Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 415: Power can carry a car

Chapter 415: Power can carry a car
Yang Jun will not get used to Ma Wumei's problem.

Every girl is hungry. Not only do you want to imitate female celebrities, marry your husband and raise children, but you are still a militant.

Not to mention this, I also imitate other people's gambling.

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you have to bring in a bunch of female soldiers.

And every time the winnings are huge, they can easily amount to five kilograms of grain.

Let me ask you, each person only has more than 20 kilograms of grain per month. Who can afford this?

It's okay if you win, but what if you lose?
Especially if a woman loses, how should she explain to her family?Isn't this inciting the couple to fight?
"This is the last time. If I find you gambling privately again, I will deduct your salary for that month. I will do what I say."

Yang Jun put down these words and took Sun Zhaodi away.

These people turn a deaf ear to what they say. Unless they mean something serious, they won't take it seriously.

Yang Jun took Sun Zhaodi to buy cotton clothes.

When they arrived at the parking lot of the office building, Yang Jun threw the car keys to her.

"You drive."

"Uncle Yang, I...I only learned it a few days ago..."

Sun Zhaodi held the car keys in her hand, looking embarrassed.

"The less skilled you are, the more you have to learn."

Yang Jun didn't give her a chance to refuse, and jumped directly into the passenger seat, looking at her with a leisurely expression.

Yi Qiushui is now the director of the Steel Rolling Mill Hospital. She is a division-level cadre and enjoys special car treatment. The hospital has just been built, and many tasks require her to do errands in person. She goes to the Health Commission and the medical factory to purchase equipment and medicines, almost every day. Too busy to even touch the ground.

Yang Jun had no choice but to ask Ma Juzi to drive for her during this period, and he could only drive to and from get off work by himself every day.

The weather was cold and he was too lazy to drive. It would be really inconvenient without a driver, so he could only let Sun Zhaodi drive while learning.

Sun Zhaodi took the car keys and hesitated there for a long time.

Seeing that Yang Jun had no room for negotiation, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and come forward.

"Uncle Yang, you have to keep an eye on me later."

Sun Zhaodi said worriedly while inserting the car keys.

"I know, you can drive boldly."

In fact, there is really nothing to learn about cars.

In his previous life, he remembered that when he owned his first car, he didn't have a driver's license at that time, and he couldn't even get started with it.

The more you indifferently ignore something, the easier it is to master it. The more you value and respect it, the more it will make a fool of you.

The same goes for learning to drive. If no one teaches you, you will figure it out on your own sooner or later. The more the instructor sits next to you, the more nervous you will be, and the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Seeing Yang Jun's absent-minded attitude, Sun Zhaodi became bolder, so she turned the key, stepped on the accelerator, released the brake, and slowly followed the steps taught by Ma Wumei.

The car started and started running, but it stopped and jumped like a rooster that suddenly crows and is suddenly choked.

"Release the brakes and put on the gas."

Yang Jun endured his physical discomfort and taught her patiently.

"Yes, that's it. Keep your hands steady."

Under Yang Jun's guidance, Sun Zhaodi was finally able to drive normally.

Sun Zhaodi held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, stared ahead, and silently recited the operating steps in her heart. The car unexpectedly

It can also drive smoothly on the road.

“When you encounter a pit, slow down.”

"When driving, always look in the rearview mirror on both sides."

While driving, Yang Jun taught her what to pay attention to.

"Don't hold the steering wheel so tightly, relax."

Not to mention, Sun Zhaodi learned very quickly and was able to operate it freely in a short time.

After driving five or six miles in one breath, she was no longer as nervous as before.

"Well, very good."

Yang Jun sat on the passenger seat with his arms folded, staring ahead and reminding her from time to time.

"Uncle Yang, after you taught me this, I'm not so nervous anymore."

Sun Zhaodi's face became much more relaxed as she drove. At this time, she was able to talk to Yang Jun sideways while driving.

"What's there to be nervous about? Drive another kilometer and you'll be ready to leave." Yang Jun lit a cigarette and said with squinted eyes.

Despite his absent-minded look, he was quite worried just now.

In order to cultivate her talent as soon as possible, Yang Jun did not hesitate to spend his life practicing driving with her.

Now, seeing that she is on the road, the anxious heart just now is finally relieved.

"Yes, I also think I can become a master. Hehe, Uncle Yang, you are much better than Sister Ma."

Yang Jun raised the corners of his mouth, looking very accomplished.

"Well, not bad, remember to walk around the pit in front."

Yang Jun said while pointing to the slightly larger tunnel in front.

"Uncle Yang, I'm watching..."

Before he finished his sentence, he heard a bang and the car sank into the pit.

The two of them stumbled forward. If there was no windshield, they would have jumped out directly.

"Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on it?"

Yang Jun asked with a grin on his face, covering his painful forehead.

"I...I'm watching..."

Sun Zhaodi's face turned red and she whispered softly.

Yang Jun was truly speechless now.

I asked you to avoid some pitfalls, but it's better for you.

Is this how you looked at it, driving straight past the pit?
"Okay, give me some gas."

Yang Jun didn't dare to blame too much, fearing that she would become afraid of cars, so he urged her.

"Buzz!" A roar came, and the car sped up and returned to its starting point.

Sun Zhaodi's face turned red and she glanced at Yang Jun secretly.

