Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 420 I shouldn’t appear in the grass

Chapter 420 I shouldn’t appear in the grass

Yang Jun and Ma Juzi drove home directly.

Parking the car in front of his house, he went to the house next door.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a couple sitting in the yard, both in their 50s.

Both of them also wear glasses. Judging from their clothes, they are the kind of educated people.

"Director Yang, I have admired you for a long time."

The man stood up and cupped his fists.

"Do you know me?" Yang Jun asked.

"We can't even speak of acquaintance. It's more appropriate to describe her as a spiritual friend." The man said with a smile.

"How do you say that?"

On the road just now, Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi about the specific plot of the conversation. He did not tell the couple anything about him. Yang Jun was inevitably surprised when he was recognized by the couple at this meeting.

You know, it's been a year since he moved here and he never socializes with the neighbors. Everyone just nods when they meet, but he didn't expect that he has become someone else's best friend.

"I'm Hu Hai, this is my wife Kuang Ning. We are both colleagues of Ran Zaixiong. That's why I just said that I have been friends with Director Yang for a long time."

When Yang Jun heard this, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that the father and Ran Qiuye's father are colleagues.

If Hu Hai hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have known Ran Qiuye's father's name. He usually called him Professor Ran.

Yang Jun's first impression of Hu Hai was that he was an old master who liked to read and talk nonsense.

However, he also understands that after all, he is a person from that era and has learned the Confucian way, so he always likes to call himself old man when he speaks.

"Hello, Professor Hu, hello Professor Kuang." Yang Jun greeted quickly.

"You're welcome, Director Yang, please come inside."

Hu Hai guided Yang Jun into the living room with one hand.

In fact, as soon as Yang Jun entered the door, he began to look at the structure of this family's house.

Not to mention, it was much more beautiful than his own courtyard, with covered bridges, waterside pavilions, and elegant pavilions. However, what impressed him the most was that this courtyard was very quiet.

Especially the second entrance to the courtyard is even more isolated from the outside world, like a paradise.

Yang Jun fell in love with this yard at first sight.

Hu Hai is worthy of being a man of culture and knows how to arrange gardens. Every plant and tree in the yard is taken care of in an orderly manner.

Hu Hai did not regard Yang Jun as an outsider. He seemed to intend to let him visit the entire yard and took him to the guest room in the backyard.

"Director Yang, please have tea."

Kuang Ning brought Yang Jun a cup of tea.

"Thank you Professor Kuang."

Yang Jun bowed slightly to thank him.

Kuang Ning seemed to come from a scholarly family and had a good education. After nodding slightly, he sat on the seat next to him.

Yang Jun took a sip, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he blurted out: "Good tea!"

"This is this year's rainy tea. Director Yang might as well taste it."

Hu Hai stroked his beard, smiled and nodded.

When Yang Jun heard that it was Yuqian tea, he couldn't help but taste it two more times.

The taste is mellow, sweet at first and then sweet.

Good tea.

I am used to drinking 'Lao Ban Zhang', but this rainy tea has a unique taste.

The three of them sat there, drinking tea and chatting.

They seemed to be chatting about tea, but they were both thinking about what to say next.

"Director Yang, I have two things to ask for. I wonder if you are willing to help?"

After half a cup of tea, Hu Hai put the cup in his hand and looked at Yang Jun with a smile.

Yang Jun heard this and said seriously: "Professor Hu, please tell me, I will never refuse if I can do it."

I have to admire the intellectuals for keeping silent about the house.

You know, the reason why Professor Hu agreed to sell the house was because he put forward two conditions.

It was obviously Yang Jun who begged him to buy a house, but now it was him who asked Yang Jun for something.

It can be said that Hu Hai gave Yang Jun a lot of face.

The reason why Professor Hu said this was to leave a step for each other to avoid embarrassment.

Upon hearing this, Hu Hai and his wife Kuang Ning looked at each other, and then they both nodded secretly.

"First thing, I hope Director Yang can give my wife and I an opportunity to serve the country at the steel rolling mill."

"no problem."

When Yang Jun heard this, he agreed directly without thinking.

"Archives Manager, what do you two think?"

Yang Jun knew in his heart that with the status and status of Hu Hai and Kuang Ning, taking any position in the steel rolling mill would be a disgrace to his status. At the same time, he also understood that the reason why they went to work in the steel rolling mill was definitely not for status and power.

