Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 533 The secret room in the old house

Chapter 533 The secret room in the old house

Generally, wealthy families have secret rooms in their courtyards.

There was a secret room in the small courtyard where Yang Jun originally lived, and he believed that there must be one in the Nalan family's old house as well.

Rich people are often afraid of death. In addition to arranging some strict measures, others will also have safe passages in case of emergencies.

At the beginning, when Nalan Mansion was built, security measures such as building secret rooms must have been considered.

Generally, secrets such as secret rooms and secret passages are only known to the head of the family. After the head of the family dies, he will pass the secret to his eldest son as a precaution to keep the family's family alive.

When Yang Jun moved into this courtyard, he turned the house upside down and failed to find the entrance to the secret room.

He also knew that the entrance to the secret room must be a top priority, and it would be impossible for ordinary people to find it, otherwise it would not be called a secret room.

After Yang Jun searched for several days, he still found nothing, so he decided to go straight to the point with Master Na Wu.

Sure enough, after Yang Jun finished speaking, a trace of panic flashed in Master Na Wu's eyes.

Afterwards, Master Na Wu quickly regained his composure.

Na Wuye did not rush to answer his words, but lit the cigarette on his ear and took two strong puffs.

After a long while, he said,
"Xiao Yang, to be honest, there is indeed a secret room in the house."

"It stands to reason that since the house has been sold to you, I should tell you this secret as well, but...I have always been unwilling to do so."

"Until now, I still dream that one day I can redeem my ancestral home, but I know that you will never transfer it again, so... I am very confused now."

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately understood why he had not told him this secret for so long.

If it were him, he wouldn't hand over this secret so easily.

He also understood the status of this ancestral house in Master Na Wu's heart, and he thought that one day he could redeem the house.

Naturally, Yang Jun would not sell the house. He still wanted to pass it on as the ancestral house of the Yang family.

He is not short of money, so it is destined that Mr. Na Wu will not be able to redeem the house in this life.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to give up Master Na Wu's idea of ​​redeeming the house.

He pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "Old man, you must also know that I am not short of money. I am afraid that your idea of ​​redeeming the ancestral home cannot be realized, but I can compensate you and am willing to buy you with five large yellow croakers." What do you think of this secret?"

"Five big yellow croakers?" Master Nawu screamed.

Yang Jun offered this price, which really made him a little excited.

You know, one small yellow croaker can buy a nice small courtyard, let alone five large yellow croakers.

He knew better than anyone how much five large yellow croakers weighed.

After listening to Yang Jun's words, the fantasy in Master Na Wu's heart suddenly disappeared.

As far as he knew, Yang Junguang had four courtyard houses in this alley, and there were countless others.

Therefore, Yang Jun is not short of money at all.

In other words, there is absolutely no possibility for him to redeem his ancestral home.

Na Wuye thought for a while, raised his head and stared into Yang Jun's eyes and said,

"Ten large yellow croakers."

Na Wuye gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "As long as you give me ten large yellow croakers, I will tell you the entrance to the secret room."

After hearing this, Yang Jun was a little unhappy with his temporary price increase.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

But this unkind look was still caught by Master Na Wu.

He was stunned, held up three fingers, and said solemnly,

"Only I know the entrance to this secret room, and I guarantee that no other person will know it."

Yang Jun glanced at him and said quietly,
"Old man, let alone ten large yellow croakers, I can afford even a hundred, but how do I know what you say is true?"

Na Wuye was shocked when he heard this.

Yes, only he knows it. Only he knows this secret.

If he were Yang Jun, he would also doubt the authenticity of the matter.

However, the temptation of ten large yellow croakers was so great that he was willing to take risks.

There is no hope of redeeming the ancestral home, and there is no use in keeping the secret of the secret room. It is better to exchange for ten large yellow croakers.

After thinking about it for a long time, Master Na Wu threw away the cigarette butt he had finished smoking and rubbed it vigorously a few times.

He seemed to have made up his mind and said solemnly,
"Xiao Yang, of course I have a way to prove that everything I said is true."

"Get the gold bars ready. I'll go find you at ten o'clock tomorrow."

Seeing his awe-inspiring look, Yang Jun knew that he had made some kind of decision.

Generally speaking, if someone can say something like this in a situation like Na Wuye's, there will be a certain degree of credibility.

For such people, Yang Jun usually chooses to respect them.

"Okay, Mr. Na Wu, I will be waiting for you at home tomorrow." Yang Jun said.

After the two had finished chatting, the food over there was almost loaded, and his descendants were fixing the car with ropes.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Na Wuye went back with the food.

After seeing them off, Yang Jun checked the grain store, then locked the door and went back.

the next day.

He didn't go to work. After dinner, he made a pot of good tea and sat there waiting for Mr. Na Wu to come to his door.

Master Na Wu was indeed a man of his word. He showed up in the courtyard at ten o'clock on the hour.

Yang Jun invited Na Wuye to the backyard living room and poured him a cup of tea.

Na Wuye was not in a hurry to drink tea, but looked around.

After seeing that the living room was still the same as before, I felt a little more relieved.

Yang Jun saw him finish a cup of tea and said,
"Master Na Wu, let's get down to business. I have to go back to work in the factory."

