Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 550 Mushroom cultivation was successful

Chapter 550 Mushroom cultivation was successful
It has been almost two months since the corn mushrooms were cultivated. Calculating the time, it is almost ready to be cooked.

The technology of growing mushrooms on corn cobs is a very mature technology in later generations. Yang Jun just copied it. He did not think that mushroom cultivation would fail.

Liang Shan is a good farmer, and with the full support of the factory with money and people, there is no possibility of failure.

Yang Jun also came over every now and then to give guidance, that is, he didn’t come over during the Chinese New Year.

As soon as I entered the breeding warehouse, I was immediately overcome by the unpleasant smell.

The smell of mushrooms and soil suddenly struck Yang Jun as familiar, and he found a familiar feeling from his previous life.

Looking up, I saw the mushrooms on the shelf beginning to take shape.

Although the mushrooms are still small and it is a bit wasteful to eat them when cooking, they will be ready for cooking in a few more days.

Yang Jun happily held the mushrooms and looked at them with an expression of affection.

He was happy that mushroom cultivation was successful, and he was even happier that the experience of later generations was verified again by him, and he was happy that he could contribute to the construction of this world.

"Liangshan, you did a good job. Go back to the Finance Department to get the five yuan New Year subsidy."

Yang Jun thought that Liangshan and several workers were working very hard and could not rest during the Chinese New Year, so he thought about giving some money to subsidize them.

When Liang Shan heard this, his face did not show the expected joy, but he said with a sad face,
"Director, you know that I don't care about this. Seeing that the mushrooms are about to be eaten, I am getting more and more nervous."

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

He could understand Liang Shan's current mood very well. He thought that he was also in this uneasy mood when the seniors tested him.

I'm afraid of hearing the word 'no' from the mouth of the old timer.

Fortunately, he and Yi Qiushui loved each other, and besides, his own conditions were strong enough. His more than ten years of military career, treatment as a battalion-level cadre, and several great achievements made him look good, which made the seniors relent. .

Yang Jun guessed that even if the mushroom cultivation was successful, Uncle Qian would not necessarily accept Liangshan.

Uncle Qian was born in the military, and the first requirement for his ideal son-in-law is to be a soldier. He likes the aura of a soldier, and a peasant like Liang Shan who is very old-fashioned cannot catch his eye.

Thinking of this, Yang Jun felt helpless, so he patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. If you do everything you need to do, it depends on God whether you can achieve it or not."

Liang Shan sighed after hearing this.

"Hey, as the day when the mushrooms come out gets closer, I get more and more nervous. I have a bad feeling that things between Jiajia and I are going to get dirty."

"It's man-made."

Yang Jun didn't know how to persuade him, so he put down these words and turned around and walked out.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly remembered something, so I turned back to Liang Shan and said,
"You prepare in the next few days, and I will think of ways to publicize it and try to make this matter more influential."

Liang Shan was refreshed after hearing this.

"Director, I leave everything to you."

After saying that, he bowed deeply to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Regarding Liangshan, Yang Jun only helped Qian Jiajia because of his face.

Otherwise, as a farmer, he would never be able to get a job for the rest of his life.

What's more, it is even more unlikely that such a big credit as mushroom cultivation will be his turn.

He has done everything he should do and helped everything he should help. Whether it can succeed or not depends on the two of them.

Back in the office, Yang Jun asked Gao Jie to hold a meeting of senior leaders to discuss how to successfully cultivate mushrooms.

In less than 5 minutes, everyone arrived.

Except for Shang Tielong who asked for leave to help his son prepare for the wedding, the other three were all present.

The meeting was held in Yang Jun's office, and Yang Jun asked his secretary to make tea for them.

After they sat down, Yang Jun told them about the successful cultivation of mushrooms.

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, he saw that the three of them were very excited and looked eager to try.

The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook and the success of technological transformation have brought endless glory to the steel rolling mill. They want to continue their efforts and carry forward the mushroom cultivation technology, so that it can benefit thousands of people.

The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook involves medical and health care. The successful technological transformation of machines is a matter of industry. If mushroom cultivation technology is popularized, it will also create immortal achievements in agriculture.

With these three great achievements, the steel rolling mill can stand firm and prosper for a long time.

"Lao Yang, I will arrange the promotion of the success of mushroom cultivation, and none of you are allowed to argue with me." Wang Erwa said excitedly.

"I know a few reporters and station directors. I can ask them to help promote it." Yan Huaisheng said.

Liu Feng said thoughtfully: "I only know technology, and I can't do anything else. However, if the factory uses me, I will never refuse."

Yang Jun was very satisfied after hearing this.

What he wants is the unity of leading cadres.

He raised his hand to signal them not to get too excited, and then said,

"Our steel rolling mill is not shy about such things. What I want to say is that this mushroom cultivation technology was provided by Comrade Liangshan after all. So when publicizing the glorious deeds of the steel rolling mill, don't forget Liangshan's contribution. When the time comes, we will use the factory to Please give him credit in the name of Li."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, all three of them curled their lips.

Wang Erwa said: "Old Yang, as long as anyone with eyes and a brain in the factory knows that this mushroom cultivation technology belongs to you, that Liangshan fart has no ability. He is just an executor at most. Why should he be given such a big credit?" give him?"