As for the archives administrator, the job is easy, and there are usually no people there to disturb them, which is suitable for people with their status to work.

"Thank you!"

Hu Hai smiled and nodded towards Yang Jun.

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with the position arranged by Yang Jun.

"The second thing is that I will move to the dormitory of the steel rolling mill as soon as possible. I hope Director Yang can take care of me by then."

Yang Jun heard this, thought for a moment, and immediately said: "No problem, I promise you."

Yang Jun understood in his heart what Hu Hai meant by taking care of him.

Now, he finally understood the meaning of Hu Hai's words.

The couple and Ran Zaixiong are the same kind of people, and their lives are difficult.

Perhaps they heard the news from Ran Zaixiong. They learned that the reason why Ran Zaixiong lived a stable life was entirely due to Yang Jun's care. They thought of taking the opportunity of selling the house to reach an agreement with Yang Jun.

At this time, Hu Hai and his wife Kuang Ning looked at each other, then both stood up, came to Yang Jun, and bowed deeply.

"Director Yang, thank you."

"You must not do it. What are you two doing?"

Yang Jun quickly stood up and returned the salute.

"Director Yang, you can bear this gift. You have done me a great favor. Please sit down."

After a while of polite greetings, several people sat down again.

At this time, Kuang Ning gave Yang Jun another cup of tea.

"Director Yang, you don't know something. My son's family has settled abroad. My wife and I have long wanted to go over and help take care of our grandson, but...hey, let's not talk about it anymore."

Speaking of this, Hu Hai's expression darkened and he sighed repeatedly.

"Professor Hu, I understand what you said. I believe that one day, your family will be reunited. Of course, I will definitely do what I promised you. As long as I am the director of the steel rolling mill, you two will Keep your heart in your belly.”

"Thank you, thank you very much." Hu Hai's eyes were red, and something crystal clear appeared in his eyes. Even Kuang Ning, who was sitting next to him, was moved and silently wiped away tears.

At this time, Hu Hai tremblingly took off a bunch of keys from his belt and handed them over with both hands.

"Director Yang, from now on, this courtyard is yours."

Hu Hai breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You have helped us so much, we are willing to give this courtyard to you for free."

"This is not okay, this is absolutely not okay."

When Yang Jun heard this, he suddenly panicked and waved his hands repeatedly: "Professor Hu, this is absolutely impossible. I am just fulfilling the agreed terms. I will pay you the price I agreed on before."

When Hu Hai heard this, he laughed loudly and said: "Director Yang, the ten large yellow croakers I mentioned before were just a joke. The reason why I ask for such a high price is because I want to talk to you in person."

"That won't work. If you don't accept the gold bars, all the conditions I promised you will be void." Yang Jun said seriously.

He needs a house, but he will never get it through this method. It is no different from stealing. Besides, he doesn't bother to do it.


Hu Hai looked at Yang Jun with a troubled expression.

At this time, Kuang Ning came over.

"I think it's better to do this. Factory Director Yang will give us a house in the factory for the old couple, and it's just a house change. How about that?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"There happen to be two cadre houses in my factory, but no one is living in them yet. If you two don't mind, let's change houses."

Having said this, Yang Jun paused for a moment and then said: "Of course, I know that even if you change the house, it will be a big advantage for you, so I decided to find you five more large yellow croakers."

Yang Jun thought, there happened to be two sets of housing in the factory, so it would be better to use one to exchange rooms with them. In this case, there would be no need to arrange separate dormitories for them in the factory.

"This... can't be done. We, an old couple, are buried up to our necks in loess. We just need a nest to shelter from the wind and rain. If we ask for more money, it is really unreasonable. Besides, you have helped me." We are very busy." Hu Hai said.

"Yes, Director Yang, let alone changing houses, even our courtyard house is not worth five large yellow croakers." Kuang Ning agreed.

Yang Jun raised his hand to stop them from continuing.

"Two old men, I, Yang Jun, am not the kind of person who bullies others. If you don't accept this condition, you don't want this courtyard house."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he waved his hand, turned around and walked out.

Not to mention changing houses, even buying this courtyard house with ten large yellow croakers, he felt that he had made a lot of money.