"Okay, come with me."

Na Wuye put down his cup, stood up and walked to the bedroom.

Yang Jun was stunned, but he didn't expect that the entrance to the secret room was actually in his bedroom.He has been sleeping here for so many days, but he found nothing unusual.

However, think about it.

If the entrance to the secret room had not been guarded by the master of the house, the secret would have been revealed long ago.

Yang Jun shook his head and thought to himself, he is so stupid.

He focused all his attention outside and didn't pay much attention to the master bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, Master Nawu went directly to the wardrobe against the west wall.

Standing there, he looked back at Yang Jun.

"Counting from bottom to top, No. 12 bricks."

Hearing this, Yang Jun came closer and looked at the blue brick.

There is nothing special about this brick. It has no protruding or concave features and no traces of wear and tear.

Seeing Yang Jun's confused look, Master Nawu didn't say anything and just patted the brick three times.

"Did you see clearly?"

Yang Jun nodded, but before he could speak, he felt a shaking sensation.

Immediately afterwards there was a burst of 'zaza' sound.

A one cubic meter hole suddenly appeared on the ground.

The entrance to the cave was dark, and a stone staircase could be vaguely seen leading down.

Na Wuye looked at Yang Jun and said,
"I won't go down. You can go down and visit by yourself when you have nothing to do."

After hearing this, Yang Jun frowned and said, "Old man, there can't be any mechanism inside."

When Master Na Wu heard this, he immediately smiled, waved his hands and said,
"Xiao Yang, what are you thinking about? This is the refuge of our Nalan family. Why set up a mechanism?"

"Old man, you'd better go down with me and have a look. I don't know how to close this mechanism yet."

Naturally, Yang Jun couldn't let him go.

Although you can't judge others with evil, you still have the necessary guard against others.

Master Na Wu saw that Yang Jun didn't believe him, so he sighed: "Forget it, I'll take you for a while."

After saying that, he squatted directly at the entrance of the cave and touched inside with his hand. The dark entrance of the cave suddenly became bright.

Na Wuye went down the stairs, then pointed at the two buttons next to the entrance of the cave and said,

"The one on the left is the light switch, and the one on the right is the switch that opens the secret room."

After that, continue walking down.

Yang Jun didn't have time to check the two switches, so he could only follow him and continue walking down.

"The secret room is closed from the inside. Even if people outside know the mechanism to open the hole, they will not be able to open it unless the hole is blown open."

Na Wuye introduced as he walked.

When Yang Jun heard this, he realized that this mechanism was really powerful. If it was closed from the inside, no one from the outside could get in.

He couldn't help but sigh that the wisdom of his ancestors was really invincible, and he could design all kinds of mechanisms.

In the courtyard where he originally lived, the mechanism was set on the stone table in the courtyard, but this mechanism was actually set on the blue bricks of the wall.

If Master Na Wu hadn't led him, he probably would never have known the entrance to the secret room in his life.

The cave is very narrow and can only accommodate one person bending down to pass through.

The tunnel leads diagonally downward. Fortunately, the tunnel is not long, about 20 meters or so.

After walking up the stone stairs, the two came to an empty stone room.

Yang Jun looked back at the cave and guessed the distance between the stone chamber and the ground. The vertical distance was about eleven or two meters.

This stone chamber is more than four meters high. Excluding the floor height, that is to say, the ground is about seven or eight meters from the top of the stone chamber.

Yang Jun took a breath.

He couldn't imagine how difficult it was to build this stone chamber and how much it cost.

Yang Jun looked at the entire stone room.

The overall feeling given to him is, in one word, big.

The stone chamber is very large, about five to six hundred square meters, almost equivalent to surrounding the entire backyard.

In the middle of the stone chamber stand eight stone pillars that are hugged by three people. They seem to be distributed according to the principles of Tai Chi and Bagua.

The top, bottom, left and right of the stone chamber are covered with blue ceramic tiles, which feel cold and slippery to the touch.

There is an oil lamp device on the wall every few steps, which is a backup setting in case of power outage.

Yang Jun stayed inside for a while, but he didn't feel dull at all. He could faintly feel the wind blowing.

Yang Jun looked for a long time and still couldn't find where the vent was, so he asked.

"Old man, is there a vent here?"

"Yes, I have."

Na Wuye took two quick steps and came to the corner of the stone room, pointing at the small black round holes above his head.

"These tunnels connect the eaves of various houses. It is difficult for ordinary people to find them unless they climb up."

"Incredible craftsmanship!" Yang Jun sighed.

"of course!"

When he mentioned this, Mr. Na Wu was very proud and said proudly: "Xiao Yang, I'm not bragging to you. It took more than two years to build this secret room, and it was specially designed by a master craftsman from the Ministry of Engineering. ."

When Yang Jun heard this, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

Fortunately, it was the Nalan family. If it were left to ordinary people, let alone hiring a master craftsman from the Ministry of Works to design it, the construction cost would not be affordable for ordinary people.

"Old man, the more you say this, the less I will let you redeem this house." Yang Jun smiled.

After hearing this, Mr. Nawu smiled and waved his hands and said,
"Don't do what he wants. Besides, I don't have the money."

(End of this chapter)

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