Chapter 568
At work today, Yang Jun didn't accomplish anything, but instead received those who came to congratulate him.

The document in his hand was approved by Huang Yani. He didn't even have time to look at it and signed it directly.

Gao Jie has been transferred to the factory office, but this girl still runs to Huang Yani all day long.

Later, the girl didn't know what kind of stimulation she received, and she clamored to come back.

Yang Jun did not agree. He finally arranged for her to go out. How could he let her come back?

Huang Yani, on the other hand, has been listless all day long, not interested in anything she does.

This girl is worried about her future. Her life has just gotten better. Now she can't imagine whether her life will return to the previous state after leaving Yang Jun.

She is a member of the Yang Jun faction, no matter what position she is transferred to, she will be ostracized.

And Yang Jun's work was beyond his control, so the chance of being able to bring him along was very slim.

Yang Jun didn't comfort her either.

There are some things that she needs to face independently. He cannot protect her forever. She needs more opportunities to temper her will.

When it was time to get off work, Huang Yani came to Yang Jun's office.

She changed her usual cautious attitude and sat directly on the sofa, staring at Yang Jun.

"Director, today is about to pass again."

"Well, isn't it? I'll get off work soon." Yang Jun sat on the office chair and chatted with her.

Now that I finally have some free time, I just want to chat with her to relieve her worries.

"Yes, it's time to get off work soon, but you have been staying in the factory and not running about my affairs."

When Huang Yani said this, her cheeks were bulging, as if she had been greatly wronged.

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt dizzy.

He said to her in as calm a tone as possible,
"I haven't even reported yet, how can I help you get in touch?"

"Actually, it's not a matter of you taking me with you. As long as you say hello to the big boss, can this matter be done?" Huang Yani said.

"Hey, you're not stupid. You also know how to ask the big boss for help."

Yang Jun said: "The big boss is so busy that he has no time to take care of such trivial matters. I'd better think of other ways."

Huang Yani: "No matter what, you have to take me with you. I am yours."

Her eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry.

Her head was slightly lowered, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Director, actually, from the moment you reached out to help me, I made up my mind to follow you for the rest of my life and live for you alone for the rest of my life."

When Yang Jun heard this, his nose felt sore.

"Yanni, I already know what you are thinking, but I have already..."

"Director, I don't mean to force you. I don't ask for too much. You just want me to stay by your side, okay?" Huang Yani begged.

Yang Jun thought for a while and was moved by her sincerity, so he said,

"Don't worry, I take your matter to heart. I'll think of a solution on my own first. If it doesn't work, I'll ask the big boss for help. Do you think that's okay?"

When Huang Yani heard this, her tears turned into laughter.

"Thank you boss."

This was the first time she had officially received a personal commitment from Yang Jun.

She believed that as long as Yang Jun was willing, there was nothing he couldn't do.

The two chatted for a while. Yang Jun looked at his watch and found that it was getting late, so he asked.

"Is everything ready at the guest house?"

"I just called Director Yang. They are ready over there and are waiting for you to come over." Huang Yani replied.

Yang Jun is going to hold a promotion banquet in the guest house cafeteria tonight, and he has already booked several tables there early.

When work started this year, he emphasized that no one was allowed to open a small stove in the canteen under any name.

Of course, except the guest house canteen.

Nominally, the guest house canteen belongs to the management of the steel rolling mill, but it is now an independently operated unit, which can be said to be semi-independent of the steel rolling mill.

As long as there is a place in the factory where guests need to be entertained, it is basically in the guest house canteen.

Yang Jun sat there, lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and exhaled thick smoke,
"Inform Yang Anbang and tell him that the promotion banquet is cancelled."

"Ah, why cancel?" Huang Yani was surprised.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said: "My identity is different now. There are too many people paying attention to me. I don't want to be so public at this time, so I'd better keep a low profile."

Huang Yani listened and nodded frequently.

She felt that what Yang Jun said made sense. Since these three major achievements, Yang Jun has become a celebrity. When walking on the street, people who don't know him can say hello to him.

Now is really not the right time to be too public.

"Then... what to do with those ingredients?"

"Send it directly to the canteen, just think that I have dedicated a little bit of my heart to the steel rolling mill."

Yang Jun said unconcernedly.

After thinking about it, Yang Jun thought it would be better not to hold a promotion banquet.

Now that he is a celebrity, there are many people paying attention to him. If he is taken advantage of by someone with intentions, he will not be able to explain it with all the hair on his body.

After all, getting promoted is something worth celebrating. You just need to enjoy it with your family, there is no need to make it known to the whole world.

"Director, I understand. I will inform you immediately."


As soon as Huang Yani left, the phone rang.

Yang Jun frowned, then grabbed the phone with an unhappy look on his face.

The call was from Uncle Qian, who asked Yang Jun to go to his house.

After Yang Jun hung up the phone, he packed up and left.

