Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 365 Medical Assistance at Steel Rolling Mill

Chapter 365 Medical Assistance at Steel Rolling Mill

Although Silly Zhu is called Silly Zhu, it does not mean that he is really stupid.

Especially in terms of shifting the blame, it is even more unique.

This guy has been working in a cafeteria for so many years, and those people have long been his people. Even if they are not his people, they will be forced by his (silver) power to stand up and testify against Yang Jun.

It's not that they don't take Yang Jun as the factory director seriously.

But they understood that the elbow belonged to Yi Qiushui, and Yang Jun eating her elbow was just a bit of fun between the couple.

Therefore, the main reason why they stood up to testify against Yang Jun was because they knew that Yang Jun would not be really angry.

However, Yang Jun was right to remind the three of them.

If he hadn't arrived just in time, Shazhu might have taken the elbow home for Ran Qiuye to eat.

But no matter what, Sha Zhu and Ding Qiunan can be considered neighbors. They all live in the middle courtyard. How could he bear to deprive an old woman of her rations?

Yang Jun said he despised Silly Zhu, the kind that he had done ten thousand times.

Noon the next day.

Yang Jun prepared meals in the office in advance and called Yi Qiushui and asked them to come over for dinner.

But no one answered the phone there, so Yang Jun had to go and invite them in person.

There are four dishes and one soup. In addition to the pork ribs, there are also three other vegetarian dishes.

He didn't take six elbows because that was too unrealistic.

It's not like he didn't know how big the elbow was.

A lunch box might not even be able to fit it in. If it was six elbows, it would probably have to be packed in a basin.

Unless he wanted to die, he wouldn't do such a conspicuous thing.

Of course, the six elbows were just a joke, and none of them would take it seriously.

"Let's go and eat quickly."

When I arrived at the infirmary, I happened to meet Yi Qiushui and Luo Yanhong coming from the emergency room.

They had just treated an injured employee's wound.

The employee was hit by the lathe and had a slap-long cut on his arm. Yi Qiushui and Luo Yanhong went to help treat the wound.

"Hey, brother-in-law, you really do keep your word."

Luo Yanhong said teasingly.

"That's necessary. When have you seen the money the King of Hell owes the kid?" Yang Jun's brows jumped and he rolled his eyes at her.

"That's good, I'll be happy again later."

Yi Qiushui and Luo Yanhong were about to return to the office. When they saw Yang Jun following him, they said coquettishly,
"Husband, please go back first. Sister Yanhong and I will wash our hands and go over."

Yi Qiushui raised her hands and showed him her bloody hands.

In this era, medical conditions are backward, and many medical operations are not so formal. As long as it is not a major operation, disposable gloves are not used.

"Okay, then I'll go back and wait for you."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he turned around and walked back.

When I passed Ding Qiunan's office, I wanted to go in and call her.

But when she walked to the door, she suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from her office.

"Qiunan, you know my thoughts. My love for you comes from the bottom of my heart."

The person in the office was Nan Yi, and at this time, he was confessing his love to Ding Qiunan seriously.

"It's been more than two years since I went from the machine repair shop to the steel rolling mill. Don't you still understand how much I care about you?"

Ding Qiunan had a frosty look on his face and said righteously: "Master Nan, please respect yourself. We are just colleagues. Please don't say this again."

"Qiu Nan, I used to be a cook, and I knew I wasn't good enough for you, but it's different now. The factory leader has promoted me to deputy director of the canteen. You and I are now deputy section-level cadres. I feel that at this time We are a perfect match."

Nan Yi refused to give up and spoke sincerely.

Yang Jun heard this outside the door and felt that Nan Yi was persistent, but lacked sincerity.

Marriage is about matching things.

This is true, but love should not be mixed with other things.

You are a well-matched person, and you are treated like a deputy section chief and a cadre. It is simply a blasphemy to the innocent love for Ding Qiunan.

"Master Nan, whether you mention Qian or not has nothing to do with me. I just hope you won't pester me anymore. Besides, you are going to marry Liang Ladi soon. Do you think I, Ding Qiunan, am the kind of person who destroys people's marriages?" Someone?"

