Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 522 Visiting the New Home

Chapter 522 Visiting the New Home
The entrance to Nalan's ancestral house.

Yang Jun and Sailor Yi Qiu stood there holding hands and looking at the courtyard.

The two doors often represent the face of the family. Looking at these two heavy wooden doors, you can know how glorious the Nalan family used to be.

This is just the home of Nalan Zhili. He is only the fifth in the family. It can be imagined that his home is more magnificent.


From now on, the surname of this courtyard will be changed to Yang, and it will be passed down as the ancestral home in the future.

Yang Jun took out the key, opened the door, and glanced at Yi Qiushui.

"Baby, you are the mistress of this family, please come first."

When Yi Qiushui heard this, she immediately smiled as delicately as a flower, with a smile on her pretty face, and she hugged Yang Jun's arm tightly.

"Husband, you are the master of the house, let's go in together."

"Okay, let's go in together."

The two went in arm in arm.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, Yi Qiushui was attracted by the scenery of the courtyard.

"Wow, this is too beautiful."

Yi Qiushui let go of Yang Jun's arm and started visiting each room.

"This is just the front yard, the middle yard and the back yard are even more beautiful." Yang Jun said with a smile.

After saying that, he followed her.

He was afraid that Yi Qiushui would be too excited and fall down accidentally, so he could still take care of her if he followed her.

“The furniture is also very beautiful.”

Opening a room in the east wing, Yi Qiushui was immediately shocked and speechless by the luxurious decoration inside.

"Well, they are all made of sandalwood." Yang Jun agreed.

Although he visited it yesterday, he was still shocked today.

Yesterday, in front of the owner, I didn't want to look too carefully. I must take a good look today.

The Nalan family lived a very exquisite life, and the house and furniture were well maintained.

At this time, Wang Yuying, Yang Mei, Lao Wu and Lao Si all came.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

Yang Laosi screamed and ran around in every room.

Wang Yuying is more like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, everything is cautious.

Looking at the magnificent house, she couldn't move forward. Looking at the furniture in the house, she didn't dare to touch it easily for fear of accidentally breaking it.

Seeing her cautious look, Yang Jun smiled and said,

"Mom, these belong to our family. You can touch them however you want. It doesn't matter if they get damaged."

After hearing this, Wang Yuying bravely touched the carved screen gently, and then her hands began to touch it inch by inch.

"Jun'er, this...this house belongs to our family?"

"Mom, this house will belong to our old Yang family from now on. We will move here in two days. You can live in whichever room you want." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"Why does this feel like a dream?"

"This is all true. Didn't you see the house book yesterday?"

Yang Jun thought that after the new year, when all units resume work, he would go to the housing management office to transfer the account to his name.

"Yes, yes, it just doesn't feel realistic."

After Wang Yuying said this, she carefully sat on a sandalwood Taishi chair, put her hands on the armrests, and tried to feel it.

At this time, Yang Mei rushed in.

"Mom, come with me to see the middle courtyard and the backyard. They are ten times more beautiful than here."

"Slow down, mom can't keep up with her legs."

Wang Yuying walked towards the middle courtyard with Yang Mei's support.

At this time, Yang Laosi and Lao Wu had already opened all the houses in the middle courtyard.

The two played hide and seek.

"Brother, come to me."

"Fourth sister, where are you? I'm lost."

There was a cry in Lao Wu Yang Huai's voice, as if he was lost.

Yang Jun smiled and hurried to Dongkuayuan to bring him out.

Not to mention, there are so many houses and winding corridors that it’s really easy to get lost.

At this time, Yang Jun discovered that the yard was too big, which was not a good thing.

The distance from the gate to the backyard alone is 200 meters. If you walk back and forth several times a day, you won't have to exercise.

This is not the most important thing. The key is that there are too many rooms and they look empty.

Several people walked around the middle courtyard and sighed that the middle courtyard was much more beautiful than the front yard.

So, several people continued to walk to the backyard.

As soon as they entered the backyard, the family screamed in surprise.

Especially Yi Qiushui, her beautiful eyes shined.

The backyard is different from the middle yard and the front yard, because this is where the head of the family lives.

The main house in the backyard is even more important.

Yi Qiushui did not visit the side rooms on both sides, but went straight to the main room.


As soon as she entered the room, Yi Qiushui was immediately stunned by the scenery in the room.

There are five main rooms, the two on the left are bedrooms and bathrooms, the middle one is the living room, which is very large, and the two on the right are two studies.

Each room is decorated with exquisite furniture, beautifully carved window frames, and snowflake glass, embellishing this luxurious room.

Yang Jun followed her, taking care of her carefully all the way.

"Husband, the study on the left belongs to you, and the study on the right belongs to me. From now on, we both have our own study." Yi Qiushui said coquettishly, holding Yang Jun's arm.

Yi Qiushui is now the director of the Steel Rolling Mill Hospital, so it's time for her to have her own study room.However, the locations of the two study rooms are different, resulting in different lighting.

The one inside is connected to the corner of the east wing, so half of the room doesn't get any light, but the one on the right has very good lighting and the room is very bright.

