Chapter 464
When she got off work the next day, Luo Yanhong went to Yang Jun's house carrying fruit.

This time I went in the name of visiting Wang Yuying.

Except for Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui, no one knew that Luo Yanhong was here for a blind date.

This was Luo Yanhong's request. She didn't want everyone to know about it.

After all, for an older intellectual like her, the final marriage problem was solved through blind dates, so it was a bit embarrassing to say it out loud.

Mu Sheng moved to the new home prepared for him by Yang Jun early this morning.

The guy was so happy with the yard that he stayed home all day cleaning it.

When Yang Jun gave him the house book and keys, the guy had to pay him back.

Yang Jun was also shocked when he took out his job transfer fee and his savings over the years.

The whole body costs only more than 100 yuan.

Just like Yang Jun's situation, all his savings were given to those comrades who sacrificed their lives.

Yang Jun sighed.

People who survived the battlefield have a sense of guilt. They always feel that their comrades have sacrificed and it is a sin to survive alone.

Therefore, those who have retired or changed careers have a desire to use their little savings to help families who have lost their comrades.

Yang Jun refused at the time, saying that the money was reserved for him to marry his wife.

Yang Jun saw that it was getting late, so he took him to his home for dinner.

After entering the house, he took him to his study.

Luo Yanhong was waiting for him there.

"Luo Yanhong, graduated from a famous foreign university, has a doctorate in medicine, and is now the vice president of the Steel Rolling Mill Hospital."

"Mu Sheng, a battalion-level cadre, has just transferred to our steel rolling mill. He was once the champion of the military competition."

After Yang Jun introduced them to each other, he left space for them and turned around and left the study.

Coming to the bedroom, Yi Qiushui asked nervously.

"Husband, do you think they can make it work?"

Yang Jun put his arm around her waist and said with a smile: "As long as Luo Yanhong doesn't pick on her, then there will be no problem."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui frowned and said, "Then what if Mu Sheng disagrees?"

"will not."

Yang Jun shook his head and said: "I don't have to choose that guy, as long as it's a woman."

When Yi Qiushui heard this, she immediately became unhappy and hit him twice with her small fist.

"Why are you men like this, thinking with your lower body?"

"That's not the case. For example, I, a typical good man, am also very affectionate towards you."

"Go away, nothing is right."

Yi Qiushui pushed his arm away, then looked through the crack in the door to the study room opposite.

Yang Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Discussing love with a married man, you ask him if he will fall in love with a woman at first sight.

That's simply a joke. A man's standard for love is always based on the woman's beauty.

Men are emotional creatures, and they treat women with the purpose of possessiveness.

If you ask Mu Sheng if he likes Luo Yanhong, that guy will only say "conquer" to you.

Women, on the other hand, have too many expectations for love. They always hope that their love will be different and that their marriage will be mixed with elements of romance or fantasy.

Yi Qiushui had great hopes for whether the two of them could succeed.

He kept lying there to see what happened.

"Why do you look more nervous than you on a blind date?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

When Yi Qiushui heard this, she smiled sheepishly.

Sitting next to Yang Jun, holding his arm, my mind went back to the scene when they met and had a blind date.

"When I think of our first blind date, it feels like it happened yesterday. I really want to fall in love again."

Yang Jun held her in his arms and put her in a comfortable position.

"Yeah, when I think about the first time I saw you, your turn of the head shocked me and I couldn't help myself."

"Really, am I so charming?"

As Yi Qiushui said this, her heart was filled with joy, and her face was filled with a happy smile.

"Yes, you fascinate me, drive me crazy, and make me taste meat for three months."

"Honey, I love you too."

Yi Qiushui's beautiful eyes were filled with water as she murmured.

"After the first snowfall this year, how about we go to the park to play?" Yang Jun suggested.

"Okay, then we will simulate the scene of our first meeting, and I ask you to pursue me again." Yi Qiushui said excitedly.

When Yang Jun heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

"Auntie, remember to release the water when the time comes."

"Hmph, don't let go."


Half an hour later, Mu Sheng and Luo Yanhong came out of the study.

When they saw Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui, their faces turned red and they seemed to be avoiding their eyes.

Looking at this scene, Yang Jun still doesn't understand anything.

The bastard mung bean looks at each other.

Mu Sheng, that little bastard, acted like he had never seen a woman in his eight lifetimes. He kept hanging around Luo Yanhong and followed them wherever they went.

However, Yang Jun also felt sorry for Luo Yanhong that such a beautiful flower was stuck on cow dung.

Based on her condition, she can definitely find a better man.

However, things in the world are bad, and sometimes she has to bow to reality.

Now I can only say that this kid Mu Sheng is cheap.

That night, the two stayed at Yang Jun's house for a meal, and then Mu Sheng spontaneously wanted to send Luo Yanhong home.

...Early the next morning, when Yang Jun was sleeping soundly, he was woken up by Yi Qiushui.

"Honey, look, it's snowing."