"That's not the case, Qiu Nan, please listen to my explanation..."

"Master Nan, we don't know each other that well. Please don't yell at Qiu Nan. If you do this again, I will call someone."

Ding Qiunan's face darkened, and she seemed very unhappy that Nan Yi called her that.

"Okay, it's okay if I don't scream."

Nan Yi said with a bitter face: "Chief Ding, please think again carefully. We are the most suitable couple. As for Liang Ladi, I was forced. You don't know, she..."

"Master Nan, I have nothing to do with you and Liang Ladi's affairs, and I don't want to, but please don't pester me again in the future."

Ding Qiunan's tone became serious, and her disgust towards Nan Yi was almost beyond words.

Ding Qiunan has matured a lot since becoming the deputy chief of the medical department.

At this moment, she is no longer the ignorant, innocent little girl she was before. She is very assertive when encountering things. At this moment, he will naturally not be deceived by Nan Yi's sweet words.

Ding Qiunan took off his white coat, turned around and left the office.

As soon as he went out, he met Yang Jun.

Her face turned red and she called out sweetly,


Yang Jun's face turned red. It was very embarrassing to be caught on the spot.

"Um...your sister asked me to come and call you for dinner."

"Okay, do you have any elbows?"

"Yes, it is necessary."

Neither of them mentioned what happened just now, and Ding Qiunan was a considerate girl. She was afraid that Yang Jun would be embarrassed, so she deliberately changed the topic.

During the meal, no one touched the elbow, and all of them left the elbow for Grandma Ding Qiunan to eat.

However, although the other three dishes are vegetarian, they are not vegetarian at all.

Chicken cake, braised spinach vermicelli, mapo tofu and green pepper vegetarian chicken.

Let’s not talk about chicken cakes. Some people once classified eggs as meat products. Their nutritional value is not inferior to that of pork. Moreover, their price is only a few tenths of that of pork. It can be said to be the cheapest meat product.

"Husband, the Health Bureau requires us to go to the countryside to support rural health construction. I want to lead the team myself."

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

He knew about this, and the Health Bureau also issued a notice, hoping that all units in the Forty-Nine City would organize medical teams to provide assistance to the countryside. As a large steel rolling mill, it naturally has the obligation and responsibility to take on this matter.

However, Yang Jun originally planned to let Ding Qiunan lead the team, but unexpectedly Yi Qiushui took the initiative.

To be honest, he really didn't want Yi Qiushui to lead the team.The conditions here are so bad, and she, who is spoiled, cannot bear such hardships. What's more, he doesn't know how bad the sanitary conditions are in the countryside. If he doesn't do it right, he may be infected with diseases or something.

However, in front of Ding Qiunan, he had to let her go.

As leaders of the medical department, Ding Qiunan and Yi Qiushui always have to be led by the same person.

Either Ding Qiunan went or Yi Qiushui went.

As for Ding Qiunan, she has an almost 80-year-old grandmother to take care of at home. It is really unreasonable to let her go.

Yang Jun looked at Luo Yanhong, thinking in his mind, it would be great if she was a cadre. This strong woman is a workaholic, and she is the best candidate in terms of work ability and emotional intelligence.

It's a pity that she is not a cadre and cannot lead the team. Even if she is allowed to lead the team, no one will obey her given her status.

"You can go if you want. I'll ask Ma Juzi to go with you."

He knew Yi Qiushui. Although she was usually quite docile, once she made up her mind about something, even ten cows could not hold her back.

"I can do it on my own, I don't need care."

Yi Qiushui frowned, as if she wasn't happy to be followed.

But Yang Jun raised his hand and interrupted.

"This matter is non-negotiable. If you don't agree, then I can only change the team leader as the factory leader."

"OK then."

Seeing that Yang Jun looked non-negotiable, Yi Qiushui could only agree to let Ma Juzi follow her.

With Ma Juzi accompanying him, Yang Jun felt relieved.

If he hadn't been inseparable from the factory, Yang Jun might have followed him in person.

"Lao Luo, are you on the list this time? If not, I will add you."

Yang Jun thought for a while and felt that he would be more relieved if Luo Yanhong went together.

