Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 624: Godfather called me early

Chapter 624: Godfather called me early

After Huang Yani left, only Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui were left in the office.

After locking the office door, Yang Jun hugged her from behind.

"Big baby, why did you come to see me today?"

Yi Qiushui patted him, turned around, and put her green hands around his neck.

He closed his eyes and moved the tip of his nose, enjoying the unique smell emanating from Yang Jun.

"Husband I love you."

"I love you too."

Looking at the water-like beauty, Yang Jun couldn't help but move forward and kissed her long eyelashes.

"It's itchy."

Yi Qiushui broke away from his arms with a smile, then sat on the sofa, hugged his arm and said.

"Husband, our baby is more than four months old and very healthy."

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately understood why Yi Qiushui came to him suddenly.

She came to the hospital for a prenatal check-up.

"Wife, you have worked hard."

"It's not hard. I have you and my baby with me. I'm very happy now."

Yi Qiushui closed her eyes, her face filled with happiness.

The afternoon sun shines on her smooth and delicate face, like a fairy bathed in happy sunshine.

The two of them just sat there, neither of them speaking, concentrating on enjoying the warmth of love.

About half an hour later, the office door rang.

Yang Jun quickly let go of Yi Qiushui and straightened her clothes.

Then go and open the door.


Yang Jun asked again and again as he walked back,
"Where did you go?"

"Uncle Yang, I went to see my brother, and by the way I went to the Women's Army Corps to have a look."

"Oh, you're not bad girl, you're quite nostalgic."

Yang Jun said: "Your brother has been transferred to the research institute by me. He will work in front of me from now on and I will take care of you. Don't worry."

"Well, I heard what my brother said, and I will report there in two days."

Sun Zhaodi was very satisfied with her brother being transferred to work in the research institute. She chuckled and said, "Uncle Yang, thank you."

"Family, how polite are you?"

After Sun Zhaodi finished speaking, she came to sit in front of Yi Qiushui, put her arm around her and said,
"Godmother, I just went to the Women's Corps, and I heard that Sister Wu Mei is also going to be transferred to the institute."

Yi Qiushui said happily: "That's a good thing. With you Wu Mei here, your brother will definitely not suffer."

Yang Jun was refilling the cup. Listening to the two of them chatting, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, what were you two talking about just now?" Yang Jun asked.

Sun Zhaodi: "We are talking about Wu Mei and my brother."

Yi Qiushui: "Yes, we and I were just talking about their transfer to the research institute. What's wrong?"

"That's not it."

Yang Jun turned back to Sun Zhaodi and said, "What did you call your aunt just now?"


After Sun Zhaodi finished speaking, she immediately realized something, so she quickly blushed and lowered her head.

"When did you two recognize each other?" Yang Jun asked in shock.

He didn't know about such a big thing.

When a child recognizes his parents, shouldn't the couple be present at the same time?
And just now, the child called him Uncle Yang and Yi Qiushui Godmother.

What's going on here?

Why do you still recognize half of your relatives?

"I told you that day that I would admit it the next day."

Yi Qiushui snorted coldly, hugged Sun Zhaodi and said, "You don't recognize this goddaughter, and you won't let me recognize her?"


Yang Jun was stunned and speechless.

What more can he say?
Can he still say that he won't admit it?
In front of the child, it hurts the child's heart.

It's not that he doesn't want to recognize Sun Zhaodi as his goddaughter, it's just that the age difference between the two is not big, so it would be embarrassing to be chased and called godfather.

"When did I not let you admit it? I just said to pick a good day."

Yang Jun was put on the fire and roasted, which was very painful.

Yi Qiushui didn't turn off the fire, so he could only apply the condiments and roast himself into a delicious roasted whole lamb.

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes.

Not only did he not care about Yang Jun telling lies, but he became even more happy.

"Husband, do you mean you agree to accept Zhaodi as your daughter?"

"Yes, such a good daughter can't be found even with a lantern. Why don't I recognize her? What reason do I have for not recognizing her?"

Yang Jun spread his hands and said.

"Husband, you are too kind."

When Yi Qiushui was happy, she stood up and jumped around his neck. She was so happy that she looked like a coquettish child.

"Okay, stop jumping and be careful."

Yang Jun hugged her quickly to prevent her from jumping again.

"Dad, my daughter kowtows to you."

While the two were fighting, they saw Sun Zhaodi kneeling on the ground.

"Dong dong dong."

He knocked his head three times.

Yang Jun blushed, tapped Sun Zhaodi with his hand, and said speechlessly.

"Hey, Zhaodi, let me tell you, I don't have any red envelopes for you."

"Recognizing a relative is such a big deal, don't just kowtow a few times and just do it perfunctorily. You have to choose a good day for this."

When Sun Zhaodi heard this, he scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"Hey, Uncle Yang, it's up to you."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, Uncle Yang, on this matter. Find someone to settle the day later and set up two tables to make it more formal." Yi Qiushui helped Sun Zhaodi up from the ground.

Looking at Sun Zhaodi, who was taller than him, Yang Jun saw a black line on his forehead.

Unexpectedly, the first time I was called daddy, it was my goddaughter.

Although she is not his biological daughter, she has fulfilled his dream of being a father in two lifetimes.