Before leaving, he went to see Wang Erwa.Tell him about the cancellation of the promotion banquet and ask him to explain it to the people below.

After the explanation, Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi to go home by himself, and he drove directly to the military compound.

On the way, he took out two jars of fine wine and ten pounds of braised pork from the space.

For those who have been married, it is not a problem to visit empty-handed.

After checking in with the guard, Yang Jun went in.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Uncle Qian's scolding coming from the living room.

Qian Jiajia sat on the sofa, lowering her head and saying nothing.

"Haha, Uncle Qian, Aunt Qian, I'm here to help you out again."

In order to resolve the awkward atmosphere, Yang Jun deliberately interrupted.

"Oh, Xiao Yang, come here if you want. Why do you bring something with you every time?"

Aunt Qian looked angry and helped Yang Jun move the gifts home.

When Qian Jiajia saw Yang Jun coming, her expression relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her body, and she looked grateful.

"Brother-in-law, you are here, I will help you carry your things."

Just as Qian Jiajia was about to take the wine jar from Yang Jun's hand, Uncle Qian scolded her.

"You come back and sit down."

Uncle Qian rolled his eyes: "Does it take two people to carry just this little thing?"

"Brother-in-law is a guest from afar, I am not..."

"That's enough. Don't look around and talk to him. Your business is not over yet."

Uncle Qian scolded him, and then said to Yang Jun,

"Find yourself a place to sit."

"Well, okay, Uncle Qian."

Yang Jun put down his things and found a place to sit far away from Uncle Qian.

The old man was filled with anger, and Yang Jun was afraid that he would take it out on him.

Now that the Mushroom Promotion Conference is over, the matter between Qian Jiajia and Liang Shan should come to an end.

However, judging from Uncle Qian's current attitude, it seems that the result is not very good.

In fact, this result had been expected by Yang Jun. He had known the result since the last time Uncle Qian came to see him.

After Aunt Qian put the gifts in the kitchen, she also came and sat down.

"Xiao Yang, your Uncle Qian and I called you here today just for the sake of Jiajia and that person named Liang."

Before Aunt Qian could finish speaking, Yang Jun interrupted him.

"Aunt Qian, Uncle Qian, actually I don't agree with them being together, but I can't bear Jiajia begging me again and again, so I have to do this, and please forgive me."

Aunt Qian wanted to say something else, but seeing Yang Jun take the initiative to admit his mistake, she couldn't say anything.

Qian Jiajia rolled her eyes and raised her mouth slightly, as if she was blaming Yang Jun for selling her out so quickly.

Yang Jun also secretly responded to her with a look, which meant that friends are meant to be betrayed, right?
Aunt Qian opened and closed her lips several times, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say it out. She sighed secretly, and then handed the matter over to Uncle Qian.

Uncle Qian frowned deeply, thought for a moment and said,

"Xiao Yang, you must know my attitude..."

"Yes, Uncle Qian, my attitude is consistent with yours. Didn't I fire Liangshan two days ago?"

At this time, Yang Jun could only act according to the wind. If he still didn't know which side to sit on, then he wouldn't mess around.

Now that he has betrayed Qian Jiajia, he doesn't mind selling her out completely.

"Did you fire him?" Qian Jiajia exclaimed.

A pair of beautiful eyes glared at Yang Jun, wanting to eat him alive.

"sit down!"

Uncle Qian roared angrily.

Then he said: "I think Jun'er did the right thing. That man named Liang is not worthy of being a cadre, let alone my son-in-law, Qian Lin."

"Liangshan is such an honest person and cannot make mistakes. For what reason did you fire him?" Qian Jiajia underestimated him in a low voice.

The voice was not loud, but Yang Jun knew that this was meant for him.

Faced with Qian Jiajia's question, Yang Jun shook his head speechlessly.

This girl is too stubborn. At this time, she is still thinking about Liangshan.

"Sister, it doesn't matter what the reason was for expelling me. What matters is that Liang Shan and you are not a good match." Yang Jun couldn't help but said.

"That was not your attitude at the beginning. If you were against it, why would you still help us?"

Qian Jiajia didn't dare to argue with her parents, so now she could only vent her anger on Yang Jun.


Yang Jun was stunned and speechless.

He wanted to slap himself twice, he was so mean.

Now both sides are displeased, everyone is offended.

"Okay, until now you are still struggling with the minutiae, now let's talk about what you will do next."

Uncle Qian interrupted her and relieved Yang Jun.

"What should I do?" Qian Jiajia muttered dissatisfiedly.

"You must make a clean break with that man named Liang now, and you must never have any contact with him again." Uncle Qian patted the table and said.

"Why? I am an adult now and I can make my own decisions about my own marriage."

Qian Jiajia frowned and said: "Now is a new society and a new trend. The era of arranged marriages by parents is gone forever. You can't interfere with my marriage."

(End of this chapter)

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