Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 442 The pretentiousness of a potted flower

Chapter 442 The pretentiousness of a pot of flowers

Go to work the next day.

Yang Jun discovered that Liang Shan had been waiting at the door of his office for a long time.

"Director Yang, you are here."

Seeing Yang Jun coming, Liang Shan immediately got up from the ground.

Yang Jun curled his lips when he saw this.

It is absolutely true that dog meat is not suitable for banquets.

If he were Uncle Qian, he would not fall in love with Liangshan.

Let's talk about you. He has been working for almost a month, and he is a cadre after all. But from his every move, he doesn't look like he is from the city at all.

But the true nature of the countryside has not been forgotten at all.

According to Jiang Haitao, this guy is an anomaly in the office.

I always eat while squatting on a stool, I smoke with paper cigarettes, I don’t wear my shoes very well, I always wear them as slippers, I always put my hands in my sleeves when I’m in front of others or behind me...

From all indications, he is just an old hater.

Let’s not talk about whether these habits are right or not. At the very least, as a cadre, you should set an example. If you are slovenly all day long, you will not be ashamed but proud of it. All it takes is the words on your forehead: I am a farmer and I am proud. .

Such a unique way of doing things is in line with Qian Jiajia's aesthetic sense.

Maybe he really responded to those words, and the turtle looked at the tortoise.

Yang Jun can only wish them happiness for thousands of years.

"Come on, sit in the room."

Yang Jun opened the office door and let him in.

Although he despised this guy, Qian Jiajia still had to give him face.

Besides, if the mushroom cultivation thing comes to fruition, this guy will definitely be transferred by Uncle Qian.

He thought, don't offend him if you can. Many friends are better than many enemies in this world.

Before Yang Jun came, Huang Yani had already stewed water on the stove. At this time, the water temperature was just right, and Yang Jun made him a cup of tea.

Liang Shan held the tea cup and glanced at the tea leaves in the cup. Without saying a word, he stood up and poured the tea into the flower pot, then picked up the kettle and poured himself a cup of boiled water.

When Yang Jun saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched.

That was the potted plant that Yi Qiu Shui had just delivered. It had died within 48 hours. If Yi Qiu Shui found out, he would be scolded.

However, it's too late to stop it now.

Yang Jun could only sing "The Mantra of Rebirth" to the potted flower in his heart.

Liang Shan is just a country bumpkin, and he has no idea that he just did something disgusting.

He didn't even realize where he was wrong, just like when he went out in the middle of the night, he liked to take the principle of being near and pee under the tree in his yard.

He didn't think there was anything wrong, and in his mind, he felt that these people who raised flowers and plants were too pretentious.

"Director Yang, thank you for your help with Jiajia and I. Look, I feel a little embarrassed for giving such a big credit to me."

Liang Shan took a sip of boiled water and then spoke.

"It's nothing. I'm a member of my family and don't say those polite words."

Yang Jun endured the discomfort in his heart and said casually.

"That's not possible. Although I, Liangshan, have no education or other abilities, I know that a person must be conscientious. After thinking about it, I feel that I cannot be greedy for this credit alone."

"What do you want?"

After a few words, Yang Jun's impression of him improved somewhat.

"I was wondering if I could take the lead and conduct this mushroom experiment in the name of the steel rolling mill."

When Yang Jun heard this, he was immediately impressed by these two guys.

If this guy is speaking from his heart, Yang Jun gives him a thumbs up for this sentiment. If he is looking for a steel rolling mill to jack up the cylinder in order to avoid risks, then his thoughts are not simple.

Looking at this honest and honest face, Yang Jun couldn't tell for a moment whether he was really honest or whether he had a dishonest heart hidden under his honest face.

In any case, if he has this kind of thought, he is still somewhat enlightened.

It is true that he cannot bear such great credit for the success of mushroom cultivation. These days, everything is about collective strength. If one day, such great news suddenly comes out, no one will believe it.

Just imagine, a person who hasn't graduated from junior high school and can't even get enough to eat would have the energy to conduct this experiment.

Even if the experiment was successful in Liang Shan's hands, everyone's first reaction was that someone must want to make this person famous, so they took the collective honor to achieve his personal success.

"Comrade Lao Liang, that's good, that's very good. I'm happy for you that you have such an awareness."

Yang Jun stood up, patted Liang Shan on the shoulder with a smile, and then sat next to him.

"Just do what you say. I will ask people to cooperate with you and give you whatever you want. I just hope this matter can be implemented as soon as possible."

When Liang Shan heard this, he was so excited that he couldn't express it in words.

"Director, don't worry, I will never let you down."

"Well, do your best, I'm optimistic about you."

"Then...if nothing happens, I'll go back first."

"Okay, go get busy."

Yang Jun sent Liang Shan out of the office with a smile.

Watching Liang Shan's back walking further and further away, the smile on his face gradually solidified.

When I got back to the house, I picked up the phone and called.

"Qian Jiajia, I have to give you two pots of flowers before noon, otherwise I will be rude to your stupid boyfriend."

After saying that, before Qian Jiajia could react, he hung up the phone.

If the potted plant died after surviving 48 hours, Yi Qiushui wouldn't say anything. But it was less than 48 hours now. If she knew that he was fed to death by tea again, how could she spare him?