Luo Yanhong rolled her eyes and said, "What else can I say? No matter what I say, I have to go?"

"Well, you are still a good comrade by obeying your superiors' orders."

Yang Jun gave her a thumbs up and gave her a piece of chicken cake as a reward.


Luo Yan blushed like Yang Jun, stuck out her tongue and made a strange expression.

"When to set off?"

Yang Jun turned a blind eye to this and turned around to ask Yi Qiushui.

"I think I'm leaving tomorrow."

When Yi Qiushui saw Yang Jun's resentful expression, her heart suddenly softened.

She hugged his arm and said, "Our factory is in charge of Xiahe Township Commune. That place is more than 200 kilometers away from here. I want to go there a day earlier so that I can make more preparations."

"Okay, whatever you want."

Yang Jun was pestered by him and had no choice but to agree to her.

Yi Qiushui was delighted when she heard this.

She knew that this trick worked. Every time she acted coquettishly, Yang Jun would promise her anything.

This time, he went to the countryside to assist with medical and health care. He had to go there for half a month, and the two could not meet each other. In order to make up for his debt to Yang Jun, Yi Qiushui took the initiative to invite Yang Jun to sit down and discuss things that night.

Go to work the next day.

As soon as I arrived at the factory, I saw four trucks parked at the door of the infirmary.

People in the infirmary were shuttled back and forth, constantly loading equipment and medicines into the car.

This time, more than 40 medical staff went to the countryside with us. They were all business backbones drawn from various departments.

Their medical technology is very advanced and their experience is rich.

"Juzi, when you get to the place, you must take good care of your sister-in-law."

"Brother, don't worry, no one dares to touch a hair on my sister-in-law."

Ma Juzi patted the hard guy on his waist and said.

"That's not what I said."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, took out a wad of money and tickets from his pocket and handed them to him.
"Your sister-in-law will definitely not be used to the food there. You secretly get her some delicious food. Do you understand?"

Yang Jun is not worried about Yi Qiushui's safety. What can happen to the nearly fifty people in the medical team?

What he was worried about was that Yi Qiushui was not used to eating from a big pot, and he was afraid that she would be wronged.

Therefore, he asked Ma Juzi to get some good things to replenish her body.

"Don't worry, brother, I will make sure all the money and tickets go to my sister-in-law."

Ma Juzi smiled and put the money and tickets into his pocket.

He had long been happy. Whether he was following Yang Jun or meeting Yi Qiushui, it was a good job. Although he couldn't say how good the food was when he went out this time, at least he would be full.

After explaining Ma Juzi, Yang Jun called He Dazhuang who was not far away.

"Dazhuang, you must do a good job in protecting the safety of the medical team and never let anything happen to them. After all, they are all talents in our factory."

"Yes, director."

He Dazhuang responded, and then whispered,

"Director, just keep your heart in your stomach, I will absolutely guarantee the safety of Section Chief Yi."

He Dazhuang is such a shrewd person.

The talent mentioned by the factory director refers to Yi Qiushui, the wife of the factory director.

As long as he ensures that Yi Qiushui is fine, the factory director will not blame him even if something happens to others.

Which one is more important or less important? He is clear in his heart.

"Okay, I'll take care of you."

Yang Jun smiled and patted his shoulder.

Originally, when the medical team went to the countryside to provide assistance, there were no security guards accompanying them. However, after Yang Jun thought about it, he asked He Dazhuang to take five people from the security department to follow him.

Not for anything else, just in case.

At about nine o'clock, all the equipment and medicines were loaded onto the car.

Also getting on the bus were more than 40 medical staff and their luggage.

For the first time, Yang Jun let Ma Juzi drive away in his Paris Jeep.

The trucks at this time had no shock absorption at all.

After sitting down for a long time, his whole bones felt like they were falling apart. Naturally, he didn't want Yi Qiushui to suffer so much, so he gave up his special car.

This medical assistance is a matter of joy and pride. The factory specially organized a farewell party.

Amidst the sound of gongs and drums, Yi Qiushui led the medical team slowly around the steel rolling mill.

(End of this chapter)

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