He came from a later life and knew exactly how much a courtyard house cost. If he were to get the house in this way, he would not be able to justify it in his conscience.

"Director Yang, we agree."

When Hu Hai saw Yang Jun was about to leave, he immediately stopped him.

"Director Yang, look how embarrassing this is, I..."

"Okay, Professor Hu, don't say more about what you and I are willing to do. Do you think we will take the time to complete the room change procedures?"

Hu Hai laughed loudly when he heard this: "I think it's better to choose a day than to hit it. Let's do it this afternoon. The procedures will be completed as soon as possible. Don't worry, I can't worry, right?"

"Professor Hu, feel free. I'll go home and get the white booklet now. I'll wait for you at the door."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he trotted home.

He was so excited. He liked this courtyard house so much that he wanted to move in tonight.

After returning home, he asked Ma Juzi to move the box, took five gold bars and asked him to send them next door.

Then, he went back to the bedroom to get the white book to transfer the property.

The transfer procedure was very simple. Both parties changed houses voluntarily, with no conditions attached. When the clerk saw that there were no problems, he completed the procedures.

Looking at the brand new real estate certificate, Yang Jun's heart almost jumped out of excitement.

He had never been so happy to own two courtyard houses before, but Hu Hai's courtyard house is a courtyard house in the traditional sense and is in line with the Chinese aesthetic style.

That afternoon, Professor Hu Hai and his wife were in a hurry to move, but Yang Jun told them there was no rush.

But they didn't listen, insisting that the house no longer belonged to them and it would be awkward to live in it anymore.

Yang Jun couldn't resist them, so he had to call the factory to send a truck to help them move.

Hu Hai had so many things that a truck almost failed to load it.

He has so many books that they take up half of the carriage, and the rest are his collection of mahogany furniture.

Fortunately, there were so many people helping him move this time, and they moved there that afternoon.

After they left, Yang Jun returned to the courtyard and admired the layout again.

I heard that Yang Jun bought another courtyard house, and Wang Yuying and others also came to visit.

"Junzi, how much will this cost?"

Wang Yuying was stunned by this exquisite courtyard house and exclaimed from time to time.

"Mom, I didn't spend any money. I exchanged this courtyard house for the cadre housing in the factory."

Yang Jun didn't dare to tell the truth.

According to Wang Yuying's calculating temperament, if she knew that she had exchanged a cadre housing plus five large yellow croakers for this courtyard house, she would have to break his legs.

What is the concept of five large yellow croakers? When converted into money, they cost 5000 yuan. She would never earn that much in her ten lifetimes.

"It's a good deal, it's such a deal. It's worth trading an idle house for such a big yard."

Wang Yuying didn't mind the pain in her legs anymore, so she took Yang Laosi and the others around every room.

"That's right, it doesn't matter whose son I am, can we do anything to suffer a loss?"

It was rare that Wang Yuying was so happy, so Yang Jun quickly gave her a rainbow fart.

"Okay, don't sell melons and brag yourself."

Wang Yuying's face straightened up and she said, "Hurry up and clean up. We, the ladies, will move here so we can make room for your sister."

When Yang Jun heard this, his face darkened.

Regarding feelings, Wang Yuying had already arranged the house.

Their mothers helped this second person enter the hospital, leaving the original single-family hospital to Yang Mei.

In fact, Yang Jun originally planned this.

However, when this arrangement comes from other people's mouth, it always feels like making wedding clothes for others.

"Mom, you said there is no such possibility."

When Yang Jun spoke, he stayed a little farther away from Wang Yuying. After maintaining a safe distance, he continued,
"When you gave birth to me, did the nurse hold the wrong baby?"

Wang Yuying was not angry when she heard this. She looked at the sky and sighed: "No, you didn't hug me by mistake."

"It was a cold winter. I heard an evil beast barking in the grass. I felt soft-hearted at that time, so I took him home and later raised him. This evil beast left for more than ten years..."

The more Yang Jun listened, the darker his face became.

This scream from an evil beast was particularly heartbreaking.

Finally I couldn't listen anymore.

"Mom, please stop talking, I was wrong."

"Oh, where did you go wrong?" Wang Yuying asked.

"My mistake was that I shouldn't have appeared in that patch of grass."

"Bastard, die..."

(End of this chapter)

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