Chapter 453

If Yi Qiushui hadn't appeared in time to slap Qian Jiajia in the face, in two days, the whole courtyard would have known about Yang Jun's inability to do anything.

In fact, Yi Qiushui's pregnancy made the leaders and their family even more excited than Yang Jun.

Aunt Guo, in particular, called him almost every day, asking him to take good care of Yi Qiushui.

When I arrived at the big leader's house, I discovered that although the food at his house was rich, it was still a level lower than that at his own house.

There is no other reason. Recently, Yang Jun often takes out delicacies from the space to supplement Yi Qiushui's nutrition.

The meals in the space are all cooked by chef Zhao Tiancheng. They are not only delicious, but also very nutritious.

Aunt Guo cooked a table of meals and noodles.

Yang Jun didn't understand the custom of cooking noodles. Anyway, Yi Qiushui held her nose and ate half the bowl.

At the dinner table, Yang Jun had two drinks with the senior leader.

Through chatting, I learned that Uncle Guo’s daughter Guo Tianyue has been arranged to enter the agency.

Now he is also a person who works and gets paid.

In fact, Guo Tianyue is only 16 years old. If it were not for fear of her going to the countryside to join the team, the boss would not let her go to work so early.

In fact, Yang Jun had already expected Guo Tianyue to go to work in an agency.

Girls are different from boys. Guo Tianming can leave the workshop and join the army.

But girls are different. Their adolescence is short and they don’t have so many rebellious behaviors. Once they enter the industry, they will work in this industry until they grow old. Therefore, parents must be cautious when choosing a career for their daughters.

Once Guo Tianyue enters the work of an agency, she will definitely receive the care of the big leaders in the future. If nothing unexpected happens, her future will be bright.

After returning from the big leader's house, Yang Jun sent Yi Qiushui back to the house. He went to the study and then went to Wang Yuying's room carrying a bulging bag wrapped in old newspapers.

"Mom, I haven't slept yet."

Yang Jun stood outside the door and saw Wang Yuying kneeling on the bed sewing.

"Your brother has torn his pants again. I have to mend them."

Wang Yuying put on a pair of reading glasses, looked back at Yang Jun, and continued to mend Lao Wu's cotton pants.

"Mom, your legs are not good. Lie on the bed to get warm. Let Xiangxiu mend the cotton pants tomorrow."

"Forget it, Xiangxiu is also very busy. Just cooking all day long is enough to drive her blind."

"There are also red plums," Yang Jun said.

Wang Yuying waved her hand and said: "You don't have to worry about it. It's just this little job and it's not worth bothering others."

Since Wang Yuying moved here, Yang Jun gave Lao Wufen a bed to sleep on.

The boy had been used to sleeping with his mother since he was a child, but he was not used to being separated. He often came back to see Wang Yuying in the middle of the night.

If the guess is correct, this little guy must be with Yang Laosi now.

Although Yang Laosi is naughty, he takes great care of Yang Huai. If there is anything delicious and fun to do, he will follow him.

"Mom, I want to ask you something," Yang Jun sat down on the edge, and then continued: "Is the sun coming out in the west? How come you have paid my salary recently?"

"You brat, you're looking for a slap."

Wang Yuying grabbed a wooden ruler and tried to beat him.

Of course, just to scare him.

"Our old Yang family doesn't have the habit of owing people money. Remember this from now on. When the time comes, we will pay people's wages as soon as possible. Do you hear me?"

When Yang Jun heard this, it turned out to be the reason.

Wang Yuying has a short temper and never likes to owe other people money. As long as she owes money, she will try her best to pay them back as soon as possible.

Especially the money she owed Ma Xiangxiu and her family, she couldn't wait even a day.

"Mom, if you don't tell me, an old person in a family is like a treasure. This is true. If you weren't in charge of this family, I don't know what I would do."

"Oh, don't give me the ecstasy soup. I can see that I am struggling to make money, and my feelings are not enough for you to pay for a pack of cigarettes."

