Chapter 395

It is certainly impossible to paste a matchbox.

However, if she was not allowed to do anything, Wang Yuying would definitely fall out with him.

So, the next day, he found a job for Wang Yuying.

That's knitting.

She bought all kinds of wool from the store and let her sit by the stove to knit sweaters, trousers, and scarves when she had nothing to do. It was enough for her family of eight to knit for a whole winter.

As soon as we arrived at the factory, we saw everyone talking enthusiastically about the competition to defend HKUST.

Before getting out of the car, he said to Ma Juzi.

"Juzi, call Anguo, and you two will go to the arsenal."

"Okay, brother, I'll arrange the car right away."

Last time, after Ma Juzi delivered a few pigs to the arsenal, Chen Shanhe gave another order to the steel rolling mill.

This order was very timely and solved the problem of overcapacity.

Since the steel rolling mill was managed by Yang Jun's 5S system, the production capacity has been greatly improved, almost more than doubling. The original orders specified above can no longer meet production needs. Therefore, in recent days, Yang Jun has been running orders everywhere.

As a courtesy, it is reasonable to give the arsenal a gift in return.

He had already told Shitou that fifteen pigs and two hundred chickens and ducks were prepared for Yang Jun this time.

Today, Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi and Yang Anguo to deliver these things to the arsenal.

Of course, there was another important reason why he sent Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi away.

In this competition, he didn't want the female soldiers to lose too ugly. Among the male soldiers, only Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi were Ma Wumei's opponents. He sent them away just to increase the female soldiers' chances of winning.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Jun arrived at the office, Yang Anguo came before he could take a sip of water.

"Report to the director, today is the day to defend Kobiwu. As a main participant, I cannot leave the team without permission. Please find someone else to go."

Yang Anguo saluted him first, and then stood there upright.

When Yang Jun heard this, he realized that this guy dared to play this trick with him.

Thinking that this will allow you to change your mind.

Yang Jun stood up, looked at him with a smile, patted the back of the chair, waved to him and said,
"Come on, come on, sit here, you will be the factory director from now on."

Yang Anguo was not stupid. Although Yang Jun was smiling at this moment, he also knew that Yang Jun was speaking sarcastically.

"Brother, I didn't mean that, I..."

"I think that's what you mean. I, the factory director, can't control you, right?"

"No, bro..."

Yang Jun walked up to him and kicked him.

"Get out of here, you idiot."

Yang Anguo covered his thighs and fled Yang Jun's office in a hurry.

This idiot just can't start his motorcycle - he needs a kick.

Yang Jun still didn't understand his thoughts, he just wanted to stay and participate in the competition.

This guy is still brooding about his defeat in the last competition. During this time, he has been ridiculed by Ma Wumei a lot. Although Ma Wumei was the one who instigated this competition, he also contributed a lot.

The reason why he is so active is because he wants to regain his position today.

Yang Anguo is not stupid, but sometimes his brain can't turn around. If he had Ma Juzi's brain, he wouldn't have given up the position of driver and had to get a gun.

The office is downstairs.

Ma Juzi sat in the cab of the truck and watched Yang Anguo come out dejectedly.

There is also an obvious footprint on the thigh.

"Anguo, now you believe it."

Ma Juzi was lying on the car window, looking at Yang Anguo below, and said with a teasing look on his face: "I won't let you find it, and if you don't listen, you'll get beaten, right?"

Yang Anguo was suffocating in his heart. He must not be able to bear the cynicism. He suddenly became furious and shouted at Ma Juzi,
"Which of your eyes saw me being beaten? I accidentally fell down just now."

"Oh..." Ma Juzi suppressed a laugh and said seriously: "Did there happen to be someone on the ground when you fell, and his foot happened to kick on your leg?"

"Yes, how is it? I just got beaten, are you satisfied?"

Yang Anguo angrily walked around to the other side and sat in the passenger seat.

Ma Juzi was really angry when he saw him. If he teased him again now, he would definitely fall out.

So, he suppressed his laughter, started the car and drove towards the grain store.

