Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 585 Approval of Research Topics

Chapter 585 Approval of Research Topics
Yang Liu's marriage is approaching, and everything is being prepared in an orderly manner.

With Wang Yuying and Yang Mei to worry about at home, Yang Jun could spare time to take care of things in the institute.

As soon as he got to work today, he held a meeting.

In addition to the leading cadres of the hospital, even the experimental directors of various research laboratories came.

There were no less than 200 people sitting in the spacious conference room.

When Yang Jun saw it, he was startled.

Most of the people who came to attend the conference were experts and professors in various fields, with an average age of over 50. They looked elegant and wore thick glasses, and they looked like knowledgeable people at first glance.

Yang Jun also knows a thing or two about these researchers in the hospital.

Most of them are professors drawn from major universities and have extraordinary achievements and insights in a certain field. There are even a few who came from the two academies.

It is very professional and has the foundation of the Institute of Mechanical Science.

Yang Jun took a general look and found that there was not a single young person present at the meeting today. The youngest one... was himself.

Yang Jun himself was a little embarrassed to stay with them.

Today is the time to focus on reviewing and approving project documents.

Which subjects can be approved and which subjects cannot be approved? If they fail, the reasons will be given on the spot and they will continue to revise.

The meeting began, continuing the vigorous and resolute style of the steel rolling mill. Yang Jun said a few words briefly, and then began the approval process.

"Dean, this is a research topic reported by our first research office. Please approve it."

A researcher in his 60s wearing myopia came up tremblingly and handed Yang Jun a thick pile of research topics.

Today, Yang Jun and Zhen Shiyou serve as committee members, specifically reviewing and researching the topic, and making a decision on whether it can be passed.

Yang Jun took the pile of research topics and glanced at the titles.

It read: "Gear Transmission Engineering Experiment."

This kind of research topic is quite satisfactory and is in line with the current industrial national conditions.

Yang Jun nodded, skipped the technical demonstration part in the middle, turned directly to the last page, and looked at the funds required for the experiment.

Fortunately, the funds are not much. The total experiment requires more than 700 yuan.

Without saying anything, Yang Jun signed his name on the last page.

"After passing the review, go down to the finance department to receive the experimental funds."

Yang Jun handed the project application report to Zhen Shiyou and the four of them.

The old researcher was stunned for a moment when he heard this.


He didn't believe it and secretly pinched his thigh with his hand.

hurts a little.

It appears to be true.

"Passed, Professor Hao, hurry up and get the funds from the Finance Office." Yang Jun said with a smile.

When I was signing just now, I glanced at the applicant's name and knew his name.

"Really passed?"

Professor Hao still felt like he was dreaming and couldn't believe the facts.

They came today with the intention of giving it a try, but they didn't expect that they actually passed.

In the past, when he submitted a project, the leader would push back and block him, giving him a lot of excuses and not wanting to approve it for three to five months.

The new dean in front of me didn't even look at the technical argument in the middle and approved it directly, which shows his courage.

No wonder he became the dean at such a young age.

At this time, Zhen Shiyou and others on the side also signed their names, and Zhou Hai, the last one to sign, returned the project application form to Professor Hao.

"Professor Hao, it's really passed. Look at the signatures of several of our leaders. You can go ahead and do the experiment with confidence."

Zhou Hai smiled and showed him the last signed page.

"Great, great, we can finally carry out experiments."

Professor Hao was too excited to speak. He took the pile of applications with trembling hands and walked back.

When I was halfway there, I suddenly remembered something.

He turned around and gave Yang Jun a thumbs up.

"Dean Yang, my old Hao Ding will live up to this trust."

Yang Jun smiled and nodded, waving his hand to indicate that he should go to the finance office to collect the research funds.

As Professor Hao's research project was successfully applied for, the conference room suddenly felt like a pot was exploding.

Everyone was talking excitedly.

They feel that after meeting a good and enlightened leader and with the support of the new dean, they will be able to engage in what they like in the future, and the research projects that have been put on hold for many years can be successfully launched.


As Yang Jun's voice came, a group of old men rushed to submit their research projects, fearing that they would lose their research funds if they were too late.

After all, they all knew that Yang Jun only brought 5 yuan in funds this time.

There are too many monks and too little porridge. There are quick hands but not slow hands.

"Don't crowd, come one by one, the funds are sufficient."

With Yang Jun's repeated assurances, the group of old professors began to line up.

"Experiment on corrosion and protection of materials in the mechanical industry. This is a good subject. Passed."

Yang Jun took one look and signed his name.

"The casting product technical testing test passed."

"The special steel casting industrial experiment has passed."

"Aluminum-magnesium alloy casting technology, passed." "..."

Almost every minute, Yang Jun gave the approval on the spot in the shortest possible time.

As long as Yang Jun agreed, Zhen Shiyou and the others would follow and sign their names without hesitation.