Wang Yuying sighed and said: "Mom is not stupid. During this period of time, I have not had to worry about food and drink. I have lived a life that I wouldn't have dared to imagine before. So, I have decided to live here in the old house from now on." I won’t go back there either.”

"Oh my god, congratulations, you finally have an epiphany."

Yang Jun climbed on the bed, knelt down with his legs, and kept kowtowing to Wang Yuying.

If he had had his epiphany earlier, why would he have been so tired?

"You brat, don't do this to me. Don't think that just because you kowtow to me, you won't be allowed to pay back the money."

Wang Yuying stretched out her hand and said: "Pay back the money."

Wang Yuying is still the same Wang Yuying. If she doesn't mention money, then she won't be her.

Yang Jun pushed the thing in his hand into his hand.

"From now on, this home will be left to you."

When you're done, turn around and run.

Wang Yuying took the paper bag and felt it was heavy.

Opening the layer of old newspapers outside, bundles of banknotes were revealed.

After counting, there are five piles, which is 5000 yuan.

"Hey, brat, do you really want me to take charge of this family?"

Yang Jun was worried about what he could do to entangle Wang Yuying. Now it's better. Since she took the initiative to ask for the title, Yang Jun still couldn't ask for it.

After leaving Wang Yuying's room, Yang Jun went to Wang Xiaoxiao's room.

When children come here to attend classes, as the head of the family, Yang Jun has to take care of them no matter what.

The lights in the room were not on, but there was the sound of frolicking coming from the next room.

Yang Jun came to the door of Yang Laosi's room and looked through the crack in the door.

I saw Yang Laosi, Wang Xiaoxiao and Yang Huai lying on the same bed.

Several people supported their chins with their hands and were listening to Wang Xiaoxiao's story.

As a child from rural areas, Wang Xiaoxiao naturally has much richer life experience than Yang Laosi.

She was talking about what she saw and heard in the countryside and all kinds of interesting things.

Things like going up trees to dig out bird's nests, going into the water to catch fish, and following the adults to catch bugs in the fields during the day, and at night the whole village gathers around to chat.

These things seemed to open up another world for the children in the city, which immediately attracted Yang Laosi to his surprise.

"Yang Laosi, stop screaming, I have to get up early tomorrow for morning exercises."

Before Yang Jun finished speaking, the lights in the room suddenly went out.

"Brother, you've gone too far. Are you going to scare people to death?" Yang Laosi's dissatisfied voice came from the room.

"You haven't done anything wrong, what are you afraid of?"

Yang Jun patted the door and signaled her to go to bed early.

These children are really carefree. If it weren't for Yang Jun, they wouldn't even have to go to school. They would just eat and play and sleep after playing every day. Yang Jun really hopes that one day he can become like them.

This era is not like future generations. No matter how rich you are, you don't dare to live a life of retirement.Therefore, as long as you are alive, you must fight for life.

Back in the house, looking at Yi Qiushui lying lazily on the bed, Yang Jun suddenly felt that pregnancy was not always a good thing.

Now Yi Qiushui has a very strong sense of protection and almost doesn't let him touch her. As long as she makes the slightest gesture of intimacy, she will immediately think that Yang Jun is thinking about that.

As soon as Yang Jun lay down on the bed, Yi Qiushui subconsciously moved to the side, and then looked at him warily.

"I said, can we have more trust?"

"I have always trusted you."

Yi Qiushui blinked her eyes, looking aggrieved.

"Yeah, when I didn't say it."

Yang Jun discovered that if he really did something, he might not know what to do.

Yang Jun stood up, took out a quilt from the cabinet, and went directly to the study.

Rather than letting her worry all night, it would be better to take the initiative to stay away.

Sitting at the desk in the study, looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, Yang Jun was recalling the days before Yi Qiushui was pregnant.

He felt that if he could choose to turn back time, he would rather not have children.


