Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 581 You can only joke in the office

Chapter 581 You can only joke in the office
The car stopped in front of a three-story office building.

Huang Yani has been waiting there for a long time in her best clothes.

Today, she was wearing a clean and neat dark blue lapel dress. Her short neck-length hair was pinned with a black clip, revealing her snow-white neck. She looked extremely youthful.

"You're so beautifully dressed, are you going on a blind date?"

Yang Jun got out of the car, looked her over, and said teasingly,
Huang Yanni rolled her eyes and glanced at the people behind her who were greeting Yang Jun.

His face turned red and he whispered,

"This is not an office, this is not a place for joking."

Yang Jun smiled slightly when he heard this.

What she meant was that the office was a place for joking, and you could do whatever you wanted behind closed doors.

Yang Jun did not continue joking with her, looked at everyone and said,

"thank you all."

"I accept everyone's wishes. However, we should not do formalistic things like this in the future. We should focus on experimental research. As long as we can make achievements, it is better than anything else."

Everyone listened with smiles on their faces.

They would not take Yang Jun's words seriously. The leader was just talking. If they really did what he said, it would mean there was no hope for their future.

Li Heping is currently recuperating at home. Among the group of people, Zhen Shiyou has the highest position. He walked towards Yang Jun with a smile.

"Dean Yang, after all, you are also our dean. We, as subordinates, would like to express your welcome. Besides, there is nothing to do now. We have plenty of time."

Yang Jun heard the complaining or questioning attitude in his words, and he was testing whether there was any hope of resuming work, either overtly or covertly.

Yang Jun did not expose him or answer his questions.

He turned around and said to everyone,
"In half an hour, there will be a meeting of all hospital cadres in the conference room. I don't want anyone to be absent."

After saying that, he passed the crowd and walked towards the office building.

Yang Jun's office building is on the third floor, just like the office in the steel rolling mill.

However, the conditions here at the institute are much better than those at the steel rolling mill.

Yang Jun's office is at the end of the corridor on the third floor.

This is an ensuite office.

Outside is a temporary living room and office, and the one inside is his office. There is also a separate bathroom in the office.

Yang Jun took a look and found that the conditions were not bad. At least he no longer had to go to the public toilets in the corridor to conduct import and export business.

The furniture in the office is all new, and the room has been specially cleaned. It looks bright and clean.

Yang Jun walked to the desk and sat down, crossing his legs on the desk, looking lazy.

The environment here is really good. Working in a comfortable environment will make people feel much better.

Huang Yani stood on the side and looked at Yang Jun with a smile.

"From today on, I can no longer call you factory director. I should call you dean."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's up to you. You can call me whatever you want. It's okay to call me Yang Jun."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, Huang Yani's face darkened and she said with a straight face,

"Dean Yang, today, I must criticize you."

Yang Jun was stunned, and seeing her serious look, he quickly sat upright and said,

"You say, I am all ears."

"You shouldn't be joking with me in front of so many people today."

Huang Yani took a step forward, stared at him and said: "My reputation is not important, but your reputation cannot be damaged. I will not allow anyone to do anything that damages your reputation, even if that person is you."

"Do you think my criticism is right? Can you accept criticism?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his eyes were a little moist, and he was deeply moved by her words.

He knew that Huang Yani was speaking from her heart. This girl cared about his reputation even more than her life.

Her love for herself comes from the bottom of her heart.

"Well... your criticism is right. I accept the criticism and promise never to make similar mistakes in the future."

Huang Yanni saw that Yang Jun had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, and a smile instantly appeared on her face.

Just as he was about to praise him, Yang Jun's next words made him dumbfounded.

"If you make a joke like this again in the future, you can only do it in the office, and the door should be locked."

"It's just a joke, why did you lock the door?" Huang Yani didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Wouldn't locking the door make people more misunderstood?

"Okay, no more joking, tell me what you know about the institute."

Yang Jun stopped joking, pointed to the chair opposite the desk, motioned for her to sit down and said.

When talking about this, Huang Yani showed the same spirit as when she was a secretary in the steel rolling mill.

"Dean, after yesterday's understanding, I have a general grasp of the situation of all the cadres of the institute. Now I will focus on telling you about the situation of several deputy deans."

Huang Yani opened her notebook and started to talk,

"I won't talk about Secretary Li Heping. Let's start with Vice President Zhen Shiyou. This person has a college degree and doesn't have much ability. He got to where he is today just by flattering others. This person does not pose a threat to you."

