Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 410 The Difficult Kid

Chapter 410 The Difficult Kid

Yang Jun is older than Wang Yuying in all his previous generations combined. He can understand Wang Yuying's current thoughts.

As a parent.

Everyone wants to see their children start a family and start a business as soon as possible.

Being able to see him in his lifetime can be regarded as a complete meritorious deed.

Yang Jun estimates that when he reaches that age, he will be able to understand Wang Yuying's thoughts.

When I was young, I felt old-fashioned when I saw my parents wearing gray and black cotton hats. But when I reach that age, I will feel that the maid who warms the bed is not as practical as a shabby hat.

Things change and develop, and every age group has a different understanding of life.

Even if your parents give you instructions and instructions, they will never be as memorable as what you have experienced.

In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages to reproducing heirs. The inheritance of heirs is also a continuation of culture. It allows your descendants to understand where they come from and what great achievements their ancestors have made. Of course, the reproduction of heirs will also bring endless benefits. Worries and troubles.

From the moment a child is born, parents are responsible for their child's upbringing, education, and other obligations.

In fact, to put it bluntly, human reproduction is like a tireless machine that keeps turning and cannot stop even if it wants to.

Yang Jun has been very troubled these days.

The new engineer Huang Zhiqiang bothered him every day, sometimes three times a day.

No, as soon as Yang Jun went to work and his butt was still hot, Huang Zhiqiang chased him to the office.

"Huang Gong, don't talk for now. How about you let me drink some hot water to warm my stomach?" Yang Jun said as he poured the water.

Huang Zhiqiang smiled dryly and sat on the sofa, staring at Yang Jun.

On this cold day, there is nothing more pleasant than drinking a cup of hot tea.

"The factory manager..."

Huang Zhiqiang saw that Yang Jun had finished his cup of tea and had no intention of talking about it, so he became anxious.

"Don't say anything, I'll warm your heart again."

Yang Jun waved his hand to interrupt him, then stood up and refilled himself a glass.

This Huang Zhiqiang pesters him every day just for one thing.

He wants to propose an upgrade to the old lathes currently in the steel rolling mill workshop.

How could Yang Jun easily agree to him? It was one month before the end of the year, and all the workshops were busy with orders. It was obviously not possible to propose upgrading the lathe at this moment.

He wanted to wait until the end of the year to talk about it, but Huang Zhiqiang couldn't afford to wait a day, so he said that the transformed lathe would be more productive.

Yang Jun didn't dare to take this risk.

If it succeeds, then that's it. If it doesn't, one lathe represents a production line. Not only will it delay the delivery of orders, it will also cause a waste of productivity.

What's more, a lathe cost tens of thousands of yuan, and it was all imported from Lao Maozi, and it was settled in foreign exchange.

The relationship with Lao Maozi is not very good now. Once the machine breaks down, it is difficult to ask for help. In addition, foreign exchange is tight, and even if you have money, you can't buy a machine.

After finishing one cup, he had another cup. It wasn't until he finished three cups of tea that Yang Jun realized how stupid this decision was.

"You sit down first and I'll put some water in it."

Yang Jun said, holding his stomach.

"Just in time, I'm going to release some water too, let's go together."

Huang Zhiqiang seriously suspected that Yang Jun was planning to escape. He was determined to get it done today, so he would follow Yang Jun wherever he went.

"I'm going to unload the goods and do export business." Yang Jun frowned.

"Me too."

Not to mention, Yang Jun really had plans to escape. He planned to go find Old Wei to play chess, or just go to any workshop, but no one could find him.

"Okay, I'm done with it."

Yang Jun returned to his desk, grabbed the phone, and called Jiang Yitian, the chief of the equipment department.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"Chief Jiang, let me ask you, does our factory have any obsolete lathes?"

"Yes, that's a lot. We have hundreds of lathes in our factory, and some of them are obsolete every year. Why, factory director, what do you want these obsolete equipment for?"

Yang Jun pointed at Huang Zhiqiang and said: "You cooperate with Huang Gong to transform and upgrade the obsolete lathe. Do you know that you must cooperate fully?"