They found that Yang Jun is a practical person with an upright personality and never sloppily does things. If you follow such a leader, you can achieve results.

After all, everyone has been idle for a long time, and it is better to have something to do than nothing to do.

It is better than anything else that the work of the institute can continue.

"Standard regulations for general parts in the machinery industry, passed."

"Research on flame cutting machines for industrial mechanical cutting, passed."


As each topic passed, Zhou Hai and the others lost the excitement on their faces at the beginning, and instead looked worried.

Seeing that Yang Jun was still signing there, Zhen Shiyou whispered,
"Dean Yang, we can't approve any more, it's already exceeded."

With so many projects approved, the funds on the account have long been exceeded.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said: "Why not approve such a good subject? This is the weakest point of our industry at present, and we must increase research."

"Dean, can we not know what the national conditions of our industry are now? The stalls are too big. I'm afraid it will end halfway and end up halfway. It is better to use good steel on the cutting edge and concentrate funds to specialize in one project. "Zhen Shiyou said with a bitter smile.

While Yang Jun was reviewing and approving the project, he said to Huang Yani who was taking notes at the side without raising his head,
"Go and call Secretary Wang and ask him to allocate another 20 yuan for research funding."

"Okay, Dean."

Huang Yani put down her pen, stood up and walked out.

When everyone heard this, they became even more excited.

"Dean Yang, well done."

"Dean, we will obey you, and we will all work with you from now on."

"Dean Yang, we will never let the funds go to waste. We will definitely achieve results."

A group of old professors shouted excitedly.

Seeing Yang Jun transfer another sum of money, Zhen Shiyou suddenly said excitedly and incoherently.

"Dean Yang, on behalf of all the scientific researchers in the hospital, thank you."

After saying that, he bowed to him.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Hai and others left their seats and bowed to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun continued to review and approve the project without raising his head.

"As the dean, I don't understand technology, so I can only provide you with logistical support. I'll leave the specific scientific research and experiments to you. I hope everyone can work together to achieve results as soon as possible."

"That's enough. Dean Yang, as long as you can do a good job in logistics support, leave the rest to us." Zhen Shiyou said.

"Yes, as long as there are sufficient funds for scientific research, we will definitely achieve results." Zhou Haidao.

"Now we can finally let go and fight." Shi Tiancheng said.


As time passed, there were fewer and fewer people in the conference room.

They all happily took the approval letter and went to receive the research funding.

In the end, only Yang Jun and his senior leaders, as well as Du Shikui and Huang Zhiqiang, were left in the office.

A laboratory was specially set aside in the courtyard for research on engines.

Yang Jun appointed Du Shikui as the leader of the engine research team and Huang Zhiqiang as the deputy leader. In addition, more than 20 top experts were transferred from the entire institute.

Yang Jun glanced at them, and then said with a heavy face,

"Comrades, researching engine technology is the top priority of our institute and the top priority of all our work. I emphasize again that all work is given priority to engine research experiments. All resources in the institute, the engine research and development team have priority. The right to use.”

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he looked at Zhen Shiyou and the four of them, and then said,

"You vice presidents are in charge of other experimental projects respectively. I am personally responsible for the work of the engine research and development team, and you are not allowed to interfere in its affairs."

Zhen Shiyou and others looked at each other and wanted to persuade Yang Jun to give up this research topic.

After all, the domestic engine level is too far behind and cannot be caught up in a short time. Moreover, this project is a bottomless pit, and they do not believe that results can be achieved in the short term.

However, they did not want to discourage Yang Jun's enthusiasm. After all, he had found the scientific research funds, and he had control over the research funds.

"Okay, Dean, we will fully cooperate with the work of the engine research and development team."

Seeing this, Yang Jun nodded.

"Let's do this for today. When you get down, hurry up and finish the work at hand."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he led Du Shikui and Huang Zhiqiang back to his office.

After sitting down, Yang Jun asked Huang Yani to make tea for you.

Yang Jun didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"Lao Du, tell me the truth. What is the level of the diesel engine you developed before?"

Du Shikui was drinking tea. Seeing Yang Jun's solemn look, he quickly put down the tea cup.

"Dean, it is just an experimental product and has not been officially put into mass production. However, if compared with the most advanced engine levels in the country, the engine we developed is at least five to ten years ahead of them. However, compared with Western countries, it is still There is a gap of 20 years." Hearing this, Yang Jun felt happy.

It seemed that all the money invested in the early stage was not wasted, and Du Shikui was indeed right. The ability to develop the engine to this point was indeed beyond his expectation.

"As you saw today, the research institute's booth is so large that without follow-up financial support, it will be difficult to carry out experimental research."

Yang Jun said this, and then changed the topic: "Lao Du, I just want to ask whether the engine you developed can be put into production now. We have an open source project after all."


Du Shikui said confidently: "Of course it can be put into production."

"If I hadn't wanted to make further improvements, it would have been put into production years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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