Chapter 561

"No, Xiao Yang, you have done a good job."

"You must know that a person's energy is limited. It is already great to be able to do one thing well. But you can do three major things that benefit the country and the people in just two years. That shows the ability of you, a little comrade. It's very strong." Director Zhou corrected with a serious look.

"Yes, I will keep up my efforts." Yang Jun said.

"Xiao Yang, you are a person who does big things. You should not be limited to the steel rolling mill. You should invest in local undertakings and benefit more people."

Yang Jun was confused and said: "Chief, what do you mean..."

Director Zhou smiled and said thoughtfully: "I remember you are Guo Caochao's son-in-law. I will discuss your matter with your father-in-law later. Just wait and hear the result."

"Yes, Chief."

What else could Yang Jun say? He was not qualified to speak in front of the two big leaders.

However, Yang Jun felt that it was not a bad thing, but that an opportunity had come.

In the words of Director Zhou, it is remarkable if a person can do one thing well in his life, not to mention the three things he did are great feats that benefit the country and the people.

It would be unjustifiable if people like him were not reused.

As guests from all parties arrived, Yang Jun looked at the time and announced that the press conference had begun.

As the director of the steel rolling mill, Yang Jun took the stage to speak first.

He first explained the original intention of cultivating mushrooms, which was first carried out under the initiative of superior leaders, namely Uncle Guo, then the specific implementation process, and then the long-term cultivation until success.

Of course, this credit belongs to the collective of the steel rolling mill, but anyone with a discerning eye can see Yang Jun's modest words in this matter at a glance, and everyone knows that the success of mushroom cultivation is inseparable from Yang Jun.

The successful development of things is not accidental, it must be related to people's continuous struggle and creation.

Why did everyone fail to achieve results before, but under the leadership of Yang Jun, major events that benefited the country and the people happened like a spurt.

Obviously, the success of the matter is all due to Yang Jun.

After Yang Jun finished speaking, Guo Caocao took the stage and delivered a speech. He was humble at first, and then strongly affirmed Yang Jun's achievements, saying that he was the best executor and a rare good cadre.

After the big leader finished speaking, Yang Jun directly announced the next step.

After all, everyone is here for the mushroom cultivation technology. Talking so much nonsense is not as straightforward as visiting the site.

Then they were invited to visit the mushroom cultivation warehouse.

As the direct executor, Liang Shan took the four employees to explain the technology of mushroom cultivation to everyone.

Those people took notes carefully and listened to every step in detail. After all, this technology was to be promoted nationwide, and they shouldered the important responsibility of spreading this technology.

After visiting the mushrooms, Yang Jun led them to the guest house canteen.

Today, Nan Yi led all the canteen staff to prepare a mushroom feast.

These mushrooms are all picked from the experimental warehouse and are very fresh. Of course, even if you want to cheat, you can't find mushrooms this season.

Director Zhou and Uncle Guo were not interested in this kind of banquet. They went home directly after visiting the mushrooms.

After seeing them off, Yang Jun accompanied those people to a full mushroom feast.

Before they left, each person gave a net bag of mushrooms as a gift.

After these people left, Yang Jun had no time to do the finishing work, so he told Wang Erwa and drove to find Uncle Guo.

In Uncle Guo's office, Yang Jun recounted to him what he had said to Director Zhou.

After hearing this, Uncle Guo pointed at Yang Jun and said with a smile on his face,
"Good things are about to happen for you kid, and the burden on your shoulders will become heavier and heavier."

"Hey, it's all thanks to Uncle Guo for your good leadership." Yang Jun said.

"Shit, you're a good leader, but I've benefited from your kid a lot." Uncle Guo scolded with a smile.

"Hey, we are a family, and we don't speak the same language."

Guo Caocao was even more satisfied when he heard what Yang Jun said.

Yang Jun did three major things that benefited the country and the people, and he took credit for it. Now he values ​​this son-in-law even more.

"The most reliable thing that Qiu Shui has ever done in her life is to find a good husband like you. I also took advantage of it and found a good son-in-law like you."

When Guo Cao Cao said this, his face changed, and then he said solemnly: "You kid, don't raise your tail, you should still work down-to-earth. Everyone knows about you, and you will have a bright future in the future."

"Yes, Uncle Guo, I will definitely work in a down-to-earth manner and never let down your expectations." Yang Jun said.

After talking about business, the two chatted about family matters for a while.

"Take some time to ask Qiu Shui to go home for a meal. Your Aunt Guo talks about it every day, which makes my ears prick."

"Yes, I will definitely bring it to her when I get back. She has resigned and is at home now, so she has plenty of time."

Yang Jun only talked, but he didn't think he could persuade Yi Qiushui.

Since resigning, this girl has been sitting at home all day without going anywhere. She reads books like classical literature every day. However, she seems to have struggled with mathematics recently and has been solving the calculus problem non-stop.

I came out of the big leader's office and looked at the time. It was already past four o'clock.

Yang Jun didn't plan to go back to the factory and went home directly.

As soon as I got home, I saw the second mother and her two daughters-in-law talking to each other.

Yang Jun vaguely heard them mention Zhao Juhua's name.