When Huang Zhiqiang heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

"Director, I need to upgrade the existing lathes and hope to put them into use immediately. Those obsolete lathes..."

Yang Jun waved his hand and interrupted: "Huang Gong, this matter is not negotiable. The lathes currently being produced are definitely not good. If you want those obsolete lathes, don't forget it."

Seeing Yang Jun's determined look, Huang Zhiqiang knew that if he persisted, he might not even be able to eliminate the machine tools.

"Okay, factory director, I need help from the old masters in the factory."

"No problem. I, the factory director, fully support your work. You can use anyone in the factory as long as you need it."

Huang Zhiqiang's face twitched.

If he really fully supports his work, why should he experiment on the obsolete lathe? He still doesn’t believe in his own skills.

In fact, he wants to transform the existing production lathes. Once successful, they can be put into use immediately. Those lathes that have been eliminated are not known whether they can still be used. If they cannot be used, they must be repaired first and then transformed. That way This will increase the experimental time.

Huang Zhiqiang smiled bitterly, spread his hands and said, "Hey, what else can I say?"

Yang Jun teased: "You can say thank you, and then you'd better never bother me again."

"Okay, just wait for my good news."

Huang Zhiqiang patted his butt and left.

Yang Jun looked at the renovation drawings handed over by Huang Zhiqiang on the table, thinking a lot.

It is good for young people to be ambitious, but they must also act within their capabilities.

Lathe upgrading and transformation is not something that can be done overnight. Even the lathe factory has so many experts who dare not talk about upgrading and transformation casually. It's good for him, thinking that the one who came back from abroad is Sun Wukong.

Among the few engineers in the factory, none of them went to work peacefully, and no one dared to jump around and talk about modifying the lathe.

Fortunately for Huang Zhiqiang, he was going to have a big fight as soon as he arrived.

Hey, the young man doesn’t know how many steamed buns he has eaten.

Fortunately, this plague god has been sent away, and I can live a peaceful life for two days.

However, just in case, he still took the drawings to chief engineer Han Shengli to confirm.

"Director, who designed these drawings? I want to meet this person." After reading the drawings, Han Shengli asked excitedly.

"Han Gong, please don't ask who designed the drawings. Please tell me whether this upgrade plan is feasible."

"Director, this plan is not only feasible, it is simply too feasible."

Han Shengli looked at the drawings and said excitedly: "If we modify the lathe according to this drawing, I dare not say more, but the efficiency will be at least tripled."

"three times?"

Yang Jun was shocked and asked quickly: "Han Gong, are you right? You said triple it?"

"Director, I am sure and certain that if the transformation is successful, the efficiency will be at least tripled."

Yang Jun was shocked, and Han Shengli's words had a big impact on him.

Three times, what is that concept?

An experienced eighth-level lathe can process 40-50 parts in one working day if the firepower is fully activated. If Han Shengli is right, the efficiency has tripled, that is 150 parts.

If all the hundreds of lathes in the entire steel rolling mill were renovated, how efficient it would be.

Now under the management of the 5S system, the factory's production capacity has been greatly increased several times. If the lathe is successfully upgraded, he can't imagine how many times the production capacity will be doubled.

If that were the case, he could confidently go to the ministry and ask for orders for as much as he wanted.

If Huang Zhiqiang succeeds in his skills, it will be his credit.

In the future, if there are more orders, the factory will generate more revenue, and the small coffers of the steel rolling mill will be fuller. His achievements are obvious to all.

"Worker Han, please immediately organize several other engineers to demonstrate this drawing, and put all lathes above Level [-] in the factory on standby."

Yang Jun does what he thinks and does not hesitate.

Before, he underestimated Huang Zhiqiang and wanted to get him an obsolete lathe. Unexpectedly, Han Shengli told him that this modification plan was very feasible and the efficiency was more than doubled.

Yang Jun couldn't help but be tempted.

No one would refuse honor, especially him, the director of a steel rolling mill.

