Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 413 Please call me Comrade 2

Chapter 413 Please call me Comrade Erwa

The successful transformation and upgrading of machine tools is of great significance to Yang Jun.

This is his capital and the achievements made under his leadership. No one can deny this.

He must seize this opportunity, must use this to achieve results, and bring the glory of the steel rolling mill to a higher level.

He wanted to take advantage of the popularity of "The Barefoot Doctor's Manual" to make the name of the steel rolling mill known to the whole country.

This is a reform of epoch-making significance. You must know that once this transformation and upgrading drawing is announced, all machine tools in the country will bring huge production efficiency, and the total gross national product will also be further improved.

By then, he, the pioneer of reform, will be in the spotlight.

The next day, I went to work.

Yuan Kaizong followed in.

"Lao Yang, I heard that the machine tools in our factory have been successfully upgraded. Why didn't I know about this beforehand?"

Yang Jun first made himself a cup of tea, and then walked over holding the teacup.

"The transformation was successful yesterday, so I haven't had time to tell you yet."

When Yuan Kaizong heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Yang Jun's words were too unreliable. For such a big thing as the upgrading of machine tools, it would be impossible to complete the transformation overnight without transformation drawings and dozens or hundreds of experiments. He felt that Yang Jun must be deliberately hiding it from him. .

Even though the two work together, they are also in a competitive relationship.

Although Yuan Kaizong will retire in two years, it does not mean that he is not determined to give it a try.

Of course, the fight here does not mean getting rid of Yang Jun.

Yuan Kaizong also knew that this was unrealistic. He only hoped that Yang Jun would be promoted due to his performance, so that the only person who could take over his position would be him, a senior official of the factory.

"Now that the transformation is successful, Lao Yang, do you think we should report it to the superiors immediately?"

Seeing the cold look on Yang Jun's face, Yuan Kaizong quickly explained: "After all, is this the result of our leadership? Even if you don't care, we can't chill the hearts of the workers."

Yang Jun disliked Yuan Kaizong's eagerness for quick success.

Before the matter was guaranteed to be safe, we reported it rashly.

At the very least, you have to wait for the machine to run for a while and report no problems before reporting it.

Besides, he approved this machine tool upgrade. You must know that he also takes a lot of risks. A machine tool costs hundreds of thousands. If the upgrade fails, he will be the first responsible person.

It's good now. As soon as he got some results, he wanted to pick the fruit. How could such a good thing happen?

"Lao Yuan, there's no rush. The machine is still in the debugging stage. It won't be too late to report it after it runs stably."

Yuan Kaizong saw Yang Jun's cold eyes and his tone of voice became less friendly.

I felt confused, knowing that I was too impatient, so I hurriedly said,
"Yes, Lao Yang, you are right. It is not too late to report it after the machine tool has been running for a period of time."

Afterwards, Yuan Kaizong stopped mentioning the machine tool modification. The two chatted casually for a while, and he went back.

After Yuan Kaizong left, Yang Jun immediately locked the office and went to the security department downstairs.

Find Wang Erwa.

"Lao Wang, did Korean workers send the drawings for machine tool modifications for safekeeping yesterday?"

"It's here. I sent two people to guard it last night."

Wang Erwa poured tea for Yang Jun and asked in a low voice: "Old Yang, what kind of drawing is this? I have never seen you pay so much attention to it?"

Wang Erwa must be curious. Yang Jun never paid so much attention to the [-]th machine drawings sent by the military factory before, but instead regarded this ordinary upgrade drawing as a treasure.

Therefore, he took it very seriously. As soon as he received the drawings, he immediately put them in the safe and arranged for two trustworthy people to guard them.

"You are right. In the next few months, there should be no mistakes in this drawing." Yang Jun frowned.

"In addition, send two more people to protect Huang Zhiqiang and prevent him from having casual contact with outsiders."


Wang Erwa frowned for a long time, then relaxed her brows and said: "Oh, I understand, don't worry, I will let He Dazhuang personally lead people to protect him, and I will never let anyone with intentions to try on him."

Yang Jun crossed his legs and said thoughtfully: "This is not enough. Send two more people to take turns guarding the machine tool. No one is allowed to touch the lathe."

"Okay, I see, I'll arrange it right away."

After giving instructions to Wang Erwa, Yang Jun went to the workshop.

There were two experienced masters who arranged the evening shift yesterday, one was a sixth-level lathe and the other was a seventh-level lathe.

The reason why Han Shengli arranged for the two of them was to test to the extreme whether the modified lathe was as expected.

