Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 382 Women’s moral integrity is weak

Chapter 382 Women’s moral integrity is weak

Yang Jun returned to his office angrily.

He was so angry with Yang Mei that he forgot about the business of going to the purchasing department.

Picked up the phone and asked Jiang Haitao to call Huang Yani.

Not long after, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Yang Jun responded angrily.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

The door opened, and Huang Yani was lying outside the door with only her head exposed.

"Why are you hiding? I can eat you?"

Yang Jun saw this and patted the table.

Huang Yani was so frightened that she walked in cautiously.

Just now, in the Purchasing Department, she saw Yang Jun lose his temper with her own eyes. At this moment, she must remain extremely cautious to avoid drawing Yang Jun's anger onto herself.

"How do you feel about working these two days?"

When Yang Jun saw her cautious look, he realized that he had lost his composure.

He rubbed the stiff expression on his face and tried to be as easy-going as possible.

"It's not bad. There's not much work. You can get started quickly."

Huang Yani wore plain clothes today, with the word "filial piety" tightly wrapped around her right arm. Her fair skin made her whole person very clean and neat. She had been tempered for a long time and gave people a sophisticated feeling. Looking at it, she didn't look like she was in her 20s at all. young people.

Yang Jun kept fiddling with the lid of the tea jar and said lightly,

"I remember you said that you will be mine from now on."

Huang Yani looked pale and said, "Yes, I will always be a bad person."

"Whatever I ask you to do?"

Yang Jun stared into her eyes.

"Yes, anything can be done."

Huang Yani blurted out without even thinking about it.

When Yang Jun saw this, he knew that she was speaking from her heart.

Words are the voice of the heart, and only those who think so in their hearts can blurt out their words and unite their words and deeds.

"I believe you, you can be my secretary from now on."


Huang Yani's eyes flashed with excitement, and she quickly said: "Okay, director."

"Secretary Jiang is about to take up another position. You have to study hard with him these days. Do you understand?"

"Yes, director, I will definitely study hard."

After Huang Yani finished speaking, a troubled expression appeared on her face.

"Director, can you say hello to the housing management department and assign me a dormitory?"

"What? Your home is far away from here?"

"'s not that it's far away, but that the street office has taken back my house. Now I live in my neighbor's house, which is very inconvenient."

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

It is estimated that the house belongs to the work unit, and since her parents are no longer here, it will naturally be taken back.

He pondered for a moment, and then said: "Go to the Security Department to find Sun Zhaodi, and you can live with her from now on."

Yang Jun thought for a moment. Huang Yani has a special status. In addition, she has her own secret skills. Her work usually needs to be kept secret. It is definitely not appropriate to share a dormitory with ordinary employees. According to her qualifications, she is You cannot enjoy the benefits of single-room dormitories.

Therefore, after much deliberation, Yang Jun thought it would be more appropriate to arrange her and Sun Zhaodi together.

"Thank you boss."

Yang Jun waved her away and sent her away.

After Huang Yani left, Yang Jun received a call from his boss, asking him to go to his house after get off work in the evening.

Yang Jun didn't think much and went directly to the medical research laboratory after hanging up the phone.

Generally, as long as the big leaders meet at home, they won't have anything important to talk about, so Yang Jun didn't take it to heart.

However, it was not a problem for the son-in-law to come to his father-in-law's door empty-handed, so he stopped by the office next door to tell Huang Yani.

When they arrived at the door of the medical research room, they heard a boiling sound coming from inside.

When I opened the door, I saw dozens of doctors celebrating.

They gathered around a table. On the table was a thick stack of materials, with organized information on top.

"Director, we finally succeeded."

Traditional Chinese medicine doctor Song Daoming ran over to announce the good news with excitement on his face.

"Have they been verified?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he was genuinely happy, but in order to maintain his authority as a leader, he worked hard to control his emotions and prevent himself from losing control.

"Everything has been verified. Thousands of prescriptions, not a single one is missing. All have been verified one by one."

This barefoot doctor's manual collects thousands of folk prescriptions, some of which have been verified, and some have not been verified. Those that have not been verified can only be verified. Some people go to hospitals to verify the prescriptions, and some go to the private sector to find patients. The medicine was tested on the spot, and all in all, thousands of prescriptions were verified one by one.

Each recipe has its provenance recorded and available for inspection.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, I'm going to treat you tonight."

Yang Jun announced: "You have done a great thing that will benefit the present generation and benefit the future. Once this book is published, it will save tens of millions of lives. You are heroes on the medical front, and I am proud of you."

"Okay, great."

The doctors were moved to tears by Yang Jun's words. It was as if they had saved countless lives with their own hands. Their achievement and pride were beyond words.

"I declare."

Yang Jun clapped his hands and signaled everyone to quiet down.

