Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 385 I will not participate

Chapter 385 I will not participate
have to say.

Female secretaries are just better than male secretaries.

When you have nothing to do, chatting a few dirty words can relieve stress.

Jiang Haitao is a straight man, and he especially likes the command-style work style. He has a set of strict standards for what should be done and what should not be done.

Unlike Huang Yani, you may say that she is a newborn calf or that she does it on purpose, but what she brings to Yang Jun is not only relaxation, but also a happy mood.

It’s been almost two weeks since the Barefoot Doctor Handbook was handed in, but there has been no movement.

However, Yang Jun was not in a hurry.

Some things can't be solved in a hurry. After Uncle Qiu gets the manuscript, he still has to find someone to review it, and then go through departmental approval step by step. All the procedures, one after another, are all problems that need to be solved step by step. There is no need to rush. .

Early this morning, Yang Jun held a cadre meeting.

The content of the meeting is still the same old talk, which is to emphasize the 5S management system.

The 5S management system is a system that Yang Jun has vigorously promoted since he became the deputy factory director.

Under this system, the performance of the steel rolling mill has made rapid progress, and the production performance and economic benefits have doubled. This system has obviously advanced management awareness, and it is reasonable to achieve such results.

Liu Feng is the deputy director in charge of production. He has strong work ability and strong principles. He is also aware of the advantages brought by Yang Jun's management system.

He does his job very well, especially in implementing this management system to the letter.

For this reason, the directors and team leaders of various production workshops were often reprimanded or dismissed due to poor management. For this reason, the people below complained about him.

On this issue, Yang Jun supported him. No matter who complained or complained, he would always call them back and train those who complained to shame.

At the meeting, Yang Jun repeatedly emphasized that the 5S management system must be implemented by every responsible person. Anyone who dares to hold back will be fired directly.

After the meeting, Yang Jun was about to return to the office when Yuan Kaizong ran over.

"Lao Yang, I heard that you have made another big move recently."

Yuan Kaizong closed the office door and said mysteriously.

Yang Jun wondered: "How can there be any big move? Where did you hear the gossip, Lao Yuan?"

Yang Jun ordered Yuan Kaizong to be the helmsman of the steel rolling mill. The two usually got together to talk about things. Whether it was official or private matters, the two exchanged news immediately.

"Lao Yang, it's meaningless for you to say this. What is our relationship? What's the point of hiding it from me?" Yuan Kaizong's face darkened and he pretended to be unhappy.

"Old Yuan, be careful what you say, be careful what you say, you sound like you are complaining about a woman." Yang Jun picked up a cigarette and threw it to him.

"Don't try to coax me with a cigarette."

"Oh, you look more and more like me."

"Get lost." Yuan Kaizong subconsciously moved a little further away from him.

Usually, the two of them joke a lot, and even make some bad jokes. Even though Yuan Kaizong is over 50 years old, his restless heart is not old at all. Generally speaking, the jokes between young people are just open-mouthed. .

Perhaps seeing that Yang Jun had changed his secretary to a female one, this guy couldn't stand still anymore and changed his secretary to a female one.

In his words, we must keep up with the leadership and not fall behind.

"Be serious."

Yuan Kaizong lit up his cigarette, exhaled a puff of thick smoke, and said, "I heard that the medical research laboratory you established some time ago was pretty good."

"Did you hear any news?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately asked with interest.

After all, this matter is a big deal for him, especially in recent times, and he has been collecting information in this regard intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hehe, I heard that the superiors are going to reward our factory. You may be promoted."

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"Who did you listen to? Is the news accurate?"

"Don't worry about who I listen to. You know, there is no smoke without fire. If the higher-ups didn't mean it, this news wouldn't have come out. Don't you think so?"

Yang Jun doesn't care what rumors or not, as long as they are not implemented for one day, they cannot be taken seriously.

"Lao Yang, what on earth have you done? Why are you getting promoted again?" Yuan Kaizong wondered.