Silent all night.

The next day, which is the weekend.

Yang Jun still arrived at the factory, and Yang Anguo lined up with hundreds of people from the security department waiting for him.

Today is the day to hand over supplies to our old comrades.

However, this time, it was formed in the name of a joint patrol of several factories.

This time I went into the mountains and brought radio equipment with me.

Yang Jun motioned to Ma Juzi to take a step with the radio, and then take the first step.

He had to take out the supplies before the group of old comrades arrived.

"Wang Erwa, Wang Erwa, where are you, you little son of a bitch?"

On the way, Yang Jun called Wang Erwa by radio.

Yang Jun went up the mountain first, while Wang Erwa followed the group of old comrades to surround the mountain.

The buzzing sound of electricity came from the radio, and after a while, Ji Demin's old voice was heard.

"Is it Xiao Yang? There's no need to call that turtle son. This scammer is unreliable. He drank too much last night and is still asleep in the car."

"Wake up this turtle son and ask him to lead people to seal the mountain."

"Okay, be careful, it will take a while for me to arrive."

After hanging up the radio, Yang Jun lay on the chair and squinted for a while.

This time, the cotton warehouse of Jide Mining Factory was located in a remote mountainous area. Although it was inaccessible, in order to keep it secret, Yang Jun asked them to seal off the entire mountain in the name of training.

After a while, we arrived at the place.

Yang Jun got out of the car and took a look at the entire warehouse. It was simply an excellent trading place.

It is said to be a warehouse, but it is actually an agricultural park, consisting of several houses built in an agricultural area.

This place was used to grow food in the early days, but later it became a distribution center for collecting cotton for unknown reasons.

Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi to stay in the car and not move, while he went in alone.

Some secrets cannot be told to others, even Ma Juzi is no exception.

Yang Jun walked around the field and found nothing unusual.

An old employee who originally lived here was also temporarily transferred away by Ji Demin.

When I opened the largest warehouse, I saw that it was very clean and was cleaned frequently.

Yang Jun didn't do any ink, and directly released all the materials that had been sorted in the space.

After placing the supplies, Yang Jun immediately exited the warehouse, and then took Ma Juzi to a nearby high ground.

Yang Jun lit a cigarette and picked up the radio again.

"Hey, Lao Ji, what's going on over there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Demin's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Xiao Yang, all the openings have been sealed. Can I enter now?"

"Okay, come in."

Yang Jun asked: "We must maintain discipline and enter one family at a time."

The mountain path was too narrow, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to change lanes after entering.

After hanging up the walkie-talkie, Yang Jun squatted on the ground and smoked.

After a while, I saw a group of trucks coming this way.

As soon as the car arrived, Wang Erwa and Li Lixin jumped out of a car.

"Lao Yang, are all the goods ready?" Li Lixin asked.

"It's been prepared a long time ago. Hurry in and load the car. There are several more stores behind you."

I had already guessed that this guy would be the first to load the car.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year was approaching, his supply and marketing cooperative was facing another run on goods, so he stocked up in advance early in the morning.

"Brothers, get out of the car and load the goods."

Li Lixin said hello, and about ten people got out of the car immediately.

There is no dedicated loading staff this time, so we can only think of ways to do it ourselves.

This time the supply and marketing cooperative didn't ask for too many supplies, and they had them all ready in less than half an hour.

"Lao Du, pay attention to safety."

Li Lixin explained to the people who brought him the goods and asked them to take the goods back.

He stayed and went up to the mountains to hunt later.

Next, Yang Jun called Lao Ji and asked the next family to come in.

By analogy, it took a whole morning to complete the supplies in the warehouse.

This time, Yang Jun did not prepare supplies for the steel rolling mill.

The steel rolling mill needs too many supplies. If we work together today, we will definitely be busy today.

Besides, the employee benefits of the steel rolling mill are provided by Stone.

(End of this chapter)

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