Yi Qiushui likes Sun Zhaodi, and Sun Zhaodi is more dependent on Yi Qiushui. The relationship between the two is better than that of biological mother and daughter, so Yang Jun has no reason not to help them.

However, recognizing relatives is not a formality these days.

Recognition of relatives in this era is not like the recognition of relatives in later generations. It is done by kowtowing and calling father and mother. Afterwards, you will do whatever you have to do. You will not contact them all year round. Apart from collecting lucky money during the holidays, it is really There is no family affection.

But the recognition of relatives in this era is the real recognition of relatives, just like an apprentice's apprenticeship. Witnesses are required, and afterwards, they are treated as a real family.

Hey, it’s okay to recognize your relatives.

Zhaodi is really a good kid. The key is that she treats Yi Qiushui well.


Today is the delivery date of the engine.

After getting up early in the morning, Yang Jun entered the space and took a look. The number of engines had been copied to 4568 units, which was enough to meet the orders of Guo Cao Cao and Wang Chuanting.

However, Yang Jun was only prepared to deliver the [-] units to Guo Cao Cao. As for the [-] units to Wang Chuanting, Yang Jun felt that he would have to wait two more days.

He was not sure whether there was a competitive relationship between Guo Caocao and Wang Chuanting.

However, he must leave enough time for Guo Caocao to react.

If something really happened, three days would be enough time for him to do a lot of things.

After breakfast, he had a phone call with Guo Caocao.

When Guo Caochao heard that the engine was ready, he was so excited that he could not speak.

He told Yang Jun an address and asked him to send the engine.

Yang Jun agreed and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi to go to the factory and notify the driver class to drive to pick up the goods.

He drove out of the main city alone.

Today, he wanted to borrow the warehouse in Guozheng for use.

This warehouse is in the suburbs, where there are few people and it is not easy to be noticed.

Fortunately, he always has a spare key here, so he no longer has to say hello to Guozheng.

The car drove for nearly an hour before arriving at the warehouse.

As usual, Yang Jun first checked the surrounding environment of the warehouse and then returned to the classroom.

With a thought, thousands of diesel engines suddenly appeared on the ground.

These engines are so new, they look like they just came off the production line.

Yang Jun looked at it and it was almost done, so he locked the door and went back to the warehouse door to smoke.

About half an hour later, a giant yellow dragon appeared at the end of the road.

Dozens of trucks were driving towards this direction.

Seeing this, Yang Jun threw away the unfinished cigarette butt in his hand and stood up.

Five minutes later, a group of trucks stopped at the entrance of the warehouse.

Yang Jun stood there, watching a person get off the lead car.

"Guozheng? Why is it you?" Yang Jun exclaimed.

He was shocked. He didn't expect that it wasn't Ma Juzi who was waiting for him, but Wang Guozheng.

"Hey, Brother Junzi, why are you here? I remember that today is not a day for trading."

Wang Guozheng was also stunned when he saw Yang Jun.

However, although he was surprised, he did not wait for Yang Jun.

He quickly took out his cigarette and lit it for Yang Jun.

Yang Jun took two puffs of cigarette, and then said calmly,
"Do you mind if I borrow your warehouse for today?"

Wang Guozheng was stunned for a moment, then he waved his hands and said, "Brother Junzi, look at what you said, aren't our brothers just talking about this? What's mine is yours, use it as you like."

Yang Jun relaxed a bit when he saw this.

After all, it is always not a good idea to borrow a warehouse directly without someone else's permission.

Fortunately, the kingdom is giving him this face, otherwise, he would really be embarrassed.

"Brother Guozheng, what are you doing today?"

Yang Jun pointed at the dozens of trucks he had brought.

Wang Guozheng looked back and said, "Hey, isn't this the grain that was just collected from below? It's not enough for a train, so it's temporarily stored here."

"How much did you charge?"

"Hmm... there must be a small number of [-] anyway." Wang Guozheng said thoughtfully.

"Well, quite a bit, already quite a lot." Yang Jun said while suppressing a smile.

It was really difficult for him to make hundreds of dollars just by selling this small amount of food.

When Wang Guozheng saw Yang Jun's half-smiling look, he suddenly became dissatisfied and said,
"Brother Junzi, just laugh if you want."

"I know you don't look down on this thing, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it's still meat. I have hundreds of brothers eating with me, so no matter how small the business is, I have to do it."

"Yes, who says no." Yang Jun could only agree.

Wang Guozheng's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he quickly came over and whispered,

"Brother Junzi, what good things are you going to trade today? Can you let me see it?"

"There's nothing good there, just some iron lumps." Yang Jun waved his hand.

He was a little nervous at the moment. If the things inside caught his eye, he wouldn't have to pester him every day.

"I don't believe it. Who doesn't know that everything you do is good."

"It's really nothing..."

Before Yang Jun finished speaking, he saw Guo Guo rushing into the yard.

"Hey, there's really nothing good about it."

Yang Jun could only follow closely and catch up.

By the time Yang Jun chased after him, the door of the warehouse had been opened.

Guo Guo was staring at the things in the room with his mouth open in surprise.

Seeing Yang Jun coming, he immediately turned around and hugged Yang Jun, crying and laughing.

"Brother Junzi, don't say anything. If you are a good brother, give all these things to me."

(End of this chapter)

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