"Didn't we set up a medical research laboratory some time ago? The organizer wrote a book."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"I don't believe it." Yuan Kaizong shook his head like a top with a look of disbelief.

"Lao Yang, forget it if you don't want to say it. Why bother making up any excuses to fool me?"

"Lao Yuan, what's the relationship between us? Good friends, I can't lie to anyone."

Yang Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly. These days, no one believes the truth.

Fortunately, as for gay friends, the trust between people is gone.

Just when the two were in a dilemma, the office door rang.

"Come in."

The door opened and Huang Yani walked in.

He glanced at Yuan Kaizong who was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, and then said to Yang Jun,

"Director, a comrade came to see you and said he was sending you a book."

"Sending books."

Yang Jun was stunned.

He has never bought a book before. How could someone give him a book for no reason?

However, he suddenly thought of something and said quickly,
"Invite people in quickly."

After a while, Huang Yani led a middle-aged cadre in.

As soon as he saw this man, Yang Jun recognized him immediately.

This person was the staff member he met at Chief Qiu's house that day. This staff member was Chief Qiu's secret technique.

"Secretary Huang, make tea quickly."

Yang Jun asked Huang Yani to make tea and welcomed the man in.

"Director Yang, hello, my name is Tang Xuewen, and I'm here to give you a book today."

"Hello, Secretary Tang, please sit down."

Yuan Kaizong did not leave, but instead received Secretary Tang in person with Yang Jun.

Seeing that Yang Jun was so enthusiastic about this person, he naturally did not dare to neglect him. He took the tea cup and placed it in front of Secretary Tang.

Tang Xuewen didn't hesitate and took out a notebook with a red cover from his handbag.

"Director Yang, the leader asked me to give this book to you. You can check it out."

Yang Jun took the notebook with both hands.

Written vertically on it were six large characters, 'The Barefoot Doctor's Manual'.

Below is a row of small characters with the words **Publishing Company written on it.

Opening the title page, there is a quote from Mr. ***: "Be vigilant and defend the motherland."

Yang Jun held the book excitedly, his hands shaking constantly.Unexpectedly, this book is so valuable that it is highly valued by the elderly and even has its autograph.

Yang Jun felt that it was all worth it, and the long wait was not in vain.

Fortunately, I gave this book to Uncle Qiu at that time, otherwise it would not have been published so quickly.

"Director Yang, the leader asked me to tell you that you can go to his place for tea when you are free in the future." Tang Xuewen said.

"Okay, thank you Secretary Tang. Please tell the old leader for me that I will definitely go when I have time."

Yang Jun was thoughtful and transparent, and knew the meaning of Secretary Tang's words.

What he meant was that Uncle Qiu would not forget him after receiving this friendship from him, so that if he encountered any trouble, he could go to him for help.

"Okay, I will definitely tell you that my mission is completed and it's time to go back. I hope to see you again."

After getting down to business, Tang Xuewen was ready to leave.

"Okay, I'll see you off."

Yang Jun personally sent Tang Xuewen downstairs and watched him get in the car before going back.

When I returned to the office, I heard Yuan Kaizong exclaimed.

"Lao Yang, look, it has the name of our steel rolling mill on it."

"Where? Where?"

Yang Jun moved forward excitedly.

He didn't look carefully just now, but now he looked in the direction of Yuan Kaizong's finger, and sure enough he saw the name of the editor on the back of the cover of the book.

It says, Compiled by: ** City Third Red Star Rolling Mill.

Yang Jun looked through it and couldn't find his own name, nor the names of the big leader and Uncle Qiu, just a few simple words.

However, he was not disappointed.

In this era, the emphasis is on organization. No matter how great an individual's contribution is, it will go to the organization. As long as it has the name of the steel rolling mill on it, he is already satisfied.

He was very pleased that his work was not in vain.

He also knows very well that once this book is published, it will bring about earth-shaking changes. From then on, the medical conditions in rural areas will be greatly improved.

Since then, there have been 150 million more barefoot doctors in rural areas.