Therefore, he had to get this done before lunch.

Recently, for some reason, Yi Qiushui often came to his place to eat.

Moreover, every time I eat, I have to go to the window sill and walk around.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Jun began to process the documents.

About an hour later, Huang Yani told him that someone outside gave him flowers.

When Yang Jun heard this, he thought that Qian Jiajia was sensible, otherwise, he would really attack his silly boyfriend.

"Move in."

Huang Yani opened and closed her lips several times when she heard the words, but finally complied.

"Okay, director."

Within 5 minutes, someone started moving flowers to his office.

Huang Yani stood at the door of the office, instructing the workers to place flower pots. "There are five pots on the windowsill. Yes, if you squeeze them, you can put one more pot."

"Put two more basins on the bookcase. Put them inside so they don't hit anyone."

"Put four more pots on the sofa."


Huang Yani kept instructing the workers on how to place the flower pots.

As time went by, Yang Jun realized that something was wrong.

He stopped writing and looked up.

It didn't matter, it startled him.

This is not an office, it's just a greenhouse.

There are potted plants everywhere in the room. They are so densely packed that it looks scary. There is almost no place to stand.

"Stop, what's going on?"

Yang Jun quickly stopped and pointed at the potted plants and asked.

Huang Yani said with a bitter face: "Director, I don't know what's going on. I'll move in if you ask me to."

Yang Jun was speechless. Why is this secretary so stupid? If he asked you to move in, you would move everything.

"How many have not been moved?"

Huang Yani blinked and grinned.
"There's more than half left, they sent a truckload."

When Yang Jun heard this, he almost laughed angrily.

This girl is pretty good enough. She knows she can't fit in the office but she still continues to move. What's the point?

"Stop moving, let each office be divided."

"Okay, director."

When Huang Yani heard this, she immediately beamed.

"Excuse me, Master, please move twenty pots to my office first."

Hey, women are beautiful creatures.

When something good happens, the first thing that comes to mind is yourself.

The right amount of potted plants can indeed help increase enthusiasm for work, but too much can cause discomfort.

No, Yang Jun was sneezing, it seemed like he was allergic to pollen.

Finally, when she couldn't bear it anymore, she called Huang Yani and moved all the flowers in the office, leaving only the pot of birch flowers given by Yi Qiushui.

As soon as all the flowers were moved, Yang Jun received a call from Yi Qiushui.

"Little Yangyang, I heard that you received a truckload of flowers. Remember to leave a few pots for me. I will move over at noon."

"Okay...well, aunt..."

Yang Jun hung up the phone, looked up to the sky with a grimace and screamed,
"Why is my life so miserable?"

There was no other way, so Yang Jun could only run to the office next door and ask Huang Yani to pick out a few pots of good ones and send them to his office.

When I returned to the office, I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for lunch.

So I carried four enamel jars downstairs.

He first went to a cafeteria, ordered four white-flour steamed buns and left.

Then I went to the Second Canteen and ordered four more steamed buns.

In a blink of an eye, about ten minutes passed before Yang Jun returned to the office carrying four enamel jars.

When they returned to the office, Yi Qiushui and Ding Qiunan had been waiting for a long time.

"Little Yangyang, what can you make delicious?"

Yi Qiushui sat on the sofa, Qiongbi sniffed the air, looking expectant.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes. This tiger girl didn't know that everyone in the factory knew the nickname "Little Sheep".

Ding Qiunan was already accustomed to the flirting between them. She quickly stood up and took the lunch box from Yang Jun's hand.

While opening the lid of the box, he announced the name of the dish: "Braised yellow beef, saliva chicken, stir-fried kidney..."

Ding Qiunan was about to open the last lunch box, but was stopped by Yang Jun.

"Don't open this, take it home and give it to your grandma to try."

When Ding Qiunan heard this, his eyes suddenly turned red.

I was so moved that I burst into tears.

In fact, she didn't even need to open the lunch box. She knew it was rock candy elbows just by smelling it.

Yang Jun didn't like eating elbows, but Yi Qiushui disliked eating them to gain weight, so in the end, he always got an advantage over her.

However, even so, Yang Jun still often orders rock sugar elbow.

There was no other reason than to take care of her grandma.

"Brother-in-law, thank you."

Ding Qiunan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands, choked and unable to speak.

"Hey, I just hope there is one less person in the world who points at my nose and calls my surname Yang, then I will be satisfied."

Yang Jun grabbed the steamed bun and gnawed it, looking cynical.


The two of them immediately laughed from ear to ear.

Yi Qiushui, in particular, could better understand how Yang Jun was feeling at this moment.

Recently, many people have pointed at Yang Jun and called him Yang.

The first person who said this was herself, then Luo Yanhong, and then Qian Jiajia.

"Okay, stop being a monster and eat quickly."

Yi Qiushui patted him gently and brought him the tea.

While several people were enjoying their meal, someone entered the office door uninvited.

A slightly majestic figure, with one hand on his hips, pointed at Yang Jun with the other and cursed,

"Yang, you are so heartless. You eat meat without even thinking about leaving a mouthful of soup for me. You are so cruel."

After looking up to see who was coming, Yang Jun's head was covered with black lines.

"Wang Erwa, your uncle's..."

(End of this chapter)

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