Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 377 Local Conflict

Chapter 377 Local Conflict
The medical team is not idle either.

After the other medical team came back, Yi Qiushui held a meeting on the spot, first summarizing experience, then talking about the shortcomings, and then specifying new plans and measures.

People in the infirmary held a meeting, but Yang Jun did not participate. He hid in the car and smoked alone.

What he saw and heard today gave him a profound feeling. The life of farmers is really hard.

Not only do you have enough to eat, but you don’t have the money to see a doctor when you get sick. Even if you have money, the medical conditions are rudimentary.

Only now did he understand why it was so difficult to recruit factory doctors. This was true for the steel rolling mill, and it was conceivable that it was even more so for the hospitals below.

Take Huangtai Commune Hospital as an example. The two doctors were originally barefoot doctors and had no formal training at all. They relied on many years of medical experience to treat illnesses and save lives.

Yang Jun was thinking that it would be great if there was an institution specializing in training doctors.

However, it occurred to him that there was a book called "The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook."

However, that book has not been published yet.

That book is a barefoot doctor textbook suitable for use in rural areas. It is the book that has saved the largest number of lives so far.

He remembered that the book was only published in 70, which was still three years away.

Yang Jun was thinking, should he get this book out in advance?
After having the idea, Yang Jun increasingly felt that this matter was inevitable.

He made up his mind to organize people to write this book as soon as he returned to the factory.

However, this matter needs to be kept secret for now.

This is not only a book that saves people, but also his political capital.

He also hopes that this book will improve step by step.

While Yang Jun was deep in thought, there was a commotion outside the hospital.

Following the sound of messy footsteps, a group of people surrounded the hospital door.

"Tell your Iko chief to speak up."

Standing at the door was a middle-aged man in his 40s wearing a Chinese tunic suit. He stood at the door with his hands on his hips and looked angry.

The people he brought all had tools, some had wooden sticks, some had steel pipes, and some had homemade shotguns.

Yi Qiushui was in a meeting. When she heard something moving outside, she immediately came out with a group of people.

"Director Zhao, what are you doing?"

Yi Qiushui glanced at the people he brought and asked, "Why did you bring so many people to surround the hospital?"

The visitor was Zhao Bingkun, director of Huangtai Commune, Li Zixuan’s uncle.

Zhao Bingkun and Yi Qiushui knew each other before.

When Yi Qiushui led the team to support rural medical construction, it was Zhao Bingkun who was in charge of reception.

"Chief Yi, your people beat up our village cadre, and I'm here to comment."

This Zhao Bingkun was very smart. He did not say that he was avenging his nephew, but he elevated the matter to the level of beating a cadre.

Yi Qiushui was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously connected the things that happened in the afternoon, and suddenly felt that Zhao Bingkun was coming with bad intentions.

"Director Zhao, is there any misunderstanding? We are here to support rural medical construction, not to fight. Are you mistaken?"

"Impossible. Someone saw your people beating up our village cadre. You must hand this person over today."

Zhao Bingkun did not directly ask people to rush in to find someone. After all, Yi Qiushui was here to support the medical construction of Huangtai Commune. If the relationship was too tense, it would be difficult to explain to the superiors.

So, he decided to go first with the ceremony and then with the soldiers.

If Yi Qiushui didn't cooperate, he would order people to rush in to find someone.

Zhao Bingkun put on a posture of saying, "If you don't hand over the enemy, I will let them rush in."

He Dazhuang and three other people from the security department stood in front of Yi Qiushui, with their spears loaded. As long as Zhao Bingkun dared to touch Yi Qiushui, they would shoot without hesitation.

Yang Jun slowly got out of the car, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and walked between the two groups of people.

"You said our people beat the village cadre. Who saw it? Where is the village cadre who was beaten now? Let him come out and identify him."

"Who are you? Are you qualified to speak here?"

Zhao Mingkun glanced at Yang Jun with a disdainful attitude.

"Please answer the question I just asked." Yang Jun blew out smoke rings and asked lightly.


Zhao Bingkun looked at Yi Qiushui and said, "Section Chief Yi, don't you care about the people in charge of you? Can he be the master of this matter?"

He knew that the top official in the medical team was Yi Qiushui, and felt that Yang Jun was insulting him by talking to him.

His director, like Yi Qiushui, was a department-level cadre. He believed that only Yi Qiushui was qualified to talk to him on an equal footing.

"Director Zhao, everyone in our medical team listens to him. If you have anything to say, just tell him."

After Yi Qiushui finished speaking, she took a few steps back.

"Chief Yi, aren't you afraid that things will get serious?" Zhao Bingkun shouted.

He felt insulted by Yi Qiushui and found someone to deal with him.

"Not afraid."

Yi Qiushui smiled, spread her hands and said, "If Director Zhao is not afraid of not being able to end the situation, you can go ahead and make trouble."

"Well said, let's see who can't finish it later."

Zhao Bingkun glared at Yi Qiushui fiercely, and then said to Yang Jun,

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Does my name have anything to do with this?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "I still have the same question as before. You said that our people beat the village cadres. Where are the witnesses? Where are the victims?"

"Yu Manshan, Party Secretary of Yushu Village, saw with his own eyes your people beating village cadres. As for the victims..."

Zhao Bingkun stood on tiptoe and looked into the yard and said, "The victim has been hidden by you."

It was expected that Yu Manshan reported to Zhao Bingkun that Li Zixuan was beaten.

The director's nephew was beaten, a responsibility that he, a small village party secretary, could not bear.

Yu Manshan thought that Yang Jun must have run away after beating the man. Reporting now, even if Zhao Bingkun knew about it, there would be nothing he could do to Yang Jun.

"Director Zhao, do you really dare to say that, with your mouth and white teeth, you said that the person was hidden by us? Who saw it?"

Yang Jun crossed his arms and said in a teasing tone.

"Are you guilty? I advise you to hand over our village cadres as soon as possible, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Yang Jun's face darkened and he said coldly.

Zhao Bingkun suddenly panicked when he saw that Yang Jun looked confident and the four men holding spears behind him were faintly pointing the dark hole at him.

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

"Haha, I'd like to see how you can be so rude."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he reached his lower back and held a Browning in his hand.

This Browning was given by Chen Shanhe, the director of the arsenal. He has been keeping it in the space. If the situation was not tense, he would not use it easily. "Listen up."

Yang Jun roared.

Then, he turned around and said to He Dazhuang and the others: "If anyone dares to step into this gate, I will throw him into the fire."


He Dazhuang and the others roared loudly.

The people on Zhao Bingkun's side were frightened by this momentum and took a few steps back.

Although there are many of them, they are not capable of doing anything.

Apart from those wooden sticks and steel pipes, there were only a few homemade shotguns.

Especially the Browning in Yang Jun's hand. It was the latest developed fully automatic pistol. When the trigger was pulled, a large piece of gunfire was poured out immediately.

When Zhao Bingkun saw this, he took a breath and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Chief Yi, do you really not care about the people in charge of you? The matter is getting serious. Let's see how you explain it to the superiors."

Zhao Bingkun saw that the guys on his side did not have the upper hand, so he had to turn his attention to Yi Qiushui.

After all, she was a woman, so he thought that if she tried to scare her, she would definitely give in.

Yi Qiushui ignored him and retreated to the courtyard with the medical team, hiding behind the wall to avoid being exposed to fire.

"Tsk, tsk, you are really promising."

"Ha ha!"

Yang Jun and a group of people from the security department laughed.

Competing with a woman is really promising.

"Director Zhao, I advise you to get out." Yang Jun sneered.

"Coward, get out of here." He Dazhuang shouted.

Zhao Bingkun was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. He rushed but didn't dare to rush. He felt very humiliated when retreating. For a moment, his face looked like pig's liver.

"Comrade, could you please lend me a moment to speak?"

Zhao Bingkun felt that it was very shameful to retreat like this. He glanced at the people around him and then whispered.

"What? You want to play dirty?"

Yang Jun took two steps forward and suddenly put the gun to his head.

"Open your dog eyes and see, what is that?"

Looking in the direction of Yang Jun's finger, Zhao Bingkun was so frightened that his legs became weak.

It was a jeep with the word "military" at the beginning.

He knew what this kind of vehicle meant, but it was because he was in such a hurry that he didn't even see a military vehicle.

Moreover, Yi Qiushui's attitude just now made him realize that the man in front of him had a lot of background, otherwise he would not be fully responsible for this matter.

"Comrade, if you have anything to say, please put this guy away first."

Zhao Bingkun was naturally a bit brave to be a leader, but when faced with Yang Jun's gun, he was timid.

Seeing his trembling appearance, Yang Jun said disdainfully: "You are such a bear, how dare you challenge me?"

"I won't argue with you today, just take your people and get out."

Yang Jun put away his gun and kicked him over.

Zhao Bingkun staggered a few steps and sat down on the ground.

His face turned red, and he stood up from the ground while crawling.

Without even saying a word, he led the people away in despair.

"Back to the city."

After Zhao Bingkun left, Yang Jun shouted into the courtyard.

Things have gotten to this point, and you still support me.

Didn’t Zhao Bingkun think the incident was not big enough?
Just take the medical team back and see how he explains to the superiors.

Even if the medical team really beat up his people, he should not lead people to surround the medical team. This is not the correct way to handle the matter.

If he had just talked nicely and discussed the solution to the problem, nothing would have happened. But his mistake was that he should not have led people to surround the medical team because of his nephew's affairs. He was blinded by family affection.

"Isn't it wrong to go back to the city now? There are still a few villages we haven't visited yet."

Yi Qiushui asked with a worried look.

"People are already knocking on your door, is there any need to rub your hot face into someone else's cold butt?"

"You weren't the first to hit someone." Yi Qiushui whispered.

"What did you say?"

Yang Jun glared, making Yi Qiushui tremble all over.

She had never seen Yang Jun speak to her in such a tone, and she was startled. When she realized that her dignity was being challenged, she angrily hit Yang Jun several times with her pink fist.

Yang Jun didn't bother to think about it and just started loading the car with his people.

This bitch didn’t even ask why he hit someone.

If Li Zixuan hadn't molested women, Yang Jun wouldn't have beaten him.

However, in the final analysis, Yang Jun still couldn't get rid of the sand in his eyes.

In fact, there was nothing to clean up. The equipment and medicines were not unloaded in the car. We just had to clean up the people who were eating.

Everyone was tired and hungry after a busy day. They originally thought about leaving after dinner, but when they thought about the way the two parties were quarreling just now, they suddenly lost the intention to stay and eat.

Yang Jun drove the car himself, with Yi Qiushui and Luo Yanhong in the car. He greeted the three cars behind him and took the first step.

A journey of more than 200 kilometers took more than four hours to get back to the city.

After returning to the city, Luo Yanhong will be sent home first, and then he and Yi Qiushui will have their own home.

The next day, I went to work as usual.

As soon as he got to work, he reported the matter to the Health Commission and put aside the matter of the medical team being surrounded.

Of course, he also mentioned Li Zixuan's teasing of women, and Zhao Bingkun led the medical team just to protect his nephew.

It doesn't mean that the one who files the complaint first will be justified, but the crying child will be fed by milk. He must take the initiative. Between Zhao Bingkun and Yang Jun, the people above will definitely believe Yang Jun.

After all, the level difference between the two is so big that the complaint is not accurate.

After putting down the phone, Yang Jun immediately held a meeting of all staff of the medical department.

The conference was held in the Medical Department. Yang Jun did not come to discuss with them. Instead, he announced the establishment of a medical research group on the spot. The leader of the group was Yang Jun himself, and the deputy leader was Yi Qiushui.

The only mission of this medical research team is to collect and organize known folk remedies and earth remedies into a volume.

(End of this chapter)

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