Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 572 Do you know Yang Jun?

Chapter 572 Do you know Yang Jun?

Yang Jun opened the office door and let him in.

After coming in, Yang Jun neither gave up his seat nor made him tea.

Instead, he sat down on the office chair, crossed his legs, and got straight to the point.

"I won't talk in circles with you. You should know what I mean by asking you to come here alone, right?"

Lu Han was slightly startled when he heard this.

Then he nodded and said: "Although it's not very clear, I can guess a little bit."

Seeing that he was a smart man and didn't talk in circles, Yang Jun asked directly,

"Now that we know everything, let's talk about your plan."

Lu Han pondered for a while and finally plucked up the courage to say.

"If I want to obey your orders from now on, will you let me stay in my original position?"

"Haha, what are you thinking about? We are all smart people, so there is no need to use roundabout ways when talking."

Yang Jun sneered and said: "I have to arrange my own people in this position, so you should talk about other plans."

"Dean Yang, although we have never gotten along, I, Lu Han, am also a person who knows how to advance and retreat. After you take office, I will definitely obey your orders. Please give me a chance." Lu Han's eyes said. There was a flash of begging.

"Lao Lu, we had no grudges in the past and have no grudges in recent days. If you weren't in this position, I really wouldn't want to offend you, but you also have to think about me. If you were in my position, you would What will you do?"

Lu Han was speechless when he heard this.

The Security Department is too important. Anyone who becomes the dean will take the Security Department into his own hands.

He also knew that Yang Jun didn't target him intentionally. If he was to blame, he could only blame him for being in this position.

He also knew in his heart that it was impossible to keep this position.

"Dean Yang, I am willing to give up this position, but I also have seniors and juniors, can you give me some food?"

Yang Jun was delighted when he heard this.

"Lao Lu, as long as you find a suitable position in our hospital, I will transfer you there. If you don't want to work in the hospital, you can also transfer it to another unit. I am also willing to help you."

After saying that, Yang Jun took out a stack of orders from his bag, took one out and slapped it on the table.

As soon as Lu Han saw the unnamed transfer order, he immediately became disheartened.

Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope, but when he saw this transfer order, the hope in his heart was completely gone.

He lamented that Yang Jun's background was so powerful that he had no room for resistance.

He had also heard about Yang Jun's three great achievements. It was indeed awesome to achieve such great achievements at such a young age.

No wonder so many old comrades in the hospital did not promote him, but chose him as a young cadre.

Now that he thought about it, Yang Jun had that strength.

He was thankful that he didn't break up with Yang Jun just now, otherwise he wouldn't even have the chance to change his job.

"Dean Yang, Mr. Liu from the Logistics Department of our hospital is retiring next month. Do you think I can..."

"Yes, there's nothing I can't do."

Yang Jun said: "I have the final say on this matter. When Old Liu retires, you will take over from him."

"Thank you, Dean Yang, thank you very much."

Lu Han said excitedly: "Dean Yang, don't worry, I will definitely serve you in the future and never let down your expectations of me."

Lu Han thought he would be transferred, but Yang Jun agreed to his suggestion. This was considered a horizontal transfer.

"There will be someone who will hand over the work to you in two days. As for you, don't rush to the logistics office yet. Remember to take that person with you." Yang Jun said.

"Dean Yang, don't worry, I will teach you well and never hide anything."

"Well, Lao Lu, you are very good, do a good job."

"Yes, Dean."

After the explanation, Yang Jun asked Lu Han to go back.

After Lu Han left, Yang Jun felt much more relaxed.

He didn't expect that Lu Han would be so aware of current affairs and take the initiative to give up his position.

In fact, this result is good for him and good for Lu Han, and it is a win-win situation.

Yang Jun has taken control of the security department without offending anyone, and Lu Han will not lose his job. It can be said that he has accomplished multiple things with one stone.

Seeing that there was still some time before getting off work, Yang Jun called Huang Zhiqiang from the technical department to the office.

Yang Jun didn't hide anything and told him his intention straight to the point.

I hope he can go to work in the research institute with him, and Yang Jun also promises to give him a platform to display his talents.

If Yang Jun wants to make achievements in the institute, he cannot do without the help of talents like Huang Zhiqiang.

Only Yang Jun in the world knows the value of Huang Zhiqiang. He can provide machine tool technical modification technology, and he must have some talents that have not been discovered by him.

"Director, thank you for your trust. I am willing to follow you."

Upon hearing this, Huang Zhiqiang agreed without saying a word.

If it weren't for Yang Jun's protection and care, he wouldn't have been able to live such a stable life in the past six months.

As the saying goes, one emperor and one courtier, he didn't know whether the new factory director could continue to take care of him like Yang Jun after Yang Jun was transferred.

Of course, there is another reason.

The job in the steel rolling mill did not match the major he studied, and he could not find an opportunity to display his talents here.

"Okay, Huang Gong, I read you right. Don't worry. When you get there, I will set up a separate experimental department for you in the professional field you are good at." Yang Jun said.

