Chapter 335
After reprimanding the female soldier, Yang Jun stood by the stream and took a look.

The river is not deep, reaching up to the knees at most, so you can cross by rolling up your trouser legs.

Animals generally live along rivers, and the water and grass here are lush, which is the best place for living.

A group of them did not expect that the harvest would be so great today.

"Ma Juzi, lead the way."

There are only two men here. He can't go into the water himself, so only Ma Juzi is left.

"Yes, director."

Ma Juzi returned the spear to the female soldier, found a branch as tall as a person, took off his shoes, rolled up his trouser legs, and started to enter the water.

He used branches to carefully explore the path in front, and walked cautiously towards the middle of the river.

In fact, he doesn't need to be so cautious at all.

The creek was crystal clear, and the sand and stones in the water were visible to the naked eye. When he reached the middle of the river, the water only reached his knees.

Everyone did not rush into the water, but waited for him to reach the other side before lining up one by one to cross the river along the place where he walked.

After arriving on the other side.

Ma Juzi first observed the surrounding environment, then squatted on the ground and looked at the marks on the ground, then got up and walked deeper into the grass.

After walking about 200 meters, I heard him shouting excitedly.

"There's also an ibex here."

"A few people went over to help."

When Ma Wumei heard this, she immediately ordered several female soldiers to go over.

Yang Jun guessed that the wild goat was probably the one that was injured when he fired the last shot. It was injured and ran away. It didn't take long before it ran out of energy.

When a few female soldiers carried the wild goat back.

"Captain, he's still alive." A female soldier shouted in surprise.

Yang Jun walked over and took a look, and it turned out to be the wild goat.

He remembered that he aimed at the neck and hit it. According to the impact point, it should be the stomach or buttocks. He took a look at the wound and found that the injured part of the wild goat was the buttocks.

At this moment, it was injured and lying on the ground, its body heaving up and down, gasping for air, and a look of sadness flashed in its eyes. It was obvious that it was in great pain at this moment.

"Give it a good time."

Yang Jun couldn't bear it to continue to hurt like this, so he ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot was heard.

"This one is mine." Ma Wumei put away her gun with a look of disgust on her face.


The female soldiers all laughed.

Afterwards, everyone collected the prey they caught.

After a while, all the prey were piled together, except for the wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms not far away.

According to statistics, a total of two wild boars, two roe deer and three wild goats were shot.

Among them, Yang Jun killed six beasts with five bullets. One of the bullets killed a roe deer and then harvested an wild goat.

As for the last wild goat, according to Ma Wumei, she killed it.

Although the harvest this time was not small, Yang Jun was not satisfied with it.

It can be said that he killed all these prey, not even Ma Juzi or the female soldiers.

The training results of the female soldiers in the past month are not ideal, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as very bad.

After all, they have never been on the battlefield and lack actual combat experience. They are panicked and nervous when encountering enemies, and their marksmanship is even more unbearable.

Although Ma Juzi often hunts and trains a lot when he is in the security department, he is not calm when encountering difficulties and makes the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

In fact, in the final analysis, they just have too little actual combat experience.

"Director, should we continue into the mountains?"

Yang Jun looked at the time.

More than four hours have passed since we set off, and it is now about one o'clock in the afternoon. If we go hunting again, we will not be able to go back at the agreed time.

"Forget it, it's getting late. Let's order everyone to eat something and go back directly after eating."

"Okay, director."

Ma Wumei told everyone to rest where they were, eat something and prepare to go down the mountain.

After hearing this, everyone sat on the ground, took out dry ingredients and started eating and drinking.

Except for Yang Jun and Ma Juzi, who did not bring dry food, everyone else came prepared.

When Yang Jun and Ma Juzi saw this, they had no choice but to hide far away.

It's not that they avoided them because of the dry food issue, but the jokes made by these women were so broad and imaginative that they were even more outrageous than the men.

The two listened for a while and then ran away with blushing faces.

"Uncle, please eat some solid food."