Yi Qiushui sat on the bed and pointed at the white snow falling outside the window.

"Just get off and sleep a little longer."

Yang Jun turned over and continued to sleep.

Even on snowy days, he had to go out for morning exercises.

"Yang, I said it's snowing."

Yi Qiushui immediately became unhappy. She sat on the bed and looked at Yang Jun with an unhappy expression.

"Baby, I know what you mean. Isn't it just a date in the park? Then we can't go there before dawn."

Yang Jun was afraid that she would be cold, so he quickly pulled her back into bed.

"But I want to prepare early, I'm really looking forward to it."

Yang Jun rubbed his sleepy eyes and glanced at his watch. It was only five o'clock in the morning.

"Last year and today, in this gate, the peach blossoms on the human face are red, and I don't know where the human face is, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze."

"Dear big baby, even now and in the past, I can only drink the northwest wind. Even the same scene and the same people have different moods. Everything has its own rules. We can't demand that everything be the same as our mood. , let nature take its course, okay?"

"I don't know, I'm just looking forward to it." Yi Qiushui heard a trace of disappointment in her eyes.

Even in the same place, the same pair of people will have different moods.

The identity of the two people has changed. They were originally two strangers and are now a couple. Even if they deliberately imitate and restore the scene at that time, there will no longer be the ignorant and beautiful feelings between men and women.

"Baby, I understand how you feel. I promise you that I will be good to you throughout my life and will never let you down in this life."

"If life is like the first time we met, why is the Autumn Wind Sad Painting Fan like that?" Yi Qiushui asked.

"Yes, that's it. Every day from now on, I will feel like I saw you for the first time." Yang Jun comforted.

Women all have their own little interests.

Sometimes, you may be happy for a whole day because of something, and sometimes you may be depressed for a whole day because of a certain sentence.

This is woman, an emotional creature.

Afterwards, no matter how Yang Jun tried to persuade her, Yi Qiushui never closed her eyes and slept again.

Staring at the snowy scene outside the window, there was an extra tenderness and sweetness in his eyes.

After breakfast, the two of them drove away with their own drivers.

When they left, the two did not exchange a word, but looked at each other with more hope.

Yi Qiushui left to the east, and Yang Jun left to the west. They wanted to have a wordless encounter with each other.

"Houhai Park."

After getting in the car, the two of them each said something to the driver.

Snow is still falling.

There were many pedestrians on the road, and everyone came out with enthusiasm to welcome the first snow of the year.

The adults stood melancholy in the wind and snow, while the children carefreely made snowmen and had snowball fights.

Today, there were so many people coming to the park to play. Yang Jun was still far away so he asked Ma Juzi to stop the car.

After getting out of the car, he told Ma Juzi to put up the collar of his black windbreaker and plunged into the flying snow.

If there was an uninhabited alley, Yang Jun turned into it.

When he came out, he had a bunch of delicate roses in his hand.

Yang Jun picked the roses in the summer and kept them in the space. He planned to give them to Yi Qiushui on her birthday, but unexpectedly they came in use today.

The roses were very bright, as if they had just been picked, and everyone screamed along the way.

"Brother, I'm going on a blind date today, can you give me one to cheer me up?"

On the road, a young man in his early twenties looked at the roses in Yang Jun's arms with a shy look.

"I wish you happiness."

Yang Jun drew a rose and handed it over, saying his blessing with respect.

Happiness must be shared, only in this way can happiness be maximized.

As the saying goes: Give someone a rose, and the fragrance will linger in your hands.

If a rose could bring a new couple together, Yang Jun wouldn't mind being the flower messenger at the park gate every day.

Arriving at the entrance of the park, Yang Jun glanced around and found neither Yi Qiushui's shadow nor her car.

So, I bought a copy of 'Literary Review' from a nearby newsstand. '

I remember the first time I met Yi Qiushui, both of them were holding this magazine.

Time has passed, and Yang Jun still feels a little want to laugh when he thinks about it now.

It snowed hard last night, and there was not much snow left in the place. In addition, there were many people playing in the park, and the snow water on the ground was very dirty. Yang Jun suddenly lost his mood.

Standing in the park, looking around.

He was looking for places with the most snow.

Yi Qiushui is a romantic person, and she will definitely be in a place with the most beautiful snow scenery at this moment.

Standing on a high place, I immediately saw a graceful man standing by the river.

Yi Qiushui stood there alone, with her hands in her windbreaker, facing the river, her head tilted slightly at a 45-degree angle, her eyes closed and listening to the sound of snowflakes falling on her face.



I remember with the sound of footsteps on the snow.

Yi Qiu Shuitou seemed to feel Yang Jun approaching her.

He slowly turned back and looked at Yang Jun with affectionate eyes.

Yang Jun didn't say anything, and looked at her with a smile while holding the rose.

Yi Qiushui was still dressed as last year, wearing a red sweater underneath, a brown windbreaker on the outside, and a white scarf fluttering in the wind.

"Damn it, you're wearing too little."

(End of this chapter)

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