Yi Qiushui left the room with good lighting to Yang Jun, but she wanted the one with poor lighting.

Yang Jun was very moved.

“The left thing is yours, and the right thing is mine.”

Yang Jun saw her opening her mouth to say something, so he said in a tone that left no doubt: "That's it."

Yi Qiushui's eyes were red after hearing this, and her hand around Yang Jun's arm tightened.

"Husband, thank you."

Later, the two visited the bedroom.

As soon as I walked in, I was stunned by the layout inside.

This is both a sleeping place and a small reception room.

The space inside is very large, so big that it doesn't look like a bathroom at all.

There is a mahogany bed in the middle of the bedroom near the back wall.

This bed is very large, no less than later Simmons.


This bed is a closed structure, surrounded on three sides, leaving only the sleeping side, which looks a bit like a cage.

"Honey, I don't like this bed." Yi Qiushui pouted.

"I don't like it either. I'll change it later."

In fact, even if he likes it, he can't use it. The furniture can make do. If Yang Jun sleeps on someone else's bed, he always feels very awkward.

"Well, let's get a big bed, the biggest one that you can lie on and roll around ten times without it falling off the floor." Yi Qiushui said coquettishly.

"Okay, the bigger the better, and it will also be easier for us to compete in martial arts." Yang Jun said with a smile.


Yi Qiushui pinched his waist with her hand and said coquettishly: "I haven't punished you for leaving me today. Let's see how I deal with you tonight."

"Hehe, I got what I asked for. You have to keep your word."

At this time, Wang Yuying and the others also came in.

Several people were stunned by the luxurious decoration of the main room and kept screaming.

Especially Yangmei, there are little stars everywhere in her eyes, and she keeps touching this and that.

"Brother, I want to move here too." Yang Mei said.

"Don't you always want to live in my yard? Why do you want to move here again?" Yang Jun asked.

"But I like the house here better, and the family will live together."

After Yang Mei finished speaking, she said coquettishly to Wang Yuying: "Mom, do you think so?"

Wang Yuying heard this and did not object. She pondered for a moment and said to Yang Jun,

"Jun'er, what Meizi said makes sense. A family should live together. And you see there are so many houses here. If no one lives there, it will look scary. Don't you think so?"

After Yang Jun heard this, he looked back at Yi Qiushui.

Yi Qiushui smiled and nodded slightly.

So, he stepped forward and held Wang Yuying's hand and said,

"Mom, you guys can move here, which is what we want. It's really scary for just the two of us to live in such a big house. It's good that we live together as a family and can take care of each other."

Seeing Yi Qiushui say this, everyone suddenly beamed with joy.

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Everyone said in unison.

"Okay, it's settled."

Yang Jun said: "I will go to the furniture store to buy some new beds and move them here before the factory resumes work."

Wang Yuying saw that Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui both agreed, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

If conditions permit, who wouldn't want to live together as a family?

If it had been before, she would definitely not have agreed to move here. Now that there are so many houses here, it seems empty even if the whole family has moved here, so she agreed to move Yangmei's family here.

Yang Mei said: "Needless to say, my brother and sister-in-law must live in the main house in the backyard. I live in the east courtyard of the middle courtyard. My mother, the fourth and fifth, live in the west courtyard."

When Yi Qiushui heard this, she quickly said: "It's okay for you to live in the middle courtyard. How can mom live in the middle courtyard? Although she can't live in the main house, the east and west wing rooms in the backyard are also fine."

In fact, the conditions of the wing rooms are definitely not as good as those of the east and west courtyards of the central courtyard. Even if the conditions are better, they are still wing rooms. Moreover, the east and west courtyards of the central courtyard are equivalent to a smaller version of the courtyard house. The environment inside is quite good, quiet and comfortable.

Before Wang Yuying could respond, Yang Jun objected.

"I think it's good for mom to live in a cross-hospital hospital."

"Mom is an elder, so how can I let her live in a cross-hospital hospital?" Yi Qiushui frowned.

Yang Jun did not answer his question, but asked Wang Yuying.

"Mom, if you live in the backyard room, I'm afraid you'll have insomnia again at night, don't you think so?"

When Wang Yuying heard it, she still couldn't understand the meaning behind his words.

Isn't it because she eavesdropped on their husband and wife's affairs at night?

"You think who wants to live in a wing room? I can't live across the courtyard, but I have to live in the backyard to disturb my ears?" Wang Yuying rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Mom, you are out of sight and out of mind, and out of ear is clean. I wish you in advance that you don't go to the wrong room when you get up at night." Yang Jun said with a playful smile.


This scene made Yi Qiushui frown.

It's obviously for Wang Yuying's own good, so why insist on living across the hospital?

She couldn't figure out what was going on, so she quietly pulled Yang Jun aside and said.

"Husband, what are you talking to mom about? Why can't I understand a word of it?"

Yang Jun chuckled twice and whispered into her ear,
"Mom is providing us with conditions so that you can show off your singing voice unscrupulously at night."

"I'm going to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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