"Chen Liqun, with a university degree, originally worked in a library, and was later transferred to a university as a professor. After several twists and turns, he was transferred to a graduate school. This person has a very ambitious personality and talks about his ideals and ambitions all day long. He is the kind of person who has high ambitions but low power. People don’t pose a threat to you.”

"Shi Tiancheng has a university degree. Like Zhen Shiyou, he rose to power through flattery. He is a loyal supporter of Li Heping. However, now that Li Heping is being...recuperated at home by you, he does not pose a threat to you."

"Zhou Hai, this person is a graduate student. He has the highest academic qualifications among the people. He is also the hardest person to understand. He has no close friends or enemies. He is the kind of person who lives alone. , this kind of person is often the scariest, you have to be careful about him." Yang Jun listened carefully to her narrative, and then he discovered a fact, then raised his eyebrows and said,

"I heard that, can I think that these four people are mediocre people with no real ability?"

Huang Yani nodded, then shook her head.

"Except for Zhou Hai, the others are indeed what you said."

After Huang Yani reminded him, Yang Jun suddenly remembered that when he and Li Heping had a conflict yesterday, everyone else stood up to speak, but Zhou Hai hid in the crowd and acted as a bystander.

It can be seen that this man has a very deep mind.

This kind of person is often the most terrifying, Yang Jun thought, so he should be wary of him.

However, although Zhou Hai is also the vice president, his position is the lowest among several people. As long as he is not allowed to take power, he will not threaten himself for the time being.

"Don't be busy with your work these days. Help me keep an eye on them and get to know them better."

"Yes, I will."

Yang Jun looked at the time and said, "I'm going to a meeting."

Huang Yani said: "The conference room is at the other end of the corridor, don't go wrong."

Yang Jun didn't come yesterday, but Huang Yani had already figured out the situation in the courtyard for him.

"Aren't you going?" Yang Jun asked.

Huang Yani curled her lips and said, "I won't go. You must have used the opportunity of the meeting to establish your authority. If I were here, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to show it."

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect that the person who knows me best is you. Oh, what a pity."

"What's a pity?" A glimmer of hope suddenly flashed in Huang Yani's eyes.

Yang Jun glared at her and said angrily: "It's a pity that you are not a man, otherwise I would have been with you."

"I don't care about being with you, I just want to..."

Huang Yani's voice became lower and lower.

Yang Jun pretended not to hear, pointed to the chair in front of the desk and said,

"Remove this chair from me, I don't want anyone sitting and talking to me next time."

Huang Yani was stunned for a moment, then puffed her cheeks dissatisfiedly and said,

"That's my chair, I haven't had time to move it yet."


Come to the meeting room.

All the cadres in the courtyard, big and small, were present.

Yang Jun took a look and saw that there were quite a few people there.

Think about it, here are all knowledge-based talents, naturally there are more cadres, and they are given the treatment they deserve.
Except for non-research departments, almost all have university degrees.

Of course, except Yang Jun.

Yang Jun walked to the host's position and glanced at everyone.

Seeing them lazing around, I couldn't help but feel a little angry.

If it were at the steel rolling mill, they would have all stood up to welcome him.

Look at each of them again, they all look elegant and noble, they seem to be disdainful of everyone.

In addition, Yang Jun was so young, and they were even more dissatisfied.

Yang Jun knocked on the table and said,

"I don't need to introduce myself, everyone must already know me."

After what happened yesterday, people in the courtyard couldn't help but recognize him.

As soon as he came up, he threatened the people at the institute and forced Li Heping to pretend to be sick at home.

"Make a rule."

Yang Jun did not sit down, but stood staring at the person below.

"When I chair a meeting, I don't want to hear different voices. If anyone breaks the rules, it's not as simple as going home and pretending to be sick."

Yang Jun's words were like stones sinking into the water, causing ripples immediately.

Suddenly there was a buzz of discussion below.

Yang Jun's remarks are too arrogant. He dares to say such things without letting others express different opinions. Isn't this just a one-word talk?

However, they just discussed it twice, and no one dared to question or resist.

After all, yesterday's scene was still vivid in his mind. He knew that Yang Jun was trying to establish his authority, but no one wanted to stand out at this time.

The discussion soon stopped.

Seeing that they were silent, Yang Jun nodded slightly and said,

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's get to the point."

Yang Jun sat down and continued,
"What does our institute do? It researches technology, so we should do what we should do. I hope everyone will adjust their emotions as soon as possible and resume the work of the institute in an all-round way starting tomorrow."

"Today, everyone started to make preparations before resuming work, organizing people in various research laboratories to clean and organize materials."

"In addition, the heads of each research office should submit the research topics to me as soon as possible, and I will approve them on the spot during the meeting tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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