Seeing that he didn't mean to blame, he stepped on the accelerator.


"Buzz! Buzz!"


Half a minute passed. Instead of climbing out of the pit, the car sank deeper and deeper.

Yang Jun couldn't sit still anymore, sighed, got up and got out of the car to check.

It didn't matter. The left half of the front wheel was stuck in the mud.

Yang Jun's heart sank. Now he was in trouble. He might have to call a car to pull him, or he would have to find someone to help him push the car.

But this place has no shops in front of it, no pedestrians on the road, and no one to help push the cart.

Fortunately, this place is not far from the steel rolling mill, when Yang Jun just wanted Sun Zhaodi to go back and call a taxi.

He looked back and saw an incredible scene happening before his eyes.

Sun Zhaodi was doing something he couldn't even imagine.

I saw her body squatting on the ground, holding the wheels of the car tightly with both hands, and lifting the car with a squeaking sound.

This Paris Jeep weighed at least 1.5 tons. Even after the average weight of the four wheels was divided, it would still weigh [-] to [-] kilograms. He did not believe that Sun Zhaodi could lift it.

However, as soon as the idea came to his mind, he was slapped in the face.

I saw the jeep moving slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, the jeep moved half a meter sideways, and the wheels were lifted out of the mud pit.

"Hey, Uncle Yang, let's leave quickly, or we won't be able to catch lunch when we get back."

Sun Zhaodi patted the dirt on her hands and walked over with a smile.

"You cow."

Yang Jun gave her a thumbs up and went back to the car without saying anything.

What more can he say?
Faced with this perversion, he could only express his admiration.

In the past, he thought Ma Juzi and Yang Anguo were perverted enough, but unexpectedly, this Sun Zhaodi refreshed his understanding.

Fortunately, he had good intentions and formed a good relationship with Sun Dashan's family, otherwise he would not have met a treasure like Sun Zhaodi.

This girl has a simple mind, simple ideas in her mind, and is loyal. She is the best candidate for driver and security guard.

He was completely reassured by handing Yi Qiushui to her.

He took great care of Sun Zhaodi, giving him money and food stamps, and sending clothes to her family. He was just trying to win her over for his own use.

Today I took her to buy cotton clothes, the purpose was still to win over her.

However, when Sun Zhaodi saw that Yang Jun did not blame her for getting the car stuck in the mud, she became more courageous. After that, she became more skillful in driving the car and never let Yang Jun worry about it again.

Yang Jun took her to a clothing store and first chose a large-sized cotton coat for her, and then a pair of size 43 cotton rubber shoes.

Yang Jun asked her to change her clothes to avoid catching a cold in the cold weather.

Stores in this era did not have fitting rooms at all, so the waiter in the store took Sun Zhaodi to the back to change clothes.

After a while, Sun Zhaodi came out.

"Hey, Uncle Yang, it's so warm."

Sun Zhaodi said, looking pretty.

However, she has a kind of inferiority complex in her bones, especially after putting on new clothes and new shoes, she looks more restrained.

"Tell me, are you stupid? You obviously have money, why don't you buy cotton clothes by yourself?"

Yang Jun remembered that she had made a lot of money during the recent period, and the total amount of all the money was less than [-]. Adding in the salary of the past few months, it was not far from [-].

It's so cold that I don't know how to buy myself a new cotton coat.

When Sun Zhaodi heard this, she immediately blushed, lowered her head and rubbed the corners of her clothes.

"I sent it all back home. There is still a famine at home. The money is just enough to pay off the debt."

"It's just that I've almost paid it off now. I'm thinking I'll buy some cotton clothes when I get my salary at the end of the month."

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

What else can he say.

He knew exactly what was going on in Sun Zhaodi's family.

Her mother had a massive hemorrhage when she gave birth at home, and she almost couldn't be rescued when she was sent to the hospital. However, she also owed a large amount of medical expenses for this. In addition, her six younger brothers and sisters died in infancy, which cost a lot of money. It all added up. , and also owed hundreds of dollars for famine.

"You silly kid, tell me if you need money, what should you do if you get frozen in such a cold weather?"

"It's okay, Uncle Yang. I come here every winter. This year is much better than in previous years. At least I have clothes to wear."

"Okay, don't be so pretentious. It's the past year, but as long as I let you, Uncle Yang, meet me, I can't just give in like this anymore. Do you understand?"

Yang Jun said while carrying a large bundle of cotton-padded clothes and trousers from the side.
"These are the cotton clothes I bought for your parents. It's a little thought. Please take the time to send them back."

When Sun Zhaodi heard this, her eyes turned red immediately, with tears shining in her eyes, and she choked with sobs,

"Uncle Yang, I really don't know how to repay you. I'll pay you back after I pay my salary."

"Why pay me back? Your salary is not enough for you. If you pay me back, you will drink the northwest wind."

It was naturally impossible for Yang Jun to ask her to pay back the money.

He knew how hard this girl's family was, and if he wasn't afraid of the negative impact, he would have wanted to help her more.

"Uncle Yang, I..."

Sun Zhaodi's tears flowed down like beads.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let me ask you, have you not gone back to see your parents since you went to work?"

"No, the round trip fare costs more than three yuan..."

When Yang Jun heard this, his nose felt sore.

"Practice hard and drive my car back this weekend. I'll just bring these two cotton clothes back with me."

 Thank you all for your support and wish you all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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