Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 516 The house cannot be sold

Chapter 516 The house cannot be sold

"Young man, do you still want to take over the house?"

The old man kept silent until he opened his mouth, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Yang Jun was shocked.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "Old man, you don't do this when celebrating the New Year."

On the first day of the new year, I told him about this, but he always felt that it was unrealistic.

Just imagine, even if you want to sell your house, you won’t be able to sell it on the first day of the Lunar New Year. How unlucky it is.

"Young man, don't worry too much. I am a responsible person, not a fishing official."

The old man was startled and quickly explained: "We are neighbors, my house is next door..."

When Yang Jun heard this, he waved his hand and said, "Uncle, I know you are my neighbor, and I don't doubt that you are here to trick me."

"Then it's..."

"I didn't expect that you would tell me this today."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

He thought Yang Jun regarded him as a fishing and law enforcement person.

"Young man, my name is Nalan Zhili, you can call me Na Wu Ye."

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this.

My dear.I met the royal family and nobles.

The Nalan family was a famous and distinguished family in the former Qing Dynasty. Their family could be ranked among the ten largest families in the former Qing Dynasty, especially the great poet Nalan Xingde was born in their ancestors.

However, no matter how glorious the famous family is, it is just like passing away in the dust of history. With the demise of the former Qing Dynasty, the Nalan family also gradually declined.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Judging from the expensive cigarette holder used by the old man, the Nalan family still has some background.

"Hello, Mr. Na Wu, my name is Yang Jun. You can just call me Xiao Yang."

Yang Jun greeted him respectfully, then narrowed his eyes and asked,
"Master Na Wu, why do you always come to me to sell your house?"

Yang Jun is not a fool. Although he likes to buy a house, he is not so hungry that he is not selective about food.

Especially for someone like this who comes to sell a house on his own initiative, he has to be more careful.

Na Wuye squinted his eyes and said, "Xiao Yang, let's stop talking in circles. In fact, I have noticed you a long time ago."

"I, Nalan Zhili, have lived in this alley all my life and am very familiar with it. Any disturbance here cannot be hidden from my eyes. You first bought the house of Lao Li's house, and then bought the yard of Yu Qian's house. Now even the house owned by Professor Hu’s family belongs to your family.”

"Of course, I have no other meaning in saying this. I just want to show you that I have no ill intentions. I have also asked about you. You are the director of the steel rolling mill, and you are the only one who has the strength to accept it. This is my house, so I apologize for disturbing you today."

Yang Jun was shocked.

I thought it was done flawlessly, but I didn't expect that someone would touch my bottom and fall off.

But then he felt relieved.

Nalan Zhili is definitely not the only one who knows the details. Most of the people living in this alley are old neighbors who have been there for decades. A sudden change of households will definitely not escape their eyes.

However, Yang Jun was not afraid either.

With his current energy and background, even if someone gives him trouble, he can easily handle it.

"Haha, Mr. Na Wu, I won't follow you in circles. I like houses, especially courtyard houses with cultural representative significance."

"Since you have found me, you have found the right person. In this day and age, there are really not many people who are capable of taking over your house."

"I can take over the house, but I want to know why you want to sell it in such a hurry."

Yang Jun was afraid that the house had a mortgage or other unlucky situations, so he had to ask clearly.

When he mentioned this, Nalan Zhili instantly felt as if he had aged ten years, and his energy and energy were suddenly gone.

"My descendants are unfilial."

Nalan Zhili sighed and said: "My Nalan family was also a well-known and famous family back then. Everyone in my Nalan family would give thumbs up when they go out. But in my generation, the lintel of the family has gradually declined, and several more people have appeared in the family. He is an unworthy descendant and has now reached the point where he cannot sell his ancestral home."

When Master Na Wu spoke, a layer of crystal tears appeared in his eyes. He kept beating his legs with his hands and continued,
"I am the fifth eldest child in my family. In my lifetime, I have a total of eight sons and fifteen daughters, which can be regarded as bringing glory to our family. But who knows, there are several unscrupulous descendants in the family. The eldest is a bad gambler, and the third eldest is a bad gambler. He is a heavy smoker, and Lao Wu is a careless thing. He fights every day and is not seen once in ten and a half months."

"After so many years, the family's fortune has been almost ruined. Now a few unfilial sons still owe a large amount of gambling debts. If they don't pay back the money before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they will kill my son. I will do the same. Have no idea."

Nalan Zhili burst into tears and was furious with his descendants.

Yang Jun was secretly surprised when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, this old man has so many children.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will know.

For someone of his age and his family background, it is normal for him to have three wives and four concubines.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Marriage Law was revised to regulate polygamous families, requiring only one husband and one wife, and other wives and concubines could only be treated as divorced.

Although they were divorced, the large family still lived together, especially in this era with deep-rooted feudal ideas. Wives and concubines could not remarry with their children, so they always lived together.

"The glory of a gentleman will decline in three lifetimes and be cut off in five lifetimes. This is a curse that no one can escape. Na Wu Ye, if you want to be more liberal, just let nature take its course."