As soon as Wang Erwa finished speaking, she received approval from Liu Feng and Yan Huaisheng.

"Yes, Lao Yang, if this credit is led by you, the factory director, wouldn't it have a greater publicity effect on the reputation of our steel rolling mill?" Yan Huaisheng said. "I agree with Lao Yan. This credit must be taken by you. If you don't take it, it can only be regarded as collective credit. We must never let one executor take such a big credit." Liu Feng agreed.

Yang Jun felt a headache when he heard this.

If he received this great merit, wouldn't the matter of helping Qian Jiajia be in vain?

When the time comes, Qian Jiajia will mistakenly think that he is just fishing for fame. Liangshan has been busy for several months, but he picked peaches at the last moment.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and said,
"Where did you hear that this mushroom cultivation technology is mine? It's not clear to you. How can I farm? This technology comes from Liangshan. I think it is very appropriate for him to lead this effort."

"Old Yang..."

Everyone wanted to persuade them again, but they were interrupted by Yang Jun's wave.

"Okay, it's settled. I won't take the credit. I will never admit that I provided this technology at any time. It's not easy for Comrade Liangshan. He stayed in the laboratory for two full months and did not hack. He worked day and night, and this credit belongs solely to him.”

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he announced that the meeting was adjourned.

Seeing Yang Jun's resolute attitude, everyone said nothing, so they all went down to make preparations.

After the meeting, Liu Feng and the others did not return to the office. Instead, they swarmed to the mushroom laboratory.

They wanted to witness such a big happy event in person.

They were very excited when they saw the tender mushrooms.

The mushrooms grown in the laboratory are exactly the same as the mushrooms grown in the forest, and are even more beautiful and plump than those grown in the forest.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Liu Feng and Wang Erwa were doing publicity work on the success of mushroom cultivation, and Yang Jun was not idle either. He called Qian Jiajia and told Qian Jiajia that the factory was preparing to promote mushrooms.

Qian Jiajia was a little excited when she heard this.

The tone of his speech was a little awkward.

"Brother-in-law, I'll leave everything to you. I'll treat you to a big dinner when the time comes."

Yang Jun listened, thought for a moment, and then said,

"Don't just rely on me to handle this matter. Uncle Qian also needs to do more ideological work. We'd better work on both sides so that you and Liang Shan have a greater chance of success."

After listening to Yang Jun's reminder, Qian Jiajia felt that she had taken it for granted just now.

She knew her father well, and there was no way she would agree to the marriage just because of this.

"Brother-in-law, thank you. Don't worry, I will personally invite my dad to attend this mushroom cultivation success witnessing meeting."

After hearing this, Yang Jun could not say anything else.

He has done everything he needs to do, but he has no control over whether it succeeds or not.

"As long as you know what's going on, I'll hang up first."

Yang Jun hurriedly hung up the phone, fearing that Qian Jiajia's depressed mood would affect him.

At that time, when my heart softens, I will inexplicably and recklessly mess around with other people's affairs.

After hanging up the phone, the office door rang.

Wang Erwa and the three of them returned to their office.

"Lao Yang, we went to see the mushrooms. After preliminary discussions between the three of us, we decided to schedule the publicity conference for next Monday. What do you think?" Wang Erwa said.

Yang Jun heard this and thought for a moment.

According to the current growth rate of mushrooms, next Monday will be the time to produce vegetables, which will have a better publicity effect.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Just do as you say. When the time comes, let the canteen prepare a mushroom banquet for the leaders and reporters."

Yang Jun's suggestion was unanimously approved by them, and they thought it was a very good idea.

"This is a good idea. When the time comes, a whole table of mushroom feasts will have a direct publicity effect, but..."

Liu Feng paused here and then said: "It's just that the cooks in the canteen are not very good at cooking. They are afraid that they will mess up when the time comes. Lao Yang, why don't you let Silly Zhu host this banquet? What do you think?" Sample?"

After saying that, he looked at Yang Jun expectantly.

When Yang Jun heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

However, the expression on his face did not change at all.

Ever since Sha Zhu plotted against Guo Tianming, Yang Jun had sent him to the workshop to wield a sledgehammer. In the past few months, he had learned more or less about Sha Zhu's current situation from others.

Shazhu is a first-level fitter in the decentralized workshop. After several months of training and study, he was successfully promoted to a third-level fitter at the end of the year, and now he can earn 35 yuan a month.

During the period when the workshop was decentralized, Shazhu was not idle. He often fawned over his leaders, hoping to return to the kitchen. After all, being a cook was his true calling.

Every now and then, he makes delicious dishes to bribe the leaders, including Liu Feng.

During this period of time, Liu Feng did not eat less of his cooking. With Sha Zhu’s sharp tongue, Liu Feng was indeed persuaded. He also went to the Personnel Department to try to find Sha Zhu. Transferred back, but the notes on the original handling of Si Zhu were clearly marked on Si Zhu's file.

It read: 'No one is allowed to transfer Silly Zhu without the approval of Director Yang. '

Even though Liu Feng was the deputy director in charge of production, without Yang Jun's words, it would have been impossible for him to transfer Silly Zhu.

After Yang Jun understood Liu Feng's thoughts, he did not expose it.

So he smiled and said, "Don't bother me. We have a guest house. Let Nan Yi handle the mushroom banquet."

(End of this chapter)

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