At this time, Ma Wumei brought over two corn pancakes and gave one to each of Yang Jun and Ma Juzi.These cakes were probably made from the bodies of the female soldiers.

Yang Jun looked at the dry and hard pancake, frowned, broke it into pieces with his hands, and swallowed it bit by bit.

This kind of pancake is very difficult to swallow, it makes your throat irritated, and it makes you thirsty easily.

Ma Juzi didn't mind this, and squatted directly by the stream, taking a bite of corn tortillas and drinking water in his mouth.

This scene made Yang Jun frown.

However, he didn't say anything.

After all, in this era, there was no habit of drinking boiled water, especially among rural people, who often carried water directly from the river to eat.

"Brother, if you don't want to eat it, don't waste it."

Yang Jun looked up and found Ma Juzi squatting next to him, staring at the corn pancake in his hand with gleaming eyes.

When I looked down, I saw corn crumbs scattered on the ground, attracting a group of ants to grab food.

"you eat."

Yang Jun handed him the pancake directly.

Knowing that this guy had a big appetite, the piece of corn cake just now was only enough to fit between his teeth. He thought that he would have to rely on this guy to carry the prey later. At this moment, he had to eat and drink enough.

And it just so happens that I don’t like eating this kind of thing.

Ma Juzi took the pancake with a smile and didn't dislike it. He ate it directly. While eating, he caught the corn crumbs with his hands.

After a few bites, the piece of pancake was gone.

Ma Wumei's jaw dropped when she saw this scene.

She didn't expect that there were people in the world who ate so quickly.

Most people are full after eating one corn tortilla, but Ma Juzi smacks his lips after eating two corn tortillas, and he eats them so fast.

"Aren't you full? Here you go."

Ma Wumei handed him the half of the pancake she had eaten.

Ma Juzi was stunned for a moment, smiled shyly, and took it sheepishly.

"Thank you! Chief Ma."

Ma Juzi took the tortillas, walked to the side, turned his back and started to eat.

After half an hour passed, Yang Jun saw that it was getting late, so he ordered everyone to prepare to go down the mountain.

Looking at the prey all over the ground, everyone was worried.

Roe deer and wild goats were easy to handle, weighing only seventy or eighty kilograms at most, and anyone could carry them down the mountain, but the two wild boars made everyone worried.

Of those two wild boars, the bigger one weighed at least 350, and the smaller one weighed about [-] pounds.

Except for Ma Juzi, no one at the scene could carry the wild boar.

Ma Juzi is not a god, he can only deal with one wild boar, and they have to find a way to deal with the other one.

"Cut branches."

Yang Jun, who had extensive field experience, ordered everyone to cut branches and prepare to drag them back.

The reason why I didn't use this method when I went hunting in the mountains last time was because there were few people and I couldn't pull it back. But this time it was different. With more than 20 people, I could get it back no matter what.

"Quickly, everyone move."

Ma Wu Mei clapped her hands and shouted.

At this moment, she couldn't be more excited. With these prey, she was sure to win.

Five kilograms of food stamps were nothing to her, the main thing was to make the male soldiers stop looking down on them in the future.

"Chop down trees with large forked branches, and find things like rattan to hold the prey in place."

The female soldiers heard this and took action one after another.

They are full of energy and even happier than when they got married.

"Director, do you think these prey belong to the factory or to us personally?" Ma Wumei asked.

"What do you say?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said angrily.


"What do you say?"

Yang Jun was really speechless. This girl couldn't understand the situation clearly.

You don’t know that this is a group activity. You are now members of the security department of the steel rolling mill, and the guy in your hands is still from the factory.

"Then...isn't the hard work of the sisters in vain?" Ma Wumei stamped her feet with a look of unwillingness.

Hearing what Ma Wumei said, the female soldiers suddenly lost interest.

They thought that they had worked so hard to kill these prey, and it would be no problem to hand them over to the factory, but their hard work should not be in vain. At least they should get two kilograms of meat each.

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(End of this chapter)

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