Yang Jun immediately understood that the second mother was planning to use some tricks to drive Zhao Juhua away.

The second mother, Qin Xiuzhi, also noticed that Yang Jun hired a cook without their consent, and he was obviously dissatisfied with them.

They thought what must be done, otherwise Ma Xiangxiu would really be replaced.

When Yang Jun saw this, he didn't want the cook he finally invited to be squeezed away.

So, let’s just talk. "Second mother, Sister Zhao is the cook I hired at a high price. I hope you won't embarrass her. Xiangxiu is inconvenient now and won't be able to cook for several months in the future. Could it be that you are starving our family?"

When the second mother heard this, she quickly said: "Jun'er, isn't it me? Xiangxiu can't cook, I can do it for her."

Ma Xiangxiu said: "Brother, I will try to take as few days of maternity leave as possible. I will never delay cooking."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said: "This is not a matter of delaying cooking. Even if Xiangxiu doesn't take maternity leave, I still have to hire a cook. Don't you think it's a bit too busy to cook alone?"

Yang Jun thought that every time he cooked, a group of people would help. Sometimes even Wang Yuying had to help.

Yang Jun originally wanted Wang Yuying to enjoy two days of happiness, but in the end he asked her to help with cooking. This was not what he wanted to see.

"Brother, why don't we have so many cooks? Miaomiao and I can usually help." Zhao Hongmei agreed.

Zhao Hongmei and Ma Xiangxiu are sisters-in-law, so they naturally help her speak.

She would definitely not be happy if someone took away her younger siblings' jobs.

If the life of Yang Anguo's family is bad, their family must not be affected.

"Don't forget, you are employees of a grain store, and coming to my house to help cook is just a casual matter. I still need to hire a full-time person to take care of this family."

"Keep your hearts in mind, no matter how many people I invite, I will never fire Xiang Xiu."

After hearing what Yang Jun said, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jun'er, don't worry, Xiangxiu is only temporarily inconvenienced. After this period of time, she will be able to find time to cook." Qin Xiuzhen said.

"Yes, brother, after giving birth to this child, An Guo and I will not plan to have another child. When the time comes, the child will be left to my mother, and I will be able to work with peace of mind." Ma Xiangxiang said.

Qin Xiuzhi, the second mother, became anxious when the subject of having a baby was mentioned.

He quickly covered Ma Xiangxiang's mouth and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course, the more children the better, you can just have children with peace of mind and don't worry about other things."

"Mom, we already have a son to carry on the family line, and I don't want to have another child." Ma Xiangxiang refused.

"One son is not enough, at least two are needed. You see, brothers Anbang and Anguo can still take care of each other. If they have fewer children, they will definitely be bullied by others." Qin Xiuzhi, the second mother, advised.

"Mom, we live in the city and we don't know each other. Who can bully us?" Ma Xiangxiu said dissatisfied.

She made up her mind not to have any more babies after giving birth to this one.

This matter was discussed with Yang Anguo and no one can change it.

" you said doesn't count. I'll talk to Anguo later."

Yang Jun listened on the sidelines and said nothing.

Having children is a private matter. You can have as many as you want. He has no control over it.

No matter how many sons you have, it will be of no use if you have no ability.

If the son is capable, one is enough.

Anyway, he doesn't want to have so many children, no matter boy or girl, one is enough.

After Yi Qiushui gave birth to the child, he decided not to have any more.

Yi Qiushui is a highly educated person and naturally agrees with this suggestion.

No woman wants to have more children. After all, every time she gives birth to a child, it is the greatest harm to her body. If she is not forced by some kind of pressure, no one is willing to wander around in hell.

Yang Jun did not want to interfere in the affairs between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so he returned to the backyard.

When he came to the study room, Yang Jun saw Yi Qiushui lying on the table writing furiously.

She frowned deeply, and scratch papers were scattered everywhere on the floor.

When Yang Jun saw this, he immediately raised his forehead and was speechless.

This bitch was so stunned that she got into trouble with that math problem.

"I said, baby, do you know that doing this will cause great harm to your body?"

Yang Jun grabbed her pen and said, "I told you, you can't solve this question, why bother with yourself?"


Yi Qiushui had a pretty face, pouted her little mouth and said unhappily: "You look down on people."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly and explained: "This is not to look down on others, I am advising you not to do useless work."

"Am I doing useless work?"

Yi Qiushui laughed angrily at Yang Jun, pointed to the calculus problem and said, "I can't solve it, can you solve it?"

"I can!" Yang Jun said seriously.

"If you can solve this math problem, I...I will..."

"Let me take whatever you want?" Yang Jun said excitedly.

Yi Qiushui was just about to agree.

Suddenly she remembered what Yang Liu said to her during dinner yesterday. If she really couldn't understand it, she could ask the high school student for advice.

Apart from Yang Liu, Yang Jun is the only high school student in this family.

At this moment, seeing Yang Jun's confident look, Yi Qiushui backed down.

"Hmph, that's a beautiful idea."

Yi Qiushui Yifu said with a proud look,
"When school starts the day after tomorrow, I'll ask Teacher Gao to help me solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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