"Director, are you telling the truth?"

Huang Zhiqiang said excitedly: "I have long wanted to have a laboratory of my own. Now I can do what I want to do."


Yang Jun stopped him quickly: "Pay attention, your laboratory is the laboratory in the courtyard."

"Yes, yes, look, I'm so excited, I mean the laboratory in the courtyard." Huang Zhiqiang quickly corrected in a low voice.

Yang Jun also knew what he was thinking. People with a little talent abroad have their own laboratories. Such laboratories belong to individuals, but they generally require the support of investors.

Later, Yang Jun talked to him about how to carry out work after that, and exchanged views on the areas he was good at.

Huang Zhiqiang studied engine design and research and development, and he expressed his thoughts on the current domestic engines.

He believed that the current domestic engine level still lags far behind that of Western countries, so he decided to develop a new engine technology based on the current situation.

Although Yang Jun is not very proficient in engines, he is at least a time traveler from later generations. He is still very familiar with the electronic ignition technology of later generations, and he also studied electronic information engineering in college, so he still knows about it.

Huang Zhiqiang was also surprised when he heard Yang Jun's suggestion.

He did not expect that the concept mentioned by Yang Jun was so advanced, which also provided him with ideas for the design and development of a new generation of engines.

After chatting with Huang Zhiqiang for more than an hour, Huang Zhiqiang was reluctant to leave his office if the people in the factory had not gone off work long ago.

After locking the door of the office, Yang Jun followed Ma Juzi home.

The next day, Saturday.

Yang Jun did not go to work, but drove out alone.

According to the address given by Qian Jiajia, Yang Jun successfully found the warehouse in the suburbs.

No wonder Qian Jiajia said this warehouse was safe. If Yang Jun hadn't been a scout for more than ten years, he would never have discovered this warehouse.

The warehouse is located in a residential area in the suburbs.

This private house is made of blue bricks, similar to the detached houses in rural areas of later generations. It is also located in a remote location and is not easily noticed by others.

This warehouse is similar to Shitou's warehouse. They are very hidden. It can be seen that Qian Jiajia also put a lot of thought into it.

There are several families living around the warehouse, but this courtyard is at the deepest part of the alley, and few people usually come in.

He opened the door and came to the yard.

Pushing open the door of the main room, I found a pile of supplies piled near the corner.

Yang Jun walked over and took a look. It turned out to be some food and wine.

And these supplies looked familiar, as if they were provided by Yang Jun.

This is where Qian Jiajia gathers supplies. Judging from the cleanliness of the room, this warehouse is frequently used.

Yang Jun opened several other doors and looked around. Except for one inhabited room, the other rooms were empty.

Today is a trading day. Qian Jiajia followed Yang Jun's instructions and sent away the people watching the warehouse early in the morning.

Yang Jun walked around inside for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, he was afraid that the people watching the warehouse would come back, so he took out the supplies he had prepared in advance with a thought.

Qian Jiajia's business is small, and she doesn't have much supplies. Apart from a few kilograms of grain, the rest is canned milk powder and the like.

Yang Jun lamented that once upon a time, Qian Jiajia became what she is now.

He clearly remembers Qian Jiajia's joy when he got 1500 kilograms of pork for the unit at the beginning.

Look now, he has become a complete speculator.

Yang Jun could foresee that it wouldn't be long before she would become someone like Wang Guozheng.

Yang Jun was not in a hurry to go back, but parked the car aside and strolled around.

He saw a group of people gathered at the entrance of the alley, so he walked over.

A group of children were playing with spinning tops, and next to them there was an old man squatting at the base of the wall smoking a cigarette.

Yang Jun walked over, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave the old man one.

"Uncle, I want to ask you about someone."

The old man took the cigarette and did not answer his question, but said,

"These cigarettes are not cheap, [-] cents a pack, right?"

"Yes, uncle, let me ask you..."

Before Yang Jun could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"You're not a local, are you?"

"No, uncle, let me ask you..."

"Young man, can I see your letter of introduction or work permit?" The old man put his cigarette in his ear and tilted his head.

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, this old man was quite vigilant.

Do you look like a bad guy?

No wonder he didn't want to answer his question. He didn't seem to be a good-looking person.

Yang Jun smiled, took out his work permit from his coat pocket and handed it over.

"Uncle, I work in a steel rolling mill, and this is my work permit."

The old man took the work permit and took a decent look at it.

"Well, it turns out you are someone with a formal unit. Judging from your clothes, you must be a cadre, right?"

Yang Jun almost laughed when he saw the old man's appearance.

It turned out that the old man was illiterate and had taken his work permit upside down.

"Well, he can be considered a cadre."

Yang Jun said: "Uncle, I want to ask you about someone."

Hearing this, the old man returned his work permit to him, straightened his expression, and said,
"I am the party secretary of this village. Young man, tell me, who do you want to ask about?"

Yang Jun put his work permit back into his jacket pocket and asked respectfully,

"Uncle, do you know a man named Yang Jun?"

(End of this chapter)

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