Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 375: Shocking and disturbing

Chapter 375: Shocking and disturbing

Sun Dashan was envious of Manshan's son Yu Shiyun's decent job in the city.

That boy sent 15 yuan home every month. His father, Yu Manshan, often boasted in the village about how capable his son was, which made the people in the village envious.

When it comes to the most capable person in the village, the first thing everyone thinks of is Yu Shiyun.

The boy went home once a month, each time packing small bags with things that the villagers had never seen before. He had a bright watch on his wrist and a pack of Qianmen cigarettes in his pocket. He was recognized as the most popular person in the village. A promising person.

Many people hope to live like that one day.

Sun Dashan is no exception.

Having said this, Sun Dashan glanced at the houses behind him, and then sighed: "When will our family be able to live like that?"

"What? Brother Sun also wants to work in the steel rolling mill?" Yang Jun asked.

"Think about it, why don't you think about it?" Sun Dashan sighed: "What's the use of just thinking about it? We are just ordinary people. Will such good things happen to our family?"

"As long as you want……"

Just as Yang Jun was about to speak, he was interrupted by Sun Dashan.

"Son, that's for your mother's health."

Sun Dashan was so angry that he found a stick and was about to beat someone.

However, he was stopped by Yang Jun.

It turned out that the box of braised pork brought by Yang Jun was eaten by his children.

"Brother Sun, just eat what you want. It won't hurt the child if you hit him."

Yang Jun grabbed him, patted his shoulder and pushed him down on the stool.

At this time, Sun Dashan's wife came out, with tears in her eyes,

"Master, my child hasn't eaten meat in a few years, so just eat it. It doesn't matter to us adults if you skip a bite."

"Hey, it's all my fault. Life is like this, and I can't help you."

Sun Dashan tore his hair with both hands and slapped his head constantly.

"I'm useless as the head of the house. It's all because of my poor health. I can't work in the field and can't earn a few work points." Sun Dashan's wife is also complaining that she is not living up to expectations.

"Comrade Yang, this is a joke for you. The child has never eaten meat even when he is so old."

Sun Dashan dropped the wooden stick and smiled sarcastically.

"Brother Sun, life is difficult, I understand."

Speaking of this, Yang Jun seemed to remember something and said seriously,

"Brother Sun, my sister-in-law has just had a miscarriage. She can no longer work in the fields. She must lie down for at least half a month."

When Sun Dashan heard this, he smiled and waved his hands and said, "That's nothing. Rural people are not that delicate. When I gave birth to my second child in the past, I could go to work in the fields in the afternoon after giving birth in the morning."

When Yang Jun heard this, his mouth opened wide.

He couldn't believe that he could hear such appalling news in his lifetime.

This is simply a gamble.

It's okay when you're young, but when you get old, various diseases will follow, and that kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

It's not that Sun Dashan doesn't feel sorry for his wife, but he doesn't have this awareness at all, and even thinks that a woman's burden will be reduced after giving birth.

Yang Jun covered his face with his hands, his eyes were red, and his inner sorrow was beyond words.

Women have a much harder life than men.

Not only does she have to bear the heavy responsibility of having children, but she also has to bear the burden of housework. She can't even take two days off to give birth. She is simply a living tool.

If there is reincarnation in the world, he swears that he will never be a woman in his next life.

Even if he were reincarnated as an animal, he would suffer less than a human being, at least he wouldn't have to work.

Yang Jun stopped persuading him, knowing that it would be useless.

If I try to persuade him again, he may be considered to be deliberately preventing people from going to the fields to earn work points.

"Brother Sun, when we meet, we are destined to meet each other. Please accept this money and buy some supplements for your sister-in-law."

Yang Jun took out 20 yuan and [-] pounds of food stamps from his pocket, put them on the stool, turned around and left the yard.

He almost ran out.

He was afraid that he would collapse if he stayed any longer.

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

If there is food to eat, who would go to the fields to earn work points as soon as the production is small?

He had imagined the hardships of rural life countless times.

But after experiencing it personally today, he realized how shallow his previous knowledge was.

No matter how hard life is for city people, they still have rations, but what do rural people have?They can only eat according to the weather.

It's only six or seven centimeters a day, which costs more than ten cents. A month of exhausting work only costs five yuan. What can you do with five yuan?

If you don’t even have enough to eat, how can you talk about getting dressed and seeing a doctor?
Yang Jun did not return to the medical team, but found a place to digest what he saw and heard today.

Even after a few hours, I couldn't calm down the excitement in my heart.

He sat on the edge of the field, smoking one cigarette after another, and didn't stop until smoke came out of his throat.

The girl in the field in the distance has been working, but there is no one around. She has not gone back to eat all day long.

Generally, educated youths who go to the countryside cannot do field work, but this girl has been working for so long and doesn't know how to take a break.

The reason why educated youths work so hard is usually to perform better and return to the city as soon as possible. Presumably this girl in front of her does so because she wants to return to the city as soon as possible.

Just as Yang Jun was wandering in his thoughts, he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

Looking back, I saw Yu Manshan, the party secretary of Yushu Village, walking over.

"Yu Zhishu, is there something wrong?"

To be able to find him here, he must have come specifically to find himself.

"Comrade Yang, that's it."