No, when the shift changed in the morning, the two old masters had not gone back yet, and they stayed to report to the leaders on the use of the machine tools.

As soon as he arrived at the workshop, Yang Jun found that the lathe was crowded with people.

Liu Feng, the deputy director in charge of production, was also on site, as were many engineers from the technical department and workers in the workshop.

At this time, Liu Feng listened to the report of the two lathes with a solemn face.

As he listened, he kept nodding his head with a smile on his lips.

As soon as Yang Jun arrived, everyone immediately moved out of the way.

"Tell me about the operation of the machine."

As soon as Yang Jun entered, he didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

While listening, he touched the machine with his hand, seemingly checking if there was any problem.

"Director, everything is running well and there are no problems with the machine tools."

The speaker was Master Zhao, a seventh-level worker who used the machine on the night shift last night. While reporting the use of the machine tool to Yang Jun, he kept sighing,

"I, Lao Zhao, have been dealing with machine tools all my life. I have never seen such a fast machine tool. If the modification had been successful earlier, we wouldn't have to work overtime every day."

Yang Jun didn't have time to listen to his complaints and asked directly: "What's the product qualification rate?"


Master Zhao seemed to sense that Yang Jun was impatient. This time he did not hesitate and directly stated the passing rate.

Master Zhao said as he handed over a list.

Yang Jun took it and took a look. It recorded the production data of this machine tool.

The machine tool ran for a total of ten hours and produced a total of 420 workpieces. The pass rate of these workpieces was over 99%.

"Is the data correct?" Yang Jun asked.

"Director, you can't be wrong. This was recorded by Master Wang and I."

When Master Zhao spoke, he pointed to the old master next to him who worked the night shift with him.

"Director, what Lao Zhao said is right. This data was tested by the two of us personally. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

When Yang Jun heard this, he nodded and said, "That's right. Thank you for your hard work."

"Director, you're welcome. This is what we should do."

Yang Jun turned back to chief engineer Han Shengli and said: "Engineer Han, continue testing today for three consecutive days. Before handing over every shift, you must put the data on my desk."

Han Shengli said: "Factory director, don't worry, I've been keeping an eye on it personally for the past few days and trying to collect the first-hand and most authentic data."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he returned, taking with him the data report.

At this time, Liu Feng caught up.

"Lao Yang, I didn't expect you to do something big secretly. It's unreasonable to hide such a big thing from me, the director of the production plant."

When Yang Jun heard this, his head turned black.

Why do some people always think that he is hiding it on purpose?

It had only been one day since he decided to transform the machine until it was successful. Even he didn't think the transformation could be completed in such a short time. Why did everyone feel that he was deliberately hiding it from them.

Of course, even if he told the truth, others wouldn't believe it.

He also knew that the biggest contributor to the successful transformation and upgrade was Huang Zhiqiang.This guy came back from studying abroad, bringing with him advanced foreign technology and a passion for serving the country. Therefore, he was able to successfully transform the machine tool in the shortest possible time.

"Old Liu, I didn't hide this from you on purpose. This happened since yesterday..."

Yang Jun looked at him with a look of disbelief on his face and sighed: "Forget it, I won't explain it either. As for you, as the deputy director in charge of production, you have to keep an eye on it recently to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Liu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lao Yang, once this is successful, I, as the deputy director, will also have face."

The conversation changed and he said: "Old Yang, once it is confirmed that the machine tool transformation is successful, can we carry out batch transformation?"

Yang Jun thought for a moment and said: "Don't rush it now. Let's run it for a while. The orders from a year ago are urgent. Even if we need to renovate, we have to complete this batch of orders."

"Yes, there is no need to rush this matter. Let's finish the list in front of us first and then talk about it." Liu Feng nodded.

"Okay, Lao Liu, stop following me and go get to work." Yang Jun said.

"Okay, then I will go to work first."

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he turned around and trotted all the way to the workshop.

Yang Jun came back from the workshop. As soon as he arrived at the office building, he saw Wang Erwa standing in the security door and waving to him constantly.

"I said, Mr. Wang next door, which widow did you hook up with again? What are you doing sneakily?"

Seeing his mysterious look, Yang Jun got angry.

"You damn old Yang, don't call me next door Lao Wang from now on."

When Wang Erwa heard this, she immediately became unhappy and curled her lips and said, "Please call me Comrade Erwa from now on."

Although he didn't understand what Yang Jun meant by Lao Wang next door, he knew that once he got involved with the widow, nothing good would happen.

"Okay, Comrade Erwa, tell me, do you owe the widow money again? Brother, I can't just die without saving you, can I?"

Yang Jun came to his office, sat on the sofa, took out a dime and threw it over.

"Fuck off, I have something serious to tell you."

Wang Erwa laughed and cursed, but she honestly stuffed the dime into her pocket.

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

"Yuan Kaizong just went to see Huang Zhiqiang. I think this matter is not simple. You should pay attention."

Yang Jun snorted coldly when he heard this.

"Dogs can't stop eating shit."

Not long after he left, he started to get busy.

Before, he was jumping up and down about the 'Barefoot Doctor's Manual'. Now that the machine tools are being upgraded, he wants to get a piece of the pie. Does he really think he is just a decoration?
"Go and invite Huang Gong. I have something to tell him."

"it is good."

Wang Erwa responded, went back to her seat, and grabbed the phone.

"Go and invite yourself."

Yang Jun glared at him.

"Okay, who calls you the uncle?"

Wang Erwa rolled her eyes and put down the phone angrily.

After a while, Wang Erwa invited Huang Zhiqiang in.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"Sit down, don't hold still."

Yang Jun waved to him to sit down, then winked at Wang Erwa and asked him to pour water.

"Gong Huang, you must have contributed a lot to the successful transformation of the machine this time."

"No, no, it's all thanks to everyone. I just provided an idea, not worth mentioning."

After being awakened by Yang Jun, Huang Zhiqiang became humble and cautious.

He always remembers that the success of this machine transformation and upgrade is the credit of everyone. He will never dare to take credit for God's credit and take it as his own.

"Okay, there are no outsiders here. Your credit belongs to you. No one can take it away. Your achievements are obvious to all. I will keep them in my heart. After a while, if the machine test is successful, I will give it to you. A special commendation meeting is held.”

When Yang Jun said this, he changed the topic and said: "There is something in the factory recently that needs you to do."

"Director, you said, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse." Huang Zhiqiang said.

"Okay, all I need is your attitude."

Yang Jun put down Erlang's legs, leaned forward, and said with a serious face: "Our factory and the arsenal have always had a cooperative relationship. I hope to send you to the arsenal to inspect and see if you can get another big order back."

Huang Zhiqiang frowned deeply when he heard this.

He didn't understand why Yang Jun sent him to investigate.

You must know that the purchasing department is responsible for the orders in the factory. Even if the technical department is involved, most of them are handled by figures such as the section chief. He is just a newcomer to the factory. In terms of qualifications and abilities, he is not qualified. to him.

"Director, I..."

Yang Jun raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you asking why you were sent there?"

"Yes." Huang Zhiqiang nodded honestly.

He found that since dealing with Yang Jun, he had never had the upper hand.

Especially every time I talk to Yang Jun, I always feel like this person can read my mind.

Yang Jun squinted his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth into an intriguing smile.

"Did someone just ask you about the drawings?"

"Yes." Huang Zhiqiang hurriedly defended: "Director, I didn't say anything..."

Yang Jun raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Don't be nervous. If you really said it, you probably wouldn't be talking here."

"I...I know, factory director, believe me, I really didn't say anything."

Huang Zhiqiang realized the seriousness of the matter this time.

Before, he thought that he could achieve success by relying on this transformation drawing. After Yang Jun's kind persuasion, he realized that things were not as ideal as he imagined.

As soon as Yuan Kaizong finished talking to him, Yang Jun knew about it.

Only then did he realize the seriousness of the matter.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything.

Yuan Kaizong asked him for the renovation drawings. He said that they had been sent to the Security Department. Yuan Kaizong asked him to draw a new one. As soon as he arrived at the office, Yang Jun invited him over.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he was glad that he didn't say anything.

"Okay, I know you didn't say it."

Yang Jun patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to calm down, and then said: "The car is outside, get ready to go."

Huang Zhiqiang wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead,
"Okay, director, I'll go back to the dormitory to clean up before setting off."

"No, you leave now."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

When Huang Zhiqiang saw this, he immediately stood up and walked out.

Wang Erwa winked at Yang Jun to reassure him.

This inspection team was formed on the spur of the moment by Yang Jun, with Huang Zhiqiang as the main person in charge and Zhao Haifeng as his deputy. There were also six people from the security department who went with them.

Yang Jun attaches great importance to this machine tool transformation. This matter is related to the honor of the entire steel rolling mill and his future. He will never allow a greedy person to steal the fruits of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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