"In order to commend you for your contribution to the medical industry, on behalf of all the employees in the factory, I would like to thank you. After this book is published, there will be major rewards in the factory."

"Okay, thank you, director."

"Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of rewards you have. As long as you can make medical progress, doing these things doesn't matter."

"Yes, this book can save tens of thousands of lives. This is what you should do."

Yang Jun never broke his promise, and he asked everyone to go to the cafeteria to eat without waiting for night.For more than half a month, they have been working overtime day and night, collecting information and verifying prescriptions. It can be said that they have not worked day or night. Many people have not even returned home. They have room and board in the factory, just to get rid of this disease as soon as possible. This book is complete.

Now that it's finally done, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

During the meal, Yang Jun announced that he would give them three days' leave and let them have a good rest at home.

Yang Jun was also happy and drank two drinks with them.

Yang Jun didn't leave early until he was about to get off work.

First, he went to the medical department to pick up Yi Qiushui, and then they went back to the military compound together.

There were a lot of gifts on the back seat of the car, all prepared by Huang Yani.

"Sister Qiushui, I have something to report to you."

There was no one else in the car, just him and Yi Qiushui, so Ma Juzi was sent back by him.

"Oh, it must be a big deal that Director Yang can report in person. I have to listen carefully."

Yi Qiushui sat next to the passenger seat, holding his arm with a shy look on her face.

"That... that Secretary Jiang is going to be the office director."

"Uh, then what?"

"Then don't you have to find a new secretary?"

While Yang Jun was talking, he observed Yi Qiushui's expression.

"And then."

"Okay, let me tell you the truth, I found a female secretary, and she is a very beautiful one."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he held his breath and waited for Yi Qiushui's reaction.

Yi Qiushui looked at him with a smile, seemingly not surprised at all.

"That's it?"

"That's it." Yang Jun said cautiously: "If you don't agree, I'll change it to a man."

"Why do you want to change it?"

Yi Qiushui pursed her lips and smiled: "Do you not believe me or yourself?"

"Yes, as long as you don't object, it's no problem."

"I'm not that narrow-minded, and I don't believe there is a woman more beautiful than me in the factory."

Yi Qiushui looked arrogant.

After the fart, she asked in a low voice: "Is your secretary really beautiful?"


Arrive at the big leader’s house.

Yang Jun carried the gift in. The senior leader looked at the gift and seemed disappointed.

However, when Yang Jun patted his pocket without leaving any trace, the big leader's eyes became kind.

That kid Guo Tianming didn't even say hello when he saw me, and he kept rolling his eyes at him.

This guy holds a grudge.

However, Yang Jun was too lazy to pay attention to him.

A child's character will get better after a while.

"Sister, I'm going to be a soldier in a few days. Do you have anything to give me?"

Guo Tianming pulled Yi Qiushui aside and asked in a low voice.

"You're going to be a soldier? That's great."

Yi Qiushui exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down." Guo Tianming turned around and glanced at the leader, and then said, "Brother, I don't know when I will come back after I leave. You are not allowed to give me any souvenirs."

Yi Qiushui smiled and said, "What souvenir do you want?"

Guo Tianming said with a smile: "Forget pens, notebooks, and photos. If you want to give them, give them something valuable, preferably cash."

"What do you want money for? Your family is short of money?"

Yi Qiushui gave him a hygiene ball, knowing that this boy was going to cause trouble again.

It can be said that she watched Guo Tianming grow up, and he knew what he wanted to do when he opened his mouth.

Before leaving, get some more money and think about the good life before when you get to the army.

Since the last time Nan Yi made a big fuss at his wedding, he has been locked up at home by his boss. Even if he goes out for business, two guards will follow him every step of the way.

This time he was suffocated.

"Sister, just leave it alone and give me some money."

Yi Qiushui pointed at his head with her hand and said, "You, you, you are so annoying, how much do you want?"

"Thirty-five is not too small, and one hundred and two hundred is not too much. Just give it as you see."

"I have no money." Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes and said, "I'll ask your brother-in-law for it."

Yi Qiushui has no money, she never carries any money with her.

Yang Jun received her monthly salary on her behalf, so she didn't have to worry about food and drink, so that later on, she didn't even bother to bring any money.

Guo Tianming reached out and asked her for money, but she could only ask Yang Jun for it.

"Don't...let's forget it."

When Guo Tianming thought of Yang Jun, he immediately backed down.

He still hates Yang Jun in his heart, but he doesn't want to weaken in front of him.

"Sister, other women are in charge of the household and money. How come you are controlled by money?"

Guo Tianming hated that iron could not become steel, and looked very sad.

You know, his main source of income is pocket money from Yi Qiushui.

Since getting married, Yi Qiushui has given him less and less pocket money, so much so that now he has to ask Yang Jun for instructions.

Yi Qiushui curled her lips and said sadly, "A woman's virginity is weak."


(End of this chapter)

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