"Lao Yuan, do you believe I didn't lie to you now?"

Yang Jun patted Yuan Kaizong's shoulder and said.

"I believe it, I believe it, Lao Yang, I am completely convinced by you. It is a great blessing to have you as the director of our factory."

While Yuan Kaizong was looking at the book with admiration, he did not forget to offer him a fragrant flattery.

"No, I will hold a meeting of all cadres immediately to share this good news with everyone."

Yuan Kaizong suddenly slapped his thigh and hurried away with the barefoot doctor's manual.

"Lao Yuan, you will chair the meeting, I won't go."

Yang Jun lay lazily on the sofa.

I have no interest in attending the meeting at all.

Logically speaking, he, the factory director, should be present. After all, he was the one who took the lead in completing this matter.

However, he found it very boring.

He was just there to show off and receive flattery, and he didn't bother to deal with the compliments and congratulations from everyone.

The meeting didn't end until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Yang Jun looked at his watch and was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this meeting lasted for more than five hours. Everyone was so motivated that they didn't even have time to eat lunch and directly organized cadres to study on the spot.

I heard that later, Yuan Kaizong also called all the doctors who participated in the compilation to praise him.

When Yang Jun thought that the meeting lasted for more than five hours, he suddenly trembled with fear.

Fortunately he didn't attend.

Before getting off work, Yuan Kaizong, Shang Tielong, Liu Feng, and Yan Huaisheng came to Yang Jun's office again.

"Lao Yang, it's a pity that you didn't go to the meeting. You don't know how enthusiastic everyone is."

As soon as he entered the door, Yuan Kaizong shouted excitedly.

"Yes, Lao Yang, I didn't expect you to do such a big thing secretly. You really earned a lot of face for our steel rolling mill." Liu Feng said.

"Brother Yang, I am completely convinced by you. If you hadn't insisted on your opinion that day, I almost made a mistake." Shang Tielong looked ashamed.

Thinking of the day when he questioned Yang Jun about setting up a medical research laboratory, he felt ashamed.

Yang Jun sat in his seat and looked at them with a smile.

It seems that this book has not only brought good news to rural medical services, but also earned enough face for the steel rolling mill.

Seeing the proud looks on their faces, it seemed as if they had personally participated in this book.

"I asked you guys, do you accept it?"


The four said in unison.

"Just accept it. From now on, we will work together to create greater glory."

Although Yang Jun doesn't like to sing high-profile, he also knows that this is the best time to win people's hearts.

"Okay, we will listen to you from now on."

The four of them were also convinced by Yang Jun. Regardless of management or other aspects, Yang Jun did manage the steel rolling mill in an orderly manner. His achievements set new records every month. Every time there was a meeting with the superiors, he was the first to be praised. is the third steel rolling mill.

"Lao Yang, you were not here just now. I discussed with Deputy Factory Director Shang and others and decided that our factory would spend a sum of money specifically to print this book. What do you think?" Yuan Kaizong said.

"Okay, I agree."

Yang Jun naturally agreed. The more things like this that make the steel rolling mill famous, the better.

"In addition, we have also decided to give material rewards to all the doctors who participated in the compilation of medical books this time. Each person has fifty kilograms of food stamps and an additional reward of 100 yuan. What do you think?" Yuan Kaizong said again.

"no problem."

Yang Jun said: "Not only should we distribute rewards, but we should also hold a special commendation meeting for them."

"Lao Yuan, you can host the commendation meeting."

Yang Jun hid whenever he could, and only came forward when he couldn't.

"No problem, wrap it on me."

Of course Yuan Kaizong was willing, and he was already happy.

He couldn't wish for something like this to show his face at a high-profile moment.

"Lao Yang, we have discussed that tonight we will organize cadres to study quotations and carry forward the spirit of hard work and innovation. Do you want to participate?" Yuan Kaizong asked.

When Yang Jun heard this, he trembled all over and subconsciously waved his hands and said,
"I just finished the innovation work, so I won't participate..."

(End of this chapter)

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