.

"Jun'er, when you have nothing to do, go see your Aunt Guo more often, talk to her more, and let her relax."

"Uncle Guo, what happened?" Yang Jun was stunned and asked quickly.

Hearing this, Guo Caocao took two long puffs of cigarette, his eyes were scarlet and seemed to be on fire.

"Haha, last night, Zhou came to the office to find me to break off the engagement."

"Zhou Shijie?"

Yang Jun was shocked.

"Who else could it be besides him?" Guo Caocao said bitterly.

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

It's really hard for everyone to push him. The tea has gone cold before this person left.

Fortunately, the boss trusted him so much and treated him like one of his own.

But in the end, the person who stabbed him turned out to be his own in-laws.

Haha, how bloody.

It's true that human feelings are hot and cold.

"This guy surnamed Zhou is really despicable. Looking at his righteous appearance, I didn't expect him to be a sanctimonious villain who stabbed people in the back." Yang Jun said.

"Humph, who says it's not the case? I usually treat him as a family member, so I'm simply blind."

Guo Caocao patted the table and said.

After saying that, Guo Caoruo looked at him meaningfully and said,

"Okay, Jun'er, the marriage has been called off anyway, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Please take the time to ask Qiu Shui to go home and talk to your Aunt Guo, so that she doesn't get into trouble."

"Uncle Guo, don't worry, I'll call Qiu Shui later."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he paused and then asked: "By the way, Uncle Guo, how is the matter at Tianming?"

"I don't know. It would be better if he died outside. If he is really dead, I will have less to worry about."

When Guo Tianming was mentioned, Guo Caocao became furious.

Guo Caocao slumped on the chair and said, "Don't worry about him, just treat him as dead."

When Yang Jun heard this, he didn't say anything and walked straight out.

"Jun'er, what are you doing?"

"For the sake of your difficulty in mastering the trumpet, I have to see if the big trumpet is still worth saving?"

After leaving the gate, Yang Jun drove the car speeding down the street at a speed of [-] yards.

15 minutes later, he found Director Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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