After Yang Anguo left, Yang Jun was also very angry.Not in the mood to deal with the documents, he simply left all the work to Huang Yani, while he sat on the sofa and smoked.

Yang Anguo, a fool, is simple-minded, easily impulsive, and cannot be given important responsibilities. This will be the case in his life.

At this time, gunshots were vaguely heard from the playground, and the competition had already begun.

At this moment, the first round was about shooting. Judging from the intermittent gunshots, they were competing about burst shooting, that is, precision shooting.

Afraid of panicking the factory workers, Yu Haitang announced the incident on the radio early in the morning.

In fact, even if there is no broadcast, the workers in the factory have long been accustomed to it.

People in the security department usually practice live ammunition shooting, and people in the factory have long been accustomed to it.

But there is a rule in the factory that during training, except for those from the security department, no one else is allowed to approach the training ground.

The gunfire lasted for more than half an hour before the shooting competition ended.

I don’t know who won and who lost in this game. Anyway, after about 10 minutes, there were waves of shouting from the playground, and it seemed that a cross-country running competition was going on.

Yang Jun was worried that the competition would affect the confidence of female soldiers, so he simply went to watch the excitement as soon as the office door was closed.

When we came to the playground, dozens of people from the security department stood on the edge and kept shouting. A man and a woman were racing on the field.

This competition is not about the overall performance, but about which side wins more events.

For example, in a shooting competition, one person from each side of the men and women fires ten shots, and whoever scores better will win.

In fact, this kind of competition is very fair.

After all, these twenty male soldiers are elites selected from more than 200 people, and all of them are veterans. They have a great advantage over female soldiers in terms of military quality.

Therefore, male soldiers do not take advantage of female soldiers, so they adopt this method of competition.

There were not many people on the field, except for 20 men and women, who were the cadres from the factory who were invited to serve as referees.

"Which team won the shooting competition just now?"

Yang Jun came to Jiang Haitao with his hands behind his back.

Wang Erwa was in charge of recruiting troops, and this competition was hosted by deputy section chief Zhao Haifeng.

"You still have to ask, the male soldier must have won."

Zhao Haifeng was staring at the two people racing on the field at the moment. He didn't see Yang Jun coming over at all, so he answered casually.

After he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. He looked back and immediately said,
"Director, why are you here? I thought you wouldn't be interested in this kind of thing."

"I just came over casually to see what's going on now?"

Yang Jun pointed at the two people racing on the field.

Zhao Haifeng: "Director, the ongoing test event is the 800-meter race. The male soldier is Ma Sanyuan, the fastest runner in our department. As for the female soldier, I don't know her. She is probably new."

In fact, Zhao Haifeng didn't need to explain that person, Yang Jun also knew him.

That person was Sun Zhaodi, she had only been here a few days.

The 800-meter race is about explosive power and endurance. You have to run at a constant speed in the first half of the race and don't sprint until there are 100 meters left.

Ma Sanyuan, the best runner, obviously knew the secret of running. He ran at a steady pace at first, without looking anxious at all.

Sun Zhaodi, on the other hand, used all his strength as soon as he came up, like a wild horse that had escaped from the reins, and pulled Ma Sanyuan tens of meters away in a whoosh.

Yang Jun shook his head, feeling that Sun Zhaodi must have lost.

There is no way to run like this. This is an 800-meter race, not a 100-meter race. How can I use my full strength from the first step up?

Even though she is leading now, she will definitely not have the energy to sprint at the end.

"This time the female soldier lost again." Zhao Haifeng said.

Even though he was hosting this competition, he actually really wanted the male soldiers to win.

After all, in the past two months, Wang Erwa has been training these male soldiers to death.

"I don't think so." Yang Jun said quietly.

"Ten yuan?" Zhao Haifeng narrowed his eyes and asked.


In fact, Yang Jun was not optimistic about Sun Zhaodi either. He simply did not want the female soldier to lose. The reason why he made this bet was to give himself some comfort.

 Today is a recommendation, please support me, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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