Yang Jun didn't know how to persuade him.

This is a historical trend that no one can avoid.

"Hey, I don't have a few days left to live. I can't control it even if I want to."

Nalan Zhili had a look of a late hero on his face, and then he had to raise his spirit again,

"But as long as I live for one day, I can't just ignore them. After all, they are all my flesh and blood."

After Yang Jun heard this, he sighed and said: "What a pity for the parents in the world." The children and grandchildren failed to live up to expectations and gave birth to an unfilial son. No matter how big the family fortune is, it is not enough to lose, let alone more than one prodigal son in the family.

Yang Jun also admired Master Na Wu's mentality.

It's hard enough for him to have to find ways to pay off his children's debt after something like this happened.

If this happened to him, maybe he would just ignore it.

"Xiao Yang, I have said everything that needs to be said. I, Nalan Zhili, never lie, let alone deceive others. You can also ask around to see if the situation in my family is true." Nalan Zhili said.

"Old man, I can trust you."

"What about the house?"

Yang Jun thought for a moment and smiled,

"Old man, judging from your taste, you must have a lot of good tea at home, right?"

When Master Na Wu heard this, his eyes lit up and he immediately became energetic.

"Would you like to come to my house for tea?"

"Come on, please."

Yang Jun stood up and helped him up.

Tasting tea is fake, but looking at houses is real.

However, everyone is a decent person, no one can tell.

Especially for someone like Mr. Na Wu who sells his ancestral home, this is a good thing to say or not to say.

Yang Jun followed Na Wuye and walked towards his home.

His home is not far away, just two houses away from Yang Jun's home, just a few steps away.

Arriving at the door of his house, I was immediately attracted by the lintel of his house.

With its carved railings, jadework, antique style, flying beams and painted buildings, and warm green courtyard, it looks like a house belonging to a wealthy family.

In particular, there are two round drum-holding stones at the door. At a glance, you can tell that your ancestors had high officials.

The main door and the side door together are three feet wide, and there is a horse-mounting stone placed under the wall next to it.

This kind of courtyard is not considered a top-grade courtyard house. It can be seen everywhere in Sijiu City. It is just like the large courtyard where Yang Jun lived, but it is larger and newer. It seems that it was built in recent times.

"Please come in."

Nalan Zhili led Yang Jun into the courtyard.

As soon as he stepped into the yard, Yang Jun was immediately attracted by the scenery in the yard.

His first impression was that the antique atmosphere of this courtyard was very strong. It was like traveling back in time to ancient times and strolling in the sea of ​​books with gentle elegance and good luck, which instantly improved one's taste by several levels.

This yard is much more beautiful than the one I live in now.

He thought his yard was beautiful enough, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't know it until he saw it. He was shocked when he saw it. There is a difference between soft decoration and hard decoration in any era.

This is just the front yard, the middle yard and the back yard must be more beautiful.

Generally speaking, the front yard is where the servants and grooms live, and the environment here is not as good as the middle yard and the back yard.

Nowadays, Yang Jun sees that the front yard is like this, and the middle yard and the back yard must be even more unique.

However, now is a new society. There is no such thing as servants and grooms. Those who live here are all Nalan Zhili's family members.

With his large family of three wives, four concubines, eight sons, fifteen daughters, and grandchildren, it was quite difficult to accommodate him in this courtyard.

Along the way, Yang Jun met many people.

They are male and female, old and young.

When they saw Nalan Zhili, everyone took the initiative to say hello respectfully.

"Father, you are back."



Nalan Zhili was accustomed to this, nodded with his hands behind his back, and walked inside with Yang Jun.

The scenery in the middle courtyard is more prosperous than that in the front courtyard. The elegant pavilions, rockery and flowing water, and flying beams and painted buildings made Yang Jun dizzy.

The middle courtyard is nearly twice as big as the front courtyard, but there are more rooms here.

This courtyard is different from other courtyards. There are no east-west wing rooms, only east-west courtyards. Each courtyard is a smaller version of the courtyard, with each enclosed space properly.

Na Wuye took Yang Jun to look at the houses one by one and introduced him to the history of the house.

This courtyard with three entrances was built in the early Republic of China. It is said that it cost 5 yuan to build this courtyard.

Yang Jun couldn't help but clicked his tongue after hearing this.

Although he didn't know how much 5 yuan in oceans would cost in RMB, he knew that so many oceans were by no means a small sum.

He sighed in his heart, as expected of a famous family, if it weren't for the profound foundation, such a big house would not have been built at the drop of a hat.

The soft furnishings of the house are also good.

The room is full of antique sandalwood furniture, and the furniture is engraved with intricate and exquisite patterns, which is worth a lot of money at a glance.

After looking at the middle courtyard, Yang Jun followed Master Na Wu to the backyard.

As soon as they passed the Weeping Flower Gate, they saw a dozen people standing in the yard, all of them glaring at Yang Jun angrily.

"Dad, the house cannot be sold."

(End of this chapter)

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