When his subordinates make achievements, he, as the factory director, feels honored.

Although he is not an expert at peach picking, his contribution cannot be ignored.

Without his support, you wouldn't even be able to touch the lathe, let alone the renovation and upgrade.

After coming out of Han Shengli's place, Yang Jun went directly to Huang Zhiqiang.

Yang Jun knew where to find him. If his guess was correct, Huang Zhiqiang and Jiang Yitian must be studying those obsolete lathes in the equipment department at this moment.

When I arrived at the equipment department warehouse, I immediately saw Huang Zhiqiang and several employees repairing a machine tool.

Most of these obsolete machine tools are used as spare parts. If any machine in the workshop is missing parts, most of them are disassembled from these obsolete lathes.

Therefore, if you want to upgrade the lathe, you must first repair the lathe.

Lathes are not easy to repair. Even if they are repaired, whether they can be used is another question.

"Huang Gong, stop it, I'll get you a new machine tool."

Yang Jun patted Huang Zhiqiang, who was repairing the lathe with his butt sticking out.

"Yeah, director, I'm busy. Don't make fun of me."

Huang Zhiqiang didn't believe that Yang Jun would give him a new machine. He had begged him like this before, so he almost knelt down and begged him to let go. He couldn't imagine that Yang Jun would let him upgrade a new piece of equipment.

"What a fart joke. The lathe is ready for you. I'll take you there."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he left with his hands behind his back.

"Hey, the sun is coming out in the west."

Huang Zhiqiang was in a daze, feeling that all this was too unreal.

He took off his oily gloves and hurriedly chased after him.

After leaving the warehouse, the two walked side by side on the way to the workshop.

"Huang Gong, there is something I must explain to you in advance."

"Factory manager, tell me."

Yang Jun stopped, stared at him and said,

"You cannot be responsible for this plan to transform the machine tools. I won't tell you why. Can you understand it yourself?"

Huang Zhiqiang was startled and said quickly: "Director, I understand that it is Chief Engineer Han who is responsible for presiding over the transformation plan. I will only be an assistant this time."

Could Huang Zhiqiang not understand the power of this?

Now is the era of planned economy, all credit is collective, and individual achievements must be subordinated to the overall situation. As an engineer, he should be under the management of the technical department, but now he wants to leave the organization and conduct experiments alone. In a sense, he It is the act of breaking away from the organization and is regarded as an alien element that destroys unity.

What's more, this is an act of overstepping his authority. There is Chief Engineer Han above him. By doing this, he is putting his leadership at risk.

"You just understand."

Yang Jun nodded, patted his shoulder and said, "But don't worry, no one can take away your credit. If the transformation is successful, the factory will give you appropriate rewards."

Huang Zhiqiang had just returned from abroad. He didn't understand the situation in the country yet. It was good to have a passion for serving the country, but he must not act recklessly.

Yang Jun couldn't bear that a senior intellectual went astray and had to give him a hand to get him back on the right path.

Just like the 'Barefoot Doctor's Manual' compiled by Yang Jun, although he took the lead, it stands to reason that he should have the greatest credit, but in the end, the credit can only go to the steel rolling mill.

This is the law of survival. It should not be yours. Don’t force it. If you force it, you may suffer backlash.

"Director, thank you. If you hadn't reminded me, I almost made a mistake."

Huang Zhiqiang looked sincere. After speaking, he bowed to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun saw that he didn't seem to be cheating, and knew that he understood his good intentions.

"You are still young, work hard, gold will always shine, and there will be a vast world waiting for you to use your skills in the future."

Huang Zhiqiang changed from his usual careless demeanor, with his hands hanging down and his body straight.

"Director, don't worry, I will never live up to your expectations of me."

At this moment, Yang Jun believed that Huang Zhiqiang had understood his good intentions.

He is young, capable, and has returned from studying abroad. He has a doctoral degree. His future is bright and there will be a broader stage for him to display his talents in the future.

However, for now, he needs to calm down and concentrate on his talents.

(End of this chapter)

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