Yu Manshan sat next to Yang Jun, lit a pot of dry smoke, took two puffs, and then said,

"Just now, Da Nizi from the Sun Dashan family came to you and said that she wanted to pay you back your money and food stamps. I was thinking that there must be something going on here, and I didn't dare to make the decision without permission, so I came over to discuss it with you." "It turns out that it is. Because of this."

Yang Jun then told the story about Sun Dashan’s wife’s miscarriage, and then asked,

"Yu Zhishu, you said this matter has happened to me, can I just ignore it?"

"Another miscarriage?" Yu Manshan sighed: "Counting this, his family has lost a total of three children this year."

"What do you mean?" Yang Jun was stunned.

"Sun Dashan had a total of thirteen children, and now there are only six left."

"At the beginning of the spring, we lost a 12-year-old boy, and this summer, we lost an eight-year-old daughter. Counting today, we have lost a total of three children this year."

After Yu Manshan finished speaking, he lowered his eyebrows and his face was like water.

It seems this kind of thing is commonplace.

Yang Jun secretly calculated that there were [-] children in total, and now six are alive. Adding the three lost this year, there are still four left.

No need to ask, those four are definitely gone.

At this moment, Yang Jun went a little crazy, as if he was looking for a fight to vent the madness in his heart.

These days, the idea of ​​​​carrying on the family line is deeply ingrained. With underdeveloped medical, health and economic conditions, one can only rely on having more children to ensure a continuous family life.

"Secretary Yu, please help me."

"You said."

"When your son comes home next time, do you think you'd like to ask him to take Sun Dashan or his children to work in the steel rolling mill?"

Yang Jun thought that he would go to another village with Yi Qiushui in the past two days and could not take Sun Dashan back to the city to work, so he asked Yu Manshan's son Yu Shiyun to take Sun Dashan or his children to the steel rolling mill. work.

After hearing such a sad story, he couldn't remain indifferent.

He is not a great saint, but he just wants to help as much as he can.

"This... this matter is difficult to handle. My son is just an ordinary employee, and he doesn't have the ability to arrange for people to come in." Yu Manshan said with a troubled face.

"Instead of asking your son to arrange the work, as long as your son brings the person over, I will arrange the rest." Yang Jun explained.

"Then...that's not easy to handle, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this. When the time comes, tell your son that my name is Yang Jun, and he will know what to do."

"Then...well, I will tell you then."

Although Yu Manshan agreed verbally, he didn't think Yang Jun could do it.

You know, he didn't know how many connections, favors and money he had to get his son to join the factory back then, but Yang Jun said so easily that he could arrange for him to join, which really made him unbelievable.

Afterwards, neither of them spoke, and each smoked a cigarette.

Yu Manshan smoked his dry tobacco pot, while Yang Jun smoked cigarettes.

At this time, a young man came from a distance.

The young man glanced at Yang Jun twice, then crossed the field and walked towards the girl working.

The man was in his 20s, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with two pens in his jacket pockets, and his hair was parted in the middle. He didn’t know what was put on his hair, but it shone in the sunlight.

"A sin."

Seeing the man walking towards the girl, Yu Manshan couldn't help but say.

"what is wrong?"

Yang Jun asked: "Yu Party Secretary, I also want to ask you, why are all the villagers taking a rest today, but that girl has been working?"

When Yu Manshan heard this, he knocked the cigarette pot on the sole of his shoe a few times, then inserted the cigarette gun into his waist.

"The girl's name is Huang Yani. She is an educated youth from the city. She is beautiful and very capable, but due to her background, she has never been able to return to the city."

"And that young man's name is Li Zixuan. He is a cadre sent by the commune. When he saw Huang Yani's beauty, he wanted to marry her. But the girl didn't want to, so he made things difficult for her. He gave her the heaviest, most tiring, and most dirty work every day. The purpose of doing this job is to force her to give in, and that girl also has a stubborn temper and will not give in even if she is dead."

"Hey, I don't know what kind of trouble this Li Zixuan is going to cause."

Yu Manshan's eyebrows were lowered, as if he was powerless about the matter in front of him.

When Yang Jun heard the name Huang Yani, he always felt like he had heard it somewhere.

He thought about it carefully and suddenly remembered it.

A few days ago, when he was eating beef noodles in the restaurant, Wang Yating and Zhang Shuhua mentioned this girl to him.

At that time, Wang Yating said that Huang Yani's mother was critically ill and wanted her to help bring Huang Yani back, but she refused.

I didn’t expect that this world is so small.

I unexpectedly met Huang Yani in this place in the countryside.

Only then did he know why Huang Yani couldn't return to the city after six years of joining the queue.

It turned out that it was this person named Li Zixuan who was causing trouble.

Yang Jun and Yu Manshan sat on the field ridge, staring in Huang Yani's direction.

Because we were far away, we couldn't hear what they said.

The two got into an argument without saying a few words.

I saw Huang Yani taking a few steps back, holding the hoe in her hand in a defensive posture.

As for Li Zixuan, who looked playful and smiling, he didn't think Huang Yani dared to hurt him at all, but instead pressed harder and harder.

"Yu Zhishu, don't you care?" Yang Jun asked.

"Take care? How do you manage it?"

Yu Manshan blushed and said, "The director of the commune is his uncle, how do you want me to control him?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately understood.

He looked at Yu Manshan like an upright person. According to his character, he definitely couldn't sit back and ignore it.

The reason why I pretended not to see it today was because I was afraid of Li Zixuan's backstage.

"You don't care, I care."

